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18675580 No.18675580 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18675588

A man made this.

>> No.18675589

Rationality was a mistake, most people should stick to their traditional superstition. Do yourself a favor and burn your Philosophy books if you think your life is shit.

>> No.18675590


>> No.18675595

I'm getting rid of everything but the Bible. Enlightenment was a mistake. Back to the (Golden) Dark Ages.

>> No.18675610

Some 13 years old kid just got run over by a trucker celebrating the Virgin of Carmel, the catholic figure that according to truckers and bus drivers of this country, provides them with the protection that a mother gives her child.

>> No.18675611

Im boring and dont eat ass. Is there ant hope for me?
Im also not really boring, I just dont have lots of friends to gou out and do stuff with. I do lots of stuff on my own.

>> No.18675669

Got a bald spot on my head
it's over, bout to go full cope and buzz it all off

>> No.18675727

What sort of stuff do you do, besides reading?

>> No.18675737

Me on the bottom right

>> No.18675745

Bro your minoxidil?

>> No.18675786

Hike, write poems, run 10k's on the beach, go to the gym, watch 1980s East Asian cinema, listen to podcasts about ancient history. Damn I guess I am boring.
The real problem really is that being "fun" mostly means going to bars/pubs/clubs, getting drunk and doing crazy shit. I have done that before but all my friends moved away and I struggled to make new ones.

>> No.18675789

spent too much time on chans + forums
out of touch with normal people

>> No.18675794

I really need a new hobby
I'm thinking about either hobbyist hiking or hobby rockets

>> No.18675829

You remind me of myself, except the 10k's on the beach (too long for me) and the 80's cinema.
I too, have gotten bored of the bar & club scene.
Keep on keeping on.

>> No.18675896

Writing or painting. I need to pick one.

>> No.18675919
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I can't go back to work tomorrow.

>> No.18675925

At which one of those are you better? Be honest.

>> No.18675937

I miss being able to talk to Butterfly. Butterfly and I had something here but, as with some other things in life, the Mods have to come and try to take it away ;3

Thank you for not posting FOR A WHILE after they banned me for like ten days

>> No.18675960
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>> No.18676007

I am truly a joyless person. In particular I find no joy at all in other people. I want to be left alone. It could be a beginning of a depressive episode, though I am not thinking much about killing myself.

I suspect joylessness is a true crime in front of God. To have a life and waste it being joyless. Maybe I should get drunk for the first time in a few years.

>> No.18676026


>> No.18676035

I want to kill the person that made that picture (I am the munchkin that doesnt eat ass and no job and boring).

>> No.18676052

I've spent enough time with psychologists and psychiatrists without being labled schizoid that I ain't gonna spook over a youtube-clip

>> No.18676087

Man I wish I could run on the beach
No beaches around here

>> No.18676096

I have noticed that when I am less joyful, people around me won't try to constantly suppress my joy. I am a joyful person, but I no longer outwardly express it as I know what it leads to.

>> No.18676111

I feel this way every Sunday. I think about suicide methods too.

>> No.18676120

Well try your best to make a choice

>> No.18676124

Honestly painting comes pretty naturally to me but I think the threshold to be good is higher.

I suppose you’re suggesting I should go with the one I’m more talented at though and I’d like to ask you why you think that.

>> No.18676134

then create capital yourself lol
>i want things but not work for them

>> No.18676135

When it comes to horror/scary stuff, I do like slow-burning, cosmic horror and the like. But sometimes a good jumpscare can give you the frights far more effectively than all of that slow stuff.

>> No.18676136

I can't think straight, I don't know what to do. I can't make decisions and when rushed to do them, they always come wrong, my analytical skils are trash, my mind gets empty, blank like a blue sky without clouds.
I often find myself writing down things and "thinking" in text because my brain just doesn't work and even then, it is hard for me to make conclusions and get shit done. I don't know what it is and what to do.
People that I've met in school always thought I was very intelligent because I always got excelent grades, but I'm fucking retarded and handicapped. I failed and fucked up my whole life and it is all falling apart. Yet, I can't reason what I have to do, what is the best course of action, it is all so empty. I am so empty. My whole life seems like a huge waste, I try to recall my past and I can't understand how I got to today, it all went so fast and I did nothing of my life, day after day. I'm so empty inside.

>> No.18676138
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>doesn't eat ass

>> No.18676147

Make poetry and use it in wise words
then post it on reddit

>> No.18676165

I'm natural good at art, but I want to be author inspite of having read squat.

>> No.18676172

I can't figure out if I want my book to have sparse prose or add more descriptive writing. I can't stand flowery writing that just seems to make a short story into a novel.

>> No.18676173

be an author*

>> No.18676177

You can pursue whatever you'd like to pursue (obviously), but the things that you're more talented at will ultimately give you greater pleasure. Why? Well, because you have a head start. And thus, the awesome things that you'd like to create are also closer to your grasp. Oh, and it's easier to get into a flow state when you're doing something that you're naturally talented at, even at a higher skill level.
That being said, art is probably also more lucrative and handy in [current year]. Everyone can write to some degree, and most people can't tell shit writing from good writing to save their lives anyway.

>> No.18676190

same, nice trips

>> No.18676204

Maybe what you say is true. I’ve thought about this a lot, probably too much and I feel like basically, that while I have a lot of work cut out for me either way art comes naturally to me personally and writing comes naturally to people generally. So they’re almost close to even. I’m at a point where I’m weighing what really feels like it gives me what I want (art) vs what I feel like is worth it (writing). It’s more difficult to measure those things against each other. If I could do both well, I would but I’m not sure that I can. I’m sure there’s people here who can understand that.

>> No.18676219

have you read 100 of solitude? its literally amaranta character
the only way a female can become a femcel

>> No.18676227

>The real problem really is that being "fun" mostly means going to bars/pubs/clubs, getting drunk and doing crazy shit. I have done that before but all my friends moved away and I struggled to make new ones.

I fucking hate the feeling of being drunk. Got injured a while back and got put on painkillers and I only took one because the feeling of being diminished was so disgusting. Had to stop going out with some of my friends because they just turn into babbling morons I end up babysitting before night's end.

>> No.18676238
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"And 'tis no hard matter to be believed; each woman seems to herself worthy to be loved. Though she be ugly in the extreme, to no one are her own looks displeasing"

>> No.18676263

Where be 'tis from?

>> No.18676267

Ars Amatoria anon.


>> No.18676281

so is someone saying their depression causes them to pull away and stop talking to people just making convenient excuses to avoid a person?

>> No.18676292

Would you care if 4chan disappeared tomorrow?

>> No.18676294

Crazy delusional, anon. Needs more Kant.

>> No.18676304

Kant would not disagree with that

>> No.18676310

Yes, there is no where else with such lovely threads as
and the /x/ board

>> No.18676328

take meds now

>> No.18676330

Stop spamming this moron

>> No.18676423

He isnt the one coping

>> No.18676472

That's literally Butterfly.

Butterfly realized men suck at large, that's why she's a lesbian. She loves my big fat meaty stick tho :3

>> No.18676476

I like how the drug dealer is closest to her lap.

>> No.18676483

A symptom of low energy is bringing down people with high energy. I don't know why our reality is like this, but it is.

>> No.18676487

A kid got run over by an ambulance on an emergency call here.

>> No.18676496

Give me some 80s Asian cinema recommendations

>> No.18676506


>> No.18676568

Never got laid more from younger, hotter girls then when i was a homeless drug dealer.

>> No.18676581

I had a wet dream where I came my pants to some male stripper doing a striptease in front of me. This doesn't mean I'm gay, right?

>> No.18676591

The Middle Ages were the most Rational and Scientific of them all, as there was integration between science and religion, and the fields were compassed by celibate males and females who vowed exclusively to the intellectual life. You are brainwashed by moderns

>> No.18676618

Why do I find the idea of writing a story to be overwhelming and how am I supposed to overcome that? My biggest enemy is my own fear of failure or writing something I won’t be proud of.

>> No.18676646

An old internet forum I was part of is dying. It's hung on longer than most fora of the era, but I think it's hung in there purely from spite.
Unlike other places I posted on when I was young, this one didn't so much fizzle out when people got older and technology got newer. It sort of had an explosion.
On most old forums, the drama problems are because people have known each other for long enough they have some reason to fight. They have some autistic wild takes and overblown emotions and because they care about the subject, they get really butthurt. But this forum seemed to catch the entitled millennial rip tide.
The problem wasn't drama; it was apathy for everything that wasn't personal ass worship. A really big group of posters convinced themselves they were the stars of the show. They didn't add any good content, or boost any good posts, or really do anything that usually leads to worship in these fora. But every one of them was convinced that after years of snapping at people's ankles that everyone loved them. They really genuinely believed that polite responses to their posts were signs that people loved them deeply and thought they were their friends, despite never saying a nice word to anyone in return and never contributing more than entry level content you could copy and paste off thousands of sites.
There were good content creators on the site, and even the more abrasive ones that made good content made actual friends. But the millennial wave were really catty about those people always, especially about them making friends. They couldn't see why people who made content and wanted two way friendships were the ones getting praised for content or being good friends. They thought everyone should be better friends with them, when I can't think of times they were ever focused on either the content or another person or anything else outside themselves.
It's the strangest collapse of an old forum I've ever seen. They started posting a kind of internet suicide note about how nobody on the site ever gave them the credit they deserved. They seemed perplexed that people who had made hundreds of hours of content were getting boosted more than they were. Many of them in their internet suicide notes named people who were not only good content creators but also really nice people as "cancer". They seemed to think that those people had only done it for the clout, and that the people who made irl friends or met their spouse through the forum were some how faking years of effort, solely for the purpose of making them feel underappreciated. It's serious crabs in a bucket shit, and there's a lot of these I'm leaving because you all don't worship me posts. If it was just one or two, I'd think it was the standard level of autism the internet attracts. But it's almost everyone born from 1980 onwards on the site, except the few content creators who all had side projects to fall back on when this type of note started exploding. It's very weird.

>> No.18676674

This, fucking this. People praise renaissance when it was that time when religion started to clash hard with science

>> No.18676681

What do you call a person who easily falls into the conclusion that there is no solution to his problem?
A person who easily gives up?

>> No.18676682

Grandiose? Pessimistic? Fatalist?

>> No.18676685

A pessimist
A quitter
A self-defeater
A pussy
Me :(

>> No.18676687

Sounds like a woman. So yes.

>> No.18676704

>it's almost everyone born from 1980 onwards on the site
Doesn't that mean they're 40? Who the fuck has time for that at 40? If I'm 40 and writing a "woe is me the internets do not loves me" post, I hope I'd an hero before hitting post.

>> No.18676708

What should I care about? What goes on in the world, this stupid Little Rock filled with retards, or should I just give up and live inside my head and stop giving a shit about reality?

>> No.18676727

I'm exhausted with this way of life we lead today. My job is not fulfilling, tedious IT office work "but it makes money", etc. All life seems to be categorized and classified into a million "-isms" that fanatics violently assert on you and attempt to bring you into their fraud identity. Everyone I know is fading into a walking void, hardly human in character. We can't speak freely anymore, we can't even speak honestly to each other because of the million "-isms" that define our existence and which you must become a sycophant for or be cast aside. I am just exhausted, totally exhausted.
No, I am not going to tell you it was "better in the past" or some other supposition. I just know it's exhausting now, metaphysically exhausting. My home town went from a quiet, rather comfy rural place where people never locked their doors to a supercenter, the economic trade hub that modern man seems so hellbent on turning every avenue of existence into. Foreign faces, foreign tongues, impossible throngs of shoppers re-assured by loudspeakers that we're all complying with the latest safety regulations and you can be sure they're using all the correct pronouns. How can we keep living in this nightmare?I know I am not alone, how can we keep justifying tolerating this insanity? Are we really so content with being fed a bunch of poison everyday and so long as our bellies are full then that's it? The pinnacle of mankind was to erase itself with a bulging gut and several dopamine addictions?

>> No.18676732

>Doesn't that mean they're 40?
Yes, none of them are younger than thirty, I believe. It's very fucking weird. If they were underageb& I could understand. But these are forty year olds having a why won't anyone take me to prom? moment in public.

>> No.18676736

worst aspect of tfw no gf is what it does to your self image, knowing you'll never be the type of guy to be desired

>> No.18676747

It's funny how much social media has completely alienated humanity from itself. We all have to meet a thousand checkmarks before we're even allowed to speak to one another. Every online forum is a self-contained bubble of fury, and when outsiders appear the language turns to the kind of venom that precedes massacres. We're totally doomed. GAFAM has completely dominated our existence. The internet, once a frontier, is now totally owned space and the walls are closing in around us. We're watching humanity delete itself in real time at an alarming pace, ruled over by technocratic lunatics. Like that old film, "Revenge of the nerds".

Believe me it's not only in the West. In the East, Central Europe, and Asia as well. Social media trained us into losing humanity. We aren't able to speak honestly with each other. Nobody can handle anything except blind obedience. Disagreeing with someone on anything is enough to warrant a burnt bridge - and God forbid you joke about that. Everything is so terribly unfunny, stale, washed out. Humanity ran its course I think.

>> No.18676754

anyonelse 22 without friends nor gf working a minimum wage job from monday to saturday.

>> No.18676755

Had a pretty good day today. Finished my daily writing quota, got complemented on my writing. That felt good in and of itself, but on top of it all I exchanged pics with the girl I'm talking to online is actually really fucking cute and is open to a relationship. Nothing concrete yet, but I'm 100% okay with taking it slow – it's my preference anyway. I feel like I'm reaching a really good point in my life after a long, long time down in the doldrums. Even if she loses interest, I feel like I can weather it. Things might actually come together. It doesn't hurt that I'm actually pretty confident that the novel I'm writing right now has some actual, real potential. Regardless, I'm gonna stay humble, keep working, and hope for the best. That's all you can really do in life anyway.

>> No.18676772

>all these consooom hobbies
Yep, you are boring. The only thing that is interesting is poems, what kind?

>> No.18676784

Not the anon you're replying to. How are the exercise ones consoom? Most of them are free and in nature so it's less consoom than being on the internet.

>> No.18676788

I am now in that most modern situation where a woman who seems great in every way is showing interest and I wish I could reciprocate, but I have watched so much porn that I worry that I wouldn't be able to get an erection with her. she isn't even ugly or anything, just not my type I guess. Ah maybe I'm being dramatic, maybe people always turned eachother down based on looks. I read somewhere that in judaism you can bail out of a wedding if your spouse is physically repulsive to you. She is not physically repulsive. Maybe if we clicked more I wouldn't care, maybe that's the real problem. She does seem like she would make a fantastic mom though.

>> No.18676794


>> No.18676799

just stop watching porn that shit rots your brain

>> No.18676800

so i decided to go get some food the other day. i went down to this street that had a bunch of fancy restaurants, and i ended up at this little place called pizza ranch. there were tons of people there and i was just walking around looking at the food selection. i got a plate and started loading it up. everyone was staring at me and i wasn't sure why. then this group of people walked up to me and asked me what my fucking problem was. i was so confused and said "what?" then they all looked at each other and said "just get the fuck out of here man". i was like okay? and i started walking away, but they didnt leave me alone. in fact more and more people started following me, and throwing their cups and half eaten pizza at me while shouting things like "yeah motherfucker keep walking!". an old man hit me with his cane. has this ever happened to anyone else?

>> No.18676812

True, but they are the most generic and easy sports you can think of, i.e., boring.

>> No.18676819

Yeah it happened to an anon in the last thread, but he was just out walking. You two should start a support group.

>> No.18676828

I think you're coming at this with no experience, like an armchair football coach.

>> No.18676843

I am not sure what that means. All his hobbies expect producing poetry are extremely common. Half the middle class millennial population is into running and exercise. So, yes, it looks like he does not stand out much.

>> No.18676854

I mean I don't think you would be bored if you tried to run a 10k or hike a 10% incline for two hours. I think you'd probably be in pain, but I don't think you would be bored. And if you're fit enough to do either competently, then you're basically saying you get bored of nature, so, yeah. That seems more like the middle class consoom stay in my house womb mentality more than anon. A lot of the best poetry is from people who hike.

>> No.18676855

Based. Have had women around me that has become “traumatized” by argumentation.

>> No.18676863

I have, but quite recently, and there are.. not quite decades plural of images washing around in my head. We are talking, we kind of just met but she asked a mutual friend for my number and contacted me pretty fast after we met. Doesn't have to be romantic, but she is keen. We'll see what happens.

>> No.18676871

I am not putting down hiking, running, and exercises. I am just saying these hobbies are so incredibly common and simple, they are not even worth listing. Both a 10k and a two hour 10% hike are babby shit. Everyone reasonably fit can do that, so of course he does not distinguish himself with that.
Maybe if you actually run competitive marathons and do long multi-day hikes in the wilderness, that is an hobby worth mentioning.

>> No.18676899

>Both a 10k and a two hour 10% hike are babby shit. Everyone reasonably fit can do that,
Yeah, like I said, this sounds like someone who never tried either. I think you're calling them boring and simple because you have no idea what they involve. I think you would fail at the actual babby level, which everyone with any experience knows is a 5k and a 5% or under incline. I think you lack the experience to know what basic is. They're also two sports where it's very easy to tell when someone is lying about their experience. Spotting people who lie about their 10k or marathon experience is a sport in itself.

>> No.18676910

>Spotting people who lie about their 10k or marathon experience is a sport in itself.
This is the most fun part of marathons.

>> No.18676926

Yeah, you can see people salivating when they hear a faker's time and former placements. I don't know why people keep lying about it. By now all the liars should know about the photos with numbers sites, or even that showing up with 20lbs of extra body fat is going to out them, but there's still at least one fraud every time.

>> No.18676967

your body is a wonderland

>> No.18676972

What, people actually do this? The bar is really fucking low…

>> No.18676986

They always claim stupid times too. Like, you would be on the news with some of the times they think they can run in. Or the classic "Photoshop your number so it looks like you placed" and forgetting that the guy whose number you stole has been on the news and people know you're not him. It's a hilarious level of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.18676989

The only thing that reveals to me is how unfit people are here on this board. Whatever helps you cope. I am telling you the truth. These feats are not very impressive. The anon asked for an honest opinion.
Maybe it is because I come from a different region or country, but my acquaintances and me have always been people that can easily do this.
If you want some form of benchmark when I was living in Vancouver we regularly did the Grouse Grind
Which is a ~30% incline 2 hour hike. We usually did it in 45-50minutes, which should be expected for a reasonable fit millennial. Now the people that can do this in under 30-40 minutes are actually impressive. Worth mentioning.
Same goes for marathons. I am not a runner, I do long-distance cycling. But I know the times my friends run. It is about 1:30m 1:40m for a 20k. Do you think any of them mention that in their profiles? No that is just not interesting.

>> No.18676999

It's a pretty well known phenomenon if you race. That's why they take photos of the runners along the course, so people can go back and see you lying about your number, or placement, or even the fact you competed. Most experienced runners can tell by someone's body shape they are lying but the photos help to prove it.

>> No.18677008

>The only thing that reveals to me is how unfit people are here on this board. Whatever helps you cope. I am telling you the truth. These feats are not very impressive
A 10k is not impressive, but it's definitely not common and not entry level, not borinh. You're going to have to dox yourself for me to believe you.
>I am not a runner
Called it. Didn't even need you to post body.

>> No.18677012


Horrible really. I’ve always found running to be a meditative state, something for one self. But to try to exploit that you are all alone in a sense, fucking pseuds.

>> No.18677019

I did the grouse grind in 42 minutes at 42 years old. Fucking dead tired at the top and I was pushing hard.

>> No.18677023

Were you bored?

>> No.18677025

It was a pizza buffet? How were you loading your plate up?

>> No.18677035

I also used a walking stick, not sure if that is considered cheating but it makes my legs hurt a lot less and I can go much faster than without the stick.

>> No.18677036
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I like how you ignore all the other points. Whatever helps you cope my man. I am just trying to give you some perspective.

At 42 that is definitely impressive. Good stuff! But if you do not manage to stay under the 1 hour mark if you are in your 20s you are just unfit imho.

>> No.18677041

yeah it's a buffet, they have things other than pizza too. unfortunately i didnt get to enjoy any of it

>> No.18677043

No... I kept focusing on the nachos and the beer at the top. I may have actually been 41 because it was the year right before COVID.

>> No.18677045

>Called it. Didn't even need you to post body.
lol you thirsting for marathons to come back?
They often buy a lot of gear too, and wear new shoes. They're really invested in being mistaken for something they're not. I think it's some kind of mental illness where they have convinced themselves it's easy. And then they waste hundreds of bucks on gear and injuring themselves.

>> No.18677051

I do use a walking stick, I think some consider that cheating. The walking stick improves my time by at least 5 minutes. I am far slower without a walking stuck to help allow my arm strength to take some strain off my legs.

I actually think I would be probably closer to an hour without a walking stick.

>> No.18677062

Maybe you were severely underdressed. Maybe you were supposed to pay before. Were you the only person of your race in the place?

>> No.18677063

Hiking poles are pretty standard.
>why are you ignoring all my hot takes on a subject I admit I have no experience of like you said
It's almost like your opinion is as useful as anyone else who has no clue what they're talking about. I like how you're ignoring my request for proof you know anything about hiking either.

>> No.18677066

>lol you thirsting for marathons to come back

>> No.18677069

honestly i dont know what the deal was, this sort of thing seems to happen to me a lot.

>> No.18677086

Post a pic of how you were dressed.

>> No.18677104

maybe you look like someone
maybe you made it up
maybe there was a wedding party or something and they just saw you walk in

>> No.18677118

my adhd is out of control today can't concentrate for shit wtf

>> No.18677120

I am not sure how you asked for proof. How do you even prove that you are a "serious" hiker? I am not going to dox myself or post a picture for some internet rando. Pictures do not even tell you anything about how you climbed a mountain. This is pretty silly at this point.
I gave you reference times from my friends when they were running. The intention was to point out that they did not make a big deal out of this for being average runners unlike some people ITT. I also do not bother mentioning to people that I do mountain and road biking. These are all such common and standard hobbies... that is all that is needed to say.

This guy actually knows what I am talking about so that is all you can get from me.
Well it does help a lot with the incline, but I was never one of these guys that were super competitive about doing the grind, so I do not think it really matters. It is is mostly a measure for yourself. Personally, I used it as a benchmark to gauge how fit I currently am.

>> No.18677121

I wish I could come up with more ideas for this story. I guess they'll come eventually. Also, I hate taking huge shits.

That's it.

>> No.18677128

Strange Vibes

A seemingly eternal trope now, you’ve heard it, and so have I. Perhaps from the same kind of person who thinks they are just so clever. “History repeats itself,” or “time follows a flat circle” if you are so big-brained to believe. Patterns in nature and reality, in social systems, who would have thought. For some time now, the world has been set on autopilot, the last seventy years at least. No one seems to know what they are saying, acting so serious. There are no rules to any of this, this ennui ape says. I crave for enlightenment, to figure out what’s going on, who's driving this thing. Who, what, when, where, and why am I? I’ve yet to have a chance to figure it out. Who am I to say whether there’s a pattern to the chaos or not—all the hullabaloo, hype, history, hysterics. The true meaning of it all is withheld behind the curtains of this elaborate puppet show. Where do we go? How should one go about understanding the world, hearing the silent strings in the shadows? Truth is messy, rarely if ever absolute. I’ve come to distrust most everything around me. My only tether toward fulfilling my own prophecies. Not long before those come crashing down. Can you trust yourself?
What a strange way to look at the world. Nothing feels real. You don’t see things as others do. You dream of worlds you might never see, an escape from the hellscape of the real world. Pasts that never were and places that’ll never be. I never wanted any of this. You’re alone. How did we get here, are we stuck? Take a look outside. What do you see? I hope I’m not losing my mind, do you see? The world seems stagnant, unsure, so out of place and goofy-footed, I’m not so convinced we aren’t caught in some black-hole or alternate timeline. It’s a strange world. Things are not as they once were, nor will they ever be. Institutions move toward nothing in particular under the guise of progress. The future is frightening, absolutely unclear. Anything could happen. Nothing is happening. Politics aside, it’s clear that we have arrived at the crux of what is likely several different, unrelated events playing out at the same time. This synchronicity, this one big “it is, what it is,” the lifeless drought of our days. Could I ever wish to change things, to save the world? I’d undoubtedly be special. I'd love to think my perspective is unconventional, that I’m a nobody. Stuck. We are forced to take the world at face level as it’s thrust at us, something it rarely does here, twenty minutes Southa’ ‘Greensboring.’ Stuck, a nobody in nowhere.
There are no more Wild Wests to explore and no New California quite yet. Just strange stories of yesterday and pain.

>> No.18677139

I wish I wasn't so smart. I've felt alienated all my life.

>> No.18677141
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Look through all the people in the way, and you’ll be forced to follow feelings, roll with punches, ride the weird vibes. Be guided by that ancient, older than language part of your mind. The quiet, watching part of my mind is as close as I'll get to see my soul. To reject the soul, as the tribe recommends, is a self-sacrilege I can't commit. So, are you ready to see what I've seen?
All life is, is an experience, anyway. Best if used before death. Tick-tock. It’s not all bad, not hopeless, I hope. Just another day for Jones.

>> No.18677147

>How do you even prove that you are a "serious" hiker? I
Well if you had known the different gradings of hikes don't rank a 10% incline as babby level, then it wouldn't be an issue. But since it's clear you have no experience of even a hillwalking club, yeah you're going to have to dox yourself for me to not consider it bullshit. It's like people who claim they killed the east approach of Everest and nobody has ever heard of them and then they claim they did it when the Chinese had blocked the path and know nothing about altitude sickness symptoms. I mean, yeah, there's an outside chance they're superman, but most likely they're a bullshitter. Since you already admitted you were bullshitting running, and you've said things which indicate you're bullshitting hiking (something you consider boring and middle class btw) I'm thinking you're full of shit on all fronts.

>> No.18677151

tfw midwit

>> No.18677152
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>> No.18677157

short hair looks neat

>> No.18677178

>something you consider boring and middle class btw
Sorry, I left out consoomerist from the list of things you think about your supposed hobby

>> No.18677211

Dude. It is just hiking. You just go up the mountain, potentially scramble, and then go down. If it is a multi-day hike, you prep accordingly. Not that hard.
I was born very close the alps (Oberaudorf) and then moved to Vancouver, which also had great hikes. Not even once gave anyone two shits about the incline. I do not even know what a "hillwalking" club is.
>Since you already admitted you were bullshitting running
I never bullshitted about running? I do not care for it but I know that a 10k is a fairly standard thing.
I now live in NYC, where you would expect people to be not fit, and literally everyone here hikes or runs 10k. Again, fairly standard stuff.

I feel like I am taking crazy pills.

>> No.18677236

>do not even know what a "hillwalking" club is.
It's how a lot of people get permits, so yeah, this is digging your bullshitting hole even deeper.
>never bullshitted about running? I do not care for it but I know that a 10k is a fairly standard thing.
You're trying to say something you never did is easy. And like I said, I don't believe you would be bored if you did one, so much as in pain. And you should feel like you're taking crazy pills because you're one of those dangerous people who try to pontificate on things you have no knowledge of, and people should be very wary of taking advice from an armchair runner or hiker.

>> No.18677255

>I now live in NYC, where you would expect people to be not fit
what? it's known people in urban areas are in better shape because they walk everywhere. plus nyc is full of overachievers, so in addition to being workaholic careerists they're all also fitness freaks and health nuts. the first time i ever saw huge bodybuilder type dudes with gigantic muscles was in nyc, of course back then i didn't realize it was because i was in a gay neighborhood, i was just like holy shit dudes in new york are fucking ripped!

>> No.18677261

Anon, save it for the marathons. Anon clearly just wanted to shit on anon's hobbies because he's insecure. Who else calls things they want to profess experience in
>boring and middle class btw
Do you think anon was just trying to out himself as a boring and middle class consumer? He was just trying to shit on someone he thought he could drag back in the bucket.

>> No.18677267

>save it for the marathons
That could take months though.

>> No.18677271

Again, whatever helps you cope. I genuinely believe someone would get so serious about such a standard hobby.
You can easily get permits for a park in Canada (we used the Canada 150 ones) and I never had to deal with a hill walking club when getting permits in the US. You just go to the office and get the permit from the rangers. That's how we did it for the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim, Rainier, and Jacinto.

True, people are very competitive here. Maybe my perspective is just skewed because of that.

>> No.18677295

>You just go to the office and get the permit from the rangers. T
>Never heard of a permit lottery in Vancouver or WA
How? Even non hikers know you need luck and good timing to get to a lot of places.

>> No.18677297

genociding neurotypicals

>> No.18677312

>keeps calling people pointing out he has no experience cope
It's pretty funny because you did this with running before you admitted you don't actually run. That sounds much more like cope than, you know, knowing the basics of a topic you profess to know about. I do believe you know about being a middle class consoomer though. And I think this is your effort to not be as boring as someone who talks about things they don't actually know shit about, which is failing because you're now in a position where in order to shit on anon's hobbies like >>18677261 said, you have to be deeper into what you called boring and middle class than he ever claimed to be. It's pretty funny.

>> No.18677314
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Yeah, if you were a papist lmao. cope.

>> No.18677353

I've spent my entire life being told that I am different than other people and it's really fucked me up. Doesn't help that years k-12 the majority of my social interaction came through schooling so everyone else treated me the same way the teachers did. When you're 15 and other people are hanging on your every word it fucks you up, I never got to be seen by other people the way I saw them and it's led to this position where I deliberately stay away from others because I spend a few minutes with them and then they give me that look where they recognize that I am different. It didn't help that my father is an immigrant and my mother is an american, when im around americans i feel isolated and when im around my father's kin i feel isolated.

Lately i've started having daydreaming fits again where I disappear into my dreams for hours at a time. Every so often something happens that triggers them and i spend months reigning them in. I've spent the better part of my life resenting positive attention and now I keep disappearing into fantasies of it. I had a dream 5 nights ago of a feeling I felt with the only girl I've been with(and only because she would not allow me to deny her), just the feeling appeared in the dream.

My daydreams always consist of me and a girl who was incredibly infatuated with me in the 10th grade. I've not thought of her in 6 years but when she comes to me it's so vivid. There are so many memories of time I spent with her that have resurfaced because of the daydreams, it's overwhelming. Since the daydreams started I've had no dreams at night and I haven't slept in 37 hours. I need tranquilizers or something because as is I am completely out of order and it's only getting worse by the day. I've just been reading and browsing and drifting into daydreams for hours and hours now.

>> No.18677355

I mean I was there in Canada in 2017/2018. We did not have a problem, you just drive up on the day and hope they have availability. Grand canyon (2015) we got way in advance though and it was in August (fuck).

I am pointing out how these are boring middle class interests. I am also pointing out how most people I know do not even draw attention to these interests because they know that they are fairly unremarkable. My advice was genuine.
Exception as quoted:
>Maybe if you actually run competitive marathons and do long multi-day hikes in the wilderness, that is an hobby worth mentioning.
I am not sure what you are on about. You asked for proof. I am trying my best here. The activity itself is not boring for me but showcasing it as a hobby is indeed boring and middle class. I fully stand behind that. To stand out, which was the original point of the discussion, you actually have to show a little bit more. Hence the poetry, where he actually produces something and is creative.

>> No.18677367

>boring middle class interests. I
Why are you repeatedly doing something you find boring?

>> No.18677382

>The activity itself is not boring for me but showcasing it as a hobby is indeed boring and middle class. I fully stand behind that. To stand out, which was the original point of the discussion, you actually have to show a little bit more.
No you don't. Most people are impressed by a 10k. When they find out people do it everyday, they're even more impressed.
If you want to claim it's not impressive to runners, or not interesting to them, then you've never seen the follow up questions people in the sport would lob at you immediately upon finding out this information. That anon was right that the only people who immediately think "boring, unimpressive" are people who don't do shit and are trying to drag other people down.
I really don't believe you're recommending focusing on poetry as the interesting thing, when that is probably one of the most hipster and pretentious things you could ever say in almost any social context.

>> No.18677383

I do not find the activity itself boring. I both love the challenge and the feeling of comradery. But as an interest it is so common and average, listing it in your dating profile is like writing Microsoft Office on your CV.
The same applies to listing interests about consumption, that requires zero effort unless you produce something with it (i.e., review, organize, create).

>> No.18677395

>when that is probably one of the most hipster and pretentious things
He's middle class and boring and lived in Seattle and NYC. Pretentious hipsters is probably his normal.

>> No.18677400

>No you don't. Most people are impressed by a 10k. When they find out people do it everyday, they're even more impressed.
I guess we are just living in different worlds then. See also
There is no bridging that divide.

>> No.18677405

>not telling potential partners that you might be regularly going up a mountain on a date
DO NOT DO THIS. Even if you warn people that you're going to take them on a hike, they will show up fat and in sandals with no water the majority of the time. If you're looking for someone who shares your "boring" interest, put it in the profile.

>> No.18677410

You're living in a world where Brooklyn Instagram poets think they're not skinny fat.

>> No.18677411

You will get the same thing if you list hiking as your hobby btw. Speaking from experience.

>> No.18677414


>> No.18677420

I said they would show up fat and unprepared even if you do put it in, but your chances of finding someone who hikes also goes up if you put it in the profile. I mean, you can put no drugs, drinks rarely, never smokes and you'll still get meth heads, but you'll also get more people who share your interests.

>> No.18677462

"How are you still single"
the girls tryna to date me:
>overly picky bitches who dont know what they want
>gold diggers
>sluts who have never heard the word commitment
>has a muffin top
>is under 5'6
>lives with their parents (90% of women under age of 25)

>> No.18677466

>you're looking for someone who shares your "boring" interest, put it in the profile.
This. Internet dating is a shit show but you should disclose it. If anon wouldn't date you because you share his hobbies and he doesn't want to date people who are so middle class and boring as he is, ask yourself if you really would want to date anon. Or do you want to date someone who shares and likes your interests.

>> No.18677519

I don't want Butterfly doing anything with anyone other than me :3

*nestles in her breasts*

>> No.18677545
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I read notes from the underground and finished two chapters of steppenwolf. It's messing me up. I should read more light hearted books.

>> No.18677570

What exactly messed you up, anon? Maybe I can help

>> No.18677576
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All toothpaste tastes the same, Colgate is overpriced

>> No.18677588

tonsure it

>> No.18677590

Existentialism of it all I guess. I'll be ok, I should probably finish steppenwolf first. The author says in the beginning that is supposed to be a book of hope.

>> No.18677593

Late response, but this also came to mind first, but it actually means a person who believes in predetermination.
>Me :(
Same I think. We need to do something with this, anon

>> No.18677608

cute hands, faggot

>> No.18677630

What's the name of the forum anon and can you link to the suicide note.

>> No.18677632

I have a plan. Assuming there is a God, I am going to reverse engineer the universe and see if it adds up with modern science.
Obviously, it is based upon some scientific knowledge but there is a potential limit. So far it seems to hold true, as in there are no unnecessary parts in nature, and it is apparently optimal for life. What are the chances of that? Slim, I imagine.

It comes down to Einstien's sense of elegance, (or most simple yet effective), and using that as a guiding principle.

I've got a couple snags, such as quantum field theory and particle physics. Are they truly the most elegant theories (as in you could not imagine a simpler physics)? Occam's Razor also comes into play here.

For instance, (quantum chromodynamics) take nucleons for granted as playing a pivotal role and then try to give them a more fundamental constitution as required. Obviously, this constitution (quarks) has to follow some fundamental behavior to be congruent with the greater scheme of things, and are there simpler coherent ideas than what physicists have cooked up ?
Could you not imagine quarks as being attracted to one another via a force field like a magnetic field, which is inherent at the conception of the universe?

How much of modern science is truly justifiable? Do they not make theories based upon evidence, re-model their hypothesis's based upon new evidence, and then wonder why their predictions are wrong as they look for clarification?

Imagine if simpler models could explain the same thing with approximated mathematical methods.

>> No.18677721

Be careful whenever you read stuff from these depressed authors.

>> No.18677726

Read the CTMU

>> No.18677731

I have had EXCEEDINGLY great success with Burts Bees toothpaste, FAR AND ABOVE that of any others :3

>> No.18677739

>eat ass
when did this disgusting shit become normal?

>> No.18677742

Is it only fantasy and sci fi which is commonly written in serialized novels? Serializations used to be common but now it seems as though only these genres do it and they tend to stick to 3 to 4 installments.

>> No.18677779
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I'm an incel
Whenever I see my friends' gfs, I want to fuck them

and of course I can't, on so many different level

>> No.18677791

I really want to do anal with my girl but she's tiny and I can't fit it in without risking a tear. Eating ass is my cope

>> No.18677811

Only time I did anal it was with a japanese 50something woman

>> No.18677840

I haven't ever had suicidal thoughts in my life but nowadays I feel they're really close. Like I can have a conversation with them. Until now I've always felt they were so distant, abstract, out of my reach.

Have decided to go into therapy. I don't want to become friends with thoughts of hurting myself, or to desire for bad things to happen to me.

>> No.18677842

That's hot. How did it hapoen?

>> No.18677865

I paid. She was a prostitute

Take care of yourself, anon. There are people who love you.

>> No.18677904

Ovid was dangerously based

>> No.18677907

Did you have a choice of whores? Why pick the 50 year old?

>> No.18677927

Goddamn dude get your shit together. At least learn a trade and make some fucking money so you can quit and travel or NEET properly or whatever you find yourself fantasizing about.

>> No.18677932
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>meme from /lit/ made it into the new space jam movie

>> No.18677952

As you may guess, prostitutes are liars. Asians in particular are pros in "I'm very young and slim, like, totally very young lol" and then they could be my mother. They are usually cheaper than Eastern Europe (blonde hotties)
I have to say, since it was the first (and only) time I fucked an asshole, it didn't matter much if it was an old woman one

>> No.18677986


>> No.18678062

I don't think we can use science to find God, it's would be like very advanced video game characters trying to figure out who created their world but they are limited by because they are in a different reality.

>> No.18678075

loli feet inside my mouth

>> No.18678086
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This isn't a question thread, but I'll use as such anyway.
How would you describe your thought process? Do you think in words, pictures or both?
I got interested in this how people think lately, I'm fascinated by how different the thought process of everyone is.

And answering my own question, I think in words.

>> No.18678089
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your mother comes into your room
"What are you doing anon?"
"Nothing just on 4chan, like usual."
"Why don't you go out with your friends?"
"I don't have friends mother"
"Just get out of the house for some time"
"Do it now"
Later you hear sobbing, from your mother talking to your Father
"Anons not right, he's not right"
"He has no friends, no job, no girlfriend"
"I think anon has failed at life, and we failed him as well"
You hear this and start sobbing looking around your surroundings.
Nothing but dirty dishes, books, clothes,and Trash
You come to the realization that you're spending your prime years in front of a computer screen
Your classmates are gone, your crush is being fucked by chad, all that while you stare at a screen with a cartoon frog.
You sob harder as you realize whats happening
Even more so as you come to realiziation that you're only in your bedroom sobbing because you were born with the wrong skin color.

This is your fate, and there is no turning back

>> No.18678091 [DELETED] 

What is pain?

>> No.18678094


>> No.18678105

it's not his fault, it's US education that failed him
putting sex on a pedestal ruined them

>> No.18678139

You should get a job

>> No.18678141
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As you sob you pick up your bottle of alcohol
The Alcohol helps you cope with the pain of being a monumental waste of oxygen and space.
Or at least it used too. Nothing really helps you anymore.
In your drunken stupor you start rambling about your previous crushes.
Then you look around and realize you are 25 and about to turn 26.
You're almost 30 desperately clinging to toys meant for boys. Trying to cling to your youth, your grip loosens every passing day. and soon enough you'll be an old man.
You fall on the bed and sleep it off, only to repeat it again tomorrow.

>> No.18678142

You aren't white right?

>> No.18678152

No i am not white

>> No.18678153

are you american

>> No.18678157
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I really hope this isn't how you feel

>> No.18678158
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Yes i am American, but not white. I am sadly Hispanic. Why are you asking though?

>> No.18678159

you have a very american view on life

>> No.18678162

there's plenty of white losers dude, being white wouldn't make you some sociable chad alpha lol
what a pathetic cope

>> No.18678163

do you suck the poo out?

>> No.18678173

Not giving you the name of the forum but I can give you some excerpts:

>For too long I've put up with all of these petty arguments and bullshit. I'm leaving [site] for good. I feel like anyone who can see knows there is a problem here with some posters[...] It's impossible to break into the top rated if you're not in the "cool crowd" because nobody will vote for your [work.]
^this one never made any entry in that competition, and almost every year for decade, the newest person to enter won. Most people who were established didn't enter because it was seen as stealing someone's chance to get well known in the site.

>Everyone here is such a douchebag. [...] When ANYONE ELSE makes off topic threads they get YAASSS posted but I get dragged over and over WHEN MY POST IS ON TOPIC AND BETTER THAN [other people's]. Fuck you all [...] I'm very glad I never got to know any of you and I am SO FUCKING HAPPY I never showed my work here. I was afraid people would shit on it, because I valued the opinions of [people on the site], but now it's clear that you are all fucking douchebags who want to jump on people because you're all fucking rotten inside. Fuck you all.
This one was because they had posted something off topic and people had told them to take it to the right section, like you'd tell someone discussing comics on /lit/ to go to /co/

>If people on here are such elitists they can't accept anyone who doesn't match their ridiculously high standard nobody else can meet then I'm glad [person who left because of work commitments] left. I've never hoped people would fail in life but everyone on this site deserves to fail. You think you're so fucking good you don't need to be nice to the plebs. You're fucking shit. [...] I enjoyed coming here because it was a group of similar people but you never pay any attention to anyone who isn't giving you [content] or fucking essays [on topic] and act like that's normal. You suck [person who posted lots of content] off all day and ignore everyone else. [...more stuff about hoping people fail and a list of content creators who deserve to fail] so you know what it's like.

You could get the impression the site was full of assholes from those posts, but it was mostly filled with people who wanted to get good. The people who got good kind of fizzled out, and all that's left is spite. There are a lot of posts that aren't "fuck you I'm leaving forever", but most of them are "why is this site not good any more? what happened?" The weirdest thing is what sets off those posts. There isn't a lot of content on the site now, because some people got good enough their job is now doing the same thing, or because they got tired of bullshit taking over, so they're having these freak out moments in the middle of random conversations. One of the "fuck you I'm leaving" posts was because someone explained how to get legal advice when the person who left asked how to get legal advice.

>> No.18678174
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Never mind your skin colour my sadboy friend

>> No.18678214

is it wasting time if what your doing is fun and fulfilling?
i spend all day making music and reading but they are just hobbies to me
i want to make a living from writing yet i have to force myself to sit down and actually do it.

>> No.18678231

Time can only be spent not wasted

>> No.18678239

In some ways it is a reflection of me. I am not an Alcoholic

>> No.18678258

You could start making coin learning to be a copywriter. And write books when you're not doing your copy.

>> No.18678297
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>> No.18678306

shut up you mexicunt.

>> No.18678320
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I used to write a ton of fanfiction and I still do write the occasional short fanfic. One thing I have gradually learned is that nothing attracts high-level autists like fanfiction. You think this or that work of original fiction, this or that book or cartoon or film, attracts autistic fans? You don't know the half of it. No, the true autists are the ones who congregate into fandoms of the FANFICS about those original stories. That is the true face of weapons-grade autism. I have encountered more weirdos, freaks, retards, degenerates, and insane people related to fanfiction than I ever have to anything else. No original story attracts these people like fanfiction does.

>> No.18678325

Based mexichad

>> No.18678339

All human effort is tacit nihilism.
If God had a plan, it would all go forward with or without you.

>> No.18678348

>thinking about that one anon yesterday who thought Tale of the Genji was written in kanji

>> No.18678427

shut up shut up shut up lalalalalalalLALALALALALAALALAL I CANT HEAR YOU LALALALALLA!!!

>> No.18678467


>> No.18678496

Sorry I wasn't fast enough to get a good OP and song for the thread. I'll get the next one if i'm not working

>> No.18678602

Weird, I get the opposite. Most of my friends are dating fat women though, which is weird given that all are smart guys with mostly prestigious
(engineers, lawyers, doctors). One is a personal trainer and his gf is the fattest of the lot. They aren't socially retarded incels and have fairly diverse backgrounds and life circumstances. No desire to fuck any of them.

>> No.18678604

*prestigious jobs

>> No.18678613

Maybe you're friends with a bunch of fatfags. It's not a totally uncommon fetish.

>> No.18678625

I've been diagnosed, but the guy doing the testing doesn't seem very competent. My psychiatrist and therapist both disagree with the diagnosis, as does my dad, a clinical psychologist who used to develop psychological tests. I have some of the traits, but I can socialize with others and have a desire to do so. Anyways, you can read about SPD online. I was told SPD is not schizophrenia and should not be confused. However, Wikipedia mentions there are similarities. I suggest listening to the King Crimson song, 21st Century Schizoid Man, particularly the Live in Mexico City version. I don't often like live recordings, often hate them, but this is better than the original.

>> No.18678637

I'd need to see how common the fetish is. Of all my friends who are in relationships, only 1 isn't with a fat girl. Of the ones dating fat girls, only 1 girl got fat after the relationship began. That's too regular to be a coincidence.

>> No.18678661

I'm always thinking about killing myself. I've never tried, I'm pretty normal and function well enough at work/around people, but i just can't stop thinking of ending it. Ever since I was a kid. There's a voice in my head whenever I get anxious, whenever I make a bad joke, whenever I'm left alone with my thoughts, it beckons me to sleep. Drugs don't help, friends don't help, hobbies don't help, reading doesn't help, work doesn't help, it all feels like I'm just putting off the inevitable.

>> No.18678697

I'm jealous, I love big girls.

>> No.18678714

i dont like how soaked in 4chan and internet culture my being is. most of the in-jokes are stupid and have overall had a negative effect on my life. i feel like ive lost my individuality.

>> No.18678730

furthermore, by all means i was a regular guy. there was nothing especially weird about me growing up. but by associating with losers, outcasts and trolls, ive became all those things.

>> No.18678733

I've been posting on this site for thirteen years and I don't feel like less of an individual than I was when I started. Perhaps the problem is something other than 4chan.

>> No.18678744

memes are fucking lame

>> No.18678752

The whole Mexico City Live is great but my favorite version of 21st century Schizoid has to be the one from the disc 2 of The Great Deceiver live set, it's probably King Crimson at their absolutely heaviest, dissonant and their improv game is on point.

>> No.18678754

Read the Quran dipshit

>> No.18678759

In the last few years, I've started finding 4chan culture/humour extremely cringeworthy. You will probably grow out of it.

>> No.18678764
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As a 43 year old it breaks my heart to see all these young guys so hopelessly blackpilled.

>> No.18678765

A thread died for this.

>> No.18678769

I have come to realize I have been wrong about literally every political prediction I have made for a while now :|

>> No.18678831

i believe it

>> No.18678874

ngl i'm hella pumped for bezos space flight tuesday.

>> No.18678878

>there was integration between science and religion
i.e. when science had to bend the knee to religion. Or do you think that science is congruent with the Christian account of the world?

>> No.18678894

Big Trouble in Little China.

>> No.18678896


>> No.18678900

I think the existence of miracles, including miracles that leave physical evidence, proves that, at least, there are some limits to the natural sciences and their comprehensive worldview.

>> No.18678912

Wish granted

>> No.18678933

I wish that the US was a place of free people, instead of people subjected to their impulses and desires

>> No.18678938

beans and cornbread

>> No.18678943


>> No.18679035

everything in their culture makes them that way so that they are easily influenced

>> No.18679052

No she cleans it beforehand

>> No.18679095

dude you're talking to a retard, stop

>> No.18679123

I thought that was well known. Most high functioning autistic girls are big into fanfiction.

>> No.18679133

could the urge to eat ass be the monkey body, screaming at being deprived of bacteria in an over sanitized space?

>> No.18679142

>thinks soap and water remove parasites
There's a reason you know that most homosexual men develop stomach parasites in their life, you know? Why do you mimic homosexual behavior? This is very bizarre and I see that it is mostly media backed from America. The "eating ass" meme came from American corpos. This is why I think most of homo prop. is sponsored by WOMYN, femcels, and those insane lunatic homosexual predators (Jeff Dahmer types) using the rainbow flag as a new kind of internationalist nationalism to completely exterminate human identity.

>> No.18679163

Please do not be mean to Jeffrey Dahmer. He was a different kind of fucked up to this.

>> No.18679171

Jeff Dahmer is the peak homo predator though. I can understand those men who were sexually abused in their childhood or bullied, etc and become "bottoms" but what kind of lunatic, what kind of cold, calculating sociopath wants to become a homosexual "top"? Guys like Dahmer. Predators.

>> No.18679181


>> No.18679183

what exactly is there to be pumped about?

>> No.18679190

the reason is probably because they neglect hygiene. do you think the problem is widespread in high profile porn? I'd guess not

>> No.18679211

>high profile porn
Porn is theater anon. Everything you see when you watch porn is fake. "High profile" just means higher deceptions.

>> No.18679217

The fact that you evidently think you can just empathize your way into an understanding of Dahmer or even fags in general would be cute if it weren't so damn dumb.

>> No.18679226

It's correct, especially given the history of homosexuals as pederasty.

>> No.18679244

Thanks for the tip. I probably haven't listened to that one, and if I did, I wasn't listening to it for enjoyment. I was first introduced to the live version inadvertently on YouTube because that was the main video for the song. Then, it disappeared one day, and I had to listen to the horrendously slow original. I found the Mexico City version when I undertook a search of the King Crimson catalog.

I haven't listened to very much King Crimson, but I really like that one song. I will check out the version you recommend. Feel free to give other recommendations as well. I am primarily a heavy metal fan, followed by blues, but I enjoy lots of other genres.

>> No.18679270

>t. sold porn and filmed porn
This is 100% true. Porn is extreme manipulation. The entire business from top to bottom is completely rife with betrayal, backstabs, espionage, hacking, theft...

Deepak Agarwhal... just look that guy up. Holy fucking mother fucking SHIT. He jacked millions and millions from credit cards under the name D33cash dot c o m (reverse the 3's so his flip slaves don't find this post)

>> No.18679315

Dahmer wasn't a predator in the way most people consider serial killers predators. He was a different kind of crazy and repeatedly tried to tell people what he was doing so they would stop him. Everyone thought he was joking. He is definitely not peak homo predator, and the only reason he got so high a body count was that nobody believed him and nobody cared about people going missing. He was an extremely disorganiszed killer, and if he had lived anywhere that was not the ghetto, he would have been in treatment before he killed people.
It's one of the few times where it's a mental illness going ignored that led to murder. He thought that if he ate people, they would join together so they couldn't leave him.
He's not a sociopath. He's got a very different disorder to Bundy, with an added bonus of psychosis.
It's weird you think that it would be okay and understandable if he was bullied as a child, when he's a childhood alcoholic. Or are people with alcohol problems by the age of fourteen just doing fine in life like his counselors thought?

>> No.18679322

If you want a peak homo predator, who is a sociopath, try Gacy.

>> No.18679332
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>cute girl tells me I'm a chad
Good feeling, bros.

>> No.18679415

yeah, and what the fuck has that got to do with what I said

>> No.18679424

The police literally brought a naked underage boy back to his residence.

>> No.18679525

Yup. Dahmer is much more of a system failure than most serial killers. Calling him a peak predator is kind of absurd.

>> No.18679740

I am not sure if you are still in this thread, but I have the same thoughts. When I was 18 I decided that I would kill myself at 30 because everything felt hollow. The reason, at least one of the reasons, I havent killed myself is because of the sadness my parents might feel.

You have to go see a pro. I have never done, and probably never wont, and therefore I know that you will not do it either. But you have to do it.

>> No.18679745

I meant the tweet. Not OP.

>> No.18679748
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You are a wonderful human being for thinking about your fellow anon and reaching out to them. Thank you for your kindness.


>> No.18679783

Based. Keep your Hesiod though so you can remember what the Golden Age was.

>> No.18679807

I dream of a happy marriage with a fat wife and loads of kids.

>> No.18679808

>Dahmer is much more of a system failure than most serial killers
le single mother and bullied as a child!
he was a cia asset you clown

>> No.18679825

>your crush is being fucked by chad
Really? Your life is in shambles and this is what you decide to think about?

>> No.18679831

why do you think his life is in shambles, anon

>> No.18679855

>le single mother and bullied as a child!
>he was a cia asset you clown
Are you retarded or having a stroke? Dahmer's parents didn't separate until he was 18 and he wasn't really bullied.

>> No.18679880
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I think about him literally all the time but I pretend I don't

>> No.18679916

I just want a job so time would pass faster.

>> No.18679946

Dean Corll is a lesser known but equally heinous one. He originated the whole cliche about a creep in a nondescript van handing out candy to children to lure them in and was dubbed the "candy man." If anything his murder rapes were more brutal than Gacy's in terms of the sheer sadism.

> Dean Corll was an American serial killer who abducted, raped, tortured, and murdered at least 29 teenage boys and young men between 1970 and 1973 in Houston, Texas. He was aided by two teenaged accomplices, David Owen Brooks and Elmer Wayne Henley. The crimes, which became known as the Houston Mass Murders, came to light after Henley fatally shot Corll. Upon discovery, it was considered the worst example of serial murder in U.S. history.

>> No.18679960

Dean Corll is the worst of all. The faggot chewed the dick of victims off.

>> No.18680003

Civilization may very well collapse in our lifetimes. Fancy that.

>> No.18680008

Fuck civilization

>> No.18680052

Yeah the Candyman is pretty fucked. The kid who shot him so he didn't have to kill his friend got off worse than him. There's a theory that him and Gacy were part of a sex and murder ring, but it's all circumstantial and all the people who could fill in the blanks are sociopaths or dead or both.

>> No.18680059

I dont care. In my resentful heart i even cherish the suffering it would cause

>> No.18680083


>> No.18680105

Best dosto translations?

>> No.18680127

all Russian > English translations are bad

>> No.18680149

>Write what's on your mind
Humans have been reduced to animals via technology. We deserve everything that’s coming to us

>> No.18680160

It's all well and good until you have to deal with it. At times I wanna see the world burn too but then I remember I'm in the world and I'm not quite ready for be in Mad Max.

>> No.18680174

If I were prepared I’d be okay with it but I need to make money and buy supplies first

>> No.18680215

I would need to squad up, get guns, learn to farm and move into the country. We've been conditioned to suckle at the teat of a fragile globalized supply chain where the wheat that makes our bread comes from halfway across the globe and the meat that goes in the sandwich the other side. The cities will become hellscapes but if you learn subsistence then it might be manageable and even peaceful. Supposing you find a patch of remaining arable land.

>> No.18680235

How’s the Jane Kentish translation of notes from the underground

>> No.18680238

I foresee the ultra-rich amalgamating into a new old regime aristocracy which will trigger an overt class war as people fight to reclaim the vast tracts of farmable land owned by the likes of Bezos and Bill Gates. It actually sounds fun. Also, how liberating would it be to chuck your now useless phone and pull that intrusive leech from from your brain once and for all?

>> No.18680281

im the anon that asked earlier. People online seem to live P&V, although there are some people who shit on them and say they are only popular due to being pushed by their publisher.

>> No.18680284

>liberating would it be to chuck your now useless phone and pull that intrusive leech from from your brain once and for all?
As hard as the other shit sounds I think about getting rid of my phone every day

>> No.18680340

It's been one of the worst periods of my life the last couple of weeks. Last weeks victory was holding it together. This weeks is moving up. I can feel that I am becoming myself.

>> No.18680388

I’m going to right a serialized novel.

>> No.18680400

What was wrong with it?

>> No.18680409

Hell yeah dude

>> No.18680434

Nothing. Why do you ask?

>> No.18680442

I might be fuckin insane
my body is broken to the extent that I will not be allowed my life goals anymore but I just keep going

>> No.18680455

It is one of the reasons I still become an hero

>> No.18680464

>didn't become

>> No.18680474

What is magical realism really? It seems to me it’s used in 3 ways:
1) Latin American fantasy
2) novels that are mostly realism but have subtle drops of fantasy here and there
3) novels that overtly fantasy but given the tag of magical realism in an attempt to further legitimize the story as a work of literary merit, or something.
Out of the 3, the 2nd one intrigued me. The 1st and the 3rd do not.

>> No.18680476

Because you were going to right it.

>> No.18680488

I hate reading but it's the only thing that gives me a sense of progress in this series of failures called my life.

>> No.18680670

read the saga of gösta berling

>> No.18680698

I am agitated! I am trying to find a book to DL and I am not having an easy time as nearly every site is fake and wants me to pay or has what seems to be a shit PDF at most.

>> No.18680743

I'm reading (or trying to read) The Myth of Sisyphus. Most of it just goes over my head; re-reading hardly helps. Is it is difficult book or am I a midwit?
(asking it here because I don't want to kill a thread simply for this question)

>> No.18680822

You: i appreciate islam for it's aesthetics mostly

Stranger: Oh okay

You: but what I appreciate about islam i appreciate about most perennial schools of thought

You: which is what got me interested in the first place anyways

You: what about you

You: what interests you about islam

Stranger: I’ve had relationships with many Muslim people, it’s also the 2nd largest religion and apparently the fastest growing, so it would be nice to understand it

You: yeah

You: would you like to hear something specifically about islam that i am concerned with

You: regarding perrenialism and my findings

Stranger: Also there’s a lot of negative and positive talk when it comes to judging Islam, so I want to see for myself

Stranger: Sure go ahead

You: i feel that the majority of negative talk comes from a place of ignorance

You: but anyways

You: tradition is of a double essence: religious and metaphysical in islam

You: i think it is worth classifing the religious as exoteric

You: and the metaphysical as esoteric

You: because the metaphysical is that which constitutes its deeper meaning and, furthermore, is regarded as the doctrine of the elite

You: here lies my interest personally

You: but this distinction is worth conserving because the two are ultimatly related under the same doctrine

You: i don't know if the same can be said about western religions

You: this is what i appreciate at least aesthetically about some eastern religions, specifically islam and taoism

You: but idk, still reading a lot

Stranger: Ooo interesting

Stranger: What would you advice as a first step in studying Islam?

You: well since you're interested in islam you should figure out what about it you are drawn to

You: for me it's the perennial views and their relations to the west

You: which i guess is not very popular

Stranger: Yup

You: hence the west's distain/ignorance

You: but what about it do you feel is interesting

Stranger: Not too sure l desu

Stranger: I just wanna study it cos I want to understand the second largest religion in the world

You: it would be helpful to know

You: i don't know much of anything relating to islam today

You: i just have tried to understand/read it's doctrines and it's scholasticism

Stranger: Oh okay

You: reading the Quran might be a good start for you

You: it should contextualize the religion better for you

You: and help you better understand it

Stranger: Oooo okay

>> No.18680958

Didn’t even notice. Must have been autocorrect. I meant “write”.

>> No.18680974
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Jenna, you can hate us if you want. I promise you Klaudia does not care even slightly. Even if she knew you she would only laugh at you so go ahead.

>> No.18681084

Having money would solve 99.99% of my problems but no one has ever taught me how and my crap upbringing has killed all of my interest in stocks and crypto so I'll probably end up as a wagie codemonkey and rope myself out of boredom before I reach 30
I just want to get into academia but I don't even know how
I have to try 10 times harder than everyone else just because I was born in the wrong country
I've never chosen to endure this shitty life
I hate this
I hate everything

>> No.18681117
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I set a picture of an anime girl smiling in a funny way as my desktop wallpaper just for lulz but seeing somebody smile at me every half an hour or so when I switch a window is actually helping me feel less lonely so I think I'll keep it.

>> No.18681154

I’m a fuckin idiot. Hooked up with a girl after breaking up with my ex months ago and now I’m getting attached, and now feeling betrayed at the idea she may be currently talking to other guys.
We’re not in anything committed so it makes sense. Don’t know why I feel this way, probably best if I just cut it off but who knows

>> No.18681229
File: 115 KB, 464x480, 1626657285925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sew me up I can be your doll.
Stuff me with cotton and take it all.
Makemewhole, make mewalk on Mars
Back in your bedroom,like every fall
Nothing to do here, been gone so long
Nothing to do here, been here so long
Everyone's got ideas, but they're all wrong
Nobody wants to get it, but they're all for talk
Nobody gives a fuck, I'm not the one to talk
Nobody gives a fuck, I'm not the one to talk

Baby blue plastic, wrap me around
Exploding like fragments onto the ground
Wanna be like magic, burning, not found
I exposed myself, I'm done, I'm down
I'm done, I'm down
Fuck it, I'm done, I'm down
Baby blue plastic, wrap me around
Exploding like fragments onto the ground
Wanna be like magic, burning, not found
I exposed myself, I'm done, I'm down
Fuck it, I'm done, I'm down
Fuck it, I'm done, I'm down"~ Yung Lean Blue Plastic
Please come back Sovi, I'm sorry for what i did.

>> No.18681256

Masturbate before posting. It helped other retards before you.
Alternatively spend more time with your friends and personal projects instead of wasting your time with relationships that’ll go nowhere

>> No.18681364

lol imagine if I have 1 million dollar lol what would I do with it lol I would burn my cursed passport to hell lol and rent a small underground flat in tokyo lol and open a restaurant lol and buy random crap everyday and tinkering around with it without worrying about anything lol imagine how fun would it be lol

>> No.18681381

New thread

>> No.18681842

use libgen dot lc or b-ok dot cc.
Also read the sticky maybe next time.

>> No.18682200
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>> No.18682234

Don't fuck whores retard. Sex is spiritual, why are you damaging yourself for cheap pleasure?

>> No.18682319

I was just thinking today that I have nothing but contempt for people around your age and older, including and especially my parents. These are the people who ruined the world and passed it down to us. I myself am not doing so badly, but I've had to put much more effort than these people for less results.

>> No.18682509

I think you would need to build your restoration knowledge. Opening a business like that in a big city is no joke