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18663338 No.18663338 [Reply] [Original]

ITT authors that were completely wrong about their predictions

>> No.18663347

ITT midwits like OP miss the point of speculative fiction. Here's a hint: it's not about the future.

>> No.18663366

Fpbp. /thread

>> No.18663379


>> No.18663779
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>> No.18663865

Yeah I don't get how retards miss the point. Sure the exact world in 1984 is very bleak and extreme but it references real life societies contemporary to Orwell. Soviet Union, Germany, even his own Britain.
It was directly referencing real life at the time and people always refer to it as the scary dystopian future that may come.

>> No.18663884

honestly the only difference I see between 1984 and the future say 20 years from now (probably less) is that the Party is very hands-on and employs physical violence through some sort of police, while in our future the person will be simply treated like a crazy person, drugged into obedience, or simply left to starve since he will be unable to have a job, enter a store to buy food, etc.

>> No.18663908

People really undermine that language part of the book imo. The average person today doesn't know how to speak or express himself. Nowadays it's really easy to judge someone by letting them speak for 1 min and you will understand that person is all about.

Imagine how controllable the average person will be if this continues.

>> No.18663930
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>> No.18663938

>People really undermine that language part of the book imo.
The book itself says that newspeak was the most important achievement of the Party. Winston himself works with newspeak at the Ministry. It's one of the most central if not the central theme of the book, so I'm also surprised to see it ignored in favor of "there are cameras everywhere".

>> No.18664947

It was more so a commentary on contemporary society and a warning. It was not a prediction, insofar as he did not seriously believe that in the year 1984 the world order would resemble that of the novel.

>> No.18665007


>> No.18665032

ITT midwits like fpbp miss the point of speculative fiction. Here's a hint: it's HAPPENING.

>> No.18665035

What's it about? Stretching ideas to their breaking point?

>> No.18665169

1984 was about 1948. Pretty much everything in the book had happened in the 40s.

>> No.18665193

The book did not even reflect that time or those countries.

>> No.18665199

Has any book accurately predicted the future? Even Philip K Dick (probably the best at it) had no idea

>> No.18665216

>British Empire gets taken over by America
>Everywhere run by Socialist parties
>Brits are expected to invade Japan for "Oceania" (America) but suddenly are all out against the new enemy, Eurasia (this is reversed in the book)
>Language and Politics, non-fiction essay by Orwell
>Burnham essay

Just read his other work ffs

>> No.18665220


>> No.18665252

utter brainlet

>> No.18665263
