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18661874 No.18661874 [Reply] [Original]

have any of you taken the Kabbalah-pill?

>> No.18663200

nah, pill me

>> No.18663287

I haven't even read the Bible, let alone any mysticism on it.

>> No.18663391

No thanks, I read Egyptian Hellenistic wisdom texts instead because they're honest about their source unlike kleptocratic jews.

>> No.18663414

maybe but i've definitely seen a lot of women taking the birth control pill

>> No.18663420

it is genuinely too advanced for me to give a rundown.
if you're jewish you're only supposed to learn this shit past the age of 40

>> No.18664077

Nah, I don't mess with the Zohar

>> No.18664278

As a rabbi said when introducing a guest speaker come to lecture on the Kabbalah

‘It’s nonsense, but at least it’s Jewish nonsense.”

>> No.18664530


>> No.18665549

I did and wish I waited until I was 40 since it drove me insane for a few years in my 20s.

>> No.18665816

The Zohar argues when god's light contracted, only Jews received the divine sparks of God whereas gentile received the darkness and chaos surrounding God. Gentiles thus have only a shell containing chaos. It's called Qliphoth and was a bastardization of Egyptian and Zoroastrian views. Don't bother with anything Jewish. Here's a rabbi discussing these heinous views a bit.


>> No.18665830

I haven’t taken the Jewish Kabbalah pill, but I have taken the Hermetic Qabalah pill.

>> No.18665867

They literally took mysticism from Muslims and Christians and Jewified it (satanized it)

>> No.18665879

what’s the diff

>> No.18666025

>The Jewish Kabbalah uses the Lurianic tree of life, while the Hermetic Qabalah uses the Hermetic tree of life
>Jewish Kabbalists associate the various sefirot and paths with angels, Hermetic Qabalists associate them with pagan deities
>Hermetic Qabalists incorporate the tarot and astrology

>> No.18666518

Imagine being this imbecile

>> No.18666525

be wary of Jews, anon

>> No.18666541

You wanna know something? I am sorry. I am very sorry/ I am sorry the police had to scrape your drunken brother's guts off the side of the fucking road. I'm sorry they had to wheel his caved in carcass to the morgue.

>> No.18667150
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I did. I was drawn away from monotheism by the superiority of Indo-European vedic-polytheistic philosophy though.

>> No.18667177

Not him but watch this as well:
The Zohar says gentiles aren't even human

>> No.18667184


>> No.18667195
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>> No.18667199

Came here to post this. Hermeticism and it's later baptized form are the patrician's occult framework

>> No.18667301

Best edition of the Hermetic texts?

>> No.18667373
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Based. Gentiles are NPCs.

>> No.18667435

The only difference is in translator, and for the most part those are typically the same. The Mead translation of the Corpus hams up the mystical aspect of everything, the Scott translation of the Hermetica is very dry, scholarly, and exhaustive in it's notetaking. That kind've stuff.
Avoid the Kybalion and anything that quotes the Kybalion like the plague.

>> No.18667473

Looks like I'll get the Scott translation. Why should I avoid the Kybalion?

>> No.18667489

It's well worth the $100 or so for a 4 volume set, good choice.
The Kybalion is sub-entry level, New Agey bullshit that just dresses in the clothes of Hermeticism and then proceeds to totally dilute, mislead, and besmirch the initial aim of the Hermetic thought process. IT also generalized the '7 Hermetic Principles' that are the boiled down, babby's first research, aspects of everything. Aside from everything else, the Kybalion committed the sin of trying to make the Hermetica, and the entire chain of esotericism descended from it, easy to read and understand, and was blatantly incorrect even in that

>> No.18667501

midwit new-agers strike again...

>> No.18667506

brainlet that doesn't understand what he's referring to

>> No.18667509

Pretty much. Crowley and the OTO/Golden Dawn are also OK at best, deceiving and giving to misdirection at worst. Aside from Swedenborg, Anne Atwood, Tomberg,the Martinists, and a handful of recent scholarly writers no one has written any meaningful contributions to Hermeticism since the 16th century

>> No.18667511
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>these heinous views

>> No.18667588

I have a slim volume of a reading of the zohar by gersham scholem and the essential kabbalah by Daniel C Matt but both i figure probably are only obfuscated half truths becauze "muh cattle".

>> No.18667685

I would like to but I don’t know where to start.
Is it better to read primary or secondary sources? Someone who is knowledgeable about this stuff please help me

>> No.18668108

Kys, Jew.

>> No.18668174
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>> No.18668337

Thoughts on Kabballah then at least?

>> No.18668503

You're already dead inside, Jew.

>> No.18668692
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Well Kabbalah itself usually just refers to jewish mysticism in general, which has a long history. As for the Zohar, I'm afraid it doesn't provide anything as radical as the goyim not having souls. It's not dissimilar to other mystic traditions in that it describes the world as an emanation from a primordial ineffable infinity(ein sof). The text itself is pretty indecipherable though if you jump into it by yourself.
Seethe npc

>> No.18668719

What's your opinion on Evola's Hermeticism book?

>> No.18669022

Projection much? You are the real npc shalomo.
Do your people even have any artist or composer that isn't complete shit?
>muh math and science
You are just bots in flesh with no conception of beauty or transcendence.

>> No.18669645

Juden btfo. You truly have no souls.

>> No.18670208

Not great, not terrible. It is more him attributing his work to a more prestigious source in Hermeticism/Alchemy to give it merit, rather than anything that contributes to the tradition as a whole. It's Traditionalist, not Hermetic, but it's not too bad as an occult book, that aside

>> No.18670427

LOL, what's this, projection from a Mt. Meron survivor?

>> No.18671444

I've read some but I don't know what value I can get out of it as a mere gentile. That's the problem with all ancient esoterism, it always feels tailor made for a foreign culture and I can't really tell whether it has any validity for modern times.

>> No.18671766

Hey, you didn't hear this from me, and don't let the greater evil, the self find out, but Primeval Evil in Kabbalah, a $60 Kabbalah book has been set at a price of less than $3 on Amazon for the past month or two. Get it before Qliphoth reverses causality.

>> No.18672467

How is it and how much do you need to know before trying it? I looked it up and it seems interesting but highly specialized, especially for someone who's a newb to this.

>> No.18673319

Its shitty bastardised neo-platonism
It should be studied to understand its influence on the elite and no more

>> No.18673324

Explain? Is your mind incapable of dabbling in the schizophrenic?

>> No.18673329

Based and Bjerknes-pilled

>> No.18673345

Modern hermeticists should've reconstructed a mystical system from neo-platonist sources instead of filtering things though a jewish lens

>> No.18673389

You've done a number on the jews here

>> No.18673411

The world is an illusion created by god and when you die you don't get the christian hell - rather you are shown the truth of the world and all the truths you missed and you sit in purgatory for a while because you're too darned embarrassed of the lies you believed. Then you can join the garden of heaven.
Why did god create this illusion? So he could have distinct beings he could love and show them the truth. Basically God was lonely.

>> No.18673789

Checked and this is really most of what you need to know.
It's all pure fiction out of the heads of their sick rabbis. It's true that God elevated them and gave them the torah and other scriptures but they have completely subverted his message and are now on their own (not counting satan on their side).
See this desperate rabbi, it's pure wishful thinking just like Satan wishing to enter heaven.
>And Allah had already taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and We delegated from among them twelve leaders. And Allah said, "I am with you. If you establish prayer and give zakāh and believe in My messengers and support them and loan Allah a goodly loan,1 I will surely remove from you your misdeeds and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow. But whoever of you disbelieves after that has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way."
>But for breaking their covenant We condemned them and hardened their hearts. They distorted the words of the Scripture and neglected a portion of what they had been commanded to uphold. You ˹O Prophet˺ will always find deceit on their part, except for a few. But pardon them and bear with them. Indeed, Allah loves the good-doers.
>And from those who say, "We are Christians" We took their covenant; but they forgot a portion of that of which they were reminded.1 So We caused among them2 animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. And Allah is going to inform them about what they used to do.
>O People of the Book! Now Our Messenger has come to you, revealing much of what you have hidden of the Scriptures and disregarding much. There certainly has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book
>By which Allah guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace1 and brings them out from darknesses into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path.
>They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary. Say, "Then who could prevent Allah at all if He had intended to destroy Christ, the son of Mary, or his mother or everyone on the earth?" And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them. He creates what He wills, and Allah is over all things competent.
>But the Jews and the Christians say, "We are the children of Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why does He punish you for your sins?" Rather, you are human beings from among those He has created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the [final] destination.