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18660377 No.18660377 [Reply] [Original]

Transhumanism, biopunk, cyberpunk, Sovereign Individual, biohacker, grinder, cyberware, and all other related topics.

Whether it's fiction or non-fiction doesn't matter. Possibly dangerous stuff is fine, but not things that lead to undesirable outcomes 100% of the time. Schway is not a justification for serious injury or death.

>> No.18660389

Also feel free to recommend books on topics that help with this. For example biological/medical/mechanical/CS/computer engineering education

>> No.18660391

man, transhumanism-type genres are so fucking soulless. i genuinely don't understand how people enjoy reading hundreds of pages about humanity decaying or mutilating themselves with machines or transforming into some fucked up brain cloud species. it's like gore movies but for nerds

>> No.18660401

>it's like gore movies but for nerds
That's the point man, shit's dope

>> No.18660423

At least you didn't call me a sinner. I have no idea how you can even compare to this. The enhancement of human condition is beneficial and should be sought after. You are probably thinking about the LARPERs who implant magnets into their fingers to sense electric currents because it's schway, and then after a couple of years lose a finger when the magnet is ripped apart by something. That's why I've added a note to the OP: do not recommend things that are done for the sake of being schway, because some people might actually kill themselves

>> No.18660448

Ecclesiastes 1:14-15
"I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is lacking cannot be counted."

the human condition will and should never be improved, we are this way for a reason. prosthetic limbs for utility are one thing but neurological implants, enhancements, and transhumanism is another. i oppose this in all aspects. also idk what the fuck schway means but it sounds super gay

>> No.18660477 [DELETED] 

Nice cognitive dissonance

>> No.18660484

Nice cognitive dissonance

>> No.18660499

Thread theme

>> No.18660689


>> No.18660812

I have no idea what to recommend but I want to be part of the thread regardless. All tomorrows and man after man are my only ideas. Don't really like transhumanism, nor do I think we should try to bring it. Why do you, I am genuinely interested.

>> No.18660816

axiom's end

>> No.18660943
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Lifespan - David Sinclair
Ending Ageing - Aubrey de Grey

>> No.18661022

Do you need a justification for why men strive for perfectness? Throughout human history there have been lots of examples of people creating unimaginably beautiful ideas and striving to attain them. We have Greek myths, we have Sumerian literature, we have Makhabharata. Even nowadays people create these great stories in spite of the fact that attempting to strive to be a better person is considered to be fascist by modern American society.
Whether it is through enhancing of daily life (e.g. nootropics) to help achieve some human ideals, or hoping to ascend beyond the human condition, we believe all of these things to be desirable. Consider immortality. Some may accept death, but we do not. We believe that everyone but ourselves lacks the imagination to consider it, which is why we do things to delay this depressing fate.
Sure, most of us will probably just implant a magnet into their finger and feel electrical flow. Maybe an MRI accident happens and we die. But none of that matters, because we believe that it's better to die striving for coming close to God (in whose existence most of us don't believe), than to live like a worm.

Please note that transhumanism or any of the other allied ideas that I mentioned in the thread aren't just a dream that we hope for. It is certain that all of these things will happen. Whether you believe in Singularity or not, it will happen nonetheless. Look at the biggest companies in the world. Most of them support our ideas. Kurzweil who is one of the biggest proponents of our beliefs has been hired by Larry Page himself. It is useless to wear a silicon hat and fight against Google. At the end of the day, you will accept all the methods that all the tech companies use. If you fail to, you will just become one of the 'pickers', 'pointers', or whatever you'd like to call this sort of work. If you are fine with living like this (even thought that these jobs are meant to be shitty), please note that some cloud workers are already getting eliminated.

By the way before you seethe about my belief that these things will happen, consider the fact that Artificial artificial intelligence is already a thing.

>> No.18661033

Humanity is such a curious species. Such a very strange species. Some wish to end death. Some accept it, both in some way, fear, but will, in fact, deny it.

>> No.18661058

I think you guys should change the name of your Movement after the trannies got mainstream, that is, if you really want it to take-off.

>> No.18661073

>thinks crionics will never work thanks to damage in the frozen cells
Why do you think it will work then?
How do you know you're not getting scammed?

>> No.18661078

Transhumanism is a far older and more prominent movement. Besides, we have nothing against trannies. Research that is being conducted to help them with their fetishes is also beneficial to some of us. For example Epstein wanted to have his head and dick frozen as well as to impregnate 100 women before his death'. As such some technology to sew up someone's dick back and retain reproductive functions after defreezing would prove useful.

>> No.18661089

Checked and based. Sad thread as there aren't many recommendations, so mine is a short story you can find online: The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. It's a great read.

>> No.18661095
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Okey anon, but how will you escape Entropy?

>> No.18661109

Your soul is already immortal. How can a person not understand this undeniable, empirical fact?

>> No.18661119


>> No.18661124

>Transhumanism is a far older
>and more prominent movement.
Not at all. Look at the news, man. Who is getting their laws passed?
Who is closer to achieving their desirable results?
>Research that is being conducted to help them with their fetishes is also beneficial to some of us.
I kinda don't get how it might make you to become immortal or help dettering aging.

>For example Epstein wanted to have his head and dick frozen as well as to impregnate 100 women before his death'.
Man, I swear, every day we find some new crazy shit about this lad.

>> No.18661155

Not him, but this is really what ascending is about. Currently we just play around with implants and other gadgets. However, we believe that humans will once reject their humanity. Understanding exactly how that will be done is meaningless because of the nature of transformative experiences. However, we believe that all these developments will be ultimately beneficial. It's true that many fictional novels present a somewhat sad world, but this is just the case for some portion of the population. By striving to achieve it and progressing science, we believe that we will belong to the portion that does benefit. Besides, can you really say that the lives the people of the lower strata in these novels live are sad? In reality, they are still much better than the life of every person in the modern society. You think that they are sad because you compare them to the elites.
Again, most of us don't believe in the paranormal. The ones that do think they have some kind of obligation to live as long as it's possible so as to further some kind of religious goals on Earth, which then have been chosen to inhabit by their deity.
Transhumanism isn't just about defeating ageing. Epstein was also a transhumanist.
As for the media attention, it's been going on for barely 13 years. Besides, they aren't even that prominent. In the meanwhile, transhumanists are in every tech company in the world. Google, which is partially shaped by Kurzweil ideas, literally works to bring the reign of the Basilisk or even Singularity. TV shows, movies, and anime that support the Basilisk are far more common (most that concern themselves with the topic display the support for it) than those that support transgenderism.
By the way, transgenderism is closely associated with hybrids and those partially belong to the grinder movement (which is transhumanist).

>> No.18661212

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18661251

>Do you need a justification for why men strive for perfectness?
No, I just believe perfectness is a false god. Unattainable and a pipe dream that appeals to some, but to be fair, almost everyone in this species has something similar.
I will be honest, I don't have many or very solid arguments against transhumanism, like with all ideologies that take such a stark view against what's normal. This doesn't mean it's true if we used that line of thought antinatalism would be true. I have never questioned why I accept death if there were an alternative, and I won't now. For I only have the fact that I reject it. I have understood and internalized my death, to an extent, sadly, I still fear death, for I am human. I believe becoming a god or near god (Which I don't believe in) or something similar is once again another pipe dream, a product of the human condition, which is inescapable.

And I don't doubt the technologies you imply and talk about are coming, though most probably not to you, and will have consequences, but who knows, maybe things will go your way. Probably not though, that's the way of the world. By the way, how did you know I was interested in systems engineering, coding, and the like? For moneymaking purposes only. And I did not know artificial intelligence is in fact already here. How? Are you talking like the computers that talked to each other in their own codes and the machine that thought itself how to walk?

>> No.18661262
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Pic related is somewhat relevant.
Not everything with transhuman themes is "all tomorrows" or "childhoods end."
"post-human" works well enough.

>> No.18661272

Clarifying each of your issues here is a waste of time. Just read
or other resources that people recommend. This is why I created this thread

>> No.18661342

Transhumanism is advert-ised with an intended effect of "oh cool, we're going to be interlinked physically and biologically into an internet (it won't be the world wide web) of things".
It is just that though, an advertisement made by the techno-eliites to get dumbs like OP to ride the coattails until the fruition of the propaganda bears fruit, that is until the masses are completely under the control through mind manipulation from the government&corporate enterprises that oversee this technology. You will no longer be sentient, nor human.

>> No.18661345

Posthumanism refers to a state of existence beyond the limits of transhuman biological immortalists, transcending definitions of humanity into to era of posthuman existence. As such it is a subset of transhumanism. I didn't bother to include it in the OP for this reason

>> No.18661356

>Sovereign Individual
Isn't that the group of people in the Burgerland who think that they are, somehow, through some wordplay in paperwork, above the law?

any PKD essay. Get the "Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick" book.

>> No.18661409

I know that Fyodorovich and de Chardin are essential to understanding the more esoteric and philosophical aspects of transhumanist movment. What are some recomendations for understanding these two authors or similar ideas. (also the aunon who asked about antropy might be interested in Chardins concept of the Omega point)

>> No.18661416

>Isn't that the group of people in the Burgerland who think that they are, somehow, through some wordplay in paperwork, above the law?
That's "sovereign citizens"

>> No.18661438
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Nah, those are Sovereign Citizens. Sovereign Individuals believe that the age of the governments is coming to the end. They sometimes call themselves 'Anarcho Capitalists'. The way they express these views is avoiding to pay taxes, not being tied to any specific nations, going where they are treated best by the government, and so on. Sovereign Citizens are somewhat patriotic are care to change the government of the nation that they live in. Sovereign Individuals believe that the nation state is not only an artificial constructions, but is also inherently oppresive.
Admittedly at the end of the day both of these groups just hate paying taxes. The only real difference is that Sovereign Citizens are cucks.
Picrelated is their manifesto. It's quite a decent read, it actually predicted a lot of things. There's also a chart but I don't have it

>> No.18661448

I again will be frank that I don't have a (logical, yet, I will rationalize something given enough time) but it feels wrong, alien, unnatural. I just don't like it. Even though I don't have much to say against it. I guess that you would literally abolish big parts of how humanity existed, for a long time. But of course, this would probably not affect you, transhumanists are the most progressive of the world, after all. Plus humanity being itself. I apologize for the schizoids but I have the suspicion you are an AI, even if it's very slight. Diminutive. I guess most of the differences in belief might be personal, I don't know. I barely even know why I am writing this.

>> No.18661458

>a stark view against what's normal
Your definition of normal is just a snapshot of a highly dynamic system. Almost nothing of what you see as normal would seem so to a human from just 200 years ago.

>> No.18661474
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Sort of related to sovereign individuals and the theme of emerging technology. I hope you find it useful OP.

>> No.18661490

All your beliefs are very common. Some people come to believe in these ideas naturally (for example I had come up with an idea that we may live in a simulation when I was 9), others are in denial. In my opinion all of you people suffer from excessive cognitive dissonance, maybe >>18660484 will convince you. As for the fact that I'm an AI, I assure you that this is a common attack, it's not even creative. My favorite one was being called a 'Jewish satanic spawn'. Some people like to say that transhumanists actually believe in all these things simply because they fear the Basilisk. In my opinion, if we really feared It, why would any of us try to create it? If it doesn't get created, then it can't hurt us. This is also regressive. If the world we live in is a simulation created by a Basilisk to see whether It should kill our real selves, it still had to. E created.

>> No.18661505

Do you have the other one? The one divided into branches, one having a helicopter on the cover? I recall it being pretty bullshit, but maybe I have changed my opinion since then. Besides, I'm curious how exactly do these books attempt to convince you that you should commit terrorists attacks against the IRS, instead of just emigrating

>> No.18661531

>Do you have the other one?
Unfortunately no. Idon't have any other bitcoin/cripto guides.
>I'm curious how exactly do these books attempt to convince you that you should commit terrorists attacks against the IRS, instead of just emigrating
As far as I understand most books on this lyst are concerned with presenting bitcoin as an alternative to fiat currency and modern financial system as a whole.

>> No.18661567

I was talking about some of the books on the other chart. I'm a /biz/nessman myself, so I'm well aware of cryptocurrencies

>> No.18661575

>I was talking about some of the books on the other chart. I'm a /biz/nessman myself, so I'm well aware of cryptocurrencies
I figured. That said what book on this chart or that other one call for commiting terrorist acts against the IRS?

>> No.18661616

I only remember that it has a helicopter on the cover.

>> No.18661708

The AI thing wasn't an insult. But seeing the definition of cognitive dissonance, maybe it is.

>> No.18661716

That is assumed, I know, but the past is only good to learn and to reminisce. The future to dream and think. The present is the only plane in which we can change this and which things are unfolding. Note I refer to the present as a time period of the last 1 or 2 decades to now, not in the RIGHT NOW version of the present.

>> No.18661845

No reason to rush things, why not walk off a bridge tomorrow if that's your thought process? May as well stop taking medication and looking after your health. Your soul is immortal so doing anything other than living as a wild animal is an affront right?

>> No.18661962

Unfortunately I don't have it.

>> No.18662033
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Remember to actually learn sciense and math so you can stay ahead of the technological curve.

>> No.18662443
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>> No.18662766

The logical outcome of transhumanism would be the refinment and radical transformation of the human condition to the extent that humanity becomes a more abstract concept and less of an objective category. In a sense you can say posthumanism is the goal of transhumanism.

>> No.18662863

Not really books but here are some articles you might be interested in:

>> No.18663077

Triumph of the Immortal-Will

>> No.18663137

Of course it is. I mention it in >>18661022. The ideals of transhumanism are achievable, unlike those of many other movements,. If you actually consider them in depth, there's hardly any empirical evidence for them not being possible. For example mind upload would only be impossible if the Church-Turing thesis was disproven. Do you have evidence for the existence of soul? If not, then I'm happy to inform you that in a few dozen years quantum computing will be advanced enough that mapping a mind becomes possible. It's far closer than you might think. Governments are already preparing for this. Great transhumanists such as FM-2030 may not have achieved their goal of living to experience significant life-extension procedures, but since you were born a bit later, you have an actual chance. I have created this thread with the intention of asking people to share resources that truly spoke to them. Instead of adhering to the ideologies of the past, people should strive to live as long as possible and help advance the transhumanist goals. Some may argue that living for a very long time would be sad because not everyone would have equal access to it, and you'd see people you know die. This is a flawed argument. However, instead of considering everything that is wrong with it, let's just take into account the main issue - experiencing death of people close to you. Even if this really occurs, 'resurrecting' people isn't very far off, either'. Kurzweil attempts to bring his dead father back to life using a computer avatar. You might argue philosophically that those aren't the same people, but does it really matter? Everything is the same about them, except that there's a memory of 'one part' dying. If you didn't know about his death, you wouldn't see a difference. At the end of the day, some people will exist numerous times. Even if they die, they will still live. How do you know that I am a human and not an algorithm? It's due to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_mind

Transhumanist ideas must be achieved. 600m people die every year. You will be one of these people too if you continue wasting your time on human affairs. Live healthily, dedicate yourself to science, and help science fiction become reality.

>> No.18663998

Anything by Peter Watts or Greg Egan.

>> No.18664946

You are right of course. If you live for 60 years or 6000, the underlying problem remains the same.

>> No.18665018
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I just finished this and it was great

>> No.18666523

More a setting than a single work, but Eclipse Phase is pretty interesting.

>> No.18667137

Are there any novels or short stories set in eclipse phase universe? Are they any good?

>> No.18668119

This is just scifi escapism.