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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18626583 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books with literary merit that flew under the radar because of political correctness?

>> No.18626588

Based red pilled Poland

>> No.18626596

My diary desu.

>> No.18626629

>file deleted
Mods are kikes

>> No.18626636

The Bible.

>> No.18626651
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>> No.18627791

Recently? The Writing On The Wall by William Hannas. A rare example of honest, multifaceted criticism that gave me a new perspective even though I didn't ultimately agree with his thesis.

Historically? Jurgen by James Branch Cabell. One of those books that manages to be profound without trying, just by showing things as they are (the easiest way to get censored).

>> No.18627810

The fictions of Alexander Theroux

>> No.18627824
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>> No.18628629

Les Deux Etendards