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[ERROR] No.18607345 [Reply] [Original]

I actually really like him as a writer and would happily recommend him to anyone but can we at least admit he is - very obviously - wrong about A LOT of things, re: culture, society, psychology etc.

>> No.18607360

He trapped himself in a pop media bubble.

>> No.18607377

I never got his aesthetic frozen culture hauntology thing. Art has always drawn on past forms. How on earth is this supposed to be considered a new phenomenon that only started in the 1990s

>> No.18607401

Imagine spending you whole life analyzing the lowest strata of culture and being depressed about it.

>> No.18607405
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Why is it so hard for Marxist academics to understand that the majority of people like living under "captialism?" Fisher's primary assumption in Captialist Realism is wrong: the average person is still very much aware that there are alternative systems that we could implement. But people are, generally speaking, content. But Marxists are so discontent, that they will literally an hero? There is no "privatisation of suffering." These people sit in their little ivory towers and seethe, because their little fantasy system isn't being implemented, while the majority of people just go with the flow, and find happiness. It would be sad if it weren't so funny.

>> No.18607417
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i miss him bros

>> No.18607423

What did he say about psychology?

>> No.18607433

Marxist academic discovering what /pol/tards knew all along. Many such cases.

>> No.18607453

>These people sit in their little ivory towers and seethe, because their little fantasy system isn't being implemented
What a silly analysis. People aren't unhappy because their little fantasy system isn't being implemented, they want a new little fantasy system because they're unhappy living under the current one, i.e. the desire for a little fantasy system isn't the cause but the effect.
The real question (when it comes to Mark Fisher) is whether or not capitalism is the actual cause for a perceived increase in unhappiness

>> No.18607465

>they want a new little fantasy system because they're unhappy living under the current one
Yes, that's implicit. But the majority of people aren't, so why are Marxists unable to adapt?

>> No.18607467

Depression and SSRI rates have spiked dramatically in recent decades.
Cope and seethe

>> No.18607522
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His pov is more comprehensible in the context of McLuhan and Baudrillard. You are not immune to popular culture. People here routinely define themselves in terms of negating "reddit."

>> No.18607525

It can be due to various things raging from overdiagnosis, loss of meaning to evolutionary dysgenesis.

>> No.18607534

>You are not immune to popular culture
how is popular culture a real thing, nigga just close your eyes, look away or something haha. Leftists cant do that, so its a kind of love-hate relationship universalized and imposed onto whole society.

>> No.18607540

True. He’s part of the blindpill tradition and canon

>> No.18607552

>analyzing the lowest strata of culture
Bro joy division is great bro

>> No.18607554

>Leftists cant do that, so its a kind of love-hate relationship universalized and imposed onto whole society.
Yes. They're always the ones most engrossed by it, same with consumerism. Exhibit A: Mark Fisher. Exhibit B: The entirety of "breadtube."

>> No.18607559

No politically interested person would ever want to cede cultural ground. That the entire ground is now thoroughly controlled by telecomms and media giants is more of a obvious problem now than it was in the 90s.

>> No.18607593

this. i have no idea what the other dude was talking about. i mean literally just on 4chan - everyone talks about how they hate wageslaving and pop culture

>> No.18607602

>my ideology isnt broadcasted by popular media so that means we live in a society!
no, internet literally allows you to create independent platforms, how about just do that. Oh wait, no one would care about it, because its boring and people dont want that kind of content. Time to criticize monopolies.

>> No.18607604


I'm this >>18607377 guy and I don't see how what you've said is relevant to what I was saying

>> No.18607609

Bugman cope.jpeg

>> No.18607620

>Why is it so hard for Marxist academics to understand that the majority of people like living under "captialism?"

no they dont, bugman. most people just dont THINK, they live life on autopilot. the second they start THINKING they reach the same morbid conclusions as fisher.

>while the majority of people just go with the flow, and find happiness

oh wait you actually admit this, people aren't content with capitalism, they're content in spite of it. fucking liberal animal

>> No.18607637

But couldn't this be because more people are being diagnosed? As in: Just as many people were depressed in the past, but society at large didn't have the medical vocabulary yet to accurately diagnose their condition as an illness, so depressed and anxious people were just assumed to have a naturally gloomy disposition or what have you. That's just for why rates in depression might have "risen" over the past while.

And, of course, more SSRIs are now diagnosed because SSRI's didn't exist until very recently relative to the grand scheme of things.

People might have bitched about wageslaving and pop culture back in the 90s or 70s too. We can't really know, because an online forum like 4chan didn't exist back then. And of course you have to remember this website attracts a very particular type of person with a very particular type of personality which is likely not very reflective of how the average person thinks about and behaves in the world

>> No.18607642

yes thats right independent platforms never existed on the internet, there was never any demand for such a thing. are you fucking stupid? are you dumb? are you a retard? are you autistic? somebody shoot this fucking clown

>> No.18607646

western marxism is an oxymoron. its mostly upper middle class white Baizou who got brainwashed by KGB plants in academia.

>> No.18607652

>noooooo everyone's an NPC except meeeeee
whatever, just post your fucking feet already

>> No.18607656

>Why is it so hard for Marxist academics to understand that the majority of people like living under "captialism?"
Not being a dissident of some variety at this point can only be a result of a warped pathology, not that many dissidents are any better

>> No.18607667

I'm just replying to
>the entire ground is now thoroughly controlled by telecomms and media giants
stop malding so hard you roided tranny

>> No.18607681

>no umm actually telecomm monopolies aren't real because, uhh, you can make a discord server dedicated to whatever you want!! neoliberalism and the american government is good btw

i can hear the insectoid cicada buzzing from here, bugman

>> No.18607684

Yeah what could go wrong with putting massive opaque corporations in charge of reality. If you're mad you're just a loser
I do think "hauntology" is kind of weak as analysis but Baudrillard is an obvious (and more coherent) influence on the idea that stuff is just getting recycled from templates. It is kind of funny in the contemporary context of people starting to feel actual nostalgia for the nineties. Are we supposed to be yearning for a stale culture now that the present is post-stale, rotten?

>> No.18607704

>how could they not THINK and just live NAIVELY AND HAPPILY urghhhhhhhhhhh this is so sickening!
wow the levels of ressentiment are strong in this one
>I'll just cover the lack my lack of political innovation and vigor with appeals to the meanies who are actually repressing me :( its their fault! I swear!
shut the fuck up you infantile goblin
>in charge of reality
Oh no! NPCS are getting brainwashed, just like for the last...uh.....thousands of years? What should we do about it?? The sky is falling!

>> No.18607714

>while the majority of people just go with the flow, and find happiness.
Keeek, look at this retard

>> No.18607717

>NPCS are getting brainwashed, just like for the last...uh.....thousands of years? What should we do about it?? The sky is falling!
based. imagine thinking that this would be any different in a socialist / communist / whatever state, lmao

>> No.18607722
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>> No.18607729

>reducted to posting soijacks

>> No.18607731

the difference is in a communist state, good people would be doing the brainwashing, not pederast CIA niggers. that's the only problem here. your leaders fuck kids.

>> No.18607734

are you the real butterfly? Arent you a nietzschean? Go reread Genealogy of Morals you fat, dumb, smelly cow

>> No.18607739

>we (the good) people should have the power!
>t. bad person

>> No.18607746

no, he isn't the real butterfly. he started LARPing because he ran out of arguments

>> No.18607751

>no, actually, epstein's associates should have all the power. because uhh human nature? uhhhhh

>> No.18607763
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>> No.18607776
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Well, there goes what could have been a comfy thread.

>> No.18607779
File: 33 KB, 500x417, 00155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take Epstein and his pedo degenerates any day over the people who over murder 60 million plus, thanks

>> No.18607781

Nature is neither good or bad, inherently.

A human attempting to overcome its humanness is a losing battle. Any system you wish to put in place has humanity as its self-reference of value.

>> No.18607786

>pedophilia bad because uhh feminist morality?

>> No.18607794
File: 120 KB, 1253x838, 1623093537654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any system you wish to put in place has humanity as its self-reference of value.
Ah so you are a christian/marxist/humanist after all.

>> No.18607819

>the utilitarian bugman reduces all human morality to an algorithmic bodycount

embarrassing! especially when using le black book as a source, propaganda peddled by CIA niggers responsible for killing millions of innocents no different than muh evil gommies

>> No.18607864

>immediately starts mental gymnastics to justify genocide
You're the good guys, after all!

>> No.18607929

It's always some low T, chubby faced failure who's stuck in academia because the real world is too complex that spouts this shit isn't it?

Keep coping Fisher, capital is going to increase as time goes on and people will keep consuming with glee.