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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18605425 [Reply] [Original]

Is there really any need for literary fiction now that film has surpassed it?

>> No.18605429

film is for idiots

>> No.18605487

You are both retarded

>> No.18605491

I think books are more comfy

>> No.18606072

Quite the contrary - only film ever to really transcend the medium - yet - must be Stalker.

>> No.18606259
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That’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg.

When you watch a film you are a passive participant in a crude exercise of the outsourcing of imagination.
Film is THE midwit medium.

>> No.18606781

This; the large amounts of 5-hour long "deconstructions" or "analysis" on youtube are a testament to this

>> No.18606793

Film and literature both have a place. Each can do some things the other can't.

>Quite the contrary - only film ever to really transcend the medium - yet - must be Stalker.
t. just started watching arthouse films

>> No.18606795

You could have saved time with this

>> No.18606802

What a shitty bait, here is your (you), OP.

>> No.18606839

Based, but I'd include End of Evangelion and the rest of Tarkovsky's movies.

>> No.18607935


>> No.18607938


>> No.18607951

film and literature are both good. literature is better overall because of the longer history and development of the form, as well as the ability to freely create lengthy complex works with artistic freedom. If arthouse film directors made more television shows, I think that the medium could become even better. Twin peaks and Evangelion are the only times I know of that respected arthouse directors made television shows and they both turned out phenomenal imo.

>> No.18607959

*even better than it already was. im not necessarily saying film could become better than literature, especially at this point since it seems most of the creativity is drying up in film.

>> No.18607966

t. midwit

>> No.18608017

Film is only better if you have a short attention span and absolutely no imagination. Even video games have surpassed it in on a few accounts (Better horror, better soundtracks, one of the best Westerns)

>> No.18608041

soundtracks are the only things video games have over film artistically. The only games with film or /lit/ quality stories are the MGS games (yes, 4 and 5 were great as well and filtered retards) but even these are very amateurishly edited and written, despite having incredible aspects.

>> No.18608045
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Ah yes, the exemplary pure film, Barry Lybdon... Based on a novel, as were all Kubrick's masterpieces.

>> No.18608055

Great films are based off of mediocre novels

thats why Lolita wasnt a great film. The shining is an awful book but Kubrick made it good

>> No.18608062

What's Evangelion? I'm curious to check it out if it's as good as Twin Peaks.

>> No.18608068
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Literature and the fine arts (primarily painting and sculpture) are the only worthwhile media. Film is on the same vapid level as video games.

>> No.18608069

> manga surpassed it

>> No.18608074

Since you're here, can you name some characters that have larger significance in either the film compared to the book Barry Lyndon?

>> No.18608084

>surpassed it
I haven't seen a recent film in absolutely ages.

>> No.18608089

Its an anime that imo is twin peaks tier. Its pretty juvenile considering its an anime but the characters and their relationships are god tier and the cinematography is high tier. The creator of the series has made Evangelion films since then, some are remakes of the show, some are a continuation of it. End of Evangelion and Evangelion 3.0 are nice films (although 3.0 filters retards)

>> No.18608098

>one of the best Westerns
If you have shit taste, maybe.

>> No.18608130

Can I get a good feel of it from watching just a series or two? Which in your opinion?

>> No.18608214

only one season (26 eps)
the Netflix translation is pretty spotty so u might try and find the original sub or dub

>> No.18608365

"Barry Lyndon is Kubrick's best" is the clearest pseud-marker in existence. His fumbling imitation of a painterly style and period-piece aesthetics, mastered by Griffith half a century earlier, is as dull as it is derivative.

There is nothing about this flick that looks like a painting beyond the fact that there are long shots with high headroom. It looks like any washed out 70s flick. 18th-century paintings feature stark shadows in the frame to delineate foreground from midground to background and to create depth. Barry Lyndon is always flat and its physiognomy is completely opposed to the 18th-century paintings where individuals are relatively near. He's forcing a distance and dissimilar look from that of the time frame, the models are alien and sterile compared to the generally flowery presentation of 18th-century paintings. These are paintings for people that have never been to an art gallery.
But even aside from the overhyping of the film's technical aspects, Barry Lyndon is worthless. It's a Bresson-ified 30s costume picture incapable of escaping its lowbrow picaresque entertainment roots (dissertations about fate et al.) Just like everything with Kubrick, it's calculated to appease the middle and lowbrow. To make them feel as if they are experiencing culture, as if they are "learning" something profound. This is peak cinematic art for people that have never seen more than 20 films from 1900-1938 tops.

>> No.18608852


>> No.18608940


But>>18605487 is right.

He's the second post. The Op isn't the first post.

>> No.18608967

Is there any need for home cooked meals now that so yummy fast food has replaced it?

>> No.18608988

It's amazing how that looks so much like a painting even though it's actually a frame from the film, Barry Lyndon.

>> No.18609025

>The only games with film or /lit/ quality stories are the MGS games
LMAO fucking good one bro.
>If you have shit taste, maybe.
The first RDR is a genuinely great Western that is far better than most movies. It strikes a genuinely perfect balance between the edgy revisionist Westerns and the older romanticism.

>> No.18609042

another useless thread that compares two absolutely different art forms and adds nothing to this board

>> No.18609050

Please stop comparing apples to oranges, no one goes around saying "OMG GAMES ARE MAKING FILM IRRELEVANT" its a complete different medium. They fill very different niches.

>> No.18609098

They are.

>> No.18609156

Nope. 99.9% of video games are garbage.

>> No.18609165

They actually are though. Especially in this age of the dying kino plex. Movies just make less business sense than video games in most cases.

>> No.18609169

99.9% of movies are also garbage.

>> No.18609172

>It's amazing how that looks so much like a painting even though it's actually a frame from the film, Barry Lyndon.
Waterloo (1971) is like that too, so many scenes leap out as paintings.

>> No.18609175

But anon, this is THE pretentious teen board.

>> No.18609177

Its based on Hogarth paintings

>> No.18609188

Video games surpassed both when MGS2 was released

>> No.18609252

eeeehhhhhh i was gonna post the same but why pick such a shitty example
God of War 4 or bloodborne/sekiro are better examples, as well as Outer Wilds and FFX

>> No.18609292
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Animes can't be ki-

>> No.18609295


>> No.18609333
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>> No.18609335

shit taste man, ff10 sucks, bloodborne and sekiro are reddit tier compared to demons souls, nu god of war is literally peak soi.
leave this board, mgs is actually based

>> No.18609343

>The first RDR is a genuinely great Western that is far better than most movies. It strikes a genuinely perfect balance between the edgy revisionist Westerns and the older romanticism.
The story is a meme. Something like The Wild Bunch in film or Blood Meridian in literature is better.

>> No.18609385

why do pseuds getting into film always namedrop stalker? is it because it has a videogame barely inspired by it?

>> No.18609415

Tarkovsky was the only director in history that truly understood the medium of film.
Stalker is not my favorite film, but it is unarguably the most perfect film yet made.

>> No.18609444

The way you've written this sentence kinda shows how little you read.

>> No.18609449

>Tarkovsky was the only director in history that truly understood the medium of film.
No. There are others.
>but it is unarguably the most perfect film yet made.
Not quite. There are many others. Stalker is flawed as well.

>> No.18609460

It's quite the contrary - the only film to transcended the medium, as yet, is Stalker.

Fixed your bunk ass sentence bro

>> No.18609463

Provide an example.
Yours shows that you once started Crime and Punishment and then gave up halfway through.

>> No.18609464

Exactly. Kubrick flexed his superior intellect on hack genre authors like Clarke and King; when confronted with a mind as great as his own he could only simplify its complexity.

>> No.18609473

>Provide an example.
Kubrick and Buñuel. 2001 and Un chien andalou.

>> No.18609502
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>> No.18609512
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>> No.18609518
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>> No.18609544
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>> No.18609547
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Once I started seriously reading, the inauthenticity of film become so apparent that I simply cannot bear to sit through it anymore. It is simply jarring to be shown something while being reminded every split second that it is not real; those people on the screen are pretending; the image being shown was recorded through a camera lens and then edited using computer software by a team of sometimes hundreds of people; it was shot piecemeal over the course of many months and then stitched together, oftentimes using other people who are pretending to be the actor who is pretending to be someone on screen; all of the sound is artificially purified by high tech equipment that allows the director’s screaming to be hidden from the final product; it simply lacks SOVL.

>> No.18609552

Dude i like MGS, but you're mental if you think it's /lit/ quality or the only games that fit that description.

>> No.18609554

is theater better?

>> No.18609560

>The only games with film or /lit/ quality stories are the MGS games
Tom Clancy tier

>> No.18609579


>> No.18609587
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>> No.18609747

Tarkovsky is great but overrated by arthouse pseuds.
there are at least 6 or 7 other directors on his level. Film is a medium with a lot to offer

>> No.18609757

no, you're just an autist

>> No.18609765

its not lit quality due to how poorly executed it is at times but their genuinely just great.
people hype up pathologic but ive never played it. ive literally never played a game with a good story outside of mgs.

>> No.18609833
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These are what /v/ considers "well-written games" in a recent poll. Yes, Portal is on par with Dostoevsky.

>> No.18609861

Portal is a well written comedy, you pseud.
Is Airplane a bad movie, is Confederacy of Dunces a bad book?

>> No.18609871
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not even the best in the steath genre lmao

>> No.18609886
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/lit/ plebs are artistically threatened by the medium of Film because they subconsciously know that the age of great literature output has gone and now Film (since 1914) is the definitive medium where true high art can evolve

>> No.18609895

Portal is a well-written inasmuch as it is a perfectly-designed game. A sarcastic computer is still not quite on the same level of wit as Dunces.

>> No.18609902

nier is fucking awful

>> No.18609909

There hasn't been a good movie since the 2000s.

>> No.18609931

this is more to blame on the individual than the medium itself, also the medium still young compared to other form of arts, like painting, music, theater, literature, all of them has 2000+ years of output, film´s barely 100 years old by comparison

>> No.18609941

I couldn't think a funny novel on the same level.. Dave Barry?
But the point is, you can argue whether the goal is valuable, but it sufficiently fulfills it. I think it humor is a useful metric. It is humorous.

>> No.18609945

film already peaked
"progress" in art is a meme

>> No.18609946

Film was invented approximately 130 years ago. 130 years after the first English novel was Jane Austen. It is the fault of the midwit medium itself. Quit making excuses.

>> No.18609959


>> No.18609972



>> No.18609976

One season plus a movie that overwrites the ending plus a bunch of other movies that overwrite the whole thing.

>> No.18609987

>Twin peaks and Evangelion
Pseud detected

>> No.18610000

I bet you dont even watch oldies or arthouse....

>> No.18610013

there´s always an innovator in the arts, whichever individual who understands the medium and develops a way to elevate into a new level, it´s not a question about "progress" but about to achieve a way to which weren´t previously conceived by other authors

>> No.18610016
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>> No.18610029

Then what films (aside of Griffith, obv) or /lit/ would you say aren't for pseuds? Genuinely curious here.

>> No.18610042

>There is nothing about this flick that looks like a painting

>> No.18610055

Pafnucio Santo by Corkidi

>> No.18610083

What has film surpassed literature in, exactly? Disengaging my interest and putting me to sleep?

>> No.18610088

I don't understand why people discover Tarkovsky and think "This is it. I've discovered the highest level of film. No reason to explore the medium further"

>> No.18610108
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>> No.18610180

I can feel myself being disengaged by the thumbnail.

>> No.18610211
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>he boasts that he has shit-taste

>> No.18610239

The Other Side of the Wind, now that's a much better example

>> No.18610634

Max Payne 2 should've been on the list.

>> No.18610739

There's no boast here. All I'm saying is that movingpicture bores me. I bet you watch GIFs and WEBMs too

>> No.18610748

>the original dub
Don't fucking watch the original dub, it's terrible.

>> No.18611076

I love film but it's not even remotely close to literature.

>> No.18611086

>film has surpassed it
You're joking right? The mass majority of films are obscene garbage. Look at Hollywood which is spiraling into debt and forced to pump out retarded half-baked capefilms otherwise it'll all come crashing down.

>> No.18611113

3 of some of the biggest child rapist homosexuals of that era in 1 photo wow

>> No.18611118
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>definitive medium

>> No.18611132

cinema just exists for mutts who got filtered by literature and theater

>> No.18611142

>not morrowind
Video games are for brainlets but at least Morrowind had created some quasi-metaphysical religion based on a number of inspirations.

>> No.18611257


>> No.18611791

you mean
>It's quite the contrary - the only film to have transcended the medium as of yet is Stalker.

>> No.18611827

Checked wtf

>> No.18612021

How should one even compare the different mediums?

>When you watch a film you are a passive participant in a crude exercise of the outsourcing of imagination

This is a great point. Exactly what is it one does when reading? By comparison: when reading, the mind is transforming text (symbols) creating both imagery and coherence just in one's own mind, experienced in a rhythm dependent on one self. (Reading speed)

With film, you have both a visual and an aural representation during a set time - which bounds the medium itself to "move" in a set of rhythms, no matter what the actual content of it is. There are multiple factors more in film that separates the experience from literature in even more ways.

>What's your fucking point?

My point is this: perhaps the innate experience of intimacy one has when reading, might be one of the biggest differences between the mediums. This might be why many of us pseuds love Stalker (excluding the theological view). It's unconventional rhythm. It's playfulness with the spatiality of sound in contrast to the spatiality of what one sees in the frame. This help create an unforgettable experience of actual intimacy.

>> No.18612057
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seethe harder, i´ve never implied that capeshit is something worthy, might as well say that literature is worthless because pic related exists

>> No.18612067

And the mass majority of literature isn't obscene garbage?

>> No.18612077

>This help create an unforgettable experience of actual intimacy.
Fuck, that was faggy of me. What I meant to say was that when the medium (film) is continually dissolving itself as we experience it, as when the sound is of a small room, when we are seeing a big room, this cognitive dissonance leads to a self-awareness of the process.

>> No.18612091
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>The mass majority of films are obscene garbage.

projecting hard lol

>> No.18612109

what a dork

>> No.18613330

nope (: sorry

>> No.18613335

underrated owned

>> No.18613338

griffith sucks

>> No.18613402
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>Barry Lyndon is always flat
Seems like someone only watched a low bitrate yify.

>> No.18613413

also you conveniently ignore the fact that this film is set in a specific period of the 18th century where the more reserved (aka alien and sterile) people were, the more social currency they had.

>> No.18613559
