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[ERROR] No.18593313 [Reply] [Original]

Suggest me some good anti-LGBT books

>> No.18593319

Judith Butler, Gender Trouble, Bodies that Matter, Undoing Gender

>> No.18593343

1000s of plates
Bodes without agains
Ordering things

>> No.18593348

Back to pol, chud

>> No.18593369
File: 259 KB, 1331x648, 8534342B-4C56-4E11-9B60-A4783B96987D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s our board now

>> No.18593442

camille paglia - sexual personae

>> No.18593448


>> No.18593454

Plato's Symposium

>> No.18593459

The Gay Is Bad by Straight Terrified

>> No.18593464

Can someone please explain what chud even is supposed to mean? Is it just a version of cuck?

>> No.18593473

My diary desu, though it also contains some explicit annecdotes about gay sex I had as a teenager

>> No.18593474

supposed to be a derogatory play on "chad" I think

>> No.18594336

When Harry Became Sally

>> No.18594348

The Bible.

>> No.18594351

They had to invent a word because they're increasingly goofy about currently existing insults. They can't say faggot or retard anymore, and they don't want to offend black people by using the word "idiot" so they just say something that kind of sounds like an insult.

>> No.18594362

>Is it just a version of cuck?

In terms of being nebulous of meaning through mass-use? Yes.

It comes off as, "Let me take this word and change one letter. I bet you feel dumb now."

>> No.18594765

The Bible

>> No.18594773
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>It's our board now

>> No.18594776

Chud (noun) - someone who is not transgender

>> No.18594790

Formerly Chuck

>> No.18595949


though i think this etymology is lost on most zoomers that saw it on twitter and just reproduced the behavior without reflection

>> No.18595971

>though i think this etymology is lost on most zoomers that saw it on twitter and just reproduced the behavior without reflection
For instance, see all other responses itt

>> No.18596022

i am going to suggest you something else: grow up, stop being an asshole and let other human beings live their lives the way they want.

>> No.18596029
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It a shorthand for "the left can't meme."

>> No.18596048
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>> No.18596128

I'm from the US and I'm not a heeb.

Take your meds schizo /pol/chud.

>> No.18596153

What the fuck is a chud?

>> No.18596162
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>Take your meds schizo /pol/chud.
keep digging your grave faggot.
And update your fucking toolkits already

>> No.18596169

What's a chud?

>> No.18596187

>Some random anon is proof of my worldview
>Everyone who uses common insult words is a glownigger
Take them now anon. Before the walls start talking.

>> No.18596193

It's a toothless insult that the Trannies made last year for their raiding campaign against /pol/.
I'm not sure of the word's reference, but the character you see associated with it is Patrick Crusius, the El Paso shooter, which the trannies say everyone who browses /pol/ looks like.

>> No.18596203
File: 2.52 MB, 2479x1714, Astroturfing Shills 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep running you stupid fucking mouth, axewound.
I have plenty of these screenshots saved.

>> No.18596214
File: 130 KB, 1200x529, EjZbH3rXgAEn8uR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which the trannies say everyone who browses /pol/ looks like.
Then why does posting it guarantee (You)s from /pol/cels?

>> No.18596228

You will never be a woman, you’re just a faggot.

>> No.18596254
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>I have plenty of these screenshots saved.

>> No.18596256
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It's low quality, and shows the extreme degradation of the political left.
The fact that you needed to create an entirely new word to insult your political adversaries out of fear of offence on an anonymous image board speaks volumes to the neurotic descent that the """left""" has allowed itself to be consumed by.
What happened to the Freedom loving, anti establishment and no fucks given left of the early 2000's? Look at yourselves, so afraid to go against the spoken dogma that you need to prostrate and humiliate yourselves by making a non word into a slur.

>> No.18596264
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Including from your little discord servers

>> No.18596303

I don't identify with the "left". I'm just one of many anons who are tired of /pol/ shitting up literally every board on this site.

I know you really think posting your ebin screengrabs makes you think you got me but honest to god I have never been in a discord and have never been paid by anyone to post on 4chan (would be nice tho)

>> No.18596319

I'm tired of you anti-/pol/ faggots constantly whining. You don't belong here. Stop being a tranny.

>> No.18596321
File: 127 KB, 1299x995, muh pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does it for free.
Oh my. How incredibly sad.
As for your previous post the people I see shitting up the board the most are bunkerfaggots.

>> No.18596340

>You don't belong here
Nigger I just wanna talk about books without half the catalogue being filled with blatant /pol/bait. Now fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.18596352

Go talk about books and stop being a faggot. You motherfuckers always have to try and moderate something. 4chan used to not be like that.

>> No.18596362

What catalog are you looking at?
I see maybe one, two threads maybe that qualify as "/pol/ bait" but the rest are normal?
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.18596392

I bet those flag burners are closeted fags

>> No.18596411

>4chan used to not be like that.
There was also a time where it wasn't common for threads to get de-railed by some schizo that just wants to rant about jews, niggers, trannies, the sjws, etc.

>> No.18596422
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, poltards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't let the tourists feel welcome on our board.

>> No.18596486
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>our board
Fucking laughable.

>> No.18596490

>the problem with furfags wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit
No, that was precisely the problem. Everything else was just a symptom.

>> No.18596535

What a nice poem.

>> No.18596537

>All passions are dishonorable, for the soul is even more prejudiced and degraded by sin than is the body by disease; but the worst of all passions is lust between men.... The sins against nature are more difficult and less rewarding, since true pleasure is only the one according to nature. But when God abandons a man, everything is turned upside down! Therefore, not only are their passions [of the homosexuals] satanic, but their lives are diabolic..... So I say to you that these are even worse than murderers, and that it would be better to die than to live in such dishonor. A murderer only separates the soul from the body, whereas these destroy the soul inside the body..... There is nothing, absolutely nothing more mad or damaging than this perversity."

St. John Chrysostom (PBUH) In Epistulam ad Romanos IV,

>> No.18596584

Unfortunate that this thread got derailed (remember that the internet is run by feds) because there are many strong, fleshed-out critiques of queer and queer-permitting theory that rarely sees the limelight, for obvious reasons.
Haven't read it, but I've heard that The Transgender-Industrial Complex is very well written and researched.

>> No.18596895

E. Michael Jones is about as concise as it gets.
Libido Dominandi:

Plus he is not some weird controlled opposition.

>> No.18596896
File: 16 KB, 250x389, images - 2021-03-10T203211.660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewd sex apes and electric aryan hermaphrodites. Antisemites actually gay for jews?

>> No.18596906

Trannies are incel class traitors.

>> No.18596910
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We should revoke voting for women and bring back the death penalty for sodomy.

>> No.18596929

>The Transgender-Industrial Complex
Shut up shill, I'm going to bomb your po box and kill every single person who works at your two-bit "publishing house"

>> No.18596941
File: 24 KB, 640x360, images - 2021-06-22T172744.478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw becoming transgender out of a fetish for biopolitics and social engineering

>> No.18596988

>Starts textwall by admitting to jerk off to dicks

Lmao didn't read

>> No.18597023


Specifically the Laws.

>> No.18597059
File: 20 KB, 455x548, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eww what the fuck
Fucking Jews

>> No.18597135

>being this new
You have to go back

>> No.18597196

Let me get this straight, lefties took a word from an obscure 80's cult film almost no one has ever heard of, and use it as an insult for righties who don't know the context and find it to be meaningless as a result.

>> No.18597220

The reason they chose the word is because, according to their dogma, to be offensive to minorities and "oppressed" groups.
And since they've made everything offensive, and they are afraid of being shunned as a bigot, they took that basically non word and turned in into a slur.
This is the level of insanity that we're at now with these people

>> No.18597257

I guess that's the kind of purity spiraling victim-centric/slave morality gets you in.

>> No.18597285
File: 46 KB, 627x908, why I hate trannies, a collection pt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea

>> No.18597982


>> No.18598007

my diary desu

>> No.18598010

Im trans btw

>> No.18598121

Now that's some next level counter-initiation.

>> No.18598591

Idk, sounds like Chad though so I assume it's good.

>> No.18598600

Chud in denial

>> No.18598612
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I'm not denying it lmao can you read?

>> No.18598662

bought it on ebay, waiting for it to ship

>> No.18598670

What's a book I can read to cure me of my desire to be a transexual?

>> No.18598711
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>> No.18598765

Reported to the based department.

>> No.18599109


They can live their lives however they want but, what about the propaganda and the ideology behind it?

>> No.18599134
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>just leave them alone and they'll leave you alone

>> No.18599190

You just need to stop watching porn and get away from any of the people you currently associate with, including online.

>> No.18599249

I will, once they stop shoving it into my face at every opportunity.

>> No.18599295

Maybe avoid taking your kids to a pride parade.

>> No.18599386
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>> No.18599402

It's not like you have a choice. You need to go into the city by necessity at one point or another, and these people are there.

>> No.18599404

I suppose they should also avoid watching TV, attending school, or even listening to their politicians speak.