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18541693 No.18541693 [Reply] [Original]


Is The Sopranos the most /lit/ television show?

>> No.18541755


i think that way about 6ft under

>> No.18541777



>> No.18541800

No, Dekalog is the most /lit/ tv show.

>> No.18541812

how good was the coma scene when tony went to the family reunion

>> No.18541820

It's been wounded by it but the actual killing blow was dealt by the internet.

>> No.18543604

I don't know about it being the most /lit/ as I don't watch much television but I'm sure it's in the running. Are there any other shows with such high quality writing?

>> No.18543610
File: 90 KB, 900x737, 10b3ebe7-4b3f-49bf-b7f4-24fc586fc5e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad Men.

>> No.18543613

Mad Men is up there

>> No.18543618

Quasimodo predicted this.

>> No.18543621

My personal favourite scene is Tony in the coma sitting in the hotel room, with When It’s Cold I’d Like to Die playing in the background

>> No.18543649

Twin. Peaks.

The Leftovers is also a contender.

>> No.18543657

I never liked The Sopranos and always found it goofy (in the ways it is not trying to be), inconsistent and a lesser experience to The Wire, Mad Men, Breaking Bad or Fargo (which is infinitely better). Journos are just desperate faggots creaming themselves because one TV series for once didn't have utter and complete shit writing.

>> No.18543665

Television in general killed the novel. TV writers taking 50 years to realize that they didn't have to wrap everything up in 22 minutes gave the novel a small stay of execution. People blame the internet and reduced attention spans, it's more appropriate to say people's appetite for active consumption has been slowly reduced by the explosion of totally passive entertainment like TV and Film.
/Inter/active entertainment like video games is an entirely different ball park.

>> No.18543666

Isn't this approaching the basic premise of Mao II?

>> No.18543669

For me, it's the Las Vegas scenes at the end of Kennedy of Heidi

>> No.18543674

Twin Peaks Season one was amzing, but season 2 was soapy and terrible. I haven't watched the continuation series yet so can't say an thing about it

>> No.18543683

The most popular show on TV right now is still the one with Shit in the title right?

>> No.18543693

That would be that Terrorism is a better societal changing tool than the novel.

>> No.18543697

Did you ever get past the first 2 seasons? Writing improves significantly and the tone is much darker, especially after 9/11. Also are you serious about Breaking Bad? I can see an argument for Mad Men and The Wire (haven't seen Fargo) but Breaking Bad is a cartoon come to life for reddit man-children. Especially the last 2 or 3 seasons.

>> No.18543710

I don't know if it is contrarianism or what, but Breaking Bad has always been, from beginning to the end, extremely competent in having a very sober and realistic crime drama atmosphere to tell its stories into, with well-constructed characters that are the center of it, rather than the theme of crime itself. It took half of its duration to even discover where it was going and even then it is more of a consistent an solid experience then The Sopranos.

>> No.18543766

>extremely competent in having a very sober and realistic crime drama atmosphere to tell its stories into
I was a bit harsh in my last post but my point still stands. The season 2 plane sub-plot, the car engine turret in the series finale, the lack of conflict within the drug trade after Gus's death? I enjoy the show myself but to call it a down to earth sober crime drama is ridiculous

>> No.18543787

I got sucked into watching the first season of True Detective in three days after seeing the intro on someones Bitchute. I enjoyed in tremendously, the only problem I had where the two black detective, again.

>> No.18543795

What was your issue with the detectives?

>> No.18543796

>but Breaking Bad is a cartoon come to life for reddit man-children.
Yes, its the adult version of Rick and Morty.

>> No.18543797

> is a cartoon come to life for reddit man-children
Anon, that's true of literally every TV show ever made by man.

>> No.18543802


>> No.18543803

Not that would be Flip Flappers

>> No.18543811

Thanks for the input anon85.

>> No.18543815

>Anon, that's true of literally every TV show ever made by man.
Many shows having the elements of soap, medical, law, drama, etc would not appeal to that crowd because the interpersonal drama is too much.

>> No.18543825
File: 118 KB, 404x404, 1612121492397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been batting this idea around: what if we brought back serialized fiction? Releasing novels in segments, a chapter or a section at a time? Since everybody seems to absorb fiction this way now. Not just episodes of a television show, but think about fanfics, or volumes of manga. It's all serialized. Serialized fiction could almost describe the bulk of popular fiction being released right now, across all media. Maybe written fiction, novels and short story collections, need to follow this route? Maybe if people got a chapter a week, or a chapter every couple of days, they'd stay committed to the larger work over time as it was released. And maybe you could build up hype from one chapter to the next, to attract a larger reader base over the course of releasing the pieces of the story.

>> No.18543826

I can see a man with glasses, yellow skin, pointed faces and his hands and body are twitching.

>> No.18543838

I think the public would like it but authors themselves don't. You can't go back and fix shit.

>> No.18543863
File: 358 KB, 1920x1080, LAND_16_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look, it's over. And we had our mo-fo or whatever.

>> No.18543864

That scene is incredible too. Can be taken so many ways

>> No.18543872

This is the correct answer to OP's question. That being said, I must disagree with >>18543697, the Sopranos is at its best in the first two seasons and then goes downhill. Livia was vital to the dynamic of the show and Janice couldn't fill her shoes. I dislike the "villain of the season"-thing that starts with Richie Aprile, all of the good characters that are introduced in later seasons should have been on the show simultaneously (Richie, Ralphie, Feech, Tony B, Phil), all of the original captains as well as Pussy should have been kept around more, Junior should have interacted with more characters, and Carmela should have been shown less. I hate when they change too much after season 1 in any show, they never realise that season 1 is the reason people watch the show in the first place.

>> No.18543875
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It's the most Reddit television show.

>> No.18543877

>Breaking Bad
lol no

>> No.18543883


>> No.18543890

But season 1 fucking sucks. Do you enjoy watching the shitty child actors and the family eating all the time or what?

>> No.18543962

I agree that the loss of Livia was awful, easily one of my favorite antagonists of all time, but her character continues to have an affect on the show long after her death, it's literally the main theme of the entire series. Janice never "fills the shoes" of Livia either, she's never really an antagonist, just the exact type of child a woman like Livia would have. Pussy's story in season 2 was the peak of the show at that point, and it would have been ridiculous to have him just come out alive after all of that. To keep him they would've had to remove the best plot thread the show had at that point. Junior being forced to live a boring, lonely, secluded life was necessary to illustrate how empty a life of violence and greed leaves you in the end. The Soprano family is the central focus of the show, it's stupid to complain about Carmela being shown to much. Can't refute what you said about the show randomly introducing characters every season, but Feech having such a short stint is pretty clearly on purpose. This man has his life taken away from him because of his criminal lifestyle, get's an opportunity to turn it around, and immediately returns to his reckless and awful path. Wouldn't make sense for him to get away with it for so long (same with Tony B). Sorry for the schizophrenic rambling and lack of formatting I am too lazy to fix it.

>> No.18543989


>> No.18543993


>> No.18544016

Haha wtf

>> No.18544150

>I don't know if it is contrarianism or what
you're not a contrarian for watching one of the most popular TV shows in modern times man
> Breaking Bad has always been, from beginning to the end, extremely competent in having a very sober and realistic crime drama atmosphere
it certainly doesn't, but it's riveting either way

>> No.18544172

I thought so too but I've rewatched the first season this year and I just didn't buy into Drapers reaction to his brother. It seems overdramatic and vapid. He is more of an alcoholic than a deeply tortured soul.