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18535676 No.18535676 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books I can read to help me stop being pic related?

>> No.18535686

Non-fiction comics, particularly Dennis Eichhorn's Real Stuff and Harvey Pekar's American Splendor because they present easygoing chapters in the lives of men who flowed with existence rather than fighting it pointlessly.

>> No.18535691

I would also like to know. I have wasted so fucking much of my life daydreaming. I have to stop this shit.

>> No.18535798

The secret life of Walter Mitty

>> No.18535804

Books on meditation. This is an age old problem and there have been solutions around for thousands of years.

>> No.18535807

Maybe start taking headache meds. I unironically dropped that kind of thing after I started taking some aspirins and noticed that I had some pains.

>> No.18535813

But definitely seek professional help.

>> No.18535817

daydreams can be productive if they're not always the same dream.

>> No.18535835

None. Instead realise that reading will only further your procrastination.

>> No.18535843

I don't get headaches. I wonder why that would help. I might look into that. Thanks, anon.

>> No.18535846

It's often some tfw gf fantasy or me working out how to explain to friends my political positions in a convincing way over and over again. It's really not productive. I should do something with my time besides sit around and think.

>> No.18535849

Yes, it is weird af. I do have headaches but they aren't that strong (only sometimes), it seems that there is something that disturbs me. And suddenly when I take an aspirin, after half hour or something I start doing things automatically. Things like doing dishes, cleaning the house and whatever, they just happen and it is not like I'm even trying.

>> No.18535853

Just start a blog and write your thoughts down. It will calm your mind from thinking the same thing over and over again.

>> No.18535854

Shit was definitely out of control before that. I live by myself and it was a fucking mess.

>> No.18535859

I actually think I've ruined my life because of this I also do this thing where I walk around while listening to music while I fantasies about whatever

>> No.18535862

look up Maladaptive daydreaming

>> No.18535864

Yes, I do that too. I'm glad to know other people have this problem. If any anons out there have overcome it, let us know what to do. It has to stop. I would like to start living but then I get locked into a daydream and I have to keep thinking about it or I try to do something and get distracted by my thoughts.

>> No.18535879

I just did and it sounds exactly like what I experience. I will sometimes sit and daydream for hours. It's comforting knowing there's a name for it. Thank you, anon. I hope to find some resources on how to better keep a tighter chain on my wandering mind.

>> No.18535903

Look into mindfulness meditation. It may help you let go of your thoughts more easily. That and get a job that requires your full attention. It’s hard to have a wandering mind when you’re busy and have responsibilities.

>> No.18535905

sounds based as fuck. are you sure you're not just irish? you could just be an irishman.

>> No.18535912

This thread is a bit confusing to me because I have the same "problem" but I don't see it as a problem at all. It doesn't impact my productivity, so maybe that's why, but I do often spend my time "lost in thought". Daydreaming, thinking about topics, obsessing over a problem in my head until I find a solution. I think some people naturally have this disposition. Introversion. This type of thinking is good for things like philosophy, literature, mathematics, etc. which is why introverts are drawn to them.
I also don't get headaches, and no one believes me when I tell them.
Anyway, I would say integrate it into your life. Don't reject it outright, but accept it as part of how you live life (to an extent) and learn to live comfortably with it.

>> No.18535917

Fr someone update this board if any of you guys found a way out I'm almost 23 and this isn't fun anymore I'm literally trapped in my own head

>> No.18535919

Imagine willing to castrate yourself because the activity of thinking is not included in popular stereotypical images of modern man.

>> No.18535924

KEK I do that all the time and I unironically can't keep a place tidy if I don't take headache meds. It is not even about the pain, because it is usually not that strong, but it is as if my brain just don't fucking works because I'm thinking about some other shit that I'm not supposed to waste my time with.

>> No.18535991

What thoughts waste your time? I've heard from mathematicians that they can't stop thinking about a problem that they're trying to solve until they solve it. It could be constantly in their head for days or even weeks. Should they not be thinking about it so much?
Similarly, Nietzsche spent two hours everyday just walking and thinking, and then writing down thoughts in his journal. Were those thoughts wasting time?
Do you daydream about useless things? Daydreaming about your future is good every now and then. Daydreaming about fictional situations is pretty useless if you're not an author.
Anyway, what I'm getting at is that this is just a style of thinking and living. It can have bad manifestations and good manifestations. I don't know anything about you, but if you want to live what you deem a normal life, then try to stop this habit by whatever means you see fit. But chances are if you think like this you enjoy learning and contemplating things. You can use this as a vehicle for that.
These are just my thoughts. I don't see it as a negative thing, but I don't know how it affects your life either.

>> No.18535996
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>> No.18536003
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>> No.18536019

how can one man be so based?

>> No.18536045
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What are some books to help me achieve pic related?

>> No.18536047

Ok, how many of you don't even have a regular sleeping schedule?

This will never work with your regular fucked up /lit/ anon or any anon.

>> No.18536053

And unironically Peterson was supposed to get the whole thing, because he had problems with drugs, but it doesn't seem like it. Anyway, I'm going to start spilling the beans. I thought about writing a fucking book about, but I honestly don't give a fuck about authorship and also don't feel like editing and writing this.

>> No.18536074

First of all, chances are all anons are a fucking mess. What are you supposed to do on that point? Nutrition, you are not going to manage doing exercises and shit like that if you body is a fucking mess. Now, that is hard considering that you don't even have a sleeping schedule and let alone eat nutritional meals properly. Here is the thing, start with water. Just by drinking water regularly you will feel better, lots of water. Heres is how I do it. Pick odd or even, and every time you look at the clock and it is odd or even (whichever you picked) you drink a cup/glass of water (keep a jar/bottle whatever and a cup/glass near you). It is simple, every fucked up person should manage to do this kind of thing.

>> No.18536083

Meditation has helped me and others tremendously. I recommend watching John Vervaeke's meditation series and Eli Somers videos about MDD on YT. I personally recommend trying to change your daydreams into first person POV training in order to make them useful. I mostly imagine myself providing insightful verbal explanations now. I still struggle with useless MDD daily, but it fades when I'm doing something productive or being among other people. Also, watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It's Ben Stiller's best film and unironically really purposefully and authentically directed. I wonder if he has struggled with MDD himself.
Have you had MDD all your life? I've been doing it since I was a toddler but I suspect it may be induced in many by social media.

>> No.18536098

And unironically disregard boomer advice. Always think through what they are saying, they do give useful advice, but you always have to think it through. Because they mean something different because the world has changed and they don't share the same world view as you (Nietzsche's radical perspectivism in practice). So whenever they are saying something to you, think about what that is supposed to mean in practice and be critical about what it is supposed to mean and put it in practice.

Consider Uncle Ted's advice, building self-discipline and limiting your computer usage. That isn't exactly the best advice ever. What is the problem with computers? They ruin your self-discipline if they aren't used properly, so how would you use them properly? Building focus whenever you are using it. In the sense that, every time you are doing something in a computer/phone or whatever it has a purpose. You don't use things mindlessly, that is easier said than done but it is definitely doable. I'm doing it right now, although it could be said that I'm just shit posting on /lit/, I'm unironically shitposting a self-help book on 4chan that is 4free and I hope that it works for other people.

>> No.18536104

And it is not like I have made it or anything. I'm just saying things that I had some success with. If anyone has better methods to deal with this kind of shit. Please share with us.

>> No.18536111

jesus christ every single point this picture made is literally me

>> No.18536113

Also, before doing any kind of exercises. Do braething exercises, look up those on youtube. There are plenty of those. I have tried some yogic ones and that Wim Hof, they all kinda work and help. Just do those, it is just fucking breathing, but it helps a lot. We definitely end up developing weird breathing patterns (I did) and this kind of thing might help a lot of people.

>> No.18536116

No one is going to read this. It is too long. FML.

>> No.18536119

>indents in a handwritten letter
Fuck, I love him

>> No.18536120

It is all useless after all. This is all fucked up.

>> No.18536124


>> No.18536131


>> No.18536134

Well, yes. But I have other mundane things that require my attention. Messed my life because of it. Specially because most of these shit was disturbing af.

>> No.18536136

I've got a problem
sometimes when I'm reading a book, my mind will just drift off, like I'm lucid dreaming
it usually comes so suddenly and I often don't realize I'm even doing it until a few minutes later and I realize what I'm reading has nothing to do with what's happening in my mind
so I'll just be reading about the MC having a conversation with a character and then suddenly I'll just pop off and my mind just takes over and I start dreaming if I was the MC what kind of arguments I'd have in his place

>> No.18536151

Get professional help, anon. I kinda 'self-insert' when I'm reading something, but I'm able to stick to whatever I'm reading. Does this happen at school too? Like when you are supposed to read something and really understand what it is supposed to be about?

>> No.18536194
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>> No.18536201


>> No.18536230

So this is how it all happened?

>> No.18536293

I hate dumb zoomers so fucking much its unreal

>> No.18536295

I am exactly the same as this, I often find myself pacing around for hours lost in all sorts of strange and even mundane fantasies and thoughts. I also do this thing sometimes where I imagine someone else looking into my mind and 'listening' to my internal monologue, meaning I obsess over making whatever was preoccuping my mind as coherent and embellished as possible. At times I am stuck in hour long loops of going over the same thought again and again.

>> No.18536306

being told you'll becomes a god by reading is a snoozer. this is how people fell for jim jones

>> No.18536336

>didn't even read the post

>> No.18536346

>reading to stop being a thinker
ngmi. Reading is the antithesis of action. Unironically just go out there and socialize with the NPCs to become a doer

>> No.18536428

Yes, stuff your head with even more information during your hypercogitative phase so that you can become a fucking idiot.

>> No.18536516

This post could've been just as effective (perhaps more so) without all the unnecessary misogyny.

>> No.18536525

Kierkegaard unironically got me out of this

>> No.18536621

I used to have those when I was a kid but now its only ever me pretending to be something I'm not

>> No.18536630

What books?

>> No.18536635

prometheus rising

>> No.18536637

I'm not that anon but it seriously fucked with me during school and made my life really hard I had to graduate highschool a year later at 19 cause I literally could not focuse on the work wich made me believe I was a retard and fucked with my confidence for years after

>> No.18536774

This shit is just MBTI for NEETs.

>> No.18536855

Read any books. Just read. Trust me, that state isn't thinking. It is an endless twisting and straining of thoughts to no fruitful end. Listen to the masters, read clear-headed thinkers of different fields.

>> No.18536893

Holy shit, you described my exact situation. I spend much of my free time doing that shit and I end up failing to do anything productive during the day. It's annoying. Let's hope some anon knows how to fix this

>> No.18536940
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>> No.18536952

Those mathematicians are probably getting paid to solve math problems, no one is paying us for our daydreaming lmao

>> No.18536969

Freud unironically helped me snap out of this shit. I'd also recc Nietzsche but he can often feed into one's deluded fantasies if misread.

>> No.18536971
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there does not exist a better book that teaches you to concentrate and maintain focus

>> No.18538365

My great-grandmother was Irish but no, I'm an American of mostly English and Scottish descent.

I think daydreaming can be useful and I don't want to stop entirely but I have wasted much of my life away just daydreaming. I will daydream about pursuing the things I desire and what it would be like to have them rather than actually working toward those goals. This has been especially detrimental to my lovelife. I have never asked a girl out (I'm 24) but I have spent countless hours fantasizing about being with a few crushes over the years.

I don't drink, do drugs, play videogames, or watch porn. I do spend too much time online though.

A lot of anons have suggested meditation. I will try to give that a shot and continue my current attempt to reduce internet usage even though this has so far only freed up more time for daydreaming instead of something productive.

>> No.18538555

I do that too but I like it. Why would you want to stop?

>> No.18538619

Don’t think there are any. I personally discovered I think because I’m miserable and so I’m constantly thinking about why I’m miserable and how to not be. Turns out that life just sucks and this world isn’t redeemable.

>> No.18539356
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four books for you coming up

>> No.18539368
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>> No.18539377
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>> No.18539380
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