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/lit/ - Literature

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18534202 No.18534202 [Reply] [Original]

post your ten favorite books
rate, rec and hate on others

>> No.18534724
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I don't like how it starts with introduction to hindu doctrine
should start with crisis of the modern world desu

>> No.18534769

how do you set it for books?

>> No.18534834

you set it for movies and then use custom URLs

>> No.18535109

>open image url of teh book cover you want
>paste it into the search field
>drag to the position you want it to be
>also there's an option to show book titltes if you want to use that you can include the name of the book and the author

>> No.18535170
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I'm still relatively new to reading and I'm mostly reading the Greeks and some Romans before moving on to much else. Read all of the Bible and Apocrypha/Deuterocanon. Genuinely a life-changing book

>> No.18535246
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I wanted to add Naked Lunch to mine but it was already too big, but Junky is solid, although a bit challenging.



Result: Bukowski-Chic/10

A solid extract from someone who's reading "all we are supposed to read" in order, but don't forget to read books you genuinely enjoy. A taste for Dosto has been developed, which is always a good thing.

>> No.18535397
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I don't think I have the most sophisticated taste but I generally focus on characters more than plot. And I prefer reading books with hot girls in them so if I could expand it a bit more I might add more Austen or madame Bovary.

>> No.18535488
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Undergrad lit student looking chart for an undergrad lit student

>> No.18535523

This looks like a list of books one is made to read in school. But Wuthering Heights+, As I Lay Dying+

Based Against Nature
Kino Labyrinths

Everything else painfully average

Also rate others you self-serving chimps

>> No.18535629
File: 548 KB, 795x519, all time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only found the music/movies section of that site so here's everything I've put in my all times list on goodreads

>> No.18535641
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Ollie is that you?

>> No.18535644

No worries, I genuinely enjoy most of "all we are supposed to read" and in fact read those books because I think I'll enjoy them. Haven't read any of what you've listed yet, but you've seemed to develop a taste for modern and postmodern stuff, which I respect

Good taste, even if reading expressly for hot girl characters seems kinda shallow

>Notes From Undeground

>> No.18535651

Oresteia and Notes almost made it onto mine but CnP is more meaty.

>> No.18535695

That Kino Prose

>Crime and Punishment

>> No.18535898

How do I delete a pic?

>> No.18535956

just put another one on top

>> No.18536020
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macbeth is my favorite shakespeare play too. I just picked up flannery o'connor's complete works today.

>> No.18536081

What if I don't want to add another one?

>> No.18536089
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>> No.18536102

>Don Delilo

/lit/ was here

>> No.18536166
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Very cool idea op, I hope this becomes a trend. Also nice favs.
Very nice.
Based Bulgakov enjoyer. I loved him so much when I was younger but I think literally everything went over my head and I just enjoyed it for the magical realism. Also heart of a dog is underappreciated. Really great and consistent taste desu.
I still gotta read The Waves. Would you say it's better than To the Lighthouse?
Based Titus Groan.
Honestly, lit shouldn't be something you should feel the need to posture about. You like what you like and so be it. Frankenstein is really good though.

>> No.18536220

>Moby Dick
A true appreciator of P R O S E

>One Hundred Years of Solitute
Wish to see more of this around these parts, Gabriel García Márquez is very underappreciated around here

>War and Peace
A list chock-full of potent classics

>> No.18536238

>make the chart bigger
>put it near the bottom
>make it smaller again
>it's gone

>> No.18536258

Basiert! Das meiste davon will ich noch lesen.

>> No.18536476
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I've only really just got into reading "serious" books.

>> No.18536511

>Lunar Park
Really fucking based. I don't even like it, but these late Bret Easton Ellis novels are really shat on or ignored by most

>Bolaño's 2666
great stuff

>> No.18536519

I haven’t read to the lighthouse yet unfortunately, but my friend who recommended the waves to me preferred it, they said it was harder to follow but more beautiful

>> No.18536559

Go back and set the chart to movies.

>> No.18536616
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good to see Wuthering Heights above

>> No.18536640

>Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
Twice in the thread, very nice and very based.

>> No.18536757


>> No.18536829
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Correct version.

>> No.18536837
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Why is there no fun allowed on lit?

>> No.18536877

Introduction opens you up to Guenon's main focus in his text whereas crisis is just a small part

>> No.18536967
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tried to add one of every genre I read.

>> No.18536977

You really succeeded in finding the ugliest cover of "Woman in the dunes" ever, good for you.

>> No.18537153
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>> No.18537173

Based for choosing the idiot over any other dostevesky. I enjoyed Junky but feel like I missed something

>> No.18537177


>> No.18537231
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>> No.18537269

What’s so good about Hyperion

>> No.18537337
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What are the best Plato dialogues to read to get a cursory understanding of him?

>> No.18537454
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Complete my list please I'm a newfag.

>> No.18537473

Paradise Lost
Name of the Rose
The Pit and the Pendulum
The DaVinci Code
the last one will make them S E E T H E

>> No.18537474

Why is a painting of Heraclitus on the cover

>> No.18537526

Thanks, Paradis Lost and Name of the Rose were on my backlog.
I didn't know The Pit and the Pendulum but it looks interesting.
I enjoyed DaVinci Code

>> No.18537544
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>> No.18537551
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Read Knut Hamsun
Read a bit of Sappho, Callimachus and Catullus instead of just exhausting the epics.
Read Knut Hamsun
Cool stuff, great book on Heraclitus.
Cool, I love Rings of Saturn and Tartar Steppe. Invisible Cities was a big book for me. Check Francis Ponge.

>> No.18537564
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Over the last few years I have learned that “the classics” really are the best novels.

You are the first person I am aware of who favors The Idiot over Dostoevsky’s other major works
That’s a pretty good list anon. You are already miles ahead of most people
Pretty good list. Redpill me on Flann O’Brien. What’s his work like?>>18535397
Very good taste sir
Nice list, what is Huysmans all about? I have never read him
Nice. Is Titus Groan that good?>>18536020
Good taste except for White Noise. Shit book
Is that you Adolf?
Another good list
I just read Platform a few weeks ago. Seriously a great novel. The social commentary is spot on
And the award for most unique selections goes to...
Uncle Adolf, again?
Can’t comment

>> No.18537599

Super based actually

>> No.18537723
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very nice

>> No.18537775

I don’t know

>> No.18537783

But anon, where's the Wagner? You can't have Sophocles and Nietzsche without Wagner.

>> No.18537791

true, but simply reading Wagner is like one third of the entire experience.

>> No.18538338 [DELETED] 
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++Notes from the Underground
read Dialectic of Enlightenment it has a quite interesting analysis on Homers Odyssey
+Doctor Faustus
+Master and Margarita
nothing really bad on here but nothing great either gives a school literature kinda vibe
++Notes from the Underground
++The Idiot
I really hope this is bait
++Crime and Punishment
+The Sound of the Fury
+Moby Dick
++Crime and Punishment
+Beyond Good an Evil
umm ok.. love wagner but this just seems quite obsessed.
maybe check out Philosophy of new music and listen to some Schönberg or
++Divine Comedy
++The Idiot
++War and Peace
+Anna Karenina
+Moby Dick
++The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a justified sinner
nice to see some lesser known art at least less critically acclaimed stuff
is this >>18536089 again? what's up with all the wagnerposting?
>Harry Potter read another book
+Old Man and the Sea
+Norwegian Woods
+Brave New World
young adult/10
+Der Deutsche Wald
++Maldoror Chants
++Divine Comedy
pretty based also good cover choices
++Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
++The Brothers Karamazov
++The Devine Comedy
++Master and Margarita
++Crime and Punishment
Classic but I like your taste
++Master and Margarita
heaven't read any of those but sound interesting which one of those would you advice the most?
++Don Quixote
++Brother Karamazov
++The Magic Mountain
++Crime and Punishment
+Anna Karenina
maybe the most based so far especially for including Cervantes

Overall almost no bad charts in this thread. Good job everyoneyou most of you have great taste! The amount of Lolita in this thread is kinda disturbing though I'm just not gonna read to much into this

>> No.18538379
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++Notes from the Underground
read Dialectic of Enlightenment it has a quite interesting analysis on Homers Odyssey
+Doctor Faustus
+Master and Margarita
nothing really bad on here but nothing great either gives a school literature kinda vibe
++Notes from the Underground
++The Idiot
I really hope this is bait
++Crime and Punishment
+The Sound of the Fury
+Moby Dick
++Crime and Punishment
+Beyond Good an Evil
umm ok.. love wagner but this just seems quite obsessed.
maybe check out Philosophy of new music and listen to some Schönberg or
++Divine Comedy
++The Idiot
++War and Peace
+Anna Karenina
+Moby Dick
++The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a justified sinner
nice to see some lesser known art at least less critically acclaimed stuff
is this >>18536089 again? what's up with all the wagnerposting?
>Harry Potter
ok I'm just gonna ignore this
+Old Man and the Sea
+Norwegian Woods
+Brave New World
young adult/10
+Der Deutsche Wald
++Maldoror Chants
++Divine Comedy
pretty based also good cover choices
++Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
++The Brothers Karamazov
++The Devine Comedy
++Master and Margarita
++Crime and Punishment
Classic but I like your taste
++Master and Margarita
heaven't read any of those but sound interesting which one of those would you advice the most?
++Don Quixote
++Brother Karamazov
++The Magic Mountain
++Crime and Punishment
+Anna Karenina
maybe the most based so far especially for including Cervantes

Overall almost no bad charts in this thread. Good job everyoney most of you have great taste! The only criticism I might have is the redundancy between charts. the homogenity is more of a meta criticism though tastewise it's still very good. The amount of Lolita in this thread is kinda disturbing though I'm just not gonna read to much into this

>> No.18538560

>The Guide
I've been considering reading this. Love that cover though

>> No.18538646

I haven't read more than 10 books

>> No.18538773
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>> No.18538789
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19 years old, just started reading again. Any recs?

>> No.18538942
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I like the 20th century.
Dubliners, Montaigne, Herodotus, Growth of the Soil.

>> No.18538960
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If you haven't, read Wilde's essays, plays, tales, etc.
Walter Lippmann - Public Opinion
José Ortega y Gasset - The Revolt of the Masses. Read more fiction tho, don't you ever get tired of dry non-fiction?
D.H. Lawrence - The Man Who Died
Arthur Rimbaud - Illuminations
Baldomero Lillo - Subterra or Subsole

Sadly I don't have reccs for everyone, but I loved most of the charts here. I'd appreciate any books that you guys think will fit with my chart.

>> No.18538972

Based Simon Hanselmann. Met him a few years ago.

>> No.18538988

>Walter Lippmann - Public Opinion
Thanks for reminding me of it. I am aware of it but haven't gotten around to it, will add it to my shortlist

>> No.18539021
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Reading is kinda gay though

>> No.18539186

A rebours is the only huysmans I’ve read, but it’s the quintessential decadent novel and I thought it gave an interesting look into artificiality and the beginning of modernism

>> No.18539533


>> No.18539693

Thanks, I’ve heard of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ and I remember reading a short story of a statue who asked a bird to strip him of precious stones to feed the poor, but I’ll look into Wilde some more. He was a very eccentric character.

>> No.18539797

Oh yeah, his tales, although written for his children iirc, are still beautiful, so don't pass on them, anon.

>> No.18539888
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>> No.18539905

CS Lewis's christianity box set.
The Sorrows of Satan

>> No.18540045
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I only put in narrative works and didn't count the Bible because that wouldn't be fair.
Wasn't sure what to put for Dostoevsky, I really can't decide which one of his books is my favorite, a real toss up between Notes, Crime and Punishment and The Idiot. I have a feeling brothers is going to end up being my favorite but I'm saving that for later in life.

Are those ten books your favorites?


Pretty cool, Martian Chronicles was a lot better than I was expecting, though a few stories were retarded.

Mostly good books. You're kinda gay though

I haven't read any of these but they look based.

>> No.18540128

Seems like The Idiot is Dosto's fav in /lit/. Huh, I was expecting Brothers K to be THE one.

>> No.18540150
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Im a new fag, started to read two months ago, recommend me stuff

>> No.18540169

All the kings men and Titus Groan—- are you me?

>> No.18540194

If you liked Gatsby, make sure to read Tender is the Night, which is as good (if not better) than it. It's sadder too, if you´re in the mood.

>> No.18540215

I thought everyone hated the idiot on here what gives

>> No.18540515
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I know Watchmen and Sandman are debatable, but fuck it. They are great literary works.

>> No.18540534

The Hogg pick is extremely based.

>> No.18540565

The Sound and the Fury
War and Peace
The Name of the Rose
Crime and Punishment
Moby Dick
The Red and the Black
Blood Meridian
The Third Policeman
Doctor Faustus
Sons and Lovers

>> No.18540577

Give reccs to previous posts, you niggeros.

>> No.18540884
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Any recommendations?

>> No.18540917

Lucky Jim and Lord Jim

>> No.18540931

What did you like about Savage Detectives anon? Genuine question

>> No.18540983


My bad. I've read half of the books you listed. Great taste.
You should check out The Wild Duck, by Ibsen. It's a good one. I also think you might like Slaughterhouse 5, although it's a bit more comedic than your picks.

>> No.18541088
File: 307 KB, 1699x756, C9F233FD-6A2E-4640-8964-6F49E7A0D86B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ada (or Ador) and Child of God

>> No.18541254
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I just chose some of my most recent 5 stars on goodreads. Most top /lit/ books I read ended up only being 3 or 4 star to me anyway.

>> No.18541272

Just realized these lists for peeps were mainly novels. Sorry for going off theme if that was a thing

>> No.18541847

>Flann O’Brien. What’s his work like?
He's like a much more accessible Samuel Beckett, a bit of a Tom Stoppard kind of guy, whose work is more funny than depressive like Beckett's.

Fantastic choices for Bros. Karamazov, 2666 and The Magic Mountain anon

>> No.18541858

I just like to get lost into really confusing novels full of wacky yet believable shenanigans

>> No.18542049
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rate me

>> No.18542051

I have only read Blood Meridian out of your list so just based off that I’d say you’re good

>> No.18542055

Beyond pretentious

>> No.18542066

Probably the only person ITT who has actually read all of the books he posted from start to finish.

>> No.18542081
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Recs? I haven't really read much, but I was able to avoid putting anything from HS in.

Agree with the other anon's rec of Ada or Ardor

>> No.18542085

based retard

>> No.18542109

>Mikhail Bulgakov
>CS Lewis
Tremendously accessible for "high" literature

>Thomas Pynchon's V.
>Flann O'Brien
Also pretty accessible and entertaining as far as experimental literature goes

>James Hogg
It's just old

Are you sure you're just not illiterate, anon?

>> No.18542127

If you like Disgrace you should check Marabou Stork Nighmares by Irvine Welsh (author of Trainspotting)

If you like Cat's Cradle you should try Thomas Pynchon

If you like Blood Meridian you should try My Idea of Fun by Will Self (very polarizing)

>> No.18542156


>> No.18542172

I liked the shenanigans but I guess I was waiting for a payoff that never came. Also some POV were annoying, holy shit

>> No.18542290

Anon, you're supposed to be the Savage Detective yourself and piece together what is what in the novel, to find that payoff.

>> No.18542363

I tried but anons didn't wanna discuss the book with me :(
At first I thought it was going to have me look for Garcia Madero and his poems the same way the real visceralists were looking for Cesárea Tinajero. And there was a small hint of that at the end I guess.
What was your payoff anon? What did you "detect"?

>> No.18542422

>What was your payoff anon?
Mostly just the entertaining events themselves, piecing it together Infinite Jest style and trying to make sense out of it as an entertaining little experiment, like a child with a toy, but this experience is hardly going to be fulfilling for everyone.

>> No.18542487

I guess I wanted the pieces to come together more neatly in the end. I just felt like there was stuff missing and that I wouldn't get anything more of the book if I actually went looking. No background details, no reveal, no reason for the interview format, no reason people don't talk about Madero, for "two vicerrealists left in Mexico", jackshit behind the window.

>> No.18542510

Recommend me some books, I don't read much. My favorite is No Longer Human by Dazai, also liked The Setting Sun. Liked the Metamorphosis and Kokoro by Soseki. Some books like those please, also some mythology books, I read Norse Mythology by Gaiman and like it

>> No.18542593

These threads always have weird picks. Pretty sure TBK is still /lit/'s favourite.

>> No.18542606

It is not Sandman and Watchmen that are outrageous desu; The outrageous one is fucking American Gods. Why?

>> No.18542644

Poetic Edda

>> No.18542792

Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima

>> No.18542824
File: 614 KB, 614x982, KenjiMiyazawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely pic related. Dark and poignant allegorical fairytales from 20th century Japan. Talking animals wearing clothes, that kind of thing. Many of the tales are allegories for the modernization of Japan.

>> No.18542830

Blessed TROS

>> No.18542854
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>> No.18542857

Neil Gay-Man is certified dumb.
some of these are also high school tier but: A Clockwork Orange, Breakfast of Champions, Dubliners, The Trial, The Magic Mountain, The Sound and the Fury, A Confederacy of Dunces, Stoner.

>> No.18542863

110 posts before this meme faggotry got posted, we outdid ourselves this time.

>> No.18543018
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I can't believe I haven't seen any of ya boy Hunter's books in here.

>> No.18543054
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18 year old adhd retard, looking for novellas that don't feel prosaic and lackluster

>> No.18543102

I love that Feynman book, and Le Parfum is just great

>> No.18543106

The Good Soldier Svejk
War and Peace
The Man Without Qualities
Conversation in the Cathedral
Tristram Shandy
In Search of Lost Time
The Sound and the Fury
Berlin Alexanderplatz
The Sleepwalkers
Doctor Faustus

>> No.18543151

based, the Feynman book holds a special place in my heart. I'd read it on the bus and it was peak comfy.

>> No.18543166

The Wasp Factory

>> No.18543199


>> No.18543382

Goosebumps kek based.
Try the Mysterious Stranger, HG Wells (maaaybe?), Herman Hesse, JD Salinger.

>> No.18543394

Somehow I overlooked the Hesse. Oh well check out his other stuff if you haven't lol.
I recommend just generally the russians short stories and novellas, Gogol, Chekhov, Dostoevsky.

>> No.18543402

Unfathomably based.

>> No.18543454

you might like the Ginger Man by j.p. donleavy

>> No.18543602
File: 1.26 MB, 1700x1600, E3C07BEA-182C-4F43-916E-31F50214D140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18543612

Jude the Obscure
Sons and Lovers
Everlasting Man
David Copperfield
Crime and Punishment
Gerard Manley Hopkins Collected Poems
Anatomy of Melancholy
Pilgrim's Progress
The Power and the Glory
Geoffrey Hill's Collected Poems

>> No.18544279

That's not how you use cursory. You mean crude

>> No.18544409

Can’t you use cursory to mean basic or superficial? I’ve heard people say cursory understanding before. In any case, any reccs?

>> No.18544421

You were right, he was wrong.

>> No.18544463

Yeah I shoulda never ever took her home

>> No.18544623
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>> No.18545040

Finally a recc. Thanks, anon.

>> No.18545140
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If you're the guy who posted pic related, what are some of you other favorites? The only guys I've been affected by in the past year are Bernhard (read all of his stuff at this point), bits and pieces of Vollmann (mostly his more humane stuff, some of the weird Pynchonesque stuff), Sadegh Hedayat, Platonov, Joseph Roth, and Danilo Kis. Lautreamont is also up there but I can only read Maldoro like poetry, little chunks interspersed at a time.

>> No.18545336


I don't like his politics, but I read the book at a time when I was really fascinated with gods and myths. It was a perfect fit at the time.

>> No.18545377

If you like stuff about the japanese you might want to check out "the buddha in the attic" by Julie Otsuka.

>> No.18546236
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I'm not going to apologise but I do promise I'm starting to read a bit wider than the 20th Century...

>> No.18546261

House of Leaves
No Longer Human
Blood Meridian
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the sea
The Stranger
Less Than Zero
Perfume: The story of a Murderer
Justine: Philosophy in the bedroom and other writings
Empire of Illusion - Chris Hedges

>> No.18547025


>> No.18547063
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Already had this chart made, so here it goes

>> No.18547082

keep this bullshit on /mu/

>> No.18547178
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>> No.18547249
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Have you ever taken a look to other spanish translations of the Illiad and such?

>> No.18547465

Recommend more please

>> No.18547554

Do they teach Huymans in Uni outside of France? Cool if true

>> No.18547693

Sartre's La Nausee mentions Huysmans' Against Nature, I guess that's where they got it from. I highly doubt American universities touch on Huysmans at all to be honest...

>> No.18547776

looks interesting, thanks anon i'll check it out

>> No.18547853
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Im just graduating high school and my top ten reek of that.

Im just about to start The Master and Margarita, hope I like it

based and spinozapilled

I know right, my list is pretty boring but Hitchhikers Guide is a joy to read

I just finished American Psycho. I was tempted to put it on here for the last 100 pages alone but the begining of it is a little slow in my opinion.

I want to read the Goshawk, it inspired one of the books in my top ten.

>> No.18547890

For some reason most of the people here have a list of books that are very similar to each other.

>> No.18547912

I think its because most people have at least 1 or 2 of the best 50 or so books of all time and then their own personal taste.

>> No.18548032
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I'm only 18 and I've only read 40 books in my life

and yes i'm trying to read more

>> No.18548042

recs plz

>> No.18548067

>ivan ilych
based fellow 18yo

>> No.18548228

How the fuck have you read the Bible, the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Stranger as an 18 year old? I was reading nudie mags and comics.

>> No.18548272

cause my brother is based! and of those forty, thirty were in quarantine lmao

>> No.18548283

Why would you pick young Werther over any other work of Goethe?

>> No.18548304

Lucky you! Appreciate your bro

>> No.18548313
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Haven't read a whole lot, but this is what I have so far

>> No.18548334

Could probably look into other anons charts that show similar taste

>> No.18548546

Comfy and very lucky. Do you discuss everything you read with him?

>> No.18548579

we don't live together, literature is not our favorite subject. and when we talk about books, it's not in a profound way; except when I read spinoza and had to call him for help

however, 90% of what I read he recommended

>> No.18548659
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Here are my favorite books.

>> No.18548728
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still a bit new to reading, most of these i had to read in school but have picked up Dostoevsky in my rare spare time

>> No.18548750

been meaning to pick up a mishima novel, how is he?

>> No.18548762

disgusting pleb

>> No.18548841

>actually started with the greeks.

>> No.18549063

Yes, I own several translations in fact: that one published by Gredos, the partial one by Alfonso Reyes (first edition), the one published by Alba, and the Bonifaz Nuño one. All of them are great, but I personally prefer the Bonifaz Nuño one because it was the first one I read seriously, because of its use of language and meter (an achievement in itself), and because it has that "epic" sound when one reads it. It's not for everyone tho, and it gets a lot of shit from Academia and outside of it (undeserved criticism imo; it has some flaws, but plebs prefer to resort to strawmans and nitpicking instead of dealing with the translation as such).

>> No.18549251

Haven't read anything else by him yet. That said, it left an impression on me that I can't ignore. It's more than just "le ebig incel manifesto". In fact, I'd go as far to say it isn't one at all.

>> No.18549648


>> No.18550033


>> No.18550091
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b-b-be gentle anons

>> No.18550123

cute uwu

>> No.18550695

Never read it, but Stephen Fry made a few books about Greek myths kind of like Gaiman did.
You should also check out the Sandman series. There are plenty of gods and myths in it.

>> No.18550706

>>18550033 isn't wrong.
Mishima is pretty hit or miss for most people. I suggest giving The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea a go, if you like that you'll probably like his other work as well.

>> No.18550844

I meant "Gay" literally

>> No.18551123

That was my point as well

>> No.18552310
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My 10 favorite books.

>> No.18553016
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>> No.18553418

based. Have you read A Little Princess? Better than The Secret Garden imo.