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18515629 No.18515629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am convinced that Fascism was essentially Italian Leninism.

The more I look into it, the more it makes sense. The second world war was just a war of different kind of socialisms.

Suggest me literature in this regard, thank you.

>> No.18515647

Perhaps, but it was more a war between nationalisms and globalism, and globalism won.

>> No.18515657
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Harukichi Shimoi, a Japanese Samurai who was buddies with Mussolini and D'Annunzio, thought fascism was just the logical continuation of the risorgimento. Not really about socialism so much as it was about Italian unification and promotion of a distinct Italian culture.

I translated his book "la guerra italiana vista da un giapponese" and published it on Lulu. It's about his experiences fighting with the Arditi during WW1. You might enjoy it.

You can read some exerts here: >>/lit/thread/S18477402
It was a really interesting period in history. It's always cool to see other people on /lit/ who are interested in Italian fascism, because it's definitely been badly maligned postwar thanks to Mussolini's mistake of allying with Hitler.

>> No.18515668
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>I'm convinced of something
>Now give me literature to reinforce this
Nu/lit/ is such a fucking bore

>> No.18515674

It was a reconfiguration of Sorelian syndicalism, which itself emerged out of the crisis of classical Marxism in the latter 19th century. The Spanish civil war was basically a syndicalist civil war. Most of the Axis adopted some degree of corporatist bargaining into their economic programs and did not eliminate trade unions.

Read Maier's Recasting Bourgeois Europe, James Gregor's Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship, and David Roberts' The Syndicalist Tradition and Italian Fascism

>> No.18515717

nationalism is socialism, they are not against one another.
even marxism is for patriotism.

german bolshevism opposed russian bolshevism, and italian bolshevism was just caught in the middle.

suggest me literature that goes against this, that is what I am asking for. my language was not clear, you're just projecting.

what was the crisis of classical marxism? why do you think mussolini chose to give support to the nationalists in spain? what were his other options?

>> No.18515724

op here and thank you.

>> No.18515733

"Workers of the world unite"
I beg to disagree.
Anyway globalism won the war and nationalism lost.

>> No.18515739

fascism to me, is a stage between capitalism and socialism.

>> No.18515747

>i beg to disagree
yes marxism is still for patriotism. are you going to tell me the communist movements in vietnam or cuba weren't nationalist in character?

>> No.18515760

fascism does in fact have its roots in socialism, it was coined as an alternative and actually viable answer to the troubled relationship between capital and workers

>> No.18515772

no, it was not an answer to the relation between capital owners and workers, fascist italy was not capitalist.

mussolini's opposition to socialism, or really the socialist party in italy was because they were liberals.

>> No.18515778
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>globalism won the war
It won the battle. Nationalism never went away, and with the cracks now showing in the current globalist system, it's on the rise once again.
If the US collapses, and there's no country able fill the void left behind, then the globalist system would collapse as well.

>> No.18515783

Italian Fascism was basically just Nationalist Syndicalism, with some extra statism and biological/spiritualist elements thrown in. This is extremely based and is simply the natural extension of a modern Human Society without Internationalist influences.

>> No.18515785

>what was the crisis of classical marxism?

Essentially a schism within the early socialist movement over strategy and eventually ideology. Downwardly mobile bourgeois leadership of socialist parties decided to accomodate themselves to the parliamentary process in European states in order to attain power, while revolutionary currents were mostly funneled into the direct, decentralized, violent revolutionary action of the syndicalists. The most significant revolutionary force in late 19th and early 20th century Europe on the left was not socialism but syndicalism. In Italy this reached a head during the debate within the Socialist party over intervention in WW1. Most of the syndicalists believed intervention would further the national interest and broke with the socialist leadership. Most of these heretical syndicalist cadres formed the nucleus of the early fascist movement, which was a substantive revolutionary force and not merely capitalism in decline.

The books I mentioned go into a lot more detail, but you may also want to check out Gregor's book on Young Mussolini, which tracks the intellectual development of early fascism

>> No.18515788

Those examples were only possible before globalism had encroached. At this moment nationalist communism is literally impossible.
That makes no sense.

>> No.18515796
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You will live to see new Fascism rise as the international system eats itself and withers away. We were born just in time to witness the greatness.

>> No.18515800

>yes marxism is still for patriotism.
Only as a means to an end. Marxists support nationalist movements on the condition that the nation in question is being exploited through imperialism or colonialism (as was the case for the nations you mentioned, Vietnam and Cuba). Marxists today would never support, say, an American nationalist movement. (I'm aware that American communists in the past attempted to appropriate patriotic imagery, but this attempt was a failure and has basically been abandoned by contemporary American communists.)

>> No.18515801

>It won the battle. Nationalism never went away, and with the cracks now showing in the current globalist system, it's on the rise once again.
In some places perhaps, but in Europe and the US they've been diluting and poisoning the original populations to ensure nationalism cannot rise again. I hope I'm wronf though.
>If the US collapses, and there's no country able fill the void left behind, then the globalist system would collapse as well.
No it won't, it's much bigger than the US. That's the entire idea of globalism.

>> No.18515809

>That makes no sense.
how does it makes no sense. socialism has never been achieved. ussr was basically fascism in practice.

>> No.18515813

i suppose I dont know much about fascist Italy specifically but I can tell you with certainty that what i said definitely applies to Germany who effectively exercised a capitalist economy with a corporatist structure to streamline information to use in any sort of government intervention in the private economy, with the corpratist structure including an effective workers guild that the vast majority of workers took part in so workers had their own representation along side the various industries, so state, capital, and workers could all work together and support each other instead of working against each other, with the goal that this would allow everyone to get what they needed without going full fucking retarded with communism

>> No.18515817

thank you thankyou.

>> No.18515822

No, it really wasn't. It was authoritarianism in practice. I agree that socialism has never been achieved since that's impossible.

>> No.18515824

>with the corpratist structure including an effective workers guild that the vast majority of workers took part in so workers had their own representation along side the various industries, so state, capital, and workers could all work together and support each other instead of working against each other
this is what dictatorship of the proletariat is

>> No.18515828

The reason I say that is because of, surprising enough, the US's navy.
The Navy is key to the globalist systems, as through it's ability to project itself all across the world, it has facilitated the creation of a true international economy.
With the US gone and subsequently it's ability to support the Navy, the international trade system would collapse. All of a sudden, no one would be able to protect shipping lanes or even ports.
When the US collapses, however, is dependent on the Economy. If what I suspect is going to happens, happens, it would be within this decade.
The wheels are spinning, all it need now is contact with the ground

>> No.18515831
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Me to. I'm closer to National Socialism, though
I gotta get fit though. Cut the corn syrup

>> No.18515836

>No, it really wasn't. It was authoritarianism in practice
ok, yes you are correct in this regard.
fascism is basically just "energy", "the power". of course it looks like authoritarianism, but that's how power is.

>> No.18515840

>im for national socialism!
>destroy europe

>> No.18515842

Only France. Fuck France

>> No.18515846

I'm sorry burger, the world is much bigger than the US and you're not as important as you'd like to think. When the US collapses, globalism will continue.

>> No.18515866

No Italian Leninism is Italian maximalism including Gramsci and Bordiga.

Italian fascism is Italian Horthyism with D’Annunzian features.

>> No.18515871
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Based Brother, I'm doing something similar soon too. Good luck, and hopefully we will be able to witness it together.

>> No.18515874

Only if someone assumes control of shipping lanes.
He's right that globalism is only possible with open shipping routes. I'd also argue that its only possible with unilateral control of shipping routes, otherwise you'd see a rise in mercantilism, piracy, territorial disputes disrupting trade, and a general return to the historical norm.

Even something minor, say a nationalist or islamist faction gaining control of Egypt and seizing the Suez canal, could completely destroy the world economy. Globalism isn't nearly as secure as you think it is, which is why western governments need to use extremely coercive strongman measures to keep it going.

>> No.18515875

well like i said they had their roots in socialist thought but here the state isn't seizing the means of production, privately owned capital was still a thing, rich people benefiting and making profit from the labour of workers was still a thing etc, its just that both private capital of various industries and workers all had seats at the table and both were expected to both reap rewards here and make sacrifices there while the state, whose power relies entirely on keeping both happy, tries to keep everything balanced between the two

>> No.18515879

I'm not a Burger.
And which country has the ability to Project it's power the like the US? No one.
I hate the Amerifats as much as anyone, but to deny it's role and impact on the Global economy is more retarded then your average Mutt.

>> No.18515880

Gramsci and Bordiga is left com in my understanding.

>> No.18515890

The world is more than West Europe as well. Western Europe combined can't come close to exerting the same influence as America's and Without America leading the helm of globalism it will not be as prevalent. The Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe is not aligned with globalism as you and burgers are. That's why we all await America's fall, because you will fall along with it, any notions otherwise are foolish.

>> No.18515892

Bordiga was a leftcom (really he was THE leftcom) but Gramsci fits squarely within Marxism-Leninism.

>> No.18515893

Not the same anon, but the US navy is literally the only thing holding international trade together. That international trade relies on profit margins and political circumstances also guaranteed by the US and it's systems. It's also that international trade which is already just barely able to supply enough electrical equipment, debt sinks, dragon dildos, and oil to keep everything running in most first world countries.

>> No.18515896

Indeed. The troubles in France as well as the blockage in the Suez showed just how venerable Western Europe is.
America is fucked. It's not a question of IF it collapses, it's WHEN it collapses

>> No.18515897

so why did he and mussolini not get along?

>> No.18515909
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Lenin himself wrote "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder.
Might also find something from Chomsky.
Then there’s Spain Betrayed, facts about the Stalinist involvement in killing off anarchists fighters

>> No.18515915

Tits or GTFO

>> No.18515916

Bordiga was a Leninist left com who adhered to Leninism in disagreement with the PCdI. Compare to the KAPD who comradely detested the RSDLP(b) or the Operaismo who criticised Lenin using Lenin.

>> No.18515919

>That's why we all await America's fall, because you will fall along with it, any notions otherwise are foolish.

There are many people who can't see the forest for the trees. When American falters, it will have serious effects and people WILL come to realize the monumentous error in such globalization that rests too much on one country to uphold the system.

>> No.18515927


>> No.18515931

>who criticised Lenin using Lenin.

>> No.18515932

The obvious question, gentlemen, is what can /we/ do to help bring about the collapse of globalism?

If ownership of the Suez and Panama Canal were returned to their rightful countries I think that a collapse in global trade would be inevitable. These two points represent the Achilles heal of the entire global market.

>> No.18515934

>german bolshevism opposed russian bolshevism
no it didn't soviets would've loved seeing rosa win

>> No.18515940
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Simple. Get ready for it.

>> No.18515944

i used nazi as euphanism for german bolshevism.
nsdap absorbed every other movement in germany

>> No.18515950

>i used nazi as euphanism for german bolshevism.
i mean german bolshevism as euphanism for nazi
hitler only had a hate boner for communism because it lost germany the war (in his beliefs)

>> No.18515954 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18515958
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You may proceed with your argument

>> No.18515964
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