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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 277 KB, 800x1126, Eminescu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18509393 No.18509393 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not popular with Mihai Eminescu and his work read his poem Luceafarul(Lucifer/The morning or evening star/basically referring to Venus).
Here is the poem:
What do you think about this poem?
in my opinion this poem represents this hellhole perfectly
also general discussion on romanian lit

>> No.18509407

May I post the second greatest poem in Romanian language


>I am a thousand years old, that's all
>And others come upon me
>Under Theobald, the Goth king,
>I grew up in reservations,
>Under Theobald, the Goth king,
>I grew up in reservations.

>So much happened in all these years,
>Of which I know nothing;
>Now I am displayed for money
>On a stand at Moși
>Now I am displayed for money
>On a stand at Moși

>The ghost of death doesn't bother me
>I don't know its feared scythe,
>I am the tor...
>I am the tor...
>I am the tortoise.

>> No.18509423

Is Mircea Cărtărescu worth reading?

>> No.18509495

I only know about this guy because there's a statue of him in the city I live. I'll probably look into his stuff

>> No.18509796

The poem reads like the lyrics of some folk / prog fantasy themed band from the 70s, it's just kinda cheesy and over the top. In general you Romanians seem overly sentimental, even Eliade reads the same way.

>> No.18509829

I always thought there was a connection from Satan to Aphrodite (venus). This just confirms my suspicions that all women are evil seductresses.

I will cease all existing attempts to lay a mistress to continue in my pursuit of enlightenment through 2d bussy

>> No.18509865

the Lucifer name in this poem refers to a demon trough the fact that he is an incubus. in the poem Luceafarul the incubus is the "victim"
Eminescu wrote another poem with a similar title(Un luceafar/ A Lucifer) In this poem the star is a women( probably the goddess Venus)

>> No.18511274

:Mihai Eminescu
Overrated garbage.

>> No.18511277

Spot on.

>> No.18511670

you will never be italians

>> No.18511679


>> No.18511747

Honestly terrible.

>> No.18511760

>bugman can't into authentic spirit

>> No.18511778

cioran and eliade are the only romanian writers relevant to the universal literature
ironically, romanians are too busy riding creanga, sadoveanu and slavici dicks to even notice them
sad, very sad considering that those faggots don't even have talent

>> No.18511781

Temele abordate de catre autorii romani sunt plictisitoare si neinteresante, de altfel lucrurile lor relevante sunt inspirate de lucrarile care erau la moda in europa occidentala. Apoi scuteste-ma de lentila romantata cu care privesc autorii romani pe tarani.

Cati autori romani poti spune ca au compus de amorul artei? de altfel din punctul meu de vedere multe lucrari studiate in liceu ar fi fost mai bune ca si filme decat carti.

>> No.18511854


>> No.18511997

Why are all of your best writers called Mircea?

>> No.18512022

Same with codreanu despite him representing an entirely different genre (?) Romanians have some sort of anachronistic almost characterized Latin spirit. Even today it's by far the most religious country in Europe. Romanian orthodoxism really fits them well because their orthodox church basically has a parallel state within the legal state. It's an interesting nation but it can't find its place. Democracy and liberalism were forced upon them but it doesn't work at all for them, you can see how corrupt they still are and only about 30% people even bother to vote. They need to be ruled by fanatic religious autocrat but that's not going to happen in modern Europe.

>> No.18512025


>> No.18512062

although you are right it still doesn't excuse the fact that you are a troglodyte zoomer

>> No.18512114
File: 296 KB, 850x844, 1622972790286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are not popular with Mihai Eminescu and his work read his poem Luceafarul(Lucifer/The morning or evening star/basically referring to Venus).

>> No.18512125
File: 38 KB, 781x586, 1624276548421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's me

>> No.18512226
File: 92 KB, 355x579, lucian_blaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't post translations of poems you dorks.
Poetry isn't meant to be read in translation, besides why would monolingual ameritards Anglos even care?

Scrie în Romană, Numai noi putem înțelege frumusețea limbii noastre

din ciclul Cîntecul focului de Lucian Blaga

Sînt ostenit ca drumul și uscat ca praful.
Mai sînt izvoare pe pămîntul nostru?
Întreb și caut. Frunze-nlătur cu piciorul.
Foi ruginite cad, se-ngroașă vraful.

E tristă luna azi în Dacia
cînd trece peste plai și stînă.
Sub cîte-o piatră de altar, subt capiște păgînă,
se spune că mai gîlgîie pe-alocuri apa,
mai murmură la obîrșii prin munți,
dar nu în vale, în fîntînă.

De-o apă-mi este sete,
de apa izvorîtă din argint, din munte
ce leagăn fost-a seminției noastre.
Se profilează-n zări piscuri cărunte.

Urcușul pînă-n pragul unui zeu
pe coama muntelui e greu.
De mînă și la pas cu tine -
n-aș pierde însă niciodat' cărarea
prin aluniș și tufa de afine.
Ne-am poticni din cînd în cînd, dar nu ne-am pierde.
Pe vîrfuri sacre, în albastru, ne-ar călăuzi
un nor pe sus, jos mușchiul verde
și fagii zvelți si-nalți, ce mai păstrează
în chipul lor o aminitire trează
de mari coloane din vechime.

Sub pași, pe-acolo, mai răsună,
subt bolovani și flori,
acoperite bolți. Sînt tainițe de mii de ani,
adăpostind în ele amfore rotunde,
în care tu întreagă,
ai încăpea sau pîn' la subsuori.
(Mă-ncearcă un surîs fără temei.
Mai trebuie s-o spun?
În amforele de argilă se păstrau
pe vremuri nu femei,
ci alte bunuri ale dimineții,
aidoma femeilor: grîul cetății, pînea vieții.)

Călcînd prin rouă și prin iarbă poate că am sparge
chiar noi, subt talpa noastră, cupa de roșiatic lut
din care aprigul, tăcutul rege își bău
durerea-nfrîngerii pe scut.
(Dacii cătau prin șuierul de brazi
să schimbe magic o viață în legendă,
în jurul regelui dansînd pe cataligi,
frenetic și-n extaz.)

Ne va fi dat s-ajungem și pe culme într-o zi?
Pe-o treaptă sus vom iscodi
ce-a fost cîndva și nu mai este:
templul de aur pe priporul din poveste.
Îl sprijineau vreo patruzeci și nouă de coloane,
înfățișare-avînd de vipere ce pline de ardoare
în vîrful cozilor s-ar ridica în soare.

Pe-o lespede șezînd acolo lîngă tine,
voi prinde iarăși grai: iată supremele izvoare!
Și umbra inimii mi-o voi vedea
în palma ta căzînd.
Prielnic peste frunte ne va bate vînt.

Iar noaptea, în același loc, ne-or lumina,
lucind din prunduri și din unde,
comorile-ngropate în matca rîului ceresc.
Murmurul nostru, visul, se va-mpărtăși
din nemurire printre greierii ce cîntă
și printre zei, cari, fără temple, mai trăiesc.


>> No.18512230

That's just romanticism

>> No.18512249

They are honorary Frenchmen, to us they can fuck off.
They betrayed our Country, our people, The Iron Guard and ultimately their kin to go have sex with French art hoes in Paris and write self depreciating faggy nihilist bs or practice kamasutra with street shitters in India.
Bunch of cowards, they wouldn't admit to their support of Codreanu.

They are not romanian

>> No.18512277

Ce bazat și roșupastilat

>> No.18512361

Based, "universal literature" just means being in line and supporting Anglo Judaic values

>> No.18512561
File: 19 KB, 220x321, Jean_Bielig_-_Mihai_Eminescu_-_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this picture of him better

>> No.18512566

Every Romanian man past the age of 30

>> No.18512708

asta intra in arhiva

>> No.18512776
File: 10 KB, 250x238, 1glr4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>din ce în ce mai mult

>> No.18513677

do you guys think that petrescu, calinescu and rebreanu are any good?

>> No.18513685

Rebreanu is great, Forest of the Hanged is one of my favorite novels. The other two, no.
Totuși citește-i pentru bac.

>> No.18513701

>mention nothing about my age
>still manages to figure out I'm a zoomer
I think I'm retarded
any other recommendations?

>> No.18513751

Basmele (și folclorul în general, fie doine, snoave sau balade), Blaga, Cioran, Caragiale, Creanga, Preda, Bacovia, Arghezi și piesele de teatru ale lui Sorescu are my favorites.

>> No.18513761

Ficțiunea scrisă de Eliade și romanele lui Gib Mihăescu mai sunt bune.

>> No.18513763

Hai, mars inapoi pe /pol/, ca asta e thread de oameni mari.

>> No.18513787

No, he's talentless

>> No.18513797

Îmi băteam joc de autistu care se lua de Eliade și Cioran cu ”bazat și roșupastilat”. Nici nu știu ce e rău că Eliade a studiat în India și că n-au rămas în România după !945.

>> No.18513807

Spirit doesnt require superfluous baubles. It's in the substance not the decoration.

Nope. Even Ol' Holderlin is much more restrained.

>> No.18513854

Can you travel to Romania without vaccine and shit right now? I'm from a greenlisted country I think

>> No.18513928
File: 2.86 MB, 3023x4031, FA2BE61A-F54D-4E99-A3E5-87FC06E8B42B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to throw in the note I found in my used copy of Eminescu’s poems

>> No.18513951
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, GC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek thread on Romanian lit with OP pic that looks like gypsycrusader.

>> No.18513989

Sa va fut de zoomeri ordinari, pisamas pe voi si pe intelegerea voastra limitata de literatura romaneasca. Pariez ca sunteti femei.
Mods, do your thing

>> No.18514125

>asta e thread de oameni mari
du-te în pula mea, suntem pe 4chan tipule.
Stai de vorbă cu zoomers și poponari care nu citesc.

>> No.18514259

are you a woman?

>> No.18514690

bump for this bullshit

>> No.18514712
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 1603492176113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literatura romaneasca
sigur nu e literatura romana
ironic ca zici de altii ca au intelegerea limitata

>> No.18514755


Ce proasta e ma-ta, pisa-te-as in gat de sclav muist care suge pula la negri si linge in cur transexualii. Stai sa vezi cand ajung si la noi in tara si or s-o futa pe ma-ta capra dupa o arunca in sant moarta, sa vezi atunci daca mai esti tare in gura si zici "du-te inapoi pe /pol/", fmm de drona proasta ce esti.

>> No.18514837
File: 16 KB, 329x500, 1617793646975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vai de mine

>> No.18515064

yes, whoever says otherwise is a moldovan or, worse, romanian

>> No.18515227

>Stai sa vezi cand ajung si la noi in tara
au ajuns deja
Timisoara zici ca i Londra in pula mea
e toata plina de arabi si vietnamezi
in ultima vreme au imceput sa apara si pakistanezi si ndieni(de paraca n aveam destui)
si sa nu mai vorbesc de negri, vad cate doi pe zi

>> No.18515827

>keeping the thread alive

>> No.18517208

Am sa-ti fut toti tati in cur,si am sa o pun pe ma-ta (curva) sa se uite ca proasta

>> No.18517832

Romanian seems like a cool language and it has an interesting culture and history but all Romanians alive today seem like absolute retards.

>> No.18518286

>implying they aren't

>> No.18518311

We are, now fuck off

>> No.18518319

Romanians be like
>gib monis kurwa
you broke ass niggas

>> No.18518326

Sugi pula

>> No.18518329

Isn't that polish

>> No.18518343

that's what the kowalskis want you to believe

>> No.18518356

Stop looking down on moldovans

>> No.18518822

lol what is this triggered response to an innocuous thread
but also for your pro bono edification i will mention that romanians have never tried to be italian, because italy was irrelevant by the time romania came into existence
romania dicksucked france and wanted very much to copy it, which is why we even have our own arc de triomphe and teach french in school
it was well worth it since the based frogs gave us transylvania, much to enduring bozgor horror

>> No.18518955

>seem like absolute retards
i wonder why an eastern european country high on nationalism would create people that seem retarded
it's almost like this is common to all rightwing countries, from romania to poland to turkey and so on
rightwingers are retards and create more retards

>> No.18518995
File: 402 KB, 1200x1200, EwaVxfyW8AUEurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left wingers look like dysgenic abominations.
You're all degenerate ugly motherfuckers

>> No.18519041

I thought Eminescu was a gigantic fag my entire life, based on his works. Then I read some of his later poems, one was about the French revolution, and how the people finally took back power (gay) and the other was when he was 40 thinking about his own death. The death poem was pretty based.

>> No.18519063

The death poem seemed like an admission that his life and work was worthless, not from a nihilistic perspective, but from a perspective of realizing that he was talking like a fag. None of it was worth it for him in the end. That's fucking kino.

>> No.18519120

You also sound retarded. Please return to /pol/.

>> No.18519268

Sinucide-te cu prima ocazie

>> No.18520467

why would i go to /pol/? do i look like a subhuman nazi to you? or do you think someone that hates nazis is the same as a nazi? in which case it sounds like you're the complete retard
lol imagine thinking i'd care about some random americans

>> No.18520520

Rebreanu's Forest of the Hanged is a really good book.

>> No.18520607

Antifa looks the same everywhere.
Limpwristed faggots that haven't worked a day in their lives

>> No.18520699

>Romanian lit thread
>/pol/ vs anti-/pol/ retardation

sunteti toti cretini

>> No.18520907
File: 11 KB, 200x200, check em 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dubs of the truth

>> No.18520918

They're not even Romanian.

>> No.18520938

Have the people calling Eminescu a hack even read him, let alone in Romanian?

>> No.18521943

romania mentioned

>> No.18521968
