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18493085 No.18493085 [Reply] [Original]

How long until his books are deemed potentially dangerous of instigating terrorism and banned off every major online store?

>> No.18493093
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>he thinks the glowies are going to ban their own creation

>> No.18493099

Never, because nobody gives a fuck about the barely literate mob of teenagers who pretend to read him. He just isn’t important.

>> No.18493108

Never, he's technically a CIA asset, or at least a CIA experiment that got out of hand, Google psychologist Henry Murray

>> No.18493122
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>being this retarded

>> No.18493126

When there will be a violent luddite movement with much media attention.

>> No.18493140

>Google psychologist Henry Murray
That was already debunked. Let me guess, you also believe in the tranny story as well?


>> No.18493154

He's not dangerous.
Read an actual book on tech >>18491473

>> No.18493174

What books did he read?

>> No.18493189

>that handwriting

>> No.18493198



>> No.18493269

This >>18493154

>> No.18493296

There was a list of his library I saw a while back. Maybe someone can find it again.

>> No.18493308

Ellul's Technological Society is a major influence.

>> No.18493322

Not gonna happen

>> No.18493329


>> No.18493330


>> No.18493342


>> No.18493354

show nose

>> No.18493485

https://m.imgur.com/a/2DWnyf8 here it is.

>> No.18493601


>> No.18493834

im with mr schiz this time

>> No.18495206
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They already are.

>> No.18495236

My prediction seems to be moving along smoothly. The United States, faced with a unified superpower rival in the form of China, cannot continue to have a democratic system if it wishes to move quickly in order to survive. The Democrat party understands this, and is working overtime to turn America into a 1 party state. Kamala Harris has ambitions of being the American Xi Jinping, and the Democrats will be the American CCP. Domestic terrorism, voter suppression, etc. are all "spooks" that they are using to scare Americans and create a fanatic base which will be the American answer to Chinese hyper-nationalism. We are in the endgame now.

>> No.18495259

Books are already being banned and disappeared. Try to find the Turner Diaries on Goodreads.

>> No.18495272

>Kamala Harris has ambitions of being the American Xi Jinping
Have you ever heard her speak? She clearly has no idea what she was doing beyond blowing that dude for a job years ago. Useful idiot at best.

>> No.18495567

dude was definitely a tranny and a fed. look at all his faggot followers

>> No.18495708

the brilliant thing about this is that not matter if you agree or disagree, or what your position is, as long as you read the text and find the text relatable enough and self evident to have it be truth and not question it, you will without question chose some kind of at least anti establishment and probably anarchist path to fight this.
This is of course just rhetoric, and far worse everywhere else, but you should know this when reading his work.

>> No.18495796

We're not there just yet, it'll take a few decades (1-2) time for the boomers to die off so they can change the laws with the least resistance. Right now, corporations are only able to adjust to the status quo rather than enforce it. Since politicians are already in their pocket, it won't be very long until the US turns into an autocracy. This is all irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, empires rise and fall after all. My only advice for anybody willing to listen is to concentrate on maximizing your life's value by achieving great things and setting an example for others to live by. If you think our situation is unbearable, you're dead wrong. It's literally the easiest it's ever been for the average (even below average) man to stand out of the crowd. People however(the collective), hate their superiors and want to pull them down with them out of pure jealousy. If you improve your appearance, they'll call you gay. If you amass wealth by being frugal, you're greedy. If you abstain from pleasure (junk food, television, pornography, etc) you're weird. Fuck what they think. Be different, don't be a square but don't be dick either. Thank you for listening, and I wish you the best on your journey.

>> No.18495827

Anyone advocating any sort of radical individualism, let alone isolation will never be able to threaten anything nor enact change.

>> No.18496552

>The United States, faced with a unified superpower rival in the form of China, cannot continue to have a democratic system if it wishes to move quickly in order to survive. The Democrat party understands this, and is working overtime to turn America into a 1 party state. Kamala Harris has ambitions of being the American Xi Jinping, and the Democrats will be the American CCP.

they will shoot in the foot if they´re actually thinking of doing that, the American Political System is one of the strongest if not the strongest of the world, it´s a decentralized oligarchy ruled by two political parties that have agreement in 90% of the issues, seriously it´s a work of genius that even Moldbug has to admit it

if they go the route of CCP, their days are numbered, same as was the case in the USSR, are the elites in America, this incompetent?

>> No.18496581

>American Political System is one of the strongest if not the strongest of the world
It's literally hanging by a thread. Where were you for all of 2020?

>> No.18496606

tell me how would you attempt to do a coup in the United States? let´s say for mental experiment sake that if you attempt to do it, you´re free of prosecution, if you can´t answer it, i proved my point

>> No.18496636

If Trump had the support of the military, and had asked them to step in and suspend the transfer of power via force, it would have happened. Trump was an oaf, so we lucked out. Biden could do it too. Hype up the threat of White supremacists, declare conservative movements like the NRA or Republican Party to be domestic terrorists, and prosecute those who support such causes. Trust me, you'll see that happen by 2024 at the latest.

>> No.18496685

>If Trump had the support of the military,

sure, having a military back you up is the one certain thing that makes a coup succesful but it´s extremely difficult in the U.S since the military has faith in the political institutions of the U.S, i might even say that their the best examples of the guardians that Socrates described in the Republic

Biden will not do shit, he´s an old senile (and pragmatic) person, in fact he´s the best thing to happen for alt-right dumbfucks since he doesn´t believe either in sjw nonsense

>> No.18496686

>are the elites in America, this incompetent?
Yes. And this isn't just an American issue, it systemic to the entire globohomo caste.
It's gotten so bad they don't even deserve the title "elite" anymore. Just Globohomo.
The Great Reset is indicative to this collapse. The fact that they're willing to enslave the entire Western Civilization in an effort to preserve their Empires for another 3 generations tops proves they don't deserve to hold onto power any longer.

>> No.18496710
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I don't believe you realize how bad it is.
When the US goes, it will set off a chain reaction that will throw the entire world into turmoil in ways never seen in recorded history.
Take this anon's >>18495796 advice. Get ready for this shitstorm

>> No.18496714
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the anglo-american establishment rules the west, there´s no globohomo, just the integration of brown pipo as economical assests of the U.S empire

the great reset is just influential NGOs jerking off with their silly technocratic ideas, they have no political power, are you sure we´re going to eat cockroaches? pic related

the great reset it´s just a silly anglo idea of utilitarianism and eco-friendly put to the extreme, their ideas will never implemented (and if it does, it will only be implement in anglo countries, the most bug-men like people outside of east asia)

>> No.18496753

this pic is from 2013

>> No.18496772
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Yes, and is still applicable.
If not more so with the debt bubble created by the pandemic. Look up how much money was printed in the US since March 2020, and weep.

>> No.18496784

i will take this from what Moldbug said in his substack

the rich class need subziding from the government in order to keep the masses of people with a functioning economy, go read his substack, he explains far better that i could do it myself

>> No.18496795
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Y-you too

>> No.18496803

so what ARE they doing then?

>> No.18496824

they´re people who want to "change" the world for the better, they sincerely believes in their ideas but being skeptical of people myself, i see them as people who just want prestige and being seen as saviors by the cattle (i.e. normal people), it´s just a glorified TED talk aimed at other influential people who are part of the elite, like a "for your consideration" type of advice

i live in a south america country, and i can bet a million dollares not even in the year 8000 AD their ideas will be popular with the common folk

>> No.18497439

Fucking based. I might buy his books and not care that I'll be on put on a list.

>> No.18497464

Books only get banned for advertising reasons, they literally don't care what you read because they know it doesn't mean anything. The only real thing to fear is if they think you may be a good unconcsious asset.

>> No.18497472

I remember when Obama won and stormfront was full of guarantees that this would happen by 2012

>> No.18497477

They will never do that because there is no point. It would just guarantee a very costly civil war. Please play less video games anon.

>> No.18497489

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It seems like there's been a proliferation of conspiratorial thinking within America lately, and with this multiplicity of past-descriptive narratives comes a multiplicity of potential futures.

Take the rise in adrenochrone conspiracies. On one hand, you have a small fraction of people who think that everyone in Washington and Hollywood is part of a Satanic cabal of cannibalistic pedophiles. On the other hand you have people who believe those in power can literally do no wrong and that every time an errant hooker or whistleblower turns up dead under mysterious circumstances with obvious ties to our ruling class its nothing but a serious of wild coincidences. If you really examine the evidence, certain things are undeniable: Jeffry Epstein existed and trafficked children, he was tied to the wealthy and powerful, he died in prison under suspicious circumstances. There is evidence that the CIA has their hands in child trafficking, and many puppet governments rely on the cooperation and active support of gangsters, pimps, drug lords, etc. To what extent that this kind of bad behavior is systemic within the halls of power we will probably never know for certain. As Nietzsche said, there are no facts, only interpretations.

9/11 set the stage for indefinite detention centers and use of torture to extract evidence, there are also a lot of conspiracy stories surrounding 9/11 in the mainstream-- a symptom of a wider lack of trust in the powers that be I imagine. If I was to pull a coup in the United States I would use the same tactics that were used to assign blame for the 9/11 attack. That is, I would have secret police abduct several high profile establishment political enemies, probably just pass out the list of attendees to the Bilderberg group, then I would have them tortured for several weeks in undisclosed locations until they 'admit' to a secret cabal of child traffickers, or Mossad secret agents, or a 9/11 cover up, or whatever, and provide a list of names implicating all of my political adversaries.

There's already 15% of the population that believes such things, and they would be my most fanatical shock troopers and loyalists. With a bit of digging, it would not be hard to produce documents demonstrating a lot of misbehavior from the government-- involvements in drug cartels, sex rings, terrorist cells, etc. things we all know that the government is involved in. Mixing in a couple forgeries with the real information and you can create a sudden state of emergency that would allow you to purge any political enemy you wanted while labeling them as the most vile, disgusting, evil person imaginable.

It wouldn't even take the military, it would take a small team of operatives capable of abducting and torturing 10 influential people. Americans are naturally subservient and moralizing people, so the moment you can hit a fever pitch of hysterical outrage everybody would naturally fall into line

>> No.18497511

Like you say 15% already believe the worst imaginable, and they do absolutely nothing about it.

>> No.18497864

Sure, but in a hypothetical coup situation where (lets say) a sitting US president came out on TV and confirmed their beliefs while giving them both direction and legal immunity to carry out political violence I think you'd see a different situation.

Even the true believers of these theories, I suspect, don't really believe it. They just see that the political process is so far removed from their personal life that the ruling class may as well literally be vampires for all it matters to them. These theories are a radical statement of non-confidence, which matters when it comes to issues of legitimacy (ie, what constitutes a legitimate transfer of political power). There's also a common, and growing, idea in America that the US is an oligarchical slave state founded on white supremacy, slavery, and genocide, and that it is therefore illegitimate. Unlike adrenochrone theories this narrative is much more popular among the wealthy and aspiring classes, and has a significant amount of institutional backing and funding behind it (which makes me wonder certain powers are not already laying the foundations for a federal coup), but is the concept really different? At its heart is the idea that the powers that exist, the values America is founded on, and the institutions which govern the country, are not legitimate and in fact actively malevolent towards the 'common man'. If these ideas continue to propagate then it's only a matter of time until somebody comes along with a platform for what does constitute "legitimate government", and then you have your coup.

>> No.18497913

don't /thread yourself faggot

>> No.18497929
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>> No.18497999

>Anyone advocating any sort of radical individualism, let alone isolation
What? Ted advocates the completely opposite - forming a small, but coherent enough group with stable organizational core that has strong criteria for the type of persons it would allow as members. Nowhere in his works does he support individualism, their whole premise, as a matter of fact, besides the elimination of the techno-industrial system, revolves around the creation of a hunter-gatherer society that he sees to be the most reliable and fit for a balanced existence of the human race.

>> No.18498044

>If Trump had the support of the military, and had asked them to step in and suspend the transfer of power via force, it would have happened.
Trump is an establishment/deep state puppet just like the rest of the politicians, holy fuck I thought it had become clear by now given all the forced divide-and-conquer tactics the elites have been employing for the last couple of years. The whole system has been rigged from the start and people in democratic countries think they actually have a say in how their country is governed, but in reality they have zero power or, at best, are being scammed with puppet politicians that promise things but don't fulfill them in the end

>> No.18499651

He doesn't oppose jews, so he'll be fine

>> No.18499856

believe it or not, the CIA helped to disseminate these conspiracy theories that you´re talking about, it´s not a populist idea like you think it is, and it´s nothing new, they were doing it in the 60s and 70s, for what purpose i don´t know, but it´s safe to say that conspiracies are on of the CIA´s effective weapons for maintaining the status quo

>> No.18499862


>> No.18500166

If you’re reading it online, you’ve already failed

>> No.18500192


>> No.18501410

>the revolution is coming guys only 3000 more DSA meetings!