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18489495 No.18489495 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read this? I don't really like Orwell because he's too vague as saying >Hyper Authoritarianism BAD is not exactly groundbreaking. However, it's getting referenced too much for me to ignore it, even if the people referencing it are obvious pseuds

>> No.18489528

i visualised everything as a source game when i read this

>> No.18489569

I think his books are crystal clear. People love to bend them around. He's also a great writer who can distil big, complex ideas into clear sentences. Don't read him because he's important, even tho he is, read him because it's good writing.

>> No.18489588

I would completely jizz myself if someone ever made an SFM of 1984

Yeah, it's a pretty short, but rather important read. It goes into the psychology of such hyper authoritarianism and the methods to keep the people under their thumb. The sex scenes gave me a pretty good stiffy, too.

>> No.18489606


1984 was more about examining the logical result of totalitarianism. When people reference it, they reference concepts Orwell coined and elaborated upon in a skilled way that describe the way real authoritarianism maintains its power.

>> No.18490048

Its not the "authoritarianism bad" part that makes it groundbreaking its how he explains what true authoritarianism is like. You should definitely give it a read.

>> No.18490052


>> No.18490105

It is still a great read. We by Zamiatin on the same subject is a great complementary read.

>> No.18490127

If you're on the fence, just read it. It's not a long book

>> No.18490129

idk it seemed appropriate

>> No.18490164

If you haven't read it you shouldn't be here, shouldn't be trying to give opinions on Orwell and definitely shouldn't be trying to call others "obvious pseuds" because that's precisely how you come across.

>> No.18490183


>> No.18490193

This, you could read this book cover to cover in one weekend. And then at least youd know what the political retards are trying to reference every time they bring it up.

>> No.18490212

Have to agree with this anon

>> No.18490276

it´s about totatlitarianism u retard.

in the middle ages you could control the world view as strong but peasants didnt have to give a fuck about anything abstract in their life.

This had changed at his point

>> No.18490631

which edition of 1984 do you guys own?

>> No.18490648

>pick up that can!

>> No.18490652

Yeah read this and 'brave new world'. Won't take long.

>> No.18490663

Orwell is overrated libtard trash

>> No.18490664

You already know the answer. The book is 72 years old and yet is STILL a major cultural reference point.

Although, towards the middle, the main character reads a book which is reproduced for the reader to read through which kinda kills the flow of the story, but the depiction of The Party overall really conveys the terror of totalitarianism in a really vivid way. At least it did for me and millions of others.

>> No.18491886

I read it immediately after reading Animal Farm and I speculate that Emmanuel Goldstein was 1984's Snowball, assuming he was ever a real person in the first place.

>> No.18491892

Because HL2 is based on 1984 in a lot of respects

>> No.18491928

Read it. Normies completely miss the entire point of the book. They think it's just about surveillance.

>> No.18491936

Orwell illustrates power dynamics very well, even though none of what he delivers has never been done before irl. It's useful for that, just don't take his idiotic liberal socialist world views with you in the process.

>> No.18491942

>1984's Snowball
Also known as Leon Trotsky

>> No.18492000

This, the surveillance is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.18492001

Everyone should actually read 1984 because then they’d understand that the debasing of language and meaning, and therefore our living reality, shapes the power of the authoritarian. The entire book is about our narratives and the words we use to describe those narratives and how they can be used against us or destroyed so we cannot use them against the powers that be.
In a culture where the word racism can be culturally redefined in under 10 years by heavy media propaganda, 1984 is a must-read.

>> No.18492031

And he also does a good job showing how the dissenter heightens the power of the authority with Goldstein.