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/lit/ - Literature

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18482658 No.18482658 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18482669

I wonder if I will die soon.

>> No.18482670

My hat

>> No.18482692


>> No.18482693

Good fiction is the only thing that gives me fleeting moments of happiness while it deepens my despair. It’s an endless cycle I can’t break out of. No one can.

>> No.18482706

Why do you get up in the morning?

I was thinking about this and I actually don’t know why I do. It’s a combination of habit and feeling instinctually like I have to but no other reason.

>> No.18482715
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Rainy season is the perfect time to read a book

>> No.18482729
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I have an entire folder of fluff. This dude's art is fucking hot

>> No.18482732

My child

>> No.18482734

>being in Japan for tsuyu
Anon you've gone full weeb.

>> No.18482738


I think I get it Anon - in a way.

Good fiction can make you truly you happy while it holds you in the moment, while you are suspended in that belief of the characters, the story and the magic, but it's only ever fleeting.

Before too long the awareness of this absolute barren wasteland of a reality that is devoid of any cosmic justice, equity or purpose returns, and you know fiction for what it is - make believe.

That's how it is for me at least. It's how it is for me with everything now.

Can't wait to die.

>> No.18482741

What clubs do you guys think I should join in college?
They have a NASA sponsored club here. I don't especially care for satellites but it would look killer on my resume so maybe I should try that.

>> No.18482743
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BANIME NAO!!!!!!!!

>> No.18482749

>Why do you get up in the morning?
Caffeine withdrawals or toilet, otherwise I wouldn't leave the bed until hungry.

>> No.18482753
File: 66 KB, 650x400, Curiosidades-Yukio-Mishima-Nominaciones-Nobel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be the Hispanic Mishima

>> No.18482754
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I agree. Love the sound of it against the roof

>> No.18482763

>hetero pic
Guys I think butterfly might actually be kidnapped this time.

>> No.18482770

But it is clearly a woman and her tomboy gf?

>> No.18482771


fuck I hate tripfags and their simps

>> No.18482778

Drunk lawyer anon here.
I went to the beach and it’s awesome. I saw dolphins. Got drunk. Drove a boat. Hung out with good people. There’s always a breeze. I haven’t enjoyed myself like this in years. It’s so nice. I just forgot all my obligations back home.

I love y’all. Fuck you.

>> No.18482786

That's a dude, anon.
>Reddit spacing

>> No.18482788
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I entirely work from home, have a comfortable income, sleep only 4 hours total a day using a polyphasic schedule, and I can absorb lit at a decent pace, and yet it seems there's not nearly enough time in the world to read all I want to read. I hear people talking about how they're procrastinating reading things which sit on their shelf, but for me it's more like I go through approx. 200,000 words a day, yet for every novel, anthology, serial, textbook etc. I finish I end up adding several to my to-read list and it becomes increasingly frustrating to prioritize what I really want to read next.

Considering trying Dymaxion sleep, basically four, half-hour naps a day.

Tangentially related, pic related, a book I finished today and quite liked.

>> No.18482789

Make a fucking sandcastle. You had one job. Make a fucking sandcastle.

>> No.18482797

I wish I could draw this well but I stopped working at it years ago. I wish I never stopped.

>> No.18482804

I’ll try. The people I’m with are more into boats and using boats than being at the beach. If I can I’ll make one tomorrow and post it. I’m not sure if I can. I didn’t know this was a requirement.

>> No.18482807

It’s just so much more entertaining, more driven, more meaningful. In fiction, everything is meaningful. Nothing is a mistake and the characters never don’t a reason to do what they do. They never don’t have something, or someone, that drives them forward. Real life isn’t like that. Real life is just flat out disappointing and it’s lonely. Sometimes it feels like it’s just not worth it in comparison.

>> No.18482810
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Sometimes I like to go on threads and give a blog poster my contradictory opinions with zero justification and then leave. Most of the time I don't even read what they said to begin with. I just don't feel like wasting all of my time arguing against wrong opinions.

>> No.18482812
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It was a cute pic with nice colors. One can’t self insert all the time.

>> No.18482818

Why don’t you just be yourself like he was.

>> No.18482824

If you cannot make a sandcastle, you should at least acquire some fish of dubious legality but unprovable provenance and destroy the evidence.

>> No.18482830

>One can’t self insert all the time.
You can and do, though.

>> No.18482833

Going in for therapy to see about whether I have narcissistic personality disorder soon lads, what are some tips to get the most out of it and avoid not get blacklisted or commited against my will? The psych is male, and I will probably keep my hasguns status and politics out of it for a bit,

>> No.18482841

That’s the goal tomorrow. I want to gut and kill my own fish and my friends are gonna help that happen.

>> No.18482842

Be the man de Rivera would have wanted you to be, Anon

>> No.18482849
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Just look at those thighs and legs. He makes children into demonic cock squeezing nymphets.

>> No.18482851

>and to avoid getting blacklisted or committed against my will

>> No.18482869


I can't say that I disagree man. In fiction there's meaning and purpose, and usually there is a right and a wrong - even if it's a gradient and not clear cut.

In real life those things are purely matters of context and perception and they're different for everyone. There is no universal truth, seemingly no overarching purpose (or if there is it is incredibly contrived and convoluted; hidden down infinite speculative rabbit holes), and no matter how much effort you put into life, random chance and luck will *always* have a bigger impact.

>> No.18482885

Nice what's on your shopping list?

>> No.18482888


You are showing off how new you are, please stop

>> No.18482892

why do I see so many of threads? Is there really ever anything of value? I doubt it.
Probably just an excuse for perpetual shit posting social club general yes?

>> No.18482896



>> No.18482898

>caring about being new
>still Reddit spacing
You might not have been born when the site started.

>> No.18482913

I've found the opposite, the more I read the less enthusiastic I am about the next book. Languages don't seem rigorous enough to really convey anything, it just ends up being a grab bag of assertions with the next book asserting the opposite. What's left is just the art and aesthetics of the text itself.

One good thing is I'm no longer really intimidated by anything academic, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.18482951


>not caring about being new in the sekrit club
>thinking that the carriage return is or was ever unique to reddit

Fuck you're disgusting

>> No.18482957

coom 3 times in 5 hours call it le groß morte

>> No.18482961

I didn’t and don’t.

>> No.18482988

>Graduated & get a job
>Realize I genuinely dislike my chosen field
well, shit

>> No.18483000

>carriage return
kid if you're going to continue to redditspace and use typewriter terms, I'm going to have to imagine you in a fedora and dr who scarf.

>> No.18483113

Nothing other than catch a fish I can gut and cook.

>> No.18483175
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I've had multiple short stories and poems published and tons of people who read my writing actually like it. Yet despite all that, a single negative critique of what I've written is enough to send me into a funk. Am I just overly sensitive?

>> No.18483194

>typewriter terms
carriage return (\r) is ascii code 13 and, along with new line (ascii code 10 (\n)), as in `\r\n`, represents a so called 'redditspace' on windows.

>> No.18483202

I'm agnostic, but I unironically hope that God is real so I get to see a lot of people burn in hell with me.

>> No.18483219

Do you wear sandals?

>> No.18483254

Hey anon I remember you
Is there any lucrative form of law that's interesting to someone who likes the abstract principles of law but not the soulless grind of corporate law?
All I can think of is having your own legal practice but I don't know if I have the dominant personality to succeed against other individual practices, if that makes sense. Legal academia sounds great but seems like that's near-impossible as a short term goal.

I've also noticed law draws uniquely odd people more than any other profession, the kind who seem well-adjusted to others but hold fringe beliefs internally. Lots of neurotic, power-hungry narcissists too. People who think they're gonna be politicians/supreme court justices. Not talking about you, just an observation. Curious as to whether your experiences align with this?

>> No.18483315

O Brasil me obriga a beber.

>> No.18483440

Earlier this year I was trying to make new friends and invited some people into a new group server to chat in. They were all from a chan so one of the guys turned out to be a troll. I ignored him at first since he didn't really talk, but one day out of nowhere he went on a tirade against me insulting me over and over. He called me extremely boring and said that I talk like akinator, just asking questions to people over and over like an AI. It hurt pretty badly, honestly. I kicked him from the server but I still feel like he won. Even if he was trying to make me mad on purpose, he was probably being honest. In fact, he's probably right. Everyone from that server eventually stopped talking to me. I don't know why, but I just couldn't do it. There were 7-8 people in there and I don't talk to a single one now.

That tells me I'm such a boring person to be around that of 7-8 people who showed an initial interest, not a single one cared enough to stick around. Honestly, I think I should give up on making friends. It's probably not for me.

>> No.18483449

Why should you give a fuck, anon? Pretending is tiresome as fuck. Just be yourself and while you might make a lot of friends, you'll get some who feel like being around you.

>> No.18483454

*you mighy not make a lot of friends

>> No.18483459

Idk, I'm not "pretending" really. I wasn't being a phony in any way. Honestly if I started acting phony I would likely be more successful. No one seems to like my company as I am. I'm not usually this pessimistic either

>> No.18483464

I'm the quoted anon, and I know, that depending on your age this might sound harder than I'm saying it is. But honestly, anon. Just realize that you won't see those people around, most of them will be at the best some random portrait in another social media bs in some years. Why should you care? Unless someone is fucking dying, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.18483472

>I'm the quoted anon

>> No.18483475

Well, pretending is something really fucking distressful. I did that my whole life at certain points. It made me sick, now I have to deal with all this bullshit. You could change, if you think you should, but don't pretend. I'm not saying that it is ok to be a jerk, but don't you are not supposed to please everyone.

>> No.18483479

Kicking him probably made it look to everyone like you got butthurt and can't handle the bantz. You should have actually started talking like Akinator to make fun of him.
>Is your character trying to talk a lot of shit for no reason? I THINK OF: a faggot

>> No.18483483

I'm >>18483464 and >>18483449

>> No.18483484

I might just never read my email again. Who's gonna make me?

>> No.18483504

If it's pretending to make friends, you're probably right that it's a waste of effort and time. Still, if that's out of the question then probably right now my only alternative is to accept being alone until something big changes and people actually want to be around me
Yeah you're right to a degree. Those people don't really matter. What does matter is the possibility that this scenario is going to repeat with pretty much everyone, and I'll have no choice but to be alone.

>> No.18483526

You can always fucking change. What kind of anon are you anyway? I thought most anons were thick skinned af.

>> No.18483529

One day i'll wake up and it will be clear what i want to do in my life.

>> No.18483533

But honestly, I wouldn't really bother on your place. Most people just aren't fucking worth it. They get boring too quickly.

>> No.18483534


>> No.18483537

I'm kind of thin skinned yeah. It is what it is

>> No.18483552

Yes, and that is fine. Just the way you are. Don't overthink it and be yourself. I'm weird af when I'm not trying and I made some friends. You will make some too.

>> No.18483642

No what?

>> No.18483693

i used to just read encyclopedia dramatica because i was afraid to go on this site

>> No.18483829

I'm still afraid to go to 4+4chan, I have a lot going for me right now and I don't want to mess it up

>> No.18483898
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>> No.18484072

Leftists are spiritually capitalists. They're both international and therefore both against the people

>> No.18484115

I honestly and wholeheartedly hate loathe this world, humanity, the way of how I was raised, the time wish I have to live in, this reality, it is not the worse by any means. I may be an ungrateful fuck. I just project myself into humankind, I think we have a huge collective father and authority complex and this great fear fear fear of going agaisnt the rules and figures of authority and dying. Fuck I was always fearful of asking permission growing up in a super protective family and they telling me 'anon why do you want to go outside alone are you stupid or something?" I blame my father for the autistic fuck I am right now, but is not my father anymore, the boomers didn't ruin the planet, it was really fucked up from the very beginning, it just took its course. I bear a lot of blame for not changing my life before the pandemic. Now it feels very nasty. And of course there are people who aren't autistic and don't give two fucks about going on in life, working with their complexes or just being possesed by them. I wish I was them. It just fucking sucks being me, a manchild. When I was a child they told me I was dumb. And now I realize they were full of bullshit, and are still full of it. Yeah I was dumb, but it was my very own bullshit. I don't know, someone please kill me.

>> No.18484250

i keep dreaming about better life.

>> No.18484258

Decided to quit software engineering to get a trade.
Fuck office cucks.

>> No.18484277

I wish there were morn porn books with male MCs that deal with subjects on incest

>> No.18484280

Do what makes you happy

>> No.18484339


>> No.18484445

How do I become as carefree but also as hardworking as Goku?

>> No.18484447

Being a tradiecuck isn't much better

>> No.18484463

Be born with superior genes

>> No.18484468

Can you restore your brain after over a decade of drinking?

>> No.18484476

slowly, if you are prone to withdrawals

>> No.18484616
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>be me
>every weekday has followed the pattern of waking up around an hour early and not quite getting enough sleep before work, although I haven't felt too tired
>Monday at work was really boring; in the middle of the day I watched Dude Where's My Car and Not Another Teen Movies while feeling horrified at how far the 90s/early 00s are
>rest of the weekdays have been nothing very memorable
>go driving and drinking coffee every day after work to try to recreate the weekend feel
>sometimes go walking as well in the bright evenings; go for short 40 minute walks while listening to podcasts
>lifting has continued to go well despite less than perfect sleep
>work up at 10.15 am on Saturday morning
>browse internet in bed
>went driving; currently drinking coffee in car while browsing internet; will read a book soon and buy junk food on way home
>plan to eat at home, browse internet, go for a walk, then go jogging, then I don't know what

It's a typical Saturday.

I have been banned so much from my home WiFi. And I can't post topics on a mobile phone.

>> No.18484625

It feels like it's getting better, at 232 days sober.

>> No.18484644

what's the problem with that routine?

>> No.18484744

Good to hear. Though it's a long journey it seems.

>> No.18484815

How do you not feel empty?

>> No.18484820

by fulfilling a creative purpose

>> No.18484825

What if you don’t have a creative purpose?

>> No.18484833

I'm straight but I'm in a homosexual relationship so my friends think I'm gay

>> No.18484869

In the fits of a drunken revery I foolishly smoked all of my cigs and today I may kill a man for a smoke if my empty pockets do not mysteriously make manifest the money for more

>> No.18484879

It'll dull with time I imagine. It hurts when you get your first negative feedback, but look at it this way: if it's merited, learn from it. If it's unmerited, ignore it and focus on the praises.

>> No.18484881


>> No.18484923

I spend most of my money on cigarettes and alcohol shits fucked

>> No.18484933

Damn it...
incest is so fuckin hot

>> No.18484934

create one

>> No.18485030

t. has no sisters or brothers

>> No.18485052
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>> No.18485064

it really is. some of my earliest sexual fantasies were about my hot cousin. she's in her late 30's and fat now but when I was young she was banging hot.

>> No.18485093


>> No.18485097


>> No.18485108

Seems paradoxical

>> No.18485117

Death is the ultimate goal of life
yet all we do is struggle to stay alive

>> No.18485124

are polish girls/boys the superior slavs (only talking about fuckability)... i'm starting to think so

>> No.18485136

Did you know...? Incest in ancient Egypt was so common, they had a whole genre of romantic love poetry specifically for sisters.

>> No.18485147

Visiting my parents and i want to kill myself
I sometimes wonder how my parents can be such such social wastelands and how i can repair the fundamental toxicity that they instilled in me

>> No.18485149

yeah and that's why all their royalty was fucked up with absolutely horrible health issues because they were all fucking inbred. incredibly romantic

>> No.18485150
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>> No.18485156

Then why wouldn’t I just kill myself immediately?

>> No.18485159


>> No.18485161

god i love these proportions

>> No.18485182

im afraid of moving out of parents place, live with roommates and get a job. Im almost 30 too.

>> No.18485183

>thinking of visiting a prozzie again
Ahhhh I need to stop

>> No.18485190

just move out already you hag

>> No.18485191

Working and being a rentcuck sucks so I don't blame you

>> No.18485198

too stressful

>> No.18485202
File: 31 KB, 525x525, 1583464558614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting my diet again today. ive been good about exercising but i've been eating like shit. we're all gonna make it bros. don't give up!

>> No.18485226

I don't know, why wouldn't you?

>> No.18485246

well, only you know the answer to that question anon

>> No.18485261
File: 10 KB, 181x163, ED7C6541-867D-4CA3-9630-804028FE5BD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying a woman to humiliate you

>> No.18485285

Started out as just the royalty, but eventually spread down through to the middle classes as well. They had a matrilineal system of inheritance, and eventually people just started marrying their sisters and daughters to ensure financial security. Once it's the norm, feelings adjust accordingly. Absolutely dysgenic, but still, wouldn't exactly call Egyptian civilization unsuccessful, or some cultural backwater.

>> No.18485489

fat bitch

>> No.18485493

what the fuck are you arguing for exactly? you want inbred children with physical disabilities?

>> No.18485497
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Why do the weeds keep growing faster than the plants that i want to grow

>> No.18485498
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg dude, incest patrician chad master race, living the dream am i right!! <3 xoxo

>> No.18485552

Why stop?

>> No.18485553

Of course, you're right. Obviously there's a price to be paid for partaking of incest. All I'm saying is, what's the price of not partaking? I feel like that's a question that doesn't get asked enough.

>> No.18485558

Anya Taylor Joy is so fucking hot. I want to 'bone' her so bad.

>> No.18485561

It's scary until you do it. Then once you're forced to do it it becomes normal pretty quickly. Go for it brother.

>> No.18485571

Desirable plants have been bred for stuff like big fruit or showy flowers, whereas most weeds just burn all their energy on growing as much foliage as fast as possible. They are also often better suited to their environment

>> No.18485606

I have to go read

>> No.18485649

So just last night, for whatever reason. I got this kind of wave of feeling for Butterfly. A wave of passion. And I badly want to see a picture of her specifically from the nose down, smiling.. in a sundress and wearing sandals or flip flops. I think we could get this to happen. Its simple and non sexual (just about beauty) and I think this board would go absolutely nuts.

Thoughts? My friends?

>> No.18485683

I've taken the foodpill, there's nothing comfier than cooking up then enjoying a good meal, especially if you're sharing it with others.

>> No.18485702
File: 50 KB, 700x500, 1617799294679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why do the snails ignore the weeds, while going for my dahlias and zinnias when the weeds have way more leafs?

>> No.18485706

This may come across as pretentious. I generally hate existence, yet I strive to learn more. I wish to live as long as I can simply to study, read, and learn as much as I can before my days end.

>> No.18485709

How boring lol.

>> No.18485711

there is literally no price in not partaking in incest. there are lots of hot bitches to fuck who are not biologically related to you and your body will naturally want them more anyway.

>> No.18485729

cookout invite rescinded

>> No.18485737

Depends on the kind of weed. Many of them are poisonous or have other defense mechanisms. I highly encourage you to learn to identify all the weeds you see in your garden, since there are many which are edible or that have desirable interactions with other plants. If you post a picture I might be able to tell you what some stuff is.

>> No.18485744

I dont know.

>> No.18485751

are there really no fiction that has a intense focus on incest?

>> No.18485761

hmm, i didnt think of that
i just try to remove all the weeds i see because most of them are choking out the other plants

>> No.18485812

You haven't seen my sister.

>> No.18485845
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Anyone else watching the euro cup? I usually don't care about sports but man I'm hyped for some reason

>> No.18485856

One of my old Elementary School buddies has been having a schizophrenic meltdown on instagram the past few days and it makes me sad to see.
I stopped hanging out with him around the time he got into using meth like 7 years ago, and now he's making dozens of instagram posts about the military and pics of his guns, which is never a good sign. He seems to think the government is having a "secret war" that started on Friday and that they have speakers set up telling him to do things.
It's fucking scary to see and I hope he gets help, but I'm not able to give it to him.

>> No.18485865

Yeah there's some stuff that I always pull because it just a nuisance. Mostly viney shit like morning glory, ground ivy, etc. But I like to leave clover and vetch because they fix nitrogen, and purslane because its low, spreading stems block other weeds and trap moisture. Weeds with long taproots like dandelions can bring nutrients from deep in the soil closer to the surface. Also if you wanna kill the snails, leave a shallow dish with a bit of beer in it out overnight, they will be attracted to the smell and drown.

>> No.18485908
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This was some funny shit

>> No.18485914

Is he one of the signatories of the recent letter of several generals? If he's like this, I wonder if France actually has a fighting chance to save itself from the multikulti nightmare.

>> No.18485922

Go ask Aquinas, he knows. He said incest was bad because of you combined the natural affections of family and spouse, couples would just literally never leave the house. How much has been taken from us?

Maybe nothing. I don't know, I'm just asking questions.

>> No.18485977
File: 24 KB, 360x450, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Warhammer 3 is actually looking to be really good. First time ive been hype for a game in a decade.

>> No.18485979
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>I wonder if France actually has a fighting chance
I don't believe it till I see it but I'll take the laughs in the meantime

>> No.18486067

who is this man and why do i keep seeing him on 4chan?

>> No.18486077

You just quoted a post that included the youtube link that answers your question

>> No.18486087

oh right
for some reason my brain registered that as a french link so i didnt bother to watch it

>> No.18486137
File: 429 KB, 1920x1080, 1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried that free weekend of "tannenberg" some ww1 team shooter sim on steam. p fun ngl. refreshing to play a ww1 especially one focused on the east but they prob don't make too many cuz using a bolt action rifle kinda sucks when ur used to spray and praying in cod or sth.

>> No.18486163 [DELETED] 

my mom sent me to a shrink that looked like that when i was a kid

>> No.18486182

Psychiatry is predominantly jewish indeed

>> No.18486324

My sister is a 1:1 copy of britta from community. She's 30 and still has zero chill.

>> No.18486371

you must post a picture anony

>> No.18486395

I don't know how long it will last, hard to know really. But I wish I had someone to talk about it with. Anymore.

>> No.18486430

I don’t know. The only reason I haven’t is a combination of habit and instinctual clinging to life.

>> No.18486449

They can be that way in fiction too. For me, real life is just so boring, disappointing, and dissatisfying. I’m just running out the clock until I can turn to dust. I sincerely feel that there is nothing here for me that will redeem my having lived at all. There’s no reason for me to be here and nothing in particular for me to. In fiction, the world, the characters, the interactions between each, and all the events are hyper-meaningful. Every action the protagonist takes affects the world around him. Some time the fate of the world is, in fact, his fate. He has relationships, meaningful ones, with people he loved and who loved him back and even when written as tragedy and horror, good fictional worlds are just saturated meaning. There’s never not a reason to turn the page. I have never, in my real life, felt I had a good reason to turn the page.

>> No.18486517

you can make your life meaningful you know

>> No.18486614

So just last night, for whatever reason. I got this kind of wave of feeling for Butterfly. A wave of passion. And I badly want to see a picture of her specifically from the nose down, smiling.. in a sundress and wearing sandals or flip flops. I think we could get this to happen. Its simple and non sexual (just about beauty) and I think this board would go absolutely nuts.

Thoughts? My friends?

>> No.18486677

Get off 4chan bro.

>> No.18486748

Get outside, anon. Meet other girls irl. How long has it been since the last time you saw someone else?

>> No.18486788

greatest advice of all time (unironically)

>> No.18486824



Ive done well for myself, my teen years and early 20s were filled with gfs and success, im now in a great University and have sex semi regularly. I consider my coming around to Butterfly and her divine image in a sundress to be a natural progression forward in my life.

>> No.18486831

nigga nah

>> No.18486854

I have made a salad of cherry tomatoes, avocado, cucumber, shallots, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper. It is extremely based and I recommend you make yourselves such a salad when possible

>> No.18486880

Why do you deny me these pleasures, friend. Life is good and sweet. I dont think its out of the ordinary to sniff out the more precious things (butterfly, dress, feet) you know. Its natural.

>> No.18486886

The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all

>> No.18486890

Sounds as sweet as butterflys feet. My guy.

>> No.18486923

my mom is in town and we went out for breakfast. by the time we'd gotten through the door she's already insulted a working class dude there with his family. if it were me who said the shit she said and in the way she said it, that dude and i would have been throwing hands. by the time we sat down for breakfast, she'd already insulted the waitress by telling her to "take a vicodin" -- direct quote. of course, the waitress turns out to be in recovery and i have to kind of just sit there while these women verbally spar with all this malice just barely beneath the surface. then she turns to me and wants me to reinforce her as if she wasn't completely in the wrong. mind, i work nights and i am a hermit. i don't like being around people and groups of people in general are anathema. i was a little overloaded just sitting there in this crowded diner listening to my mom, who i haven't seen in over a year, bitching out this waitress who really did nothing wrong at all.

this is why i work nights, and this is why i keep to myself. to top it all off, i am working class as ever-living fuck. army veteran, spurned my family's wealth, moved out away from the cities to do my own thing. i like to read, i like to write, and i like to discuss shit that's important to me. my mom is this VERY obvious san francisco ice pixie and it just feels fucking weird being anywhere with her.

>> No.18486982

So did you fuck her or not?

>> No.18487029
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Sounds like you should completely remove her from your life anon, she sounds like a genuinely awful person to be around. I can kinda relate but mine was more of a crack whore with stockholm syndrome to the worst kind of men imaginable.
Fun stuff.

>> No.18487057
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Want to be told what to do. What to read, how to live, what to be. Maybe it's the infamous female mindset finally kicking in, maybe the exhaustion. There is so much wisdom in the world, one should make sure to conceive as much as they can of it. There is so much beauty too. Maximizing beauty and minimizing pain is the point of it all, after all. I will forever attempt to not understand londonfrog. But how but how but how
Also, the Sympathizer is highly recommended. Have a great day, everyone!

>> No.18487058
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The forms of dictatorship seduce me. Her clear order compell me, I wish to defy even the most sore throat imaginable to joyfully cheer "YES!" as she asks me standing among a crowd of listeners to to her every biding. She is like a dominatrix that has taken the form of a state, except instead of crushing me below the heal of her thigh high boots, she uses tank treads. I adore her. I would do everything to make her real.

>> No.18487163

>So don't despair. As this corporal from my unit said: "The fight of our life is the Battle of France." These words are harsh and chilling, I know. You have the right to be sad, you have the right to be angry, you even have the right to be afraid. This is normal, time has chosen you for a difficult task, you would probably have liked a quieter life... But be happy, because you are the generation in which one cycle will end and another will begin. These things only happen once in history. And not only will this happen in your lifetime, but you will have a role to play.

>Prepare, educate, train, harden, learn skills, get married, educate your children well, take care of your friends, act to become an example to the weakest, and act by the example of the strongest.

>Your blood is bubbling with power, genius, glory and honor. And there is no greater honour for a man or woman than to defend his blood by defending his territory. Be strong, be proud, be French.

>> No.18487173

Theres also a staggering amount of suffering. This reads like a sheltered suburban faggot post. Try saying this to someone who got raped or the exhausted poor hungry multitudes. Fucking twink.

>> No.18487174

Are you a woman? As in biological born woman, not fake woman. If so, you're right you should accept to be told what to do and be proud of it because you're in tune with your nature despite the propaganda.

>> No.18487180

>Maximizing beauty and minimizing pain
fuck that maximize everything

>> No.18487283

Well, that’s the thing. I don’t really think I can. I wouldn’t know how to do that if it were possible.

>> No.18487354

I dont know i can do it. Seems too overwhelming.

>> No.18487376
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I want to write but every time I open a plank page everything I wanted to write vanishes. its like all the ideas I had get sucked out when the white light of my screen hits my eyes. and even when I overcome that first hurdle I always feel lost, how the hell can I turn a few ideas into a novel is beyond me. I never written anything before, and I want to start as soon as I can, but I feel so fucking angry that nothing I do works god fucking dam it

>> No.18487389

That's true, and why pain should not be so romanticized. Do you know any good literature about this subject, which is not self righteous and whiny?

Yes, but the intellectual poorness and lack of creativity of the trads does not make one want to comply with them

>> No.18487405

You sound more intellectually poor than anyone I know so you shouldn't worry about that

>> No.18487416

No time to do anything. No time. I’m out of time.

>> No.18487431

Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head
But she's touching his chest now
He takes off her dress now
Let me go
And I just can't look, it's killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me

>> No.18487517

You need to go back.

>> No.18487527

A Dustland Fairy tale begining.. just another white trash county kisss, sixty one, long blonde hair, foolish eyes,

he looked just like u want him 2 some kind of slick chrome american prince, blue jean serenade moon river whatd you do to me, i dont believe you..

>> No.18487561

>Maybe it's the infamous female mindset finally kicking in
no no, the fact that you are weak-minded failure at life and a fucking retard has to do with your personal character rather than the fact that you have a cunt in between your legs, i think you should shut the fuck up

>> No.18487586


>> No.18487590

he's a tranny my brother, no bio woman would say shit like this kek

>> No.18487599

fuck yes, god fucking yes

>> No.18487650

>its like all the ideas I had get sucked out when the white light of my screen hits my eyes
Write on paper, as god intended

>> No.18487659

>spurned my family's wealth

>> No.18487666

saw cinderella in a party dress

>> No.18487757

I keep believing that inside my head there is one secret conflict that makes me keep sabotaging myself and if I discover what this conflict is I will be able to resolve it and become whole again. The problem is I don't know what to look for, or even if it's true

why do I create things? I do it because its my nature. Creating used to feel good so why doesn't it now? Is is the lack of appreciation? That's beyond my control. Is it the pressure I put on myself to create? How can I stop pressuring myself when I want something and am the only one who can provide it?

why do I struggle writing? The first time I truly managed to write something it was because of a health scare. I was convinced I was going to die and had to write the whole thing before I couldn't anymore. By the time I realized I was being a hypochondriac I had so much momentum I was able to finish my novel in just 3 months. The question is, what stopped me from learning from that?

>> No.18487878


>> No.18487880

when she was looking for a nightgown

>> No.18487961

I hate the phrase "just do it." Do people who use that advice really work that way?

I don't know about other people, but writing for me isn't just pressing a button. I have to come up with a story, then I have to plan it out, then I have to figure out the next words I'm going to write and write them. This is often where things go wrong, because I don't always know what words I should type next, and often times the struggle makes me anxious, tired and ashamed of myself. Sometimes I try to force myself to write words I don't believe in but their mere presence makes me feel sick with myself because I know they're not good enough, and I get discouraged enough that I have to take a break or stop for the night. This also happens when I realize I've written myself into a corner that's going to force me to figure out and explain a whole bunch of shit I didn't think I'd need to. Sometimes planning to avoid that combined with the above anxiety is enough to stop me so I don't write anything at all

simply writing THIS makes me feel stressed and tired, and here I don't have to worry about a minimum quality

When I hear "Just do it", I can't tell whether I'm fighting a battle nobody else is, or whether the person giving the advice has never written in their life

>> No.18487964
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The Great Debate

>> No.18487972

if your into ass u may as well be shaggin a lad

>> No.18487981

i saw the devil wrapping up his hands

>> No.18488001

I paid a woman $100 to insult me for being an adult virgin.

>> No.18488014

>finish classical guitar course I got on /t/ months ago
>thank you for sticking through this course and putting in the time and effort
also, I'm thinking of asking this girl out I matched today on tinder, but we don't have much in common and she doesnt have pics below her bosom line,so she might be fat, even though her face is slim, or at least have one of those disform chubby/skinnyfat bodies, it might be good to get some experience though as this would be my first time doing this.
Im talking to a much prettier, nicer and funnier girl but shes too far away

also anyone read agamben's book about the epidemic?

>> No.18488018

Blades in and out man's top
You can say my man got chopped (ching!)

>> No.18488034

Don't mind if I do desu

>> No.18488037

Hes gettin ready for a showdown

>> No.18488055

never got the last achievement in Civilization: Revolution because i couldn't get Agamemnon to spawn

>> No.18488109

why, and is that a good game ?

>> No.18488136

he's just unlikely to appear, i forget exactly why
>is that a good game
not really

>> No.18488179

>if your into ass u may as well be shaggin a lad
hmmm no problem with that

>> No.18488285

There are these types of sports where your dick is basically visible through your clothing, right? Swimming, some types of wrestling, rowing, etc..
How are dicklets supposed to do these? Not that it isn't embarrassing with a normal piece either.

>> No.18488299
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Hmm? No, it’s “all power to the people”
If it isn’t that, it isn’t our revolution. It’s just a coup.

Liberals, aka neoliberalism, is running this world. Hopefully not for long, but if your sort continue to mix up who’s who, the SS are going to continue to play us

>> No.18488333

Can I get a picture of you Butterfly, wearing sandals and a sundress, maybe with a smile ? You dont have to show your eyes just cut it off there. This whole board would go nuts.

>> No.18488348

in wrestling, baseball, and boxing you have a cup covering your dick so ppl can't really see it accurately anyways, but i would also like to add that cups don't do jack shit and if anything make it worse because if some boxer rips you in the nads with a low blow the cup just flattens your sack so it quite frankly does nothing. maybe it really is just there for modesty.

>> No.18488367

And make fun of my hairy legs. Not doing it.

>> No.18488376
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to paraphrase the honorable cypress hill:
>just got that new foucault in mail

hell ya this shit goes into the development of all the catholic sexual regulations in late antiquity, tradcath larps should read it to find where all the stuff they believe actually came from.

>> No.18488381

>tradcath larps should read it to find where all the stuff they believe actually came from.
>he thinks Foucault wrote actual history

>> No.18488424

Bring the fables from thy tomb
Sporadic doom as knights loom
Does clergy support this passion?
Pure wrath of the winged assassin

A time of fate
Your spite sooths
Untold the stories
Of thy muse
Hour is late as
Kingdoms unfold
Signs in disarray
Your fight in loath

Move, when your
In the groove, in core
With the muse, is your
Light the fuel, with torch
Cues of silence spark the mastery
Knights revolt to demonic treachery

Can this seal be broken?
Has our fate awoken?
Who’s the antichrist?
Judgment waits on the test of time

Welcome the thoughts of a coward’s disband
Cause now you’re in the shadow of the angel’s wingspan

>> No.18488455

Just shave them once for the picture, everyone wants to see you! Also theres no way you walk around in the summer in a dress or shorts without shaving your legs, i dont buy it.

>> No.18488490

Im sorry to be the one to tell you, but youre not talking to the og butters, but an impersonator

>> No.18488494

Have you ever "fetishized" a race/group of people? Not in a sexual sense, mind you, but in that they seem to have qualities that you wish you had, or your people had?

For me, the Arabs are such a people. I admire them greatly. Unlike my people or many, many others, they rarely if ever have suffered oppression, genocides, or any "ethnic suffering". They were never victims; they have always been conquerors. Perhaps one can point to Palestine as a place where Arabs have been oppressed, but that is a tiny silver of land, especially when compared to the vast swathes of lands they have conquered. In the past it was Egypt, North Africa, Iran, in modern times it is Europe... they seem so beautiful to me, a group of people who move fluidly from one conquest to another. Even those who attempt to conquer them, like the Turks or the French, find themselves Arabized. You cannot conquer the Arabs, you become them and they win.

I envy them, to be honest. Their culture is protected and grows while almost everyone else is swept into this strange rootless, Anglophone one. They are only growing in power. Already large chunks of Asia and Africa are theirs, and this century will see them wrest control of Europe as well. I have tried to study their language in the form of MSA/al-fusha when I have the time to see what I can glean of their mindset. My blood is not Arab, but perhaps I can integrate parts of their mindset into my own. Having that would be immensely valuable, it would make me change from being always worried and afraid into being a conqueror.

>> No.18488550

when I was a kid I used to wish I were black, because they were musical, extroverted, outgoing, funny, expressive and all those things that I wanted to be as a shy (asian) kid.Now I can recall watching a lot of american comedy movies and tv shows, mainly with black characters (which are very popular in my country) so I think that had a big impact on me too.

>> No.18488559

The book is split into three parts: baptism, virginity, and marriage. Foucault doesn't pass judgement, he merely recounts the development of christian thought with regard to sexual morality and regulation. If you're catholic or orthodox you will unironically love this shit.

>> No.18488608

I've been drinking lots of cheap whiskey and now my throat hurts

>> No.18488648

>Have you ever "fetishized" a race/group of people? Not in a sexual sense, mind you,
no however i do fetishise races in a sexual sense. i love white women but there's just something about small brown young men, especially black and south asian. i want to make them submit to me with my dick, makes me feel like a white devil.
oh and about arabs. i live in france so from very personal experience there is nothing to "admire" or "envy". all i can see here is an uneducated low iq community where people live like animals and don't know how to work. france isn't "arabized" btw just cause there's arabs there. top kek.
i could go into a discussion about how the arab world currently in the 21st century is a cultureless shithole and the biggest geopolitical mess after africa but i can't even be bothered.

>> No.18488654
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>> No.18488724

Imagine listening to your amygdala lol

>> No.18488728


>> No.18488732
File: 43 KB, 564x564, 1619845596604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not going to see my lover for a month

>> No.18488739

>catholic or orthodox you will unironically love this shit.
Anon, masturbation didn't even become a RCC sin til after the Schism. You're into a different larp

>> No.18488744

TIL I have a montenegrin soul.

>> No.18488750

>they rarely if ever have suffered oppression, genocides, or any "ethnic suffering". They were never victims; they have always been conquerors.
so north africa didn't get colonised, arab countries didn't suffer from american interventions, there are no horrible internal conflicts, arab countries aren't strongly opposed to one another, there are no wars in arab countries, no coups, no revolutions, the people there don't suffer the oppression of dictatorial regimes, don't get killed and put to jail for resistance to those dictatorial regimes, everything good, no ethnic suffering... you're such a fucking dumbass for posting this lol, it's like you know nothing, you don't even have basic knowledge about what's happening in the world. you should feel ashamed for posting something so uninformed. delulu

>> No.18488759

>implying that matters to him

>> No.18488760


>> No.18488768

Why? Also go hook up with that girl, what's the worst that can happen?

>> No.18488777

arabs are also among the cruel people to ever exist, it's hard to have sympathy for them

>> No.18488786


>> No.18488800

my nygdala

>> No.18488806

>so north africa didn't get colonised
And they are conquering France, the nation which colonized them. I'd say they are exacting payment for their colonization.

>arab countries didn't suffer from american interventions
Not for ethnic or religious reasons. For money, sure. But they have never suffered being targeted for these things at the hands of outsiders (intra-Arab conflicts are another thing entirely). If anything, they have always been the people making others suffer for these things.

>there are no horrible internal conflicts, arab countries aren't strongly opposed to one another, there are no wars in arab countries, no coups, no revolutions, the people there don't suffer the oppression of dictatorial regimes, don't get killed and put to jail for resistance to those dictatorial regimes
Internal struggles is not what I am enamored with them for. The Arabs certainly fight amongst themselves, often brutally. But they are always conquering, always expanding. As a people they are safe and secure in their future. They are like Jews but better off, because they have 22 Israels.

They are certainly cruel, but their cruelty has won them so much. I am not saying it's all worth replicating, but studying them, dissecting what made them so great, seeing what we can embrace without betraying who we are... that seems like a good thing to do.

>> No.18488840
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A week ago, i lost my virginity at the age of 28 to my next door neighbor. She lives in the apartment next to mine. She's pretty chubby, and has a kid, and has all sorts of problems. Fucked up family, custody issues, no money. We met in the hallway and then matched on bumble, it was handed to me on a silver platter. I got drunk and forced myself to fuck her. It was really easy. Sex is finally demystified to me. Sometimes throughout my decade of adult virginity, I wondered if sex was even real, if it was some great conspiracy to taunt me and make me insane. I've never seen anyone fucking in-person in my whole life. Now, I've done it myself, committed the great act that this whole society seems to revolve around, and I just feel so empty. I haven't even been able to masturbate in days. I'm not horny. I don't really wanna fuck her again even tho she said to hit her up anytime. I feel relieved not to be a virgin anymore but that's about it. I guess it wasn't just a cope all along - sex without feeling is meaningless and probably not worth the hassle and risk. All that happened is we used each other as living sex objects. I guess i just didn't expect to feel so weird and half-hearted about it.

>> No.18488846

I think I'm finally ready to leave this place for good. I've stopped hearing about new authors and it's ultimately making me feel low whenever I come here. Hope you all get to where you want to go. Last time was 4 months ago and I just feel like shit for returning.

>> No.18488853

In all fairness, I come to /lit/ less and less as well. When it comes to 4channel, I prefer /adv/ because it's a glorified chatroom and /biz/ because of memes

>> No.18488865

i saw the ending when they turned the page

>> No.18488877

>Sex is finally demystified to me.

This is the most important reason to lose your virginity IMO. So much neuroticism comes from the anxiety of not knowing. Once you've fucked, your life will still suck but at least that particular unknown will no longer be bothering you.

>> No.18488881

i like white women with cocks and imagine them colonizing me, a brown woman (female). its like 5 layers of degeneracy

>> No.18488896

Of course you do. Is it 5 levels of degeneracy because you are a black tranny faggot desiring to be raped by white trannies?

>> No.18488898

this post will produce interesting replies I imagine

>> No.18488911

I think it's the same goofy person annoying all the nazis in this thread >>18488261

>> No.18488926

do you like white women who have no cocks? i'd colonize you

>> No.18488930

Ew gross fuck no bitch

>> No.18489016

Deciding if I should stay with my wife

>> No.18489036

When I'm around other people or I am talking with somebody, it's like there's all of these critters in my mind suddenly hide away like cockroach from sunlight. By critters I mean my thoughts and my inner dialogue, it's all gone instantly and I feel naked and lobotomized. There's like a half of my personality or psyche that's just missing and what's left is the mechanical banality of small talk just coming out of my empty head. It almost makes feel inhuman. I don't recognize the person talking when other people are around. How can the one holy adhesive of people and friendship feel so cursed somehow? Is this a common feeling? Does this have to do with some kind of disorder?

>> No.18489049

Take this seriously anon. Hold her in your head, does it make you feel warm? If your relationship has completely cooled, consider it.
t. unhappily divorced.

>> No.18489054

i threw my money and i ran away

>> No.18489056

People on antidepressants aren't real people anymore

>> No.18489085

The people you're talking to are boring, or at least the conversations you're having are. Also maybe you have social anxiety and are asping out

>> No.18489097

Do it for the kids, and if you don't, ask her yourself. "There ain't anything a good ol' couple discussion can't fix!", they say. Jokes aside, you should look into the matter. Chances are she's thinking the same, or you both need to reaffirm the reasons you're together. I sometimes wonder if I am numb to my wife but love just turns into a more subtle feeling with time.
Good luck anon.

>> No.18489099

I wanna cuddle with someone, really, really bad.

>> No.18489109

What iz we doin?

>> No.18489117


>> No.18489147

I feel lonely bros
The only somewhat meaningful human interaction I had this week was talking about Verlaine with a bookstore clerk

>> No.18489163

Go walk somewhere and practice small talk with people. Blame lockdown

>> No.18489173

Because I didnt pay for the course.That girl hasnt replied but I just got a third girl's number.She also lives too far away, but she was very straightforward with me.The thing is, I have literally 0 (zero) experience, and I'm longing for an actual relationship, with depth and commitment and she sent me some sex innuendos already, albeit really tame and covert.Anyway, I should fantasize less and just go with the flow, what I can get out of a relationship depends on the other half too.

>> No.18489180

I used to think that enjambment in rhyming poems was a crutch. But I used to only read poetry, now I'm getting used to reciting them and I'm starting to find syntactically coherent rhymes to be kind of tacky in most cases.

>> No.18489182
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Every time I lose a hyperfixation it feels like some part of me died. Once it's gone, it won't come back and no matter how long I go on it won't stop hurting

>> No.18489193
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Thinking about rocking a gigantic cloak like my man

>> No.18489208

I know what I have to do to end NEEThood, I've done it before, it would be easy as sending a couple emails. Why don't I do it? It has been like this for months.

>> No.18489211
File: 11 KB, 240x240, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started reading the Bhagavad Gita (its the hare krishna translation version) I'm wondering if I should order the penguin version of it also I'm looking at my wishlist on Book Depository and am tempted to buy some books (which I probably won't read for awhile)

>> No.18489271

I went on tinder and did the whole fake it til you make it practice girl thing. It is truthfully a horrible thing to do and a lot of feelings get hurt. But it works. My confidence is sky high and I have zero problem flirting with women now. But it comes with the cost of having become a 'bad guy'.

>> No.18489277

free verse internal rhymes > rhyme schemes

>> No.18489331

You used someone you’re not in love with for something you’re supposed to do with people you’re in love. That’s just how that feels. At least you can shrug off the fact that you’ve done it now if that was a mental block.

>> No.18489334

It’s too bad capes cloaks and trenches went out of style

>> No.18489349

the project of abrahamic religiosity was entirely designed to stifle northern temperaments in their extremely developed thymos or more generally, "spirit". even then it backfires, see Charlemagne. some peoples breath smoke instead of air. the logistikon will never prevail so long as these peoples still draw breath, the platonic tripartite is a manifest failure - socrates was a cryptid peasant and probably a pedo

>> No.18489410
File: 66 KB, 692x559, E6291AEA-3324-4160-AB6D-E80AD6535CAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an injured birdie on the ground on Thursday afternoon. It was crying in pain and I couldn’t just leave it there. So I ran and got a shoebox and put it in there with some holes poked in the top and put it in a dark quiet place and called the wildlife rehab center. I left a message for them since they said they only take in animals by appointment. They never called me back and the bird is now dead so I had to go dump it out in the thick forested area near my apartment building.
I tried to help it bros. I really did. I didn’t want it to die.
Will Jesus forgive me?

>> No.18489459
File: 994 KB, 250x250, Who are you quoting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I was just thinking about how predatory animals in the wild have to eat every day. Everyday a small animal is being eaten, which means they have to have enough babies to sustain that, and every day an animal has to be consumed.
Ecosystems are weird.

>> No.18489479

Dedication > motivation

>> No.18489524

Do you really believe that?

>> No.18489561

I wish I could be a young high school or college student again.

>> No.18489579

yes and I do not see anything that suggests otherwise

>> No.18489594

anon, I've pushed forward without the motivation and written a whole novel without it.

It's not that I can't, it's just painful, depressing and slow. I feel so awful I spend every day wishing I could feel it again and every night reminding myself that suicide is more realistic. I can't live like this

>> No.18489634

What is a book that showcases an ultra-sober view of reality? I read some of No Longer Human and felt this much.

>> No.18489641

okay so I'm still not sure if I should buy the penguin translation or if I should continue with the Hare Krishna version, I've been reading it and have ben skipping the commentary sections

>> No.18489657

catholic cat lick cake lick castle brick cattle trick chat quick scatter split clatter click catheter sick chatter tic catarrh thick

>> No.18489669

Why does weed make me so horny? It also makes me write walls and walls of random things that I couldn't think of if I was sober, and not just schizophrenic rambling either. I can't think of a better routine: Jacking off in ecstasy and then writing about the beautiful images forming in your mind as your brain lights off in random directions.

>> No.18489715

Got filtered by Mason Dixon in English and now I've bought a translation to my own language. I know I'll lose a lot, but I plan on giving the original version another try after.

>> No.18489745

You can take comfort in the realization that most people are annoying af.

>> No.18489801

Post a picture of you smiling in a sundress with sandals

>> No.18489821
File: 236 KB, 1200x900, pg-35-napoleon-1-dea-getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing seems to be going my way, all of my plans fall apart, I've lost that flame that once me made me push for things until I succeeded. Instead, now I feel tired and numb all of the time.

>> No.18489828
File: 234 KB, 474x266, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's about time to get ready for bed. I hope I wake up dead.

>> No.18489834
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>> No.18489845
File: 36 KB, 461x594, 5636F3FC-8E63-4BC1-9617-C70B784FFDF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flame? Be water, my friend.

>> No.18489851

God, you’re such a fucking tranny.

>> No.18489853

Fuck off

>> No.18489857

>Liking Bruce Lee, Nietzsche and Pippi Longstocking is “tranny”

>> No.18489879
File: 151 KB, 339x245, EE3F9B4B-62C0-4D1C-960A-DE8387D814BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you’re ready

>> No.18489884

You couldn't wait until this thread reached 310?

>> No.18490074

People shouldn't be afraid of ghosts because of anything malignant they could do but because their existence implies an afterlife where, even after physical death, you may forever be burdened with the curse of cognizance.

>> No.18490252


Its a fake

>> No.18490270


There's no such thing as original content

>> No.18491001

global ban check

>> No.18491396

I know this exact feel... Then I escape and feel so weird and dark like I can't relate to people... But other times I have really fun conversations.

>> No.18491401

You're probably low status and your brain is trying to stop you from getting beaten up or abandoned by pissing the wrong person off.

>> No.18491414

He probably has a head full of genius and mfs wanna talk that 90iq bants

>> No.18491656

You did your best anon.

>> No.18491767

They actually don’t universally eat every day. Plenty of predator animals go days without a meal.

>> No.18492007
File: 24 KB, 200x315, EE2A6405-AF4B-4054-A1BF-EADDA4FF681E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I woke up again
I hate real life

>> No.18492352
File: 182 KB, 866x635, 1436270129931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get a job i can tolerate? What job do my fellow wagies have that you like/can tolerate?

I feel like if i didn't have a job i hated my life satisfaction would improve immensely but cagie options where i live suck.