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/lit/ - Literature

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18481092 No.18481092 [Reply] [Original]

>this premise sounds pretty gay let's see what's up
> . . . yeah yeah space shaninans
>nigga crucifex what the fuck?
>bro this dude FUCKED a hologram okay we're getting into based territory
>holy shit billionaire boy lost his ability to speak and became a literal shit poster on shit world mining feces in the mud caves
>the jew loses EVERYTHING
ok does this book just keep ramping up? there's no way it can stay this good can it? also what happened to tree man did he go in the box? whomst've is the spy? I guess I have more reading to do

>> No.18481108

Don't shit up the catalog, genrefag.

>> No.18481201

I'm sorry where's the fucking books general thread then faggot. I thought I could talk about books here. While I'm at it I also need a recommendation on a good book for the three kingdoms (of china) story. My apologies if I don't know the meta of your fucking board homo. I've been too busy reading to learn it and then I made the mistake of thinking I could come here to talk to someone about reading. Keep choking on dick though I'm going to bump every thread from pages 9 and 10 now so as not to shit up the catalog, faggotfag.

>> No.18481256

Don't mind the pseuds. Having finished even one genre book means you've surpassed them in both quantity and quality of literature. Excerpts from the wiki of a philosopher and YouTube videos do NOT count as literature.

Tell us more about your reading experience, anon.

>> No.18481346

Why does Dan Simmons have a massive hardon for John Keats?

>> No.18481378

Apparently he liked the poetry and poet, studied him and all that.
Heck he even made a Keats/Sherlock Holmes mash up called The Fifth Heart

>> No.18481397
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anon btfo by based OP

>> No.18482304

read all four books
he gets into pedo

>> No.18482308

because Keats is great

>> No.18482328
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Are Ilium and Olympos good? I like the Hyperion Cantos very much and I'm currently reading The Iliad and The Odyssey next.

>> No.18482886


>> No.18483614

You need to go back to wherever you came from

>> No.18483957

>Mr Pain is spoooo0000oo00o0o0o0ooooky
why do they all do this?

>> No.18484139

I found them somewhat derivative but very decent sci-fi books.
Given what's been going in that genre for the last 10-20 years, they can be considered some of the last good books in the genre

>> No.18484182

incredibly based

>> No.18484214

ummmmmmm based

>> No.18484643

People like (you) are the reason this board is so shitty.
In what universe are people not allowed to discuss literature on the Literature board?

>> No.18484694

I gave up on Hyperion after the Soldiers Tale. The Priest was very cool though. Am I missing out?

>> No.18484702

horrible cover art, won't be buying that book thats for sure.

>> No.18484845

the soldier's tale is the worst one of all the tales, do yourself a favour and read the others

>> No.18484882
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>> No.18484921
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Hello, based department? I'd like to file a claim

>> No.18485146

absolutely based

look into the classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms. it's long as fuck and kind of a slog but it's the OG wars and kingdoms autism story. the John Woo movie Red Cliff is pretty based and is a nice transitional experience to get you from "i know some of these guys from Dynasty Warriors" to having an image in mind when reading the book.

>> No.18485185


>> No.18486085
File: 1.97 MB, 500x339, 1546529973410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm halfway through the noir story now
>hot muscle mommy amazonian BRAWN M. Lamia gets hired by a *similar but legally distinct non cyborg* to investigate his death
>he died for 60 seconds before reinstalling
>lmao 4 billion internet years this is serious flesh lady
>I'll take the case. she turns black (this happens she took a melatonin pill) commits crime and accidentally a whole chinaman
>cyborg finds this super hot and fucks her (after she turns back into a muscle mommy)
>she accidentally a whole room of goons while naked
>turns out time is important
>turns out god is fighting robot god
>turns out none of this might matter

The priest tale was pure mystery lectio. The soldiers tale was cool because he fucks a tulpa into reality. You should go through the Poet and Jews story they were pretty fucking rockin. Then again what do I know I'm still stumbling through this shit.

>Romance of the Three Kingdoms
That's what the fuck is up thank you my fren I will be putting that up next after this book and then watch the movie.

I have heard while hyperion is enjoyable I was told the rest of the books in the series were basically cash ins after the popularity of this book. Are they truly not worth reading or do they have merits that go beyond "hey remember that book you read?"

>> No.18486178

No. Simmons bites off way more than he can chew and basically nothing from the first book has a satisfying resolution in the second

>> No.18486446

>Are they truly not worth reading or do they have merits that go beyond "hey remember that book you read?"
hyperion is unfinished, it just ends after the politician's story. fall of hyperion finishes the story, the two endymion books are useless genre trash.

>> No.18486784

>it just ends after the politician's story.

So at the end of the actual book?

>> No.18486891
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>tfw just handed this book into the library after only attempting to read it once
>only got to the start of the priests story

>> No.18486925

kys, pseud

>> No.18486950

The entire series sucks. This newfag is getting worshipped by a bunch of cynical assholes who hate this board. Im better than all of you.

>> No.18486957

No big deal, its terrible.

>> No.18486984

you speak like a retard. i didn't even even read the book, just wanted to tell you that you sound like a massive niggerfaggot. the kind that watches reaction videos and smokes weed.

>> No.18486994

Thats why this board is worshipping him. Anybody who sounds angry, dismissive, and arrogant this board chokes on cock for. Its extremely telling.

>> No.18487014


>> No.18487080
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>> No.18487109

Anyone can use inspect element

>> No.18487127

I will fully admit that the two posts referring to ""worship" were me, but not the others. This board will literally just suck down the semen of anyone who screams faggot or nigger. Its fine sometimes, but Hyperion is a genuinely terrible book, and judging by the way nigger OP speaks and acts its either bait or he is a genuine black person who just discovered books. Im against fostering the spirit of reading in blacks. Good day. And Good luck.

>> No.18487217

Calling Hyperion 'terrible' is excessive and unnecessary.

>> No.18487846

OP here you're still a faggot. That said I am genuinely curious what would make you so defensive about this book besides the whole you never reading it thing. It was offhandedly recommended to me and while it was a laboriously slow start it does have the makings of a science fiction anthology mystery with good bread crumbs along the way even if they are few and far between. Were you perhaps filtered by the book or just triggered by my posts?

Whenever I think Lamias story is about to end she goes on another shenanigans side story. I just want to hear tree mans story and be on hyperion with the shrike for grills sake.

>> No.18487859

I have this on my shelf but want to read the three body problem next.

>> No.18487875

I dont talk to niggers. Bye.

>> No.18487920 [DELETED] 

You're literally as stubborn as a nigger. Post your hand right now, as well as nose.

>> No.18488897
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Fucking based

>> No.18489093

Hahahaha btfo

>> No.18489102

Read Fall of Hyperion. You can skip the rest.

>> No.18489702

Hahahahaha absolutely based