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/lit/ - Literature

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18477156 No.18477156 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18477162


>> No.18477169
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Have one already

>> No.18477170
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tell me

>> No.18477173
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What are you guys procrastinating on by lurking here right now?
I have a YA novel in my target language I need to read.

>> No.18477178
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My local thrift store has an entire floor dedicated to secondhand books. Just recently I was browsing and it struck me that so many of these were completely forgotten. For a lot of these authors, it was probably their first and last book, and I have to imagine there was a day when they finally got a reply from an agent, and went through the whole process, and got a publishing deal and an advance, and they were probably thinking they'd finally made it and now they could earn a living from their passion. But then the book sold like 5000 copies and they never got another contract. And they made it so much further in their careers than most aspiring authors, and that probably stung a lot more than just failing a lot and giving up.

There's this book I like called Carnosaur, about an insane billionaire who clones dinosaurs. It came out three years before Jurassic Park, and all it's remembered for is being really similar to Jurassic Park but not taking off in the same way. And there will probably be a day when all of Michael Crichton's works are only relevant to a bunch of internet geeks obsessed with genre fiction, but everyone else is like "Jurassic Park? You mean that old movie from the 90's? I've heard of that but I can't really get into the old stuff." And Carnosaur will be just a footnote to those internet geeks. And it took a shitload of work and coincidence to even make a blip of an impact like that.

>> No.18477182

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

>> No.18477190

Again. There are multiple meanings to choose from. This doesn’t mean there isn’t any, just that there isn’t one.
There can be “one” for any given person of course.

>> No.18477193


>> No.18477206

No mad
No sad
No third date
No bother
Deleted her number

Bacius's faces are so fucking hot.

>> No.18477210

hmffgggggg aangggg,,,gggghhhhhhh hhh hhhhhhhh hhhh

>> No.18477213

Rebel outlaw country music is the apex of American culture. I wish I was drinking Jim Bean with some sugar dolls at the hoe-down.

>> No.18477218
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I'm too much of a coward to actually kill myself

>> No.18477222

i havent gotten a haircut in seven years. i cut my own hair. but recently ive cut the back pretty bad because i couldnt see it. im going to the barber today. i think. i might chicken out. i dont want him to cut it too short. worst case is it grows back in summer.

>> No.18477236

Sometimes I wonder if other people even exist. Whenever I go out the streets are empty. Sometimes I see junkies lulling around, trash and heroin needles strewn about implying somebody lived there once. Normal people only ever seem to exist in cars or Walmart parking lots, you catch a glimpse of them going about their autonomatronious lives and thats it. Sometimes I'll camp out at local parks, go to the beach, walk around the neighborhood, and its just a couple retirees and nobody else. Did the earth split in twain and swallow up the rest of my generation? It seems that way sometimes. Its like a tornado went through this town and sucked the life out of it.

I'm waiting for a cover to upload so I can publish a book on Lulu, then I will spam it here so I can hopefully make enough money to support my NEET lifestyle. God I love being a hikikomori.

>> No.18477253
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It is almost 4 am and feel like shit, I was gonna take a shower, but for some reason there doesn't come out any water. I should study, or start writing that novel I was thinking of, but instead I'm here while listening to Sonic Youth.

>> No.18477285
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I think that tripfags would benefit from possessing in real life something as violently distinguishing as a tripcode.
A bodily deformity, maybe. Or maybe just a jacket with many hand on it.
They will finally get the kind of attention they deserve, lots of it.

>> No.18477286

I have too many books, its becone a blockage in my life. The sheer amount of books does my head in and i dont know where to start. I need a large space with lots of shelves and put labels on the shelf and put all the books in their right place.

>> No.18477328
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>Bacius's faces are so fucking hot.
Shame he will never draw h-doujins.

>> No.18477370

I'm using this technique write now and really like it, so I wanted to share it with you. Maybe you want to try it out sometime. This is what I do:

I sit down, without any ideas in my mind, and tell myself to write. Some banal idea will pop into my head, like: "A janitor working for a big corporation". I would not have written this idea down into in my idea notebook, but because I have to write something, since I'm doing a writing exercise, I just run with it, making stuff up on the fly, not knowing what lies ahead.

Sometimes I have to quit after a couple of paragraphs (or even a couple of sentences). Most of the times, I get out a couple of pages. When I feel like running out of stuff to say, I put away the story into my green story folder and move on to a different project. I don't force myself to keep the story going. If it ends, it ends.

I write five to ten of these stories every day. After a month or so, I get out my green folder and read through my stories. The ones I like I put into a blue folder. The once I like and have something new to write about, I put into a red folder.

>> No.18477385

It's 4 AM on a Friday, I've had a beer, I'm drinking and listening to Dead Can Dance, and I don't want to sleep anytime soon
Not sure why but I'm pretty content right now drinking and chilling on 4chan

>> No.18477392

I saved a birb today.

>> No.18477394

haven't sleept in 35 hours, gonna listen to death grips and workout, life is great :)

>> No.18477400


>> No.18477408

After decades of writing I finally quit and decided to begin film making. It's a lot more stressful and expensive than writing but its pays off much more quickly. Instead of writing about waifus I now pay women to dress up and act like waifus and holy shit it's so much more fun helping real girls into costumes and coaching them through their lines. And for the first time in my life I feel like I'm making something that people are actually going to see. It's not just going to be sitting unsold on my computer or on amazon for the next century. People are actually going to watch it.

Fuck writing. I can't believe I actually read so many books and spent so much time working my prose into something beautiful. I feel like Picaso when he discovered the camera would kill realism in painting. Well New York literary agents and the internet killed literature. The emperor has no clothes, everyone. Goodbye.

>> No.18477421

it's barely gone 9 am and I might just go back to bed

>> No.18477452

death grips is garbage nonsense like your mother

>> No.18477459
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I hate corporations so much it's unreal. They just work like state employees or bureaucrat, it's so hard to get stuff done with so many layers of paperwork and phonecalls and emails.
Small businesses are beautiful and kino and SOVL.

>> No.18477461
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transferring here for math and history double major(will prob go to law school) Got into all the UCs except Berkeley and I wanted to stay in NorCal so I chose this. Visited and I really liked it
Anybody attend this school? Thoughts?

>> No.18477541

to play dota 2

>> No.18477555

Be prepared for competitive behaviour and ruthlessness from your classmates if you go to law school.

>> No.18477556

Truly. I'm quite selective with art that I find attractive and he's one of the few.

>> No.18477563
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The world is for those born to conquer it,
Not for those who dream they can conquer it, even if they're right.
I've done more in dreams than Napoleon.
I've held more humanities against my hypothetical breast than Christ.
I've secretly invented philosophies such as Kant never wrote.
But I am, and perhaps will always be, the man in the garret,
Even though I don't live in one.
I'll always be the one who wasn't born for that;
I'll always be merely the one who had qualities;
I'll always be the one who waited for a door to open in a wall without doors
And sang the song of the Infinite in a chicken coop
And heard the voice of God in a covered well.
Believe in me? No, not in anything.
Let Nature pour over my seething head
Its sun, its rain, and the wind that finds my hair,
And let the rest come if it will or must, or let it not come.
Cardiac slaves of the stars,
We conquered the whole world before getting out of bed,
But we woke up and it's hazy,
We got up and it's alien,
We went outside and it's the entire earth
Plus the solar system and the Milky Way and the Indefinite.

>> No.18477580

I will never understand how you people have the money to pay for college. I looked at UNLV just out of curiosity for tuition and it is upwards of 8k a semester.

>> No.18477583

Do you think some people are too weird to make friends?
I think I might be one of those guys.

>> No.18477593

You can always find someone similar enough to you, even if with great difficulty.
Just beware that meeting people similar to you might not be a good thing if what you are is fucked up.

>> No.18477598

I went to community college for the first two years and the next two years at this school is covered 100% through grants and scholarships

>> No.18477609

Good deal bro, maybe I should look into the community college here just to see how bad the courses are. Where I used to live they replaced all the courses with nursing shit for boomer scum.

>> No.18477612

I think you're right.
When I try to hang out with most people it just somehow doesn't work, I actually used to make friends easily but since getting depressed it's like hoping to fit a round peg in a square hole.
And even if you're not getting rejected face-to-face, you know, the sting of no one wanting to talk to you still hurts.
Every time you try to make friends, they slowly contact you less and less, or they may even just break off talking to you entirely in the middle of a conversation and not talk again.
In my mind all I want to know is, "How on earth am I supposed to pass as a healthy and normal person when I can't make a single friend?"
The truth is I'm not healthy or normal. But I have to keep living anyway. Maybe I'll be healthy again someday, but until then, it's either complete isolation or cold rejection 95%+ of the time. Isn't that kinda sad?

>> No.18477632

It's not you, I've had that happen to me since I was a kid. I think it's just a personality trait we have where we are trapped with ourselves and I think we would have just been isolated anyways in previous lives.

>> No.18477641

Don't overthink things. Lots of times people just break off contact because of life circumstances, this is especially the case with social media. Its likely that it has nothing to do with you and you're perfectly normal.

>> No.18477673

I dunno dude, I think it's possible for me to be really good friends with people since I had 2-3 really good friends in primary education, so I understand what it's like.
Honestly it's fucking hard to explain. Because one of those best friends above was the complete opposite kind of guy to me. He was a pot-smoking mall rat kind of kid who was always involved in stupid shit, got in trouble with the law several times, and apparently got filmed getting beaten up in a fight that was uploaded to facebook after I stopped talking to him. But despite all that, and how different he is from a weirdo who blogs in /lit/ threads at 5AM, we got really close somehow. We played Halo and CoD multiplayer for hours, I watched him play minecraft mods over his shoulder, and everything felt natural and effortless. And after long enough, when you get really close as friends, it's like part of you goes into the other person. I started doing more delinquent stuff with him, but in turn I also made him a bit more emotionally open in a way.

The point is, you don't have to be like someone at all to be friends with them. And the other point is I know what having friends is like. It's amazing. But what makes friendship so amazing is also what prevents me from experiencing it now. Friendship is 100% built on mutual bonding and emotions, and when other people don't get the right signal back from you, it's impossible to get really close to anyone like I did back then. If you've never experienced the above, I still hope you do once anon. It's a really important part of life.

You're right too though. A lot of it is normal. Or it's trivial stuff like they didn't think what you wrote warranted a reply and the conversation was over. Normal socially active people shrug stuff like this off all the time.

>> No.18477681

test post to see if I'm banned from posting hegel threads

>> No.18477696

i can't stand the way males and females interact in groups. it brings out the very worst in both. the males will scurry around currying for favor and attention and the females will relish in their dispensing of it. i don't know why, but it's always incredibly fucking revolting to me. the worst part is that nobody ever really seems to become aware of the dynamic they're participating in -- as far as i can tell, it is completely and utterly thoughless. it's something people seem to "just do." it makes me feel like i'm watching a bunch of automatons acting ACCORDING TO PROGRAMMING in order to FULFILL OBJECTIVE, like this group of otherwise pretty fucking bright people have been short-circuited and now just perform the human action. i still don't think i'm actually doing the observation justice, but that's the best i've got for now.

>> No.18477711

How old are you?

>> No.18477714

I was in some other thread talking about my sick perversion (cross dressing) which I developed over lockdown and where exactly this shit has come from. I really do not know. I never did it when I was younger and have only briefly thought about getting fucked by a dude, but it just never appealed to me, at all. I have 0 interest in men sexually and am solely fixed on the feminine as sexual. I've never even had a particular problem with women, I'm decent looking and have probably had more sex than most. so, I just don't get it. Is it just boredem?

>> No.18477715

thirty fucking five

>> No.18477719
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>thirty fucking five

>> No.18477722

i'm not looking at it as some kind of problem that needs to be solved. i don't want kids or a wife and have no intention of changing my desires to fit societal expectation. so if that's what you're trying to get at, fuck off.

>> No.18477723
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>> No.18477724

No, it's you being gay. The only acceptable crossdressing is when tomboys put on MALE clothes and you bang them still.

>> No.18477726

My uncle crossdresses. He's a crazy drug addict though

>> No.18477730

>it makes me feel like i'm watching a bunch of automatons acting ACCORDING TO PROGRAMMING in order to FULFILL OBJECTIVE
That is because you are. We are asleep most of the time. with only brief glimpses of "conscious" intelligence. Once you wake up to a certain aspect of life (like the dynamic between men and women in groups)... what is seen usually cannot be unseen.

>> No.18477731

>You're right too though. A lot of it is normal. Or it's trivial stuff like they didn't think what you wrote warranted a reply and the conversation was over. Normal socially active people shrug stuff like this off all the time.
I'm the opposite scenario of you. I'm constantly ghosting good friends because of mental illness and depression+I just really hate social media. I feel terrible about it because they're people I genuinely enjoy talking with and having in my life, but I'll have depressive phases and just cut off all contact with everybody for months at a time. It kills me to think that I'd make anyone I care about feel like you describe, so idk, don't take it personally. Sometimes life comes up and you just don't want to talk to anybody and curl up in a pit and ignore life for as long as possible. Messaging apps especially make this hard because in theory you're constantly connected to everyone but in practice its a lot better to just live in the moment with the people physically in front of you.

>> No.18477732

getting a tomboy gf might actually solve this issue.

>> No.18477734

Are you going to put on a dress while she pegs you?

>> No.18477736

I do it like once a month or something and always in secret. Never had any kind of desire to show other people. So, I really don't get it.

>> No.18477741

It's the only dream I still have, good luck.

>> No.18477743

The CIA has been using 4chan and especially youtube to transmit tranny-brain-waves at people. I've noticed in paticular that sometimes certain youtube videos get linked on 4chan and if you open them your computer will instantly develop a strong magnetic field around it. Unironically go outside and try to get away from the electrical grid.

>> No.18477744

I don't even like anal stuff. Whenever i fuck a girl I love to man handle them and be very dominant

>> No.18477748

I need to get laid.

>> No.18477753

I used to have a very bad porn addiction, but I haven't watched anything like that in almost a year. I am a neo-luddite schizo and normally spend my time hiking or sailing when i can

>> No.18477757

The internet is basically a massive nervous system of interconnected synapses transmitting images, sounds, emotions, etc. but whats really fucked up is that it actively restructures our own neural networks when we engage in it for hours at a time.

Scientists talk a lot about technological singularity, but I think that a couple generations of high internet exposure will produce a naturally occurring biological singularity all on its own. Its scary to think about because short of dropping out of society altogether I don't know how to avoid this.

This is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night.

>> No.18477758

I've ghosted someone before too, don't feel too bad. But it was only one time that I did it to someone I was genuinely friends with, and it was a mistake I'm not going to make again. If it's a chronic issue for you then you should try and get help for it. In practice though I know it's not that simple. We just say "get help" for issues like this because we ourselves don't know how to solve them. Hell, I myself want friends but I think it might be impossible for me right now. Depressed people are like walking contradictions, the normal rules don't apply to us. But we should still aim to do the right thing and avoid stuff like ghosting. If you can manage to be open about your depression to these people and be open that you're going to go silent on them, you should. Some will probably reject you, but others might accept it and wait for you to get back.

>in practice its a lot better to just live in the moment with the people physically in front of you.
Absolutely. Socialization was never meant to be done through a screen, you can learn all you need to know about your relationship with someone based on the way they hang out with you IRL and share the same space.

>> No.18477760

It must be nice not living in a desert shithole where you can do things like that.

>> No.18477766

I despise yuri elements in animanga but I still fap to it sometimes. How do I resolve thie conundrum?

>> No.18477767

it's been a littlle while for me aswell. My one bit of advice is to just get hobbies and talk about that. You can meet people through them and 90% of women do nothing but watch netflix and drink with their friends. They unironically want YOU to become THEIR hobby.

>> No.18477772

I'm not talking about porn, I mean just normal meme videos or podcasts and stuff. I've noticed that I can't open certain videos without my computer heating up and generating a magnetic field around it that fucks up my wrists and gives me a headache. Idk what it is but I wouldn't be surprised if the government or big Pharma is trying to MK ultra alienated young men on the chons. Try to use older hardware and minimize your time online.

>> No.18477784

i fucking hate my life and i want to kill myself

>> No.18477785

i have to full shut down my computer to get to sleep. it makes a very annoying sound.

>> No.18477795

It's just so far from the way I experience things. Lately I'm becoming so acutely aware of how much of my own internal operation is entirely beyond my control. This starts at obvious things like the beating of my heart and progresses to things which are semiconsciously controlled like blinking and breathing. I took these things for granted in the past, but I've realized lately that even the way my thoughts are generated seem to be completely beyond "my" own control, which blurs the distinction between the nominally conscious entity which sits upon all these processes and the processes themselves. When I take a step back, I realize that I'm probably projecting this discomfort with my own processes onto my observations of others, but that realization doesn't exactly comfort me. If I assume myself to be at least uncommonly conscious of my own unknowably internal operations, what does this mean for others? I think disgust is a rational outcropping from these thoughts, since the awareness of my own unknowability is distressing. It feels like I'm stumbling on some kind of truth that most other people will never even think to examine. The feeling itself is something which arises completely beyond my conscious control, obviously, which sends me into this death spiral of self-awareness from which the only possible respite is death. I don't even

>> No.18477801

>It feels like I'm stumbling on some kind of truth that most other people will never even think to examine
They have, this is the shit the buddha went on and on and on about.
Some anon posted this today which is the clearest I've seen it expressed: https://realization.org/p/ashtavakra-gita/richards.ashtavakra-gita/richards.ashtavakra-gita.html

>> No.18477803

You should read Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola. It takes what you're feeling as a starting point and demonstrates various ways you can use applied meditation and tantric practices to master yourself.

>> No.18477811

Oiled thighs are the greatest thing on earth. Unattractive women can turn into hotties with a bit of oil and lip gloss. I wish I had a girlfriend. I’ve lost 60lbs and I’m still 60-70lbs overweight.

>> No.18477813

Meditations on the peaks is Evola's best book and you are gay if you disagree.

>> No.18477817

Thanks anons. I'll give both of those a read.

>> No.18477823

what’s it like to be fat?

>> No.18477826

Are prostitutes /lit/?

>> No.18477831

>>18477730 here.
>I've realized lately that even the way my thoughts are generated seem to be completely beyond "my" own control, which blurs the distinction between the nominally conscious entity which sits upon all these processes and the processes themselves.
Read some buddhist stuff. Or mystics focusing on awareness like Gurdjieff. Also, look into shamanism.

>I think disgust is a rational outcropping from these thoughts, since the awareness of my own unknowability is distressing
Is it really the unknowability that disgusts you? I kind of find this hard to believe considering how embedded the notion of the subconscious is in modern culture.

>The feeling itself is something which arises completely beyond my conscious control, obviously, which sends me into this death spiral of self-awareness from which the only possible respite is death.
To me, the universe, or at least life on earth seems predisposed to self-awareness. Death won't stop it for long.

>> No.18477834

I'm currently studying for a law degree and have an exam next Tuesday on administrative law. It's a fucking snore. Learning this thing depletes my reservoirs of mental power so utterly that when I'm finished with it for the day or take a break, I can't do anything besides scrolling or watching youtube. But hey, maybe I'll have a job.

>> No.18477839

What’s it like to be bald?

>> No.18477864

I want Haruhi to give me an under the table handjob.

>> No.18477877

Only if you write about them

>> No.18477898

Acquiring things: money, power and position

>> No.18477902


>> No.18477904

real life dumbjack model

>> No.18477907

Anything can be /lit/ because anything can be described in a book. If you need validation from someone to visit a whore, just man up and take responsibility for your decision.

>> No.18477908

i fucking love the schizo takes in this general like : "your computer is sending you tranny brainwaves through memes"

>> No.18477909

there's no fucking c in wojak, newfaggot

>> No.18477917

>he doesn't believe in the communist gangster computer god

>> No.18477923

learn how to use the archive then search for the first wojack post in /b/. It definitely has a C iirc

>> No.18477930


>> No.18477960

Just came home after a week long drug binge in nature.

Don't know what to do. Feels weird just being at a computer.

>> No.18477962

To go to school, work 9 to 5, then die.

>> No.18478024

Great tech. I've used similar things before and it's almost stupid how effective it can be to just give yourself a 'rule', as if you were looking for permission to write.

straight up that's wicked Bogotá

Think I might be wrong about sobriety. I mean it's still bad. But the drugs are bad in a way that's different and worse. Crave escape when sober and crave life in its rawness when faded. I don't know what I really want.

>> No.18478041

this but unironically

>> No.18478052

Nah, killing yourself is the most cowardly thing you can do. Facing the everyday horrors of the world we live in requires tenacity.

>> No.18478057

37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

>> No.18478060

By asking that question you miss the point

>> No.18478061

who wants to do the art for my book? it's finished already. i just need art that's good, tasteful even, also i don't want to pay for it

>> No.18478062

I had an academic scholarship that covered it but even at my school it was less than 4k a semester for residents.

>> No.18478065

This is exactly what im doing lol, NY has an excelsior scholarship that pays mostly everything and if I fuck it up im going to community college. Only worry is that since we went to community college we have to work on connections harder

>> No.18478077

I just wish I had something to fight for, which would preferable kill me before I reach old age. This is too boring and disappointing to cope with.

>> No.18478139

I've been doing trauma release exercises. I dunno if it helps or not.

>> No.18478195

>"A janitor working for a big corporation"
I'm curious about this book, can you share anon?

>> No.18478207
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The revulsion comes from a sense that lack of agency (to the extent that you can tell) signals incompetence and thus delegates this individual or group as functionally deficient. This of course isn't the case, it's just the signal.

As someone who participates in these 'rivers' I must say you can get pretty hilarious results if you intentionally invert some of the nessessities. In fact I find it used strategically by smart 'cool' people all the time. A contextually empty example would be you grab the attention of a girl, she reciprocates then when she invites you out somewhere you and you find every opportunity to engage someone else's attention. Another is forgetting the 'valuable' persons name intentionally, disrupting the natural order of greetings (they usually go in order of whose important or not) etc.
I have a theory of cool that relies on this ability to find places where inversion causes a sudden shock or provocation out of the parties at play. I will say though that it can and does remain as unconscious as the other actions you described

>> No.18478293

Join the French Legion. You can fight for 50 euros a day and the chance to get your leg blown off and thereby gain French citizenship.

>> No.18478316

I need to stop falling in love with store clerks. My brain can’t accept that they are nice to me because it is their job.

>> No.18478334

Iktfb. My two biggest crushes were cashiers. Im guessing it was because they were always there.

>> No.18478354

be happy

>> No.18478404

Just be thankful that your sexual disfunction is simply that you are a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

>> No.18478414

Please remember that this is an infatuation. You are not "in love" with them, you know nothing about them. It shouldn't cause you so much anguish.

>> No.18478424

Maybe it's not a bad thing.

>> No.18478440
File: 46 KB, 161x90, what da dog doin'.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate vtubers. And everyone who watches them.

>> No.18478456

It feels like I'm peeing more often as I get older, and I'm starting to be tempted to pee into the soda water bottles I drink from rather than putting on pants to make the walk to the toilet. It feels like the beginning of the end.

>> No.18478460

get paid, get laid

>> No.18478465
File: 272 KB, 1500x1200, 911kh03f6uL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of anime is garbage but it sucks that when I find something I think is genuinely good, I can't talk about it with anyone because the weeaboos who have watched it are illiterate and the people who are literate enough to understand it don't ordinarily go out of their way to watch things like that.

aren't they just streamers

pretty sure peeing a lot is a sign of diabetes

>> No.18478485

I hate streamers then.

On the topic of good anime. I, for one, avoid talking about anime that I find good (that I like), because I know weebs will ruin it for me with dumb memes and hentai references. I hate the fact that most anime watchers can't be casual about watching anime.

>> No.18478502

I've seen a few things I like here and there over the years but generally wouldn't describe myself as an anime fan. But, IRL, I shit on anime if it comes up in conversation for precisely the same reasons you are saying. "Anime fans" are despicable enough to deserve such dishonesty, desu. But, I also agree that it is regrettable.

>> No.18478520

It does cause anguish even if it's only infatuation.

>> No.18478526

It’s midnight on Christmas eve and my birthday is over. Me and Toby were both born on the 23rd and throw a party together every year. Yesterday we turned 20. A year closer to joining the worms and the weak, though I'm too coked up to be morose and my next line stretches from the notched bezel of my iphone X to the under-screen fingerprint reader.

I’ve never met a Somali who does coke.

Yeah, who are you again? One of Toby’s mates?

I'm Tyrie, nice to meet you

Tyrie is tall like I am so we’re at eye level though I'm rail thin and she’s well-built and she’s a transexual but doesn’t pass at all which isn’t what makes me feel uneasy but

Mia comes out of the bathroom and I stare at her. Making her way past the Christmas tree adorned with rouge baubles the colour of her Vera Wang dress, she descends down the winding stairs, placing one stiletto before the other tentatively, hand on the banister keeping her upright. Her unsteady gait a consequence of snorting enough ketamine to sedate a rhino. She makes it to the bar and pours another champaign – her third or fourth in the last hour. Mia took my virginity two years ago at the end of summer before I went away to Mcgill.

None of your friends Somali or something? We’re the only Black people in this rich ass party.

This is my party actually, half mine anyway. Certain friend groups should be separate, like Church and State. This wouldn’t be their scene.

You ever robotripped?

Don’t know what that is.

DXM. I nabbed it from Shoppers, I work there.

Which one?

The one in Oakville, fucking ages away.

I’ll try anything once, but hang on, I need to find toby he has my Xanax.

>> No.18478530

Toby’s parents are away skiing in Whistler so he has their downtown condo on Bloor Street to himself from now until the New Year. It’s snowing hard and I'm coming down so I take a bump and resolve myself to finding my xans, I mean Toby. Maybe he’s upstairs. I make my way through the crowd, up the stairs and begin to follow the music. Perky’s Calling emanates from one of the bedrooms and he’s probably in there but I pass it and go into his sisters' room instead. Taylor’s away in NYC with her boyfriend so I root around her room, I don’t know why, until my eyes are drawn to her hamper. I lift the mesh top and rummage through the pyjama pants and old socks until I find her bunched panties. I unfurl them and find where her pussy must have been pressed. I put them to my nose but they smell like detergent. I search deeper, discarding socks and faded tees until I find a grey pair with a small pink ribbon on the front stained with yellow discharge. I inhale deep and despite the coke blood rushes to my cock and I'm almost instantly hard. I lap at the underwear and taste her then rub my precum on the stain and hang them off my bulging dick. I waddle across the room, trembling from adrenaline, pants around my ankles, panties hanging off my erection, looking for lotion, when the door opens and my racing heart almost bursts.

Mia comes in alone and sees what I'm doing. Without a word she removes her heels. She hikes her dress up and reveals her frilly Victorias Secret underwear the same shade of red as her dress and the bottoms of her heels and the Christmas baubles. She runs her manicured hand over her pussy and shimmies out of her panties, throwing them at the ground before me. She turns the lock behind her then leans against the door and slides down until she’s on the floor. Mia spreads her legs for me and rubs her clit in circles. I pick up her underwear and inhale deep, Taylors’ panties still hang off my cock, which at this point is harder than I think I’ve ever seen it. I close my eyes and draw deep breathes and mutter incoherently.

>> No.18478540

You wore this... this touched it

Those other bitches don’t smell this good

You still love me?

... fuck

Mia’s moaning now and starts whimpering Fuck me please but I keep inhaling and rubbing my cock until I finally open my eyes and she’s so beautiful in the pastel Christmas light, the arches of her feet exquisite, her red bra against her pale porcelain skin, the whisps of her blonde hair, It’s almost too much for me. I shuffle towards her and she raises her head and presents her tongue, but I don’t finish inside her mouth instead I drag my cock over her face and she has this dumb expression that I don’t want to look at anymore so I lower myself to her level and I stuff Taylors' underwear in her gaping mouth like a gag. I run my hands down her perfect legs, down her toned calves and caress her feet one after the other then put her heels back on them. I can’t help finishing. I try to get the last drops on her face.
My arms are wrapped around Mia’s waist and we stagger in unison down the corridor. I nibble at her earlobe and slur I missed you

You’re a fucking retard

What’d I do?

You’re just an idiot

Mia’s broken free from me and is now standing before me, looking up at me, berating me.

I heard you’re seeing that prick LP

You left what did you think would happen?

Snort some blow, sort yourself out

He actually gives a shit about me!

You’re just with him cos he sells coke you think I don’t know you?

Fuck you!


>> No.18478542

it's like in the song from scrubs
"like can lead to like like
and like like can lead to love"

>> No.18478544
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Anime Elitism is the the bad end
of weebrocy

>> No.18478546

Mia won’t shut the fuck up and I can’t take it so I go out to the balcony for a smoke and wouldn’t you know the other birthday boy is there smoking a blunt with one hand clutching a bottle of Ace of Spades in the other, its incandescent gold shimmering under the fairy LEDs, a perfect companion for the luxurious Versace robe he’s clad in. Beyond tacky to the point of decadence, that’s Tboy.

God this bitch is fucking insane walahi

Bro, I told you not to fucking speak to her

Who the fuck even invited her?

Who knows? You know how these things get I don’t know half the people here

You got my bars?

Yeah I gave one to Ella though, you tryna hit this?

>> No.18478552

dude just fucking stop. superficial smut with pseud prose is one of the most objectionable dynamics in all of writing. you are writing for normies and using language that normies hate. just stop. put away the keyboard. stop.

>> No.18478595

I think I am the farthest thing from the typical anime elitist. I thought that the holy grail of anime, aka FMAB, was a 3 outta 10 at best.

>> No.18478615

elitism is good actually

>> No.18478624

Ya full metal is just ok

>> No.18478635

I'm going on a date with a girl thats an inch taller than me. She's 6'0 I'm 5'11. Not sure how I feel about this yet but she's really cute and has long legs so I don't care.

>> No.18478641

Think hating thing that is generally accepted as masterpiece in a genre in which you partake, makes you more of an elitist in said genre, rather than less.

Not that I don't agree, but I love boring shit, like Mushi-shi.

>> No.18478647
File: 572 KB, 3500x3400, rupikuarwantsyoutostopbuyingfivepacksofgumadayyourenotfoolinganyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18478653

it's not smut there's just sexual shit in there

>> No.18478657

>go to the bookstore every saturday
>cute clerk always recognizes me and asks if I need anything, the basic stuff
>last week I went there very late, so the store was almost empty
>she greets me as I enter
>after a while, she comes to me and goes through the default clerk procedure
>"I'm just browsing", as usual
>a little while later she comes to me again and asks if I found anything good
>she says that I seem to be very well read and asks me to recommend her some stuff
>starts talking about shit she wants to see on Netflix and this kind of stuff
>I try lower my expectations during the whole thing, thinking she was just being nice because it is her job
I'm nervous about going there today bros. I don't want to be an obnoxious guy cornering her while she's working and just being nice.

>> No.18478677

She wants the D for sure.

>> No.18478683

I like what I like
I dislike what I dislike
simple as
I like some "elitist" stuff too, like berserk and claymore, slam dunk as well

>> No.18478700

What I'm saying is that you shouldn't let it.

>> No.18478746

To create meaning.

>> No.18478782

>it's not smut there's just sexual shit in there
>I inhale deep and despite the coke blood rushes to my cock and I'm almost instantly hard. I lap at the underwear and taste her then rub my precum on the stain and hang them off my bulging dick. I waddle across the room, trembling from adrenaline, pants around my ankles, panties hanging off my erection, looking for lotion, when the door opens and my racing heart almost bursts.
>it's not smut there's just some sexual shit in there
>Mia’s moaning now and starts whimpering Fuck me please but I keep inhaling and rubbing my cock until I finally open my eyes and she’s so beautiful in the pastel Christmas light, the arches of her feet exquisite, her red bra against her pale porcelain skin, the whisps of her blonde hair, It’s almost too much for me. I shuffle towards her and she raises her head and presents her tongue, but I don’t finish inside her mouth instead I drag my cock over her face and she has this dumb expression that I don’t want to look at anymore so I lower myself to her level and I stuff Taylors' underwear in her gaping mouth like a gag. I run my hands down her perfect legs, down her toned calves and caress her feet one after the other then put her heels back on them. I can’t help finishing. I try to get the last drops on her face.

>> No.18478906

it's supposed to be pathetic and kinda funny what with the pants around the angles and the hobbling and the desperate panty raid.

>> No.18478951

I wrote a story about dude getting sliced open and jerked off with his own intestines before getting stuff injected into his ballsack. I'm not a gurofag but I sort of wrote it with one hand.

>> No.18478987

>The vast majority of anime is garbage but it sucks that when I find something I think is genuinely good, I can't talk about it with anyone because the weeaboos who have watched it are illiterate and the people who are literate enough to understand it don't ordinarily go out of their way to watch things like that.
Same exact experience here. Talking to people about stories in good anime and manga is like talking to children but I have to ask you because it’s on my mind right now. Have you read/watched Attack on Titan?

>> No.18478992

I don’t care that they’re not casual. It’s that they’re dumb. The only thing they care about is fan service and ships. All of their opinions about this or that plot line or this or that character distill down to this obsession with a specific character like a 12 year old might do.

>> No.18479012

New girl started at work this week. We’ve talked pretty often and walked out of the office together everyday.

It’s exhausting, because I’m the type of person to overthink things like this and not be a normal person. Like she’s literally just being friendly but all I can do is picture our entire life together since she’s giving me more attention then I’m used to. Someone kill me.

>> No.18479019

Is it possible for fantasy or “genre fiction” to achieve “literary fiction” status?

>> No.18479026

The bad news is it’s better to be aloof and not so desperate. The good news is you’re totally normal.

>> No.18479055

like gene wolfe? sure. the problem is that all the genre fiction writers are influenced by other genre fiction writers rather than real authors

>> No.18479069

I haven't but I'm a zoomer so a lot of my friends have. I know the basic plot so if you wanna vent your thoughts about it, go ahead. i'll read it

>> No.18479073

I picked up the guitar again and I'm making slow progress, but I'm having fun and being shit doesn't bother me.
With writing it should be the same thing, but once I start putting some effort into it, I get too self-conscious about everything wrong with what I'm doing and I give up after a few hours.

>> No.18479076

all a work needs to make it stand above others in my book is originality and craftsmanship. genre is almost an excuse to justify tropes and lack of care.

>> No.18479115

try to keep the writing extremely simple. its easier and tighter. less room for bad. hemingways philosophy has produced way better writers than him. what kinda stuff are you learning in guitar? once you learn to play bare chords starting on E and A, you can play everything

>> No.18479134

>once you learn to play bare chords starting on E and A, you can play everything
This is just not even close to true.
Former semiprofessional guitarist here, had to quit because my wrist got absolutely destroyed by playing so much. The way you feel about writing is the way I used to feel about guitar. The problem is that you're well read enough to understand what good writing is and therefore know that your own writing sucks. Once you develop similar proficiency with guitar, you'll find the same thing to be true. Fun while you start, but if you take your practice seriously enough to ever get good, you will start having the same perceptions with your playing. It's a sign that you actually care about the quality of your work in literally anything.

>> No.18479150 [DELETED] 

Butterfly is a huge cutie pie :3

She is a lesbian because she is such a huge cutie pie that no guy can satisfy the cutie pieness of her

>> No.18479161

It is current year and a Nobel laureate in literature (Ishiguro) dropped a new sci-fi book a few months ago. Some others have occasionally gone to SFF conventions. The problem is that lit-fic and sci-fi are marketed completely differently and towards different demographics, and sci-fi is perhaps rightfully still not seen as a "prestige" variety of literature; even if you can write and everyone admits it, if you do sci-fi you'll be known as "genius author Anon, who also sometimes does sci-fi"

>> No.18479215

No, I’m not going to ruin it for you like that. I would just highly suggest that you wait until this final season wraps and then watch/read it. To put it simply in the most cringe and honest way possible, I’ve never felt about a work of fiction the way I do about it for multiple reasons that would take an essay to explain to someone who has never watched/read.

>> No.18479220 [DELETED] 

Butterfly is a huge cutie pie :3

I made this post and someone deleted it. Everyone, if everyone else just did things based on spite and jealousy, the world would be a terrible place indeed. We have here an opportunity of freedom. I ask you, why is this the board with all the metathreads? I mean, other boards have their metathreads as well, but we have here a case of love, and you do not want to let this go unexamined. As with everything else under the magnifying glass here, you have things that must be examined and blocks in the way of life that aren't right. The fact that you would try to restrict freedom shows this.

She feels sometimes that I bother her, sometimes not. But that's life, and I would implore you to consider how supportive I am of every other person. Why would you want me to be an asshole in this situation? Why would you want to be aggressive? Here lies the answer to some problems that may have plagued humanity for centuries. :3 People are holding each other down for no reason at all.

This is the off topic thread, I made a post. Thank you.

>> No.18479228

Anything, really. I personally don’t like the distinction but I understand how people see it. For example, things that generally deal with a protagonist that is in some sort of world-saving arc is genre fiction. Literary fiction almost never has such a thing. Literary fiction has more realism. I think people think there’s literary fiction and then everything else and I’m wondering if people will ever view everything else, from comic books and manga to high fantasy as literary fiction worthy since people seem less and less interested, or even able to write, literary realism these days.

>> No.18479232

I have two things to do today. no one to talk to and nothing I care to do. so I think I'll just sit here and look out the window the rest of the day.

>> No.18479239

Go for a bike ride or a walk, any exercise. Then shower and see how you feel.

>> No.18479243

I really don't care about spoilers man, i go out of my way to learn the story of books/movies/shows before I watch them. I want to hear your SNK exegesis

>> No.18479251
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I'm tired of being around my parents every day. I don't hate them or anything like that. We get along well. But it's just that I can't stand being with them every day. It's so tiring. I wish I could live on my own. I need my own space.

>> No.18479285

I wouldn’t even know where to start if you’ve not seen it or read it at all. I just loved the thing from start to finish and now that it’s basically over there’s a huge void so I want to talk to people about it but most people I talk to hated the ending, which I liked. There’s flaws in it but every time I talk to someone about it they just offer up senseless and scathing critique for the dumbest reasons we’re talking about and since you’re aware of that, I was curious what you thought about it. I figured your take would be more high IQ.

>> No.18479292

another girl cancelled the date an hour before meetup and now won't even see my message. i don't think i'm being clingy i only send one message. am i not interesting then? so many aspects... i just don't know anymore i'm so tired of trying to find a date.

>> No.18479335

>starts talking about shit she wants to see on Netflix and this kind of stuff
this is the first sign she is being friendly with you outside of job. it doesnt hurt for you to ask her out a.k.a 'oh yeah i wanted to watch that as well. wanna hang out sometime?'

>> No.18479337

Sorry bro that’s pretty cold of her. At least you’re putting yourself out there, more than can be said of me.

>> No.18479354

Just stop caring is my advice. I know that sounds cold and like cope and it is because even I admit that I feel lonely a lot but I’m just so profoundly disappointed with life that I don’t really think I should invest so much into a thing like that. If it comes along, fine. If it doesn’t, it’s just a bother drop from the roof to the buckets.

>> No.18479398

i do feel that way myself. For me, it stems from being rejected a lot, not knowing if i said something bad, am i being too aggressive (even with friends); it's the little things that really put me down.
But then again, when she accepted my invitation, i was so happy, i haven't felt such joy in a long time. i was happy for 3 days straight.
to that conclusion, i would say we lack the dopamine or have too much of it.
sensitive men in a harsh world where a good source of love keeps running away.
there is nothing to do but keep struggling. we have to hold dearly to those few drops that are leaking on the way

>> No.18479400
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I'm sinking

>> No.18479407

Girls have so many options. If what you offered was mundane or without value (no ride, drugs, famous ppl) then she'll just find a better option especially on a day like Friday. This in all depends on how hot the girl was and what day it is etc.

>> No.18479411

it comes in time anon, i didnt talk to girls till high school and went on a first date at the end of it (didnt score). it really comes down to 'practice makes perfect' yet im a slow student

>> No.18479431

I don’t know man. I have deeper problems than my interactions and relationships with women. I can’t tell sometimes if I’m actually sensitive and highly emotional to the point of despondency or if I’m just detached and careless through and through. I admire your fight I guess but I just feel like I need something more to fight for than the approval of a woman for any of this, women included, to be remotely worth it. That’s why I gave you that advice. I figured maybe you were like me but if you’re not, please ignore.

>> No.18479433

i didnt offer shit, i just asked her out for drinks.
she is pretty hot; the athletic type with short hair; listens to trap so i guess shes a mega normie. was very nice to me when we bumped into each other and came way too close into my personal space so i thought 'hey, why not a date?' but i guess thats just normal.
in the spur of moment i did ask her if she wants to go tomorrow then, yet its been around 4 hours and she hasnt even seen it yet. i really dont know if i was too clingy or not clingy enough. how can i improve if i dont know what to improve? i really wish that they just outright tell me whats wrong.

>> No.18479487

She had a better option that's all. The reason ppl say it's a 'numbers game' is because it's all circumstantial and you're usually on the losing side esp if you have nothing valuable or intriguing to offer. As far as improvement, its the usual:
Get money, get status to strengthen your odds across encounters.

>> No.18479489
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Why are you even interested in some bitch who supports an immoral, evil, perverse corporation like n*tflix

>> No.18479490

Why is the anime tranny not banned yet?

>> No.18479497
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i dont know if im like you nor do i know what i am. "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" also implies to thy self. if a man feels like a monster then he shall be a monster, yet to others he is both a monster and a saint.
do not be hard on yourself, theres no shame in being emotional, we just feel it on a stronger level.
i like to think that my worst enemy is myself. the opponent is as strong as you, smart as you and makes the same decisions as you. its a neverending battle we must all fight in and no battle was won wallowing in self-pity.
i say to you, brother of mine, to love yourself and know that youre not alone.

>> No.18479520

>nothing valuable or intriguing to offer
i was thinking about this the other day, maybe its the passion that im missing. i have nothing that defines, no fixed interest that i dedicate myself to, what worth do i have as a man if not ambition?

>> No.18479538

>do not be hard on yourself, theres no shame in being emotional,
I can’t help it. I’m not ashamed of anything about myself but myself. I’m just so unhappy with all of this but in an apathetic way, not an emotional way besides whatever emotion is associated with that lowness. Can you really he “emotional” of its only back and forth between 2 emotions (sad and apathetic)? Probably not. You know the hardest part is while I don’t see anyway to overcome, I do see ways to cope, or at least try to cope but that’s where the self loathing comes in, the profound dissatisfaction. There’s no confidence in the ability to actually achieve that cope and so I suffer on a treadmill. Is the enemy myself or the treadmill? I don’t even know anymore. I just want a purpose and a reason to fight but I don’t have it. Who gets the blame for that is not interesting to me either.

>> No.18479546

lol. esp amongst the normies this is entirely material intrigue. this means nice cars, expensive restaurants, drugs, big network of friends, cool parties, being famous/knowing famous ppl etc. no 1 gives a f about ur interests as long as you have the status/material objects to back it up.

>> No.18479552

My mind says no, but my heart is just a slave

>> No.18479584

>what's on your mind
sex. all the time. with haruhi

>> No.18479605

>There’s no confidence in the ability to actually achieve that cope and so I suffer on a treadmill
then you are distracted? something is keep your mind off of advancing, an obstacle if you will.
from personal experience, my advice is to walk in the park. it clears the head and sunlight (at least me) energizes me. in that time i spent walking, i started to take notice of the trees, learned their names and even got interested in them.
your purpose is yet hidden and in time it will reveal yourself.
>I just want a purpose and a reason to fight but I don’t have it
my good cope is to just not think about the future. i get depressed just think about the end of time and my death as well. theres a bit of truth in what lovecraft wrote, too much knowledge really can lead a man to insanity.

>> No.18479613

your heart is dumb and so is everyone's. distracted it with someone new

>> No.18479621

I am worried that my ambition has finally outstripped my ability. I recently was accepted into an ivy league school which I applied to somewhat rashly. I am set to begin attending for a doctoral degree in a few months. I've moved across the country. The whole ordeal has been so haphazard and busy that I haven't had a chance to reflect on it until a few days ago. I'm older than I was when I completed my undergrad, and I feel it. I am unsure of myself and I am quite anxious I will fail. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.18479638

dont think about it, just work.

>> No.18479659

My whole life has been spent drinking.... Yeesh. You get a lot of good stories out of it until you get to an age where people don't wanna hear your drunk stories anymore. Brutal.

>> No.18479661 [DELETED] 

My whole life has been spent drinking.... Yeesh. You get a lot of good stories out of it until you get to an age where people don't wanna hear your drunk stories anymore. Brutal.

>> No.18479676

Be crazy. That's you're only chance to be intriguing. If you are insane and people are questioning whether or not you've lost grip on reality then girls will come flooding. Girls love insane guys.

>> No.18479691
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you deserve to enjoy life anon

>> No.18479697

What have you done that makes you ashamed?

>> No.18479700

>You get a lot of good stories out of it until you get to an age where people don't wanna hear your drunk stories anymore. Brutal.
no, you just get to the age where people are tired of pretending to be entertained by your drunk stories. nobody ever cared in the first place.

>> No.18479712
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Recently changed my wifi and it doesn't let me post because of some ip bullshit; it's been a few weeks already.

I am going NUTS. I now lurk here and then, haven't come as often because I will be wanting to respond but won't be able to.

Currently using the bus wifi for some minutes. Just wanted to say I miss you all you dumb faggots.

>> No.18479724

>The bad news is it’s better to be aloof and not so desperate.
I think I’m pretty good about being aloof in these type of scenarios, my desperation hidden pretty well. I feel like it’s a fake desperation too, like it’s the voice in my head saying “this is the only chance I got don’t mess it up” and I get nervous because I start to believe it. I think if I can silence that I can continue to be a normal person in the situation.

>> No.18479752

i cant just redirect my heart. im way too love deprived for that.

>> No.18479793

Yeah I’ve thought about seeing an escort in the city to just lose the card and stop fearing women. Does that actually boost your confidence?

>> No.18479857

Stop being such a corny bitch, goddamn. There are people who love you. Enjoy that rather than pining for something that is entirely imagined.

>> No.18479869

no. sex is meaningless without love, no better than masturbation. you must talk to women and embarrass yourself if it comes to that.

>> No.18479870

is the IP banned? if so, reset the router

>> No.18479875

how would you know if there are people who love that anon?

>> No.18479886

I only feel alive when I'm angry. Anger is so good. It's the only time I feel motivated. I wish I could summon rage at will

>> No.18479890

prolly range-banned

>> No.18479904

Call it a hunch. I don't necessarily mean romantic love.

>> No.18479951

so a question, are people on here actually retarded and unacceptable humans or do you guys have jobs and relationships and are trying?

>> No.18479957

Yes, but putting my distraction aside, I don’t see anything to advance toward. It’s literally a treadmill in my mind. To put it in the simplest words possible, I have two big issues. One is self loathing, the feeling that I as a person am inadequate. The other is the fact that I feel like life itself, this world is inadequate.

I walk everyday. Sometimes only 30 minutes but usually 1 hour or 2. I just don’t really believe I have a purpose. I think if I did, I wouldn’t suffer so much. I don’t want to do anything with my life. I never had. There’s nowhere I could take it that would be fulfilling, I think. The only thing that interests me in light of that is coping via certain methods but that’s where the self loathing is an impediment.

There’s too many things to start rattling them off to be blunt, I just don’t like myself.

Sorry for spilling my guts to you guys here. Ha

>> No.18479962

Doesn’t matter if you think you’re hiding it or not. You are not aloof and you are desperate. Are you not? If you weren’t you wouldn’t have these thoughts.

>> No.18479966

somewhere in between.

>> No.18479973

I’m both but I try a lot less hard these days

>> No.18479978

what do you mean by that anon

>> No.18479984

For what it's worth anon, I forgive all the things you've done.

>> No.18480001

Lol well thanks anon but I’m sure you realize that it’s not quite soothing. I’m more embarrassed than I am ashamed I guess and no amount of forgiveness can really erase that. I’ve done fucked up things to myself and other people but I don’t think I’ve ever been a bad enough person to be ashamed over who I was because of that. I’m just a pathetic person, not a bad one.

>> No.18480003

I reckon most people here are slightly knowledgeable and mostly acceptable humans who kinda try and have a handful of ok activities and relationships going for them at any given time.

>> No.18480024
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relatable anon-kun

>> No.18480053

>I can’t tell sometimes if I’m actually sensitive and highly emotional to the point of despondency or if I’m just detached and careless through and through
I know this feel all too well. Whenever I feel any emotion I wonder if I'm actually forcing myself somehow to experience it, as if it's completely fake and I'm just completely cold underneath. I did a pump in Afghanistan back at the height of OEF and I got really, really good at disconnecting from my emotions. I honestly don't even know if I have them anymore. My dad is dying as I write this and I don't think I even care. I'm not trying to sound harder than I am or anything (I actually see myself as mostly a gigantic pussy) but I think sometimes I've just seen a little bit too much death to give a shit anymore. When you're standing over someone who was alive ten minutes earlier and he's just all pink and turned out and glistening in the sun it really kind of cheapens the whole "human" thing. It's like Dorothy looking behind the curtain. It's really hard to divest yourself of a certain kind of materialism when you see the human body's machinery. When the machine breaks down irreparably the thing it contains is gone forever, and it's hard to see why that should even matter. Just another piece of discarded machinery rusting in the sun. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18480073

You think you force yourself to be that way or it’s organic?

>> No.18480076

is there a way to record voicemails you left with other people? sometimes I forget what I said or start to feel paranoid that I messed something up and it didn't get to the person.

>> No.18480086

The man need three kind of women in his life the wife the mistress and the bitch do not get me wrong bitches aren't meant to be loved but they are a good friend as they are usually tender you can rely on them to get thinks done the wife also isn't meant to be loved rather than respected and to take care of whereas the mistress can play both roles the waifu and the bitch at the same time and meant to be loved at the end man is the provider and and must not fall to nayone but himself ....
"""" toilet thoughts""""

>> No.18480094

Why can't you not forgive yourself for doing embarrassing things?

>> No.18480106

What’s there to forgive? It’s not a transgression of any sort. It’s just something that happened that I regret. I don’t know what possible light I’m supposed to view that under other than what it is.

>> No.18480113

That's the question. I just don't know what's real anymore. My own internal state seems to be so infinitely mutable that I could make a solid case for either one -- that is, that I'm completely callous and pretending to feel emotion or just faking my callousness. The problem is that there's no way of knowing. It's easy to say something, but another thing entirely to say something true. The deeper I look into myself the less sure I get about anything. It's like opening up the hood of your car and finding your engine replaced with an immanentized Escher painting. Nothing makes any sense anymore. Sometimes I think it does but it always ends up biting its own tail.

>> No.18480114
File: 1.22 MB, 255x500, Drummer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think space colonies will be miniature ethnostates?

>> No.18480115

You forgive yourself for going beyond certain limits you previously agreed upon.

>> No.18480136

Needs kinds to be cared for* and so on ...flush brbrbr br brew

>> No.18480145

I’m really not sure what you mean by that.

>> No.18480150

Do you have any significant other, children, close friends, or siblings?

>> No.18480158

It is what it is, a huge turd pile down the toilet it's nothing to be ashamed of unless you are projecting

>> No.18480163

anyone tried active imagination (Jung)?

>> No.18480165

I plant shallow roots.

>> No.18480191

all kinds post here anon, all kinds.

>> No.18480196

I haven't read him yet. wanna give me a quick rundown?

>> No.18480225

I went home for the summer and immediately remembered why I left my hometown.
I'm also pretty sure I'm slowly becoming estranged from my parents.

>> No.18480226

Why does life only make sense when either buzzed or the twilight end of wasted

>> No.18480282

Was Freud right in calling homosexuality a sort of "sexual arrest", where the maturing ritual in which the sexual object is properly shifted on to the opposite gender? Are there any other popular, plausible theories on the reasons for homosexuality?

>> No.18480286

It's similar to lucid dreaming. Basically you focus on something and let the visions emerge (the key being is not interrupting those visions no matter what). I think the hardest job is not focusing too much or too little. In the end, you write down everything and use as an anchor for the next session. My problem is that i dont really get any visions in the first place.

>> No.18480326

i wish i could be less racist, be it ironic or not

>> No.18480331

I never tried that but images come to me after about an hour of keeping my eyes closed. It's usually trees.

>> No.18480375
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I find the pain of remembering that life is not fiction to he nothing short of excruciating.

>> No.18480376

I have a job, currently shitposting on the shitter, and just got out of a relationship. I’m still retarded but

>> No.18480381
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About to start selling my 2nd book

>> No.18480469

How the hell did a guy like that come across "lamentation"?
Does Conan read?

>> No.18480488

ice water nigga

>> No.18480517


>> No.18480578

An old friend invited me to their wedding. I don’t want to go but I don’t want to hurt them by not going.

>> No.18480586

The Ancient Magnus' bride is an underrated animu and Chise is an underrated waifu.

>> No.18480724


>> No.18480740
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Bananas are grown and harvested year-round. They grow from a bulb, not a seed. A perennial crop, each bulb sprouts new shoots every year.

>> No.18480741

It can’t fill the void that SnK left in my heart.

>> No.18480914

Will it be expensive to go?

>> No.18481122

Eh, I was gonna think. I kind of don't want to do anything. I was going to listen to the Zizek/Peterson debate... I guess?

>> No.18481132

I kind of see the point the zoomer thinkers make, but I don't want to stop consuming entertainment; I've spent too much time shitposting and I haven't watched or played anything.

>> No.18481153

Weddings are fun. Go and crush that open bar son

>> No.18481351

My own brain is lying to me through dreams.

>> No.18481356

getting to heaven.

>> No.18481360

I never bothered to learn what entropy is and desu I don't care to. Don't think I need that information.

>> No.18481501

Do what I do. Live merely out of spite for life itself. I'd rather live a life of cruel and hopeless monotony than to grant myself that single moment of weakness to give up. If you give up you let it win. You let it beat you.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how skilled, or fortunate, or knowledgeable you are. You can make no mistakes at all and still fail. You can do everything right and never gain any ground.

Sometimes you can't win. But at least you have the choice to not give up. You can go down thrashing and spitting, relatively speaking, as a man ought to. Even that is worthy of respect.

>> No.18481519

I'm waiting for the library to open

>> No.18481561

you are literally me lol
I know we're in the same situation, but it sounds to me like you might be coping better with it than I am (just got out of a psych ward for depression and BPD). Any tips?

>> No.18481586


>> No.18481606

No, I've not made any irl friends since 2012 kek. I've gone out of my way to not be known by people to never deal with it again.

>> No.18481653 [DELETED] 
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everyone has heard "groove is in the heart" but have u ever listened to this whole album? i always thought they were one hit wonders cuz u only hear that one song nowadays, but after apple music recommend me this one day i gave it a listen and it's refreshingly positive with that comfy 90s production style that only lax sampling laws and low bit rate samplers can make

>> No.18481818

Where do you live? IF I don't have physical face-to-face contact with another human being soon I might completely lose grasp with reality. If you're in BC however I'll buy you a beer and we can be friends for a couple of weeks until I inevitably cut off contact and self-isolate during a depressive period.

>> No.18481820

Alone at the bar right now

>> No.18481831

All the dead ends
And all wasted time
All the missed chances
And what could have been mine

I should have tried harder
And I should have reached out
But instead I turned inward
And fed myself doubt

>> No.18481955

Where I live the bars have just begun to open sort of. Only outdoor seating. I'd like to go for a drink but god damn would I feel like a tool sitting at a table alone, especially since there's limited seating

>> No.18481975

I usually seat at the counter, i arrived late today (it is 11pm here) and the first thing the bartender said was “dude, they got your seat”.
But whatever, I just needed a drink.

>> No.18481985

What a predictable reply

>> No.18481990

That’s less like having something to fight for and more like pretending you have something to fight for

>> No.18481991

Probably trying to meet people in person would be better. Maybe just go to a bar or do something you don't usually do and chat someone up. Whoever they are.

>> No.18481998

I don’t think that’s true. I don’t know if anyone deserves anything. You only deserve what you are willing to fight for and if there’s nothing worth fighting for then you deserve nothing.

>> No.18482001

I’m a stoic drinker, the most interesting drunk story I got was when I ended up eating a 30 bucks croissant at a graveyard 2AM after a night of drinking alone.
There is basically nothing going on on my life.

>> No.18482002

A regular, eh? Used to be on a first name basis with a few bartenders but I think that had more to do with the small population of my town since I'm pretty reserved

>> No.18482011

For some reason I can’t click with that. I don’t hate life precisely because I feel like it could be so much better. It’s just not. I don’t want to be a pessimist but I’m just so profoundly and unbelievably disappointed and bored with it all as it is. A life of monotony to me is like the worst possible sentence I can think of even though I’m already living it. The thing you said about going down trashing resonates with me but I just don’t even see any opportunities to thrash let alone ones worth thrashing over.

>> No.18482061


>> No.18482072

But you like Carnosaur, anon. He suceeded in giving at least one guy a good time.

>> No.18482079

U thought about getting help anon? :(

>> No.18482092

I actually own an apartment in a hotel in a tourist bait area of my town, so I kind of stand out wherever I go because I’m a constant among ever changing faces you know. I’m very reserved too and I got no friends in town, but it is kind of comforting that I can go to any place around here, be greeted by name and just say “the usual” and relax.

>> No.18482107

I said go home
The party's over
Go home

I said go home
The party's over
Go home

Maybe one last bowl
But no more booze
A cigg for the ride
It's your mind to lose

Your high right now
And it's time to enjoy
You know it won't last
Your mind is no toy

I said go home
The party's over
Go home

said go home
The party's over
Go home
Go home

>> No.18482132

Sounds comfy desu

>> No.18482203


>> No.18482256

dude if u google the guy who wrote carnosaur and look at this wiki he had a pretty full career spanning decades with three of his books being made in to movies


>> No.18482322
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I am in the same boat I don't know whether I wanna kill myself I have no clue on how to get a gf I don't know what to do after uni
don't worry friend i hear it all works out in the end

>> No.18482356

Just said bye a few minutes ago to my good friend; I ignore if I will ever see him again in life.

>> No.18482362

You'll get past it, but it's funny because it really does get worse. It's just true that you also get better at dealing with it. In my experience, at least.

>> No.18482373 [SPOILER] 
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I have an exam in an hour /lit/. Wish me luck! After this I'll be done with my masters. Oh god, it feels so weird.

>> No.18482383

Remember when you were a kid and encountered something weird and thought, Damn that's weird!
But now that weird stuff feels like home to you

>> No.18482388
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No. We will not get that far as fractured as nationalists dream of and states currently maintain.

>> No.18482394

What kind of weird stuff?
Like anal?

>> No.18482407

Yes I do indeed remember the first time I jacked off

>> No.18482417

Yep more or less things like that

>> No.18482422

I want a cigarette so exceedingly bad right now but I also know that I will not reasonably and safely be able to secure one at this hour and that I have the will power to prevent myself from trying despite that. And that just makes the craving worse.

>> No.18482436

What’s so great about cigarettes? I only do cigars that’s enough for me

>> No.18482468

Hey anon, /lit/izen here who has likewise a billion thoughts on SnK and read the series multiple times over.
While I didn't like the ending, I appreciate that it was an at least honest rehearsal of Japan in WWII (I have a longwinded theory on how all of SnK is just playing through cultural trauma of modernization, colonialism, and war, that I'd be happy to share if you're still around). Please feel free to explain your thoughts on it, I likewise have difficulty finding someone to discuss the series with beyond kneejerk reactions to the controversial character assassinations and abandoned plot threads and etc

>> No.18482482

Simple scenes from animation, movies, television, or just very imagined scenes from works of fiction often make me depressed as hell. Even in works where the world is totally dystopic, brutal, horrifying and the characters are radically tragic, I find something serene about the whole thing. There’s a tranquility and a serenity built into it that makes me fucking jealous. I have literally never felt that. In my entire life I’ve never been anything but restless, and unhappy, and feeling totally meaningless. A simple soldier standing atop a watch tower while the wind blows, friends walking through a market, a fisherman rising in the darkness of his home during a summer monsoon. All of it just fills me with this deep and painful existential dread and forces me to remember that “life sucks”. I want this so bad and yet I can’t even identify what it is or how to get it, if it’s even real. Am I just going insane? What is wrong with me? This life can’t live up to what it needs to be. I can’t live up to what I need to be. I need out. I need to get out now. I can’t do this anymore and I don’t want to.

>> No.18482484

what's so great about cigars? cigarettes give you an immediate and powerful buzz, taste fine and aren't too expensive, and have all the juicy cancer chemicals to inhale. what do you even do with cigars besides smell the nice cigar smell.

>> No.18482496

This. Anything else is cope.

>> No.18482508

What kind of shitty apartment do you live in.

>> No.18482513

You do not know jack

>> No.18482516

Stop writing, you will never write a novel.

>> No.18482528

Fight like a brave
Don't be a slave
No one can tell you
That you've got to be afraid

>> No.18482559

That these threads are ruining the quality of this board and making people more comfortable to seem incompetent rather than fully fleshing out their thoughts before posting them to other threads.

>> No.18482565

prove it

>> No.18482570

Just look at archived threads from 2019 & prior

>> No.18482597

lit was only "good" pre-2015, newguy.

>> No.18482601

/lit/ was never good.

>> No.18482610

Neither was Paris and it still published a lot

>> No.18482612

I've been on /lit/ far longer than since 2019 and it's no better or worse now than then.

>> No.18482615

this is literal cope. Just accept the fact that /lit/ was never good.

>> No.18482621


>> No.18482629

It's literal truth and stop assuming anon is all one person. Not everyone is as shit as you or as unwilling to garner epic tales about fucking up talking to a prostitute.

>> No.18482637

I'll rather have stories about a haunted arcade.

>> No.18482646

Gay as fuck poem.

>> No.18482652

The internet told me stories about a haunted board game that sucked in victims, that wasn't Jumanji. It told me through a horse girl who was very specific that they used an animatronic from an arcade which was incongruous with the board game setting. I hope this helps.

>> No.18482654

if anything it's on a slight uptrend. less of toxic schizo guys that came in in the last few years, but way too many shills. back in the day it was just tao, and he at least had a real publisher. also there were less religious larpers back in the day.

>> No.18482656

Anything with a crocodile?

>> No.18482660

New thread

>> No.18482667

>lit was only "good" pre-2015, newguy.
Oldfag here, it was actually only 'good' before 2011.

>> No.18482679

Share your thoughts and I’ll share mine. I don’t have that view of it as a work of historical commentary so I want to hear what you say about it.

>> No.18482684

>Oldfag here, it was actually only 'good' before 2011.
LOL. Try 2009 fag!

>> No.18482695

try 2006 faggot

>> No.18482701

There's one about a Seminole Indian girl getting raped by whites and a crocodile and the kids becoming crocodile magic creatures that are pissed off about this, Crocodile blood by Mandel. It's the better of the two crocodile books you are now thinking of.

>> No.18482780

I just think there are a lot of obvious parallels to be made between Paradis and Japan

>both island nations with no virtually no contact with the outside world
>prior to the main action in the series, Paradis enjoys "100 years of peace" much alike the Tokugawa reign of peace
>Survey corps install Historia as the rightful Queen, much alike how in the Meiji Restoration the "rightful" emperor was rehabilitated and made central to the functioning of the state
>second half of the story revolves around Paradis discovering an outside world, opening up to trade and engaging in foreign conflict
>Marley is essentially not-Korea, colonizing and subjugating Japan (nearby island nation state) to imperial rule
>Eren throws a military coup d'etat in order to wage war against the rest of the world
>Ends with the yeagerists failing in their goals, foreign forces literally carpet bombing Japan (US retaliation for Pearl Harbor)
>Titans can be read as a metaphor for samurai spirit or some shit

Obviously it's not a one-to-one correlation or anything, but I think Isayama was playing heavily into popular mythos of Japan's road to modernization and its role in WWII. The ending makes sense in this context, although, given the right-wing subtext of the series, I was fully expecting Isayama to "rewrite" the Japanese loss with an Eren /Yeagerist victory, which would have been infinitely more kino in my mind. What are your thoughts on it?

>> No.18482826

I’m sorry anon, have u talked to anyone about it?

>> No.18482852

How does it get worse?
t. desperately afraid

>> No.18483216
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Not really; I've had no mental stuff in the past, and its been a really recent thing. Still, between realizing that my dad was trying to mentally break me down by yelling at me every other day in grade 5-7 because I was sad and angry as a kid and seeing myself in a position of going to a shitty online school that no one has heard of placed me in a rut, I don't think I am depressed. Still, I don't get sad or angry or happy, just monotone, and if this is my life, I would rather not live it. Sorry for the blogposting

>> No.18483341

You're right anon. Depression doesn't exist you just have shitty life circumstances.
Try getting a 9-5 and renting your own apartment. It will improve things a lot.

>> No.18483405


>> No.18483451

i chickened out and ended up not getting a haircut

>> No.18484040

Jesus imagine being such a newfag you think 2019 /lit/ is any different to now

>> No.18484048

>getting a 9-5
>improving anything
God how do I trick myself into enjoying being a wagie

>> No.18484438

Ikr? Gen z channers truly are the worst. Imagine being born after the birth year of 4chan and using it.

>> No.18484451

Don't worry, be happy.
How about: Don't worry, distract yourself?

I think I can live with the second. The first is too much to ask for as I'll always worry about not being happy enough.