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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 122 KB, 1024x1001, Russian-President-Vladimir-Putin-reads-a-report-during-a-meeting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18476791 No.18476791 [Reply] [Original]

What books do the "elites" read? Here's Putin's 9 favorite books:

>"The Wine of Wisdom: The Life, Poetry and Philosophy of Omar Khayyam"
>“The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas
>“The Brothers Karamasov” by Dostoevsky
>“Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky
>“Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy
>“The Singing Heart: A Book of Quiet Reflections” by Ivan Ilyin
>“The Destiny of Man” by Nicolai Berdyaev
>"For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hemingway
>“Sketches from a Hunter's Album” by Ivan Turgenev


>> No.18476804

Very nice and unpretentious list.

>> No.18476814

>what books do the elites read
Most of them don't have the time to read. Unless they inherited a vast fortune from their parents, being at the top of society is generally a massive timesink

>> No.18476817


He likes what he likes, and it is tasteful.

>> No.18476829

Obama 2020:

"Homeland Elegies" by Ayad Akhtar
"Jack" by Marilynne Robinson

"Caste" by Isabel Wilkerson
"The Splendid and the Vile" by Erik Larson
"Luster" by Raven Leilani
"How Much of These Hills is Gold" by C Pam Zhang
"Long Bright River" by Liz Moore
"Memorial Drive" by Natasha Trethewey
"Twilight of Democracy" by Anne Applebaum
"Deacon King Kong" by James McBride
"The Undocumented Americans" by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
"The Vanishing Half" by Brit Bennett
"The Glass Hotel" by Emily St. John Mandel
"Hidden Valley Road" by Robert Kolker
"The Ministry for the Future" by Kim Stanley Robinson

"Sharks in the Time of Saviors" by Kawai Strong Washburn
"Missionaries" by Phil Klay

>> No.18476872
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ARRGGGG stop taking the "favourite books" lists of politicians at face value.

>> No.18476956

Biden quotes Gravity's Rainbow at 15:23.

>> No.18477005

holy based im ridin with biden

>> No.18477028

>No Pushkin
He almost got away with it.

>> No.18477040

Imagine sucking pop culture dick this hard.

>> No.18477070

It's weird how articulate he is pre-dementia.

>> No.18477073

As one Russian poet once said, only poets and scholars love Pushkin. The rest are feigning it.

>> No.18477085

The list confirms he's neither a poet or scholar, but a crude fascist.

>> No.18477096

A crude ruler, maybe, but he has nothing to do with fascism. Stop using words you don't understand, this isn't reddit.

>> No.18477117

Want to know how I can tell you're a flaccid redditor?

>> No.18477187

Putin reads gumilijev

>> No.18477269

>Unless they inherited a vast fortune from their parents
Arent most rich people just rich because of old money!

>> No.18477296

I have 6k karma so don’t need your sass here

>> No.18477303

Jeff bezos, bill gates and Elon musk just entered the chat.

>> No.18477312

wtf I love Putin now

>> No.18477357

>Bill gates
Rich parents who owned a big law firm
>Elon Musk
Rich parents

>> No.18477407

At least the nigger acts lik he reads.

>> No.18478056

That has to be the weirdest transcription of his name I've seen.

Pretty good taste for a politician, and, most importantly, believable.

>> No.18478071

How fucking dumb are you? Go back to plebbit you stupid ism spamming retard.

>> No.18478117

>Omar Khayyam
What a midwit.

>> No.18478131

The Open Conspiracy, God the Invisible King & New World Order - H.G Wells
Propaganda - Edward Bernays
Impact of Science upon Society, Scientific Outlook - Bertrand Russell
The Next Million Years - Charles Darwin
The Perennial Philosophy, On living in a revolution - Julian Huxley
The Survival of the Wisest - Jonas Salk
The Turning Point - Fritjof Capra
The Aquarian Conspiracy - Marilyn Ferguson
Ghost in the Machine - Arthur Koestler
Between Two Ages, The Grand Chessboard - Brzezinski
Soldiers of Reason - Alex Abella
Tavistok Institute - Daniel
A brief history of the future - Jacques Attali
Memoirs - David Rockefeller
The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty - Peter Collier
The Pentagon's brain - Annie Jacobsen
Programmed to Kill, Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon - David McGowan
Programming and Metaporgramming in the Human Biocomputer - John C. Lilly
The Game of Nations - Miles Copeland
Tragedy & Hope, Anglo-American Establishment - Carol Quigley
Weaponizing Anthropology - David H. Price
Food of the Gods - Terrence McKenna
Afghanistan's untold story - Paul Fitzgerald
Postmodern Imperialism - Eric Walberg
COVID-19: The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Klaus Schwab

>> No.18478134
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>> No.18478136
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Based, was about to post that myself. President Xi, I kneel...

>> No.18478150

I wonder if the speechwriter understood the irony here and thought it was funny or earnestly included this out of a belief that Joe Biden is in any way related to some Pynchonian counterforce

>> No.18478165

Xi is more /lit/ than 99% of this board.

>> No.18478167

Biden also likes Joyce

>> No.18478200

You mean, his speech writers?

>> No.18478224


Also didn't Bezos's parents empty their 401k to give him seed money?

>> No.18478251

Never trust a politician's list of "favorites."

>> No.18478366

They are, but if they actively take part in ruling society instead of living the life of a reclusive richfag NEET, they generally won't have much free time for non-ruling business.

>> No.18478385

Pete Buttigeig - former presidential candidate, current secretary of transportation, likely cia agent, likely future Vice President or president :

1. Ulysses
2. A child’s Christmas in wales
3. The little prince
4. The oddysey
5. A quiet American
6. Armageddon averted
7. My name is red
8. Palace walk
9. Naive super
10. Wolf Hall

>> No.18478712

There's no way this list wasn't made by a panel of female publicity interns.

>> No.18478754

buttigieg is prime example of theestablishment rent boy homosexual they put into power which is why they push "gay marriage" LGBT is just pedophile sex rings designed for mass market of rent boys. its a fact.

>> No.18478832

Buttigieg is the embodiment of everything Joyce’s trash rag celebrates. It’s not surprising that it’s his favorite book.

>> No.18478849 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18478872

I went through a Russian lit phase, but when I talk to Rusians none of them have seem to have read the Russians classics.

>> No.18478876

Certainly not good in English.

>> No.18478879

More plastic paddery I suggest.

>> No.18478968

Ulysses celebrates the values that American liberal elites claim to champion. It’s a despicable book, and no one should be surprised that they like it so much.

>> No.18479031

Mostgermans also don't read Goethe, Schiller, Kant or Nietzsche. Most people simple do not care for literature.

>> No.18479068


Ok did some research and found a few more

Jimmy Carter - Let us now praise famous men by James Agee

Herbert Hoover - David Copperfield

Donald Trump - The Bible and the art of the deal

James Mattis - Meditations Marcus Aurelius

Rex Tillerson - Atlas Shrugged

Emmanuel Macron - Flowers of Evil Baudelaire

Obama - Moby Dick

Justin Trudeau - Ready Player One (cannot stop laughing on this one)

Cyril Ramaphosa - The Lie of 1652 - A Decolonised history of land

>> No.18479106

Western ones either don't actually read or they read NYT best sellers. Non-Western leaders usually read theory and poetry.

>> No.18479117

I think Germans pretty much always read Goethe in school.

>> No.18479181

There is NO way that Trudeau one is true, it cant be that easy to mock the man

>> No.18479210


>> No.18479217

That's different. Most Americans read Shakespeare in school but you wouldn't say they "read Shakespeare". Not really.

>> No.18479261

I agree with you there's difference between reading and "reading", but I don't interpret that Anon as saying that he never met Russians who had "really" read Russian classics. I simply interpret him as saying that he never met Russians who had "read" Russian classics.

>> No.18479681


>> No.18479813

OOF that's clearly a bleeding cunt intern tier list

thanks i shall avoid all those books

>> No.18479822

Disheartening such a well educated man should be such a terrible leader.

>> No.18479982

Let this be a lesson for you. Education has nothing to do with the ability to be a good leader. Indeed, education might very well be considered to be a detriment. Real leaders act purely on impulse, unfettered by any intellectual frameworks that have been imposed on them from the outside.

>> No.18480193

>Donald Trump - The Bible and the art of the deal
Sure thing

>> No.18480347

Your poetic faggot is a fag, and probably a kike as well. Pushkin cool.

>> No.18480411

You are only an elite if the system you're in is meritocratic. These people are barely competent.

>> No.18480516

It's his literal quote that his book The Art of the Deal is the second most favorite book after the Bible

>> No.18480520


>> No.18480540
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>crude fascist

>> No.18480546
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>Justin Trudeau - Ready Player One (cannot stop laughing on this one)
Words cannot describe how much I hate this nigger, and how much more I hate this country for voting him in.

>> No.18480646

I remember when his list came out and women kept shitting on him and men in general for liking the Odyssey.

>> No.18480675

love that motherfucker. Always classy

>> No.18480829

Obama is not part of the "elite". He is literally a Golliwog-negro puppet doll.

>> No.18480884

motherfucker learned Norwegian just so he could read Erlend Loe (allegedly)

>> No.18480891

Look at the past 50 years and tell me that these people deserve the title "elite"

>> No.18480916

>Justin Trudeau - Ready Player One
I might be a burger, but at least I'm not a leaf.

>> No.18480940

You don't really believe that do you he's just saying that because it's easy. Iirc there was a clip of someone asking what his favourite book in the Bible was and he said "both parts". There is only one god in his mind and it's him

>> No.18481157

You know it in your heart he’s right.

>> No.18481732

James Mattis is actually really well read and has read thousands of books. He references quite a few books in his autobiography.

>> No.18481738

>The Brothers Karamasov
I'd never understand your worship of this book. The style is mediocre as fuck and the ideas are boring.

>> No.18481745

ok zoomer

>> No.18481776

Bad bait kys

>> No.18481842

> A number of Ilyin's works[7][8] (including those written after the German defeat in 1945) advocated fascism.[9] Ilyin saw Hitler as a defender of civilization from Bolshevism and approved the way Hitler had, in his view, derived his antisemitism from the ideology of the Russian Whites.[10]

Where do I start with Ivan Ilyin?

>> No.18481849
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IIRC Obama picked this up on the campaign trail in Iowa in 2008. It's honestly pretty decent.

>> No.18481879
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>> No.18481930


>> No.18481946

Putin is the only world leader with a soul. He actually reads. There was some marginal American magazine that sent him a request for an interview about his favorite literature with dim hopes for a response and he personally responded with a whole ass essay. So anyway, using him as an example isn't actually feasible. Any other list from a political elite will be ass or bullshit.

>> No.18481973

You're retarded.

>> No.18482006
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>> No.18482015
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Either they don't have time to read, or the shit they read are on a esoteric level I can only dream about.
Quit hiding your good shit, you greedy kikes faggots

>> No.18482020

They don't browse 4chan, you're antagonizing the wrong person

>> No.18482031
File: 65 KB, 327x384, The Goyim Know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this.
I wanted to vent about their limiting of information because of their paranoia. It royally pisses me off

>> No.18482036
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>What books do the "elites" read?
You will never know, they will always give fake lists to the public.

>> No.18482042

Duh. Just like politics now it's all a sham show to appease the plebs and the financial backers
God we're fucked beyond all belief

>> No.18482803
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>politics now is all a sham show to appease the plebs and the financial backers

>> No.18482860

It's been that way for decades now, but holy fuck it's reaching it's breaking point now.
Democracy was a mistake, the globohomo deserves the breaking wheel

>> No.18482877


>> No.18482882

Statism always does this, and yes, I see this breaking point coming and so do they.
But NO, this isn’t democracy. Voting isn’t democracy. You’ve misdiagnosed the whole mess

>> No.18482883


>> No.18482903
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>Voting isn’t democracy.

>> No.18482906

nice list. last time someone posted a list of some amer*can billionaire's books and it was all psued stuff glad the Russians still have culture

>> No.18482932

You haven’t noticed how elections are rigged?
Or do you not know what direct democracy is?
Or both. Wouldn’t put it past you

>> No.18482935

Democracy only works when a there's a group of educated, level headed people dedicated to the function of the community.
That's why I said democracy was a mistake. The system becomes wholly invalided when you mix liberalism into it, as the concept of "equality" actively undermines the democratic system.
Statism is only a relatively small factor in the complex web of intertwined problems that is the Western Problem.

>> No.18482940

I'm pretty much completely opposed to Butter's worldview, but how can you not know this? Do you uniroinically think that vooting and democracy are synonymous?

>> No.18482952

The elites rarely do "elite" things anymore, such as read books of high taste or cultivate a high mind. There are still subtle differences in the psychology of the elite and the majority, but these subtleties have more to do with management of relationships and information. The elite as a class are crashing and in a generation or two, there will be a great leveling and we will be left with barbarity.

>> No.18482954

You making this up as you go along, I hope?

>> No.18482956

im well aware of what direct democracy is

>a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

aka what we are talking about, democracy

how could you not know this?

>> No.18482962

imagine being such a huge babby that you think a public person does anything sincerely
the masses would destroy you the moment they hear you shit, eat, drink, piss etc. like a normal person
you have to create a persona, an image that is basically the ideal of what normies expect a public person to be

also, no public person (the level of Putin) would be sincere and give away information about his personality and intimate thoughts

>> No.18482965

What are you even talking anymore?

>> No.18482979

you've gone above and beyond her intellectual capacity so now she is just going to get mad because she isn't capable of even the most basic discourse

>> No.18482983

>No Pushkin

Unless you believe the "Pushkin faked his death then moved to France and became Alexandre Dumas" conspiracy theory

>> No.18483003

My complaints go much farther then that you stupid nigger.
Fuck this I'm getting some Cognac.

>> No.18483014

An entire society is perfectly capable of achieving higher education, and this would also allow for greater equality. A term, it seems, you see as more of an evil buzzword or hex. No, democracy brings equality. Real direct democracy is about the community running it own business, as it is perfectly capable of doing.
Statism is a spreading cancer. But maybe you imagine a nice static world of smaller states that have the occasional fun wars and never dream of major conquests and *GLOBOHOMO* commercial empires that we have today.

State-capitalism (perpetrated by liberals) is the cancer killing humanity

>> No.18483015

you're a pseud
there's nothing more to it than that
I know it hurts, but let's leave it at that, shall we?
take a deep breath, relax, and move on

>> No.18483020


>> No.18483034

I agree with you for the most part but
> a nice static world of smaller states that have the occasional fun wars and never dream of major conquests and *GLOBOHOMO* commercial empires that we have today.
is exactly what I want and I am not ashamed.

>> No.18483042

>An entire society is perfectly capable of achieving higher education
[citation needed]
>Statism is a spreading cancer.
aah yes, this new and spreading phenomena, the nation state , i think you're at least a couple hundred years behind the time, depending on how you want to split hairs, my queen

>> No.18483069

great list

>> No.18483088

Since when is Putin a fascist? Did CNN tell you that?
It's physically painful to even read this list. If that's the kind of shite you have to fill your head with to be an "elite" I'd rather live as a hobo like woodsanon.

>> No.18483091
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>Calls me a pseud
>Unironically mass replies
>Doesn't even read posts he's replying to

>> No.18483095

You want the status quo and perpetually?
Things change, they really should change after what we’ve seen the past couple years. Change to something better is what I unashamedly want. But status quo types will make it a bloody fight.

Partially achieved in “prosperous” nations. Always. Just imagine if we were free from the golden chains.
> this new and spreading phenomena, the nation state
Modernist, please. It is new. Have a little perspective. But the point is that it is poisonous and every falling apart and hurting as it does. Hurting as it rises, hurting as it falls again. Over and over it goes.

>> No.18483103

>and every falling apart
And ever falling apart *

>> No.18483110

cringe. intensely cringe. I would wage war on Canada just for this.
>his own book
unbelievably based

>> No.18483123
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Equality is impossible. The innate different between groups, whether you go with Men vs Woman, Race, Intelligence, Wealth, Health etc. These differences will always lead to a hierarchy forming, no matter the time and environment.
So long as two men are unique from one another, equality will not exist.

>> No.18483125


>> No.18483136

Equality is a false god.
I'd rather have Putin than most american politicians. Hell, Putin cares about the welfare of Americans more than most American politicians. I also heard he rides bears and doesnt afraid of nothing.

>> No.18483137

You really think you are intelligent don't you? lmao...

>> No.18483162

I know

>> No.18483170

You don’t know what we mean when we talk about this.
Our difference are what makes justifiable hierarchies. What makes an unjustifiable hierarchy os the tools weaker and lower sorts invent. A sword, the accumulation of money, artificial coronavirus’
Do you bow down before Bill Gates for his genius? He deserves to kill all these people and get away with it? You have no sense of justice being mocked here?

>> No.18483173

Bezos said he read Guenon iirc

>> No.18483178

>Partially achieved in “prosperous” nations
the fact that higher education is possible for some people does not mean every human being in the world will be able to met its demands, especially in the bat shit insane context you are putting this is where no authority is pressuring them to do so

>It is new
Christ you are so fucking ignorant it hurts, we are basically a couple hundred years into complete domination of the world, and even them similar states have existed here and there throughout all of history, and general statism itself has been omnipresent throughout all of history and beyond

fucking "Statism is a spreading cancer" lmao

how the fuck do you come up with this shit

>> No.18483183

From Putin's interview with Outdoor Live Magazine in 2011:

>"I would like to say a few words on political correctness on the whole, and on tolerance, representing the crucial values of modern civilization; on the topics that have no direct bearing either to hunting or fishing, but belong to basic moral and ethical foundations of our existence.
I have observed more than once that in some countries, including the United States, people who call themselves Christians feel shy, resentful or afraid of showing their commitment to Christian traditions and rituals in public. In fact, they do nothing that could offend other confessions–provided, of course, that they treat those confessions with genuine respect and consider them to be of equal value with the Christian faith; all the more so since ethical values that lie at the basis of all religions of the world are essentially the same.
Here the feeling of superiority is unacceptable, even destructive, and we all see it very well. I rank strict observance of political correctness principles in religious matters among those very essential foundations of human behavior.
Returning to the topic of hunting and fishing, I would like to say that these activities are natural for man, being an integral part of our ancestors’ life. In many countries of the world–in Great Britain, for instance–hunting remains one of the vivid national traditions. On the other hand, here, as well as in every sphere concerned with nature, man should feel a special responsibility and clearly realize what his actions will lead to.
I come out strongly against uncontrolled mass killing of animals and irresponsible fishing. There should be a limit in all things. In the old days, people used to hunt in order to survive, killing just as much as was necessary. Today, when hunting and fishing are more like a tribute to traditions, a sort of hobby, enthusiasts of these outdoor activities should guide themselves by the “Do No Harm” principle."

>> No.18483191

>Justin Trudeau - Ready Player One (cannot stop laughing on this one)
I never really believed everything people said about him, but this might just convince me.

>> No.18483197

>able to met its demands,
What demands? You imagine education as being something rigorous. It’s actually a joy to learn. Free people wouldn’t sleep their lives away. They’d explore and learn
> throughout all of history
You, for instance, could find the time to learn a little history.

>> No.18483204

>Do you bow down before Bill Gates for his genius?
Of course I don't you retard. I respect it, but I also despise his greed.
What sort of abstract strawmen is this?

>> No.18483218

can duels still happen in canadiastan? i want to challenge that faggot to a duel because his faggotry is offensive even 400 miles away. i would box his ears off, trudeau, that queef recording.

>> No.18483235

His greed? That’s his merit in your world. He’s justified by it. No equality for poor old Bill, you say.

>> No.18483241

Did you delete the malice and moldbug threads? if so, just wondering why. i thought it was strange that they both had threads.

>> No.18483243

you do realize not every human being operates like you do, right? how can you possibly not comprehend that not everyone will react to higher education the same way? not everyone will be interested, not everyone will be capable of the dedication required, not everyone will even be able to learn and retain information the way you seem to think they will. literally everything with you seems to stem from the fact that you treat the masses like an army of autonomous robots ready to accept your programming and operate in cincert like fucking clockwork. your vision of humanity does not exist in the real world, believe it or not human beings are actually pretty varied from one individual to another

>You, for instance, could find the time to learn a little history.
is this a fucking joke? id say "why dont you explain how I am wrong " but we both know your modus operandi is to just deflect like that when know you are backed into a corner and dont have any information to communicate

>> No.18483300

I’m not a moderator. They know it’s viral marketing by paid shills. Koch Industries again.

Are you perhaps eluding to mentally handicapped people? Because I’m not even getting specific about what anyone is even studying here. You’re only projecting what you think I’m thinking.
>is this a joke
No. You seem woefully undereducated on the subject. (Not even claiming to be some kind of scholar)

>> No.18483324

>Are you perhaps eluding to mentally handicapped people?
then explain how my assertion of the virtual historical omnipressence of statism aka literally some degree of centralized government of some form, is incorrect

>> No.18483329

States didn’t always exist. Pretty much everyone knows this

>> No.18483340

>Justin Trudeau - Ready Player One (cannot stop laughing on this one)

>> No.18483354

>and he personally responded with a whole ass essay.
can anyone read his essay?

>> No.18483365

statism is not solely a modern nation state retard, statism is an administrative body with authority governing a community. the rise and history of civilization and statism are virtually inseparable and even per-civillization tribals almost all operated under a hierarchy with administrative authority concentrated in an individual or group of individuals

>> No.18483383

Half are written by women lol, what a niggerfaggot

>> No.18483408

Lol, Trudeau is the gayest faggot to ever walk this gay earth. It’s like a group of feminists picked a chad looking guy to clip his balls and enslaved him as their manservant then put him in charge of the country. What a disgusting bitchboi. God I hate Trudeau so much it’s unreal

>> No.18483420

>If the goyim were ever to read this [Talmud] they would kill us

>> No.18483539


>> No.18483708

The fact he says he likes Anna Karenina is bullshit. Men I know who read Russian lit greatly prefer war and peace. For Whom the Bell Tolls is average.

My guess is from this list he isnt a reader.

>> No.18483722

> It seems to me that the book you enjoy most is Green Hills of Africa. As for me, it is A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea.

>However, I could recommend to you one of the best Russian classic writers, Ivan Turgenev, with his books translated into dozens of foreign languages–including, certainly, English.

>Another Russian writer whose books are available to foreign readers is Mikhail Prishvin. You may like his Green Whisper short stories, which describe hunting and hunting dogs.

>> No.18483727

>With respect to your question, I would say that my fondness for the outdoors, like that of many other people, has its roots in my youth and, particularly, in the books I’ve read. I have always loved and avidly read the novels of Jack London, Jules Verne and Ernest Hemingway. The characters depicted in their books, who are brave and resourceful people embarking on exciting adventures, definitely shaped my inner self and nourished my love for the outdoors.

>> No.18483748

No thats a fallacy most are self made. Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves. Most arent rich for many generations.

Reason is simple the next generation doesnt work hard but splits the money say 4 ways. Next generatioms works even less hard after watching their Dad and money might be split again so they have maybe an eight or sixteenth of the wealth and they squander it pretty quickly so the fourth generation gets relatively little.

Im fourth generation. My great grandad was the richest guy in the city Im from (owned the shipping and hardware stores, plus cbd property). His son received half and basically sold up all the business and spent his time travelling and playing with cars. My Dad got another half used the inheritance proceeds started a business but the lessons were lost and he basically sucked at it. He did get a bit lucky and would be considered wealthy. He will split it to my siblings and my advantage has basically been he paid for my uni, bought me a car and gave me some money for a house deposit. Dont get me wrong a good start to life but hardly elite level wealth. Problem is taxation, inflation, inheritance and multiple children erode the wealth if the next generation isnt able to increase it substantially. There wasnt much incentive for my Dad to try hard at business he went on holidays too much and everyone was targeting him to screw him out of money. He overpaid for a lot.

>> No.18484018

Remember that time Obama met Putin met and they were having tea and Obama wouldn't make eye contact? This is why.

>> No.18484035

pretty sure Biden writes all his own speeches

>> No.18484073
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Just fuck my shit up Justin

>> No.18484082

Idk, I feel like elites probably browse 4chan moreso than other websites. Sort of like how kings of old would dress up as beggars and slip out the back door to see their kingdom and learn how people actually thought.
Any other website is a serious security liability, if they express any opinion that doesn't neatly fit into a soundbite and it gets discovered they'd be fucked. Here, I imagine, elites can be themselves without fear of retaliation (and isn't that why we all browse this site?).

>> No.18484129

Almost all of these book lists are made by committees, especially the Obama and Xi ones.
The only true ones are Trump endorsing his own book because thats something he'd do, and Trudeau having Ready Player One as his favorite book, because he's that much of a faggot.

>> No.18484138

>Omar Khayyam
Fucking cringe, literal rupi kaur tier tumblr whore fodder

>> No.18484163

This is true.

t. former DNI adviser (And Guenonfag)

>> No.18484168

prove it

>> No.18484187

Probably not a good idea. Multiple intelligence agencies from multiple countries monitor this website. The FBI even has moderator access.

>> No.18484288

>YA trash, genre fiction, and fucking RP1
Canadians actually respect this man?

>> No.18484325

Odd that they would say Anna Karenina and not War and Peace when the latter seems like it would be more interesting to a politician

>> No.18484386

Maybe he feels Levin is literally him

>> No.18484407

I think its probably whoever picked the list out thought War and Peace would be too on the nose

>> No.18484418

Biden has not read Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.18484425

Based Carter

>> No.18485425

holy mother of based

>> No.18485643

Commieshit aside this is bretty gud

>> No.18485753

Based outdoors patrician Putin.

>> No.18485784

>Non-Western leaders usually read theory and poetry.
Why are non-western leaders so much more tasteful?
What's going on with the Ocident?

>> No.18486039

Here’s some more global “elite” :

Mark Zuckerberg : Aeneid and Enders Game

Hillary Clinton : Brothers Karamazov

Angela Merkel : The Bible

Gina Haspel (ex CIA Director) ; Hillbily Eligy

Benjamin Netyanhu : some novel about the life of Russian autocrat Peter The First

>> No.18486227

He actually reads T.S. Eliot and shares in his fatalism about the west. This was made by female interns, like the other anon said.

>> No.18486450

smaller states that focus on themselves instead of global homo is hardly the status quo it has not been for a long time

>> No.18486506

>that focus on themselves
They don’t focus on themselves, no. The bigger ones exploit or terrorize the smaller ones. That’s the regular pattern of states. If we can’t collectively decide to pit an end to this madness of the inequality of states and draw borders around our arms-lengths, we’re not going to make it as a species.

>> No.18486516
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oh to be a NEET richfag recluse in a secluded cabin-come-mansion away from civilisation, just reading.

>> No.18486528

>NEET richfag recluse in a secluded cabin-come-mansion away from civilisation, just reading.
I couldn’t settle with that. The screams would reach me no matter how silent

>> No.18486535

take your meds then

>> No.18486557

It’s not schizophrenia, it’s my not being a cold dead inside sociopath. I guess you wouldn’t understand.

>> No.18486749

what kind of screams tho?

>> No.18486761
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This post gets it. Our elites are just plebs with money. They'll all be culled before long

>> No.18486773

I don't think he's read any of these, except “The Three Musketeers”. Putin has less culture than an average /lit/ poster.

t. russian

>> No.18486794

Ok tranny

>> No.18486819

How dare you insult our divine prophet that way you filthy inbred gopnik

>> No.18486852

Debatable, but I mostly agree. The educated are still key, but as assets to be managed by a strong leader.

>> No.18486894

dude feed your children

>> No.18486932

>John C. Lilly
Good list, fucked up guy. Completely insane.

>> No.18487545

The wars, the starvation, the murders, the poverty. All done to support state-capitalism

I try to tell you, feeding you the knowledge you need to learn. I try.

>> No.18487569

>paid for my unique
>bought me a car
>gave me some money for a house deposit
is this bait?

>> No.18487703
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do they post aswell?

>> No.18488491

His favorite authors: Krylov, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoyevsky, Nekrasov, Chernyshevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Sholokhov, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Sartre, Montaigne, La Fontaine, Molière, Stendhal, Balzac, Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, George Sand, Flaubert, Alexandre Dumas (fils), Maupassant, and Romain Rolland… ‘Not to exaggerate, I read all the classic literary works I could find at that time’.”
Byron, Shelley, George Bernard Shaw, Dickens, Goethe, Schiller, Heinrich Heine, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, and Jack London.

>> No.18488501

They actively encourage and even trick people into breaking the law.

>> No.18488519

>I try to tell you, feeding you the knowledge you need to learn. I try.
You're hard to hate butters.

>> No.18488658

Most French don't read Rabelais!!

>> No.18488735

Bastards. ;)

>> No.18490586
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>Angela Merkel : The Bible
The satanic one, if at all.

>> No.18490766

>a crude fascist.
god I wish he was half as based
He's well read; should have Carl Schmitt.
>Justin Trudeau - Ready Player One (cannot stop laughing on this one)
They still wouldn't be equal; Democracy would only "work" in a Utopia of infinite resources.... and even then there's factionalism, lying and inherent unequality.
>An entire society is perfectly capable of achieving higher education
No, some (most) are inherently retarded; there's nothing you can do about it. The destitution of capitalism would "mitigate" it, but the warrior and priestly castes would affrim their Will onto others for their (the people's) benefit.
>Statism is a spreading cancer.
How would you enforce others to get "highly" educated if not through the state, lol.
>A sword
I agree with «accumulation of money, artificial coronavirus’» but a sword is acquiring authority through violence; the best and fairest way after genetic supremacy (and they're both intimately linked).

>> No.18491342

I don't know the extent of it, but the FBI got caught posting on 4+4chan because the retards screenshotted a post with (You)s. This website is full of foreign actors. /pol/ in particular is overrun with them. Not just lone wolf trolls or bunkerchan discord raids, but bots that talk like real people, intelligence agencies, and NGO's with paid shills. Be careful what you post here, the mods have your IP and post history.

>> No.18491389

The Talmud

How to Extract Adrenochrome
From Prepubescent Pineal Glands

>> No.18491557

agreed, watch this

>> No.18491690

I work in the political system. You have no idea how much of a joke Trudeau is. NO ONE takes him even the slightest bit seriously. He's basically viewed by people "behind the scenes" the way that W. Bush was view by the general public: As a buffoonish borderline-retard with the mind of a child. On top of that he's seen as being incredibly naive to the point of having literally zero understanding of the policies he's passing: The ultimate puppet politician.

>> No.18491794

You’re an ass

>> No.18491812

How do you manage to be around such people?
Seethe, Shudra.

>> No.18491824

Omg this is so fucking cringe

>> No.18491832

The Macron of Canada. They’re all just puppets to neoliberal order.

Dude, you’re the one seething retardation there. You swear “most” people can’t learn anything, and there you are right in that hopeless demographic.

>> No.18491844

>there you are right in that hopeless demographic.

>> No.18491851

All I have to go on is that post of yours above, and it’s true. You are an idiot.

>> No.18491869

No, I'm not in the "hopeless demographic".
>You are an idiot.
See? And you've only gaslighted.

Do you want to discuss ideas? You obviously haven't argued in good faith.

>> No.18493225


>> No.18493309

>thinks crude fascists are “based”
>doesn’t know what equality means of course
>believes deeply in human stupidity, of course
>believes only the state can “enforce” education
>believes the strongest, no wait, the one with the most weapons, by right should rule. No questions asked

You are in that terminally dumb demographic. There’s no bad faith or gaslighting. I just don’t see meatheads like you as legit leaders or intellects

>> No.18494057


>> No.18494116

Supporting him's fine, but if anyone unironically believes Trump ever read the Bible that is genuine delusion.