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18472361 No.18472361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about how feminism and the sexual revolution are good and anyone who doesn't agree is either an incel or a religious nuttter?

>> No.18472368

Even as a successful sex-haver getting fresh pussy on the reg I'd disagree with your statement.

>> No.18472373

If you unironically think this you are probably not intellectually equipped to read non fiction

>> No.18472378


>> No.18472384

You have to agree it’s been a net positive. The ills of the world might make it seem otherwise, but that’s the fault of other factors.
Of course the “insels” are going to moan about the usual porn, but that’s not what the sexual revolution was about.

>> No.18472395

Why are you?

>> No.18472399

Religious nutter here; take your shoes off, and get your ass back in the kitchen.
If my dinner is not warm when I get home, I'm gonna have to dump the hot coffee on your tits again.

>> No.18472409

> Books
A difficult request. Try a Twitter post or TikTok dance compilation instead, I guess.

>> No.18472413

I genuinely think it was one of the worst things to ever happen.

>> No.18472432

Rabbi Butterberg, how's the Shabbes preparation going?

>> No.18472459

The advancement of capitalism to its present state is predicated on the sexual revolution as much as the industrial as part of its dissolution of the feudal order. That you see some of this as to your benefit is irrelevant, but it does blind you from forming a full account of the present world.

>> No.18472467

What a stupid face. Vapid whore.

>> No.18472495

No woman wants anything to do with your saggy ass. You will die alone with your box wine and stupid pets will eat your face.

>> No.18472506

You'll never have sex with a woman even 50% as attractive as her.

>> No.18472565

Ending of child brides and better equality between the sexes has been a net positive. Other factors make “incels”
Liberals just needed more laborers. They don’t now, now they want to replace us with robots.

>> No.18472584
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>Books about how feminism and the sexual revolution are good
My dairy desu.
All women are either whores or frigid neurotics.
And no, "whore" is not an insult, simply a statement of function. Modernity simply pushes women to act according to their true nature. The final sexual revolution will happen when women finally accept and learn to enjoy having no sexual agency at all, simply being eager toilets to be used by everyone and anyone.

>> No.18472593

I can literally smell your virginity through the screen while reading this lmao.

>> No.18472605
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I'm 36 and I've had sex with only a few women less than my age.

>> No.18472606

Anything from Houellebecq. People sometimes sees a critic of the sexual market in his cynicism and misantropy, but he obviously thinks it's good if you're not one of the losers.

>> No.18472607

>Other factors make “incels”
It's not just incels. The amount of people having sex regularly has been steadily decreasing.
The so called sexual revolution has been a disaster for sex.

>> No.18472614

Try the fiction section.

>> No.18472616

>double the workforce which halves all wages
>almost impossible to raise a child with one parent staying at home

I don't care if the breadwinner is a man or a woman, a child should be raised by a stay-at-home parent.

>> No.18472621
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>> No.18472636

>I don't care if the breadwinner is a man or a woman, a child should be raised by a stay-at-home parent.
I kinda agree with this, but it can be worked around. My mother was a museum curator and my dad was a woodworker, he had his shop at home, so it wasn't that much for him to keep an eye on the kids from time to time. We were rural kids and were allowed only 2h of television per week.

>> No.18472641

Pretending that independent women is the sole reason for the decline in sexual relations, this can be seen as a positive as the population is staggeringly high.
I picked up on this years ago and I attribute it to the rapidly deteriorating chances of long term human survival. Male maladies will be the death of us if we don’t do something drastic soon

>> No.18472642
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>absolutely undermined the last semblance of community and social structure so that people can have quick fucks
>this was a good trade
This kind of abject retardation is why you're so hated around here. The last thing we need is a single, childless, middle-aged dyke telling us that the sexual revolution was a net positive.

>> No.18472649

That’s modern capitalist society, you nitwit

>> No.18472657

>another step in the wrong direction doesn't matter because capitalism
this is the take you're going with?

>> No.18472660

It's only good if you're a retarded cumbrain who bases their entire identity around sex

It literally turned women into a privileged class of people who never face adversity and so never mature, and now their entire lives, are based around sex and complaining, because there's 0 pressure for them to seek anything more, any "revolution" that incentivizes almost half the population to be spoiled sluts is NOT a good thing


"HaAvE sEx IncEL"
Fuck you, i guaranteed mog 95% of you, and besides, you have no arguments

>> No.18472668

>Male maladies will be the death of us if we don’t do something drastic soon
Pretty sure we'd have the same level of over-consumption if women were in charge.

>> No.18472670

I wonder how much single household cat ownership has gone up in the last 20 years

>> No.18472674

You’ve never read a book before, have you?

>> No.18472677

>women get some resemblence of power and le strong single woman
>world turns to absolute shit
really makes me think

>> No.18472678

the protocols of the elders of zion

>> No.18472679
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>ya well ur stupid!

>> No.18472680

Said the twitter anarchist tranny