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/lit/ - Literature

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18464659 No.18464659 [Reply] [Original]

>He imagines himself as a famous author doing an interview for his new bestselling book.

>> No.18464662
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>he imagines his crush reading Wild Palms and him being the author.

>> No.18464669

We all do this OP, it's nothing to be ashamed about.

>> No.18464671
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>Every step brought him nearer to London, farther from his own sober
inartistic life. A light began to tremble on the horizon of his mind. He was
not so old - thirty-two. His temperament might be said to be just at the
point of maturity. There were so many different moods and impressions
that he wished to express in verse. He felt them within him. He tried to
weigh his soul to see if it was a poet's soul. Melancholy was the dominant
note of his temperament, he thought, but it was a melancholy tempered
by recurrences of faith and resignation and simple joy. If he could give
expression to it in a book of poems perhaps men would listen. He would
never be popular: he saw that. He could not sway the crowd, but he
might appeal to a little circle of kindred minds. The English critics,
perhaps, would recognize him as one of the Celtic school by reason of the
melancholy tone of his poems; besides that, he would put in allusions. He
began to invent sentences and phrases from the notice which his book
would get. 'Mr. Chandler has the gift of easy and graceful verse'... 'A
wistful sadness pervades these poems'... 'The Celtic note'. It was a pity
his name was not more Irish-looking. Perhaps it would be better to insert
his mother's name before the surname: Thomas Malone Chandler; or
better still: T. Malone Chandler. He would speak to Gallaher about it.
Literally me

>> No.18464684

I do this every day in the shower. Not even a famous author, though, just a published one.

>> No.18464719
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>Wanting to be famous in the matrix

>> No.18464724

I do just that, and it's always on a specific TV show I absolutely despise

>> No.18464743

I imagine being a famous author and never doing a single interview, signing, or Twitter self promotion. This is even more ridiculous than imagining myself giving an interview.

>> No.18464756
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>he even trained a new signature

>> No.18464808

Heh, baby.
I imagine myself as a hermit author who never gives interviews and lives like a normal factory worker but one day I decided to do a single television interview to make my editor, who's my friend, happy, only to be so offended by the stupidity of the interviewer that I just walk out in the middle of the interview

>> No.18465110

Literally me except the factory bit.

>> No.18465349

>And where do you get the idea of starting wrinting books, anon?
>Well...The idea came to me as I was browsing on this Bruneian coffee brewing forum...

>> No.18465400

This joke only works if you’re referencing some type of observable behavior.

>> No.18465889

I imagine myself buying a small, cozy apartment and living there quietly with my wife, having fun writing books and reading books and talking about books.
Bestseller is cool, for sure, but I will be glad just to make a decent living out of writing. And I sure as hell don't want to be famous, social person. Love the quiet.

>> No.18465923

I imagine myself with your mom

>> No.18467656
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>Imagine myself in an interview
>Interview is going really well, I anticipated every question
>"I just have one last question... what did you mean, when you posted the n-word 5 hundred times on this message board?"
>open eyes, run downstairs and pace around kitchen until I calm down
theres a tulpa hiding in my brain flipping switches it shouldn't be, and I dont know how to get rid of it

>> No.18467665

I james bond burger your sister

>> No.18467669

I imagine myself going through my influences and how I developed my writing process.
I also often imagine being invited to talk at a small university and seeing the students go "really shit, is that really Anon?".

>> No.18467697

I imagine myself as a modestly well known author with a dedicated fanbase. I'd also like to be known as very gracious with fans.
I'm obviously not good enough to be published, but I don't know shit about marketing and have zero online presence, so self publishing is out. The only people who read my stuff are my therapist and a few friends.

>> No.18467755

I imagine myself as an interviewer asking all kinds of pointed questions that demonstrate my deep understanding of the author's work, almost as if it had been written just for me.

>> No.18468918
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"it's a funny word lol"

>> No.18468956

No, I imagine myself as a famous author outlining my next book.

>> No.18468977

I imagine my work being discovered in 100 years and me being read by retards on anonymous literature imageboards

>> No.18468978

I imagine myself as an author that no one cares to interview, but sells just enough to justify more book deals.

>> No.18469027
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This. My wife already works from home, so if I could just be a reclusive writer we could go live somewhere nice far away and I could spend every day with our future kids and just read and write everyday.

>> No.18469059
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>It's what made me the author you know and love. I wouldn't be the writer I am today if it wasn't for them.

>> No.18469064

>Having dreams

>> No.18469128
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>random celebrity/elite steals my book
>widely praised and considered literary genius
>i sue him
>go to court
>my lawyer asks him questions about themes, inspiration
>asks him the meaning of this scene that chapter
>he gives well-spoken but empty answers
>lawyer asks me same questions
>i go into autistic detail relating my life experience to the book, quoting the book directly, citing the dozens of philosophy texts and classics i've used as inspiration for each scene each sentence
>convince jury
>win case
>get millions of dollars
i don't know anything about law but this is how i picture it

>> No.18470544

I was never going to become the next Faulkner, the next Nabokov or the next Joyce, but I hid behind the language barrier to avoid criticism for months, maintaining an illusion that was fun to live in while it lasted. I had thought my country's education system to be topmost in the world, but this turned out to be utter bollocks. A child of 18, a person ten years my junior, has a greater vocabulary than I, who had to look up the word “topiary”, and no one likes the expression theory of art anymore, I am likened to a long lost dinosaur.
This will be my final post on /lit/. I've been humiliated and exposed as a fraud. My writing is pretentious, infantile, banal drivel. My observations are dull, my language grade school level. My tenses are mixed up; I use colloquialisms, ellipses and onomatopoeia. I mix tired and trite idioms together to obfuscate their unoriginality with a veneer of irony; I have continued to recite ornate Jewish chimpanzee parables with diminishing returns. The parable seemed very clearly to me to be asking me whether or not the now-grown-adult can choose. I say yes, of course, but that's not my issue.
I was never cut out for writing. I began writing my "book" on January 6th. Since then I've produced 103 thousand words for it. These words are a tide of garbage without value, without insight, without form. The themes of time, space, infinity, memory and pointless duelling are not present in my work. It was never real writing, it was anime and weebshit!
Story arcs, character arcs, narrative arcs, these are all outdated terms. You say what you hear, and only the anime fandom uses the term “arc” anymore. I am a toad! Look how many words I wrote, because apparently literature is bodybuilding and just aimlessly typing will somehow improve my writing. My appetites grew as I wrote, I set a goal of a 100 thousand words when I began, only for the cancerous growth to demand a 137 thousand words soon enough to be completed, and still I don't even know what genre it is that I'm writing. Is it autofiction? A comedy? A picaresque? Am I merely shitposting edgelord-triggering diarrhea in neo-emo gothic revivalist gestalt?
Regardless, I have failed, and even in my failure I have merely imitated how people who think they write well but write poorly write, and I couldn't even do that well. "Oh I can do that anytime if I wanted to" I thought, but no. I have put down my pen. Never again will my fingers click-clack across the keyboard. No more outlines, no more characters. Goodbye.

>> No.18472647


>> No.18474438

This, I even practice my best Davey Fosty Wally faces in the mirror for the big interview, it's completely normal.

>> No.18474526
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>become successful writer
>immediately blackmailed into becoming a CIA asset

>> No.18474595

Imagining yourself being interviewed about your book is a great way to sort out your book and find the flaws. If you can not answer the questions well, then you have work to do. For everything I add to piece I ask myself the common interview questions, how does this relate to theme, what does it say about the characters, how does it relate to other sections of the work and so on. Imagining it as an interview instead of just asking yourself the questions helps to develop a dialog, you interact with the imaginary interviewer instead of just falling into a simple Q&A format, you are more likely to explore the idea in depth. Imagining you are famous helps to get you thinking about your audience in your responses to the questions which gets you thinking about them in your writing, how will a reader respond to this part? How do I want them to respond? etc.

This is a very common exercise in writing classes at both the highschool and university levels. Hell, this was literally the first exercise I had in dialog writing.

>> No.18474999
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F. Gardner achieved it. No reason why the rest of us can’t.

>> No.18475348

Trips of truth.

>> No.18475353

Yeah it would be quite sad and pathetic. Embarrassing to know I share a board with people who do it.
I've never done this because I'm not a fag.

>> No.18475393


>> No.18475481

More like a debate between me and Zizek, snifff. With RC Waldun asking us, sniffff, questions.

>> No.18475740

/thread over

>> No.18475760


>> No.18475818


>> No.18475966

OP eternally and unconditionally BTFO.

>> No.18476053
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>he imagines he writes a Nobel prize winning book that he adapts into a movie that he directs himself, that he acts in, winning Oscars for both directing and acting

>> No.18476067


>> No.18476140

It's a bit staggering to think that, probably, not a single one of us will be remembered for our writings.
How much have you all written? I've written 2 novels (trash), 2 books of philosophy (even worse), and hundreds of poems (bad). It's not hard and I want to do it, but I find it almost humurous how much writing ends up in the waste bin.

>> No.18476184

I imagine that I sold one book which later got a netflix original movie deal, but eventually the money ran out and I had to go back to work at a normal job. And sometimes when I talk to my coworkers, I casually mention that I once sold a book which became a movie, but it's been fifteen years and it takes a while for them to remember the movie and they never realized there was a book in the first place.

>> No.18476241

My local thrift store has an entire floor dedicated to secondhand books. Just recently I was browsing and it struck me that so many of these were completely forgotten. For a lot of these authors, it was probably their first and last book, and I have to imagine there was a day when they finally got a reply from an agent, and went through the whole process, and got a publishing deal and an advance, and they were probably thinking they'd finally made it and now they could earn a living from their passion. But then the book sold like 5000 copies and they never got another contract. And they made it so much further in their careers than most aspiring authors, and that probably stung a lot more than just failing a lot and giving up.

There's this book I like called Carnosaur, about an insane billionaire who clones dinosaurs. It came out three years before Jurassic Park, and all it's remembered for is being really similar to Jurassic Park but not taking off in the same way. And there will probably be a day when all of Michael Crichton's works are only relevant to a bunch of internet geeks obsessed with genre fiction, but everyone else is like "Jurassic Park? You mean that old movie from the 90's? I've heard of that but I can't really get into the old stuff." And Carnosaur will be just a footnote to those internet geeks. And it took a shitload of work and coincidence to even make a blip of an impact like that.

>> No.18476269

Whoever wrote that Call of the Crocodile is definitely going to be remembered. That’s cemented in 4chan history.

>> No.18476289

>2 books of philosophy
post an excerpt I could use a good laugh

>> No.18476307

Absolutely. Reminder to everyone here that if you write a weird enough book- it will meme itself to success.

>> No.18476312

I'm the dubs philosophy guy
Nah he won't be.
Honestly, even a footnote doesn't seem likely. Having your name down in a single sentence of history seems to me to be highly unlikely, let alone any writings being maintained.

>> No.18476335

>Nah he won't be.
Seething pseud.

>> No.18476369

Literally my dream. I still hope it can happen in this life(no).

>> No.18476382


>> No.18476389

I like to imagine I write a book so profound it causes mass suicides, maybe a 25% mortality rate after reading.

>> No.18476440

Based. Yeah Gardner is living proof that OP is wrong.

>> No.18476442
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>> No.18476465

Wtf is this

>> No.18476473

This. They are going to have heart attacks when they realize Gardner has spent the past year writing more books and there’s more threads about them than ever lmao

>> No.18476482
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nothing so grandiose, i just imagine myself meeting people at a party and talking about my love of books and other things I care about because i haven't been to any sort of social gathering in like two years

>> No.18476488

a book so profound it causes mass suicides, maybe a 25% mortality rate after reading.

>> No.18476495


>> No.18476523
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>a book so profound it causes mass suicides, maybe a 25% mortality rate after reading.

>> No.18476538

That would be Call of the Arcade, retard. That’s practically what happens in the book.

>> No.18476683

>Honestly, even a footnote doesn't seem likely.
Now that I think about it, Carnosaur is already a footnote. Totally out of print, I don't think you can even pirate it anywhere

>> No.18476790

In any process of creation there are discarded and ignored states between the conception and the finished product. A pithy example is mixing paint. You want to achieve a light green color so you mix blue and yellow. You now have a green color, but it is not a light green color so you are white to reach the desired shade of light green. The original green still exists and its voice cannot be blocked out entirely.

Intrusive thoughts like giving an interview are a consequence of the process. You've assembled the ingredients: pen, free time, life experiences, perceptions, etc. to write a novel. As you wrangle these elements together the piece itself even undergoes transformations that include forgotten and discarded states. None of this is truly waste, it all can become a potential inspiration for thought. Your final intentions don't have any weight or control over the breadth of the products created and the thoughts inspired. It is less a judgement of your own character and more a phenomenon of the process.

>> No.18476841


>> No.18476934

>dubs philosophy
What's that?

Also: check em

>> No.18477474

But I'm not a pseud.

>> No.18477926

Does anyone know or am I forgotten?

>> No.18477933

>Imagine evaluating jokes on a brazilian futebol cheerleading site.

>> No.18478006

I imagine myself as a child prodigy who wins the Fields medal (for solving the Riemann hypothesis) at the age of 16, and who then goes on to work in the sciences, winning a Nobel prize in both physics and chemistry (for unifying quantum mechanics and special relativity). After that, it's the Turing award (for solving the P=NP problem). After basically ending science, I then become a writer who publishes the a trilogy widely regarded as the greatest work of art in history, becomes the most decorated intellectual of all time.

In my spare time I shitpost hot takes on Twitter which make normies seethe because the greatest mind of their time disagrees with all of their views. This initiates a political revolution on a scale fare larger than anything seen before.

>> No.18478020
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>He imagines himself as a world defying great man who saves the planet, is a genius artist, handsome, saint like, and has a mass following who tragically is assassinated by evil organizations and has the biggest funeral in history while people across the globe mourn his passing
hhahahahaa can you imagine?

>> No.18478040
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>He imagines escaping to the remotest corner of the earth, first camping then building a (cosy) hut, living off the land, ultimately dying some 40 years later having never seen a soul since leaving society.

>> No.18478050

I spent 4 years reading books about Florentine history and architecture, maybe 130 of them. Got obsessed for whatever reason. I started having pathetic fantasies of traveling there(never been) and giving an impromptu tour of the city to cute girls explaining everything, and then getting into a short romantic fling for a week or so before we separate
Well I traveled there and that exact same experience happened. Only time a fantasy came true in my life

>> No.18478081

Since learning of how many people aren't even capable of visualization I just assume it's because you can't or it's too much of a mental strain for you.

>> No.18478129

>I imagine making a decent bit of money off of Kindle sales and iTunes downloads and Audible sales
>But I
>Haven't started writing anything

>> No.18478254
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>he imagines fucking the christmas turkey

>> No.18478263

I don't, because I don't aspire to write books.
I want to write poetry.

>> No.18478268

>fantasize about being a famous author but deny requests for all interviews -- unless paid, of course

>> No.18478422

Nobody knew in the first place fag. It's embarrassing you thought anyone would.

>> No.18478500

I imagine myself fucking out off this corporation and buy a plot of land to be a farmer somewhere far away, I would dedicate my leisure in reading and writing. Eventually marry a cute 16 year old village girl whose father willingly entrust her to me.

>> No.18478512

norman boutin wrote lolita

>> No.18478529
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>> No.18478813

I always imagine myself as an old retired dictator living in exile, giving an interview to some stupid femoid journalist and talking like one of those old Wehrmacht guys when justifying their warcrimes.

>> No.18478948


I imagine couping some African shit-hole and turning it into a economic and military powerhouse; inviting foreign journalists and giving them interviews: half my responses being perfectly lucid and intelligent analyses of current and historical events; the other half being complete psychopathic nonsense.

Then I'd resign my dictatorship and retire to some leafy English shire. People (and cameramen) would, on occasion, pass by, whispering, pointing: "you know who THAT is right?"

>> No.18478971

>open eyes, run downstairs and pace around kitchen until I calm down
What is this behaviour called? Because I do this as well soon as anything embarrassing comes to mind

>> No.18479063

Its called
>opening your eyes, running downstairs and pacing around the kitchen until you calm down

>> No.18479066

lmao I imagine all of these. Also:
>reliving my life and making money off of bitcoin, making bizarrely accurate predictions about the future, and building a secure compound in Northern US or Canada while the world around collapses.
>get cryogenically frozen until I get woken up in the future
>die and wake up into the post-simulation afterlife
>becoming a world class athlete
>going back in time to various places
>self-insert myself into every piece of literature and media

>> No.18479096

>>self-insert myself into every piece of literature and media
Holy shit I gotta try this one

>> No.18479110
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>He imagines being one of the best writers ever to live, Pushkin of the English language. Highly sought after.
>He imagines being interviewed
>He imagines attending a con/panel with his lesser talented /lit/ gf, supporting her but also answering the inevitable questions/praise

>> No.18479118

The dream of all dreams.

>> No.18479157

>dreams of an apartment

>> No.18479194
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Jesus, even my fantasies are derivative.

>> No.18479247

>real stars not only rehearse their interviews, they script it together with their managers and interviewers
whatever gets the job done, I guess

>> No.18479309

>self-insert myself into every piece of literature and media
how does this even work?

>> No.18479485

What do you mean? It's just visualizing stuff. I'd either put myself in the shoes of the character, act like myself and run scenarios on how things would play out, or appear as a side character to change the course of events with a little bit of common sense or just to put in my two cents.

>> No.18479503


>> No.18479525

Who does?

>> No.18479531
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No I want to write a single book and then retire from writing to become a recluse. That's the dream.

>> No.18479557

You can’t be a bestselling author anymore as a white male. No publisher will even let you in the door and on top of that the bestseller list is itself rigged

>> No.18479897

I used to do that a lot as a child/teenager. Quite pathetic in retrospective, that desire for social status and being desired

>> No.18479917

nice, thanks for sharing

>> No.18480873

haha, pathetic.
I dream of playing with my children. seeking fame is for the vain. I just want to have people around me who I love and enjoy.
sometimes I fantasize about killing myself but not before I call her and we have a strained conversation ending in me letting everything out in a great paroxysm. but then I realize I would be dead and could never see her agony so I dismiss the fantasy and go on with my boring daily life