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File: 13 KB, 233x280, intellectual_intp_tshirt (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18457 [Reply] [Original]

Who else /INTP-T/ masterrace?

feels good being smart while also being /fit/

>> No.18514

Me but my power level made me depressed since I was a kid and now my life is a complete mess
What do?

>> No.18539

End it?

>> No.18875

Not an option, not for the next 10-15 years at least.

>> No.18914
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INTP is shit tier austist

>> No.18929

tfw istp

>> No.18952

tfw intp

>> No.18974

>using income as a worthwhile metric of quality

Probably some ES__ faggot.

>> No.18995
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>tfw INFP

>> No.19017

>tfw ENTJ

So close to the master race

>> No.19038

All that could mean is EXTJs care more about money than the other types

>> No.19043


I'm sorry for your autism anon. At least you got a good job.

>> No.19048

>caring about this astrology shit

>> No.19053

Lonely INTJ snowflake here.
Where my niggas at

>> No.19068
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>> No.19075

>not being a mystic

>> No.19108

Meant ENTJ dammit

>> No.19127


>> No.19153

It's okay mate, I've learned to combat my autism and can pass as a normal human bean most of the time. Also yeah job is comfy with good hours so I'm not gonna complain.

>> No.19200

ISTP is the one true master race.

>> No.19207

Who /istp/ here?

>> No.19222
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tfw intp

>> No.19243
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>tfw istj

>> No.19246
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fite me, 1v1 looser

>> No.19254

Enjoy flipping burgers.

>> No.19263

INTJ as well. You're not so lonely.

>> No.19309


lol at fukn nerds itt

>> No.19320

I get different ones every time, introversion is the only constant letter.

>> No.19343


we are INTPs except not selfish assholes :^)

>> No.19361

ENTP debates with others constantlly
INTP debates with his own mind

>> No.19668
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>> No.19706

>tfw ESTJ even after repeating the test like 5 times but still havent worked a single day in my life

>> No.19916

>tfw ENTP

care to engage in a professional debate m'lady?

>> No.19940
File: 29 KB, 600x600, that's why he made you such a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't INTJ

>> No.19988

Am I the only one who's starting to believe MBTI, or at least the way the Internet uses it, is utter bullshit?

>> No.20063
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>tfw intj master race

>> No.20116
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If you dont know your own mind, how can you do anything

>> No.20125

Yes it complete BS. For example i used to always get INTP. I then started lifting, got a job, forced myself to be social and generally stopped being a beta faggot. Now I get ESTJ.

If you want a reputable scientificaly based personality test take a "big 5" test.

>> No.20151
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I just use it to be a smug autist

>> No.20226

INTJ masterrace reporting in. How can others even compete?

>> No.20288
File: 67 KB, 574x568, Obligatory+_9768a63cf1ab6c579274642b3e73b463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply, they cant

>> No.20296

I did all these things and discovered i really hate people and want nothing more than to be left alone again. I always got intp, even after my "succes", you were probably always a failed estj.

Also don't take these retarded tests and look into the cognitive functions instead

>> No.20322

>tfw INFP
I'm wasted on this shit society.

>> No.20325
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>E anything

>> No.20345


>> No.20370

This, though you must keep in mind S anything is the biggest hallmark of a non-human

>> No.20412

Seems right.

>> No.20443

INTP's wouldn't wear that shirt.

>> No.20475

Really made me think

But to be fair even though a lot of E- seem shallow as fuck at first glance doesn't mean all of them are.

>> No.20485

>tfw entp

how to change p to j

>> No.20494

Most """"humans""""" aren't actually really fully realized humans, only smart animals who use their mind as a tool to obtain what it needed to satisfy their primal desires

>> No.20524

This test is majorly influence by jungs types and even he said they are fluid during a persons life.

>> No.20530

I'm about as INTP as they come

I have no social life and hate being alive

>> No.20545

I'm INTP, but what a piece of shit shirt. What kind of smug prick would wear such a thing?

>> No.20557
File: 436 KB, 1404x1758, Capture+_2017-03-19-23-38-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real master /fitlit/ race gracing you with my presence, here

>> No.20592

Double down

>> No.20604

>all """"humans"""""
Our "humanity" is nothing more than an efficient instrument we developed in order to survive long enough to reproduce, the same shit literally every other life from does.

>> No.20685

The problem though is our minds our infinite mazes. INTP life is suffering.

>> No.20801

This, but antisocial

>> No.20912
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>take test at 18
>take test again at 24

Not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.21171


I'm INTP, super miserable, depressed, unable to finish or accomplish anything at all.

Just fuck my shit up senpai.

>> No.21184

You're turning into a retard

>> No.21220
File: 129 KB, 739x395, justfuckmyshitup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In fact, here's what the big 5 evaluation says about me. It's all spot on.

>> No.21244

same here

>> No.21295

How do you explain monks who are voluntarily celibate?

>> No.21322

entj is objectively the best one

>> No.21325

Stop hitting yourself, lmao

>> No.21348

Reminder that there is no such thing as introvert. Everyone under 12 is an "introvert" but you grow social skills/awareness and mature to the status of "extroversion".

>> No.21408
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D-does this mean my b-behavior is excused?

>> No.21545


It's pretty depressing to know that everything unique and shitty that makes up my 'personality' is some well noted and documented psychological profile that preordains my fucking trainwreck of a life from birth.

Like what's the point.

>> No.21580

Reminder: Everyone is like this when teens.

You mature past it. It's a learned skill/outlook.

If you're over 16 and still feel like this, you're a failure (of your own fault).

>> No.21581
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>> No.21627


I'm 25 famalam. Obviously I'm a failure of my own fault; I don't remember saying anything differently.

>> No.21652
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>tfw INFP

>> No.21703

If this is the masterace then I want out. Intp is basically living life on hard mode

>> No.21724
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>Do quiz as who I am
>get INTP
>Do quiz again, as who I'd like to be
>get ENTJ

How do I change myself, /fitlit/?

>> No.21782

Don't. if you try to be an ENTJ you'll always feel like you're wearing a mask.