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18444127 No.18444127 [Reply] [Original]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Pastebin of Islamic resources

I thought to provide two quick examples of Qur'an so you could get a feel for its texture, first the breadth of meaning, next the aesthetics

First, the breadth of meaning. Listen to the first chapter of the Quran, al-Fatiha

Then read the exegesis (from Ibn Kathir) for whatever verse intererests you

For example the aesthetics, I'll report my earlier sample
Surah 100
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YaOZS4ZoRY8 [Open]

Things to note: the rhyming syllable for the first several verses is "ha", but the h here is ح. Now Arabic features three different h's, one like English, represented as ه. One harsh, represented as خ (this is the one used by western conservatives to pronounce Ahmed but actually Ahmed uses ح). And this one, ح. It's the h you use when you're panting or blowing on glasses. To discerning ears it's repetition is very evocative of snorting horses. This is in keeping with it being used as the rhyming syllable for the scene of a raid (specifically in jihad according to scholars). This scene itself evokes something else: when Muhammad ﷺ first warned his tribe openly, he called out the alarm, "Wa sabahah!". Normally this alarm is for a dawn raid, the enemy would ride in and light the village on fire and massacre anyone they could find, they attacked at dawn, it was a common wartime strategy (it was very terrifying, think of the raid on the village in Apocalypto but with horses). Everyone poured out in fright and Muhammad ﷺ warned them about idolatry and how they must worship Allah alone or else they would go to hell. You can probably imagine the response he got. Anyway after the description of the chargers, the judgement is talked about, the rhymed words are "breast" and "grave" (for the resurrection), which instantly connects the idea of uncovering the hidden secrets of the heart like a corpse, "the skeletons in the closet".

>> No.18444138

fucks sake. just fuck off

>> No.18444140

“By the steeds" by the way is Allah swearing by them. "By" (و) as a prefix in Arabic often indicates an oath. Men are only allowed to make an oath by Allah, “Wallah”, but Allah makes oaths by things of His creation, and many of the shorter chapters of Qur'an use such oaths by Allah as motifs

>> No.18444188

I hate to say this but I would convert to Islam just so I could have multiple wives. There are a few reasons for this.

1. Sexual desire is too strong for one partner. My only solution is to remain single and abstain and fast. I avoid porn or looking at women. If I had a girlfriend, it wouldn't be enough, especially with variations in menstrual activity. I also don't believe in sex during pregnancy and believe it contributes to elevated womb hormones which can predispose to fetus to homosexuality. I also believe in later stages there is direct trauma from intercourse. Multiple wives would solve this.

2. I'm a lazy individual. I always wanted to prepare dinner and clean and do all sorts of things but I can't. By having three or four wives, it would be easier to divide household labor and chores and have everyone still be happy and not exhausted. It would be more harmonious and less stress.

3. I would like to have a large number of offspring.

There are other reasons but that is about it. I don't believe in God but I hate degeneracy and coomer lifestyles. I don't view it as a coomer lifestyle because I'm not looking for threesomes or perversions, just would do vaginal sex one at a time when appropriate. I've looked online and it seems most muslims look down on the practice despite being sanctioned. How realistic is it? What countries would be most acceptable for plural marriages. Admittedly it is a superficial reason for wanting to convert. I think it's the only alternative for me to total semen retention celibacy.

>> No.18444200

Do you have a link to FMJ's discord?

>> No.18444206
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It's total shit.

>> No.18444209
File: 2.37 MB, 1336x6290, Islam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally schizo stuff.

>> No.18444210

Why are you making a sexual fetish the guiding principle of your life? You need to know yourself better than that.

>> No.18444214
File: 2.88 MB, 1293x9789, Islam-Muhammad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta be braindead to trust it.

>> No.18444217
File: 2.51 MB, 1312x8870, Islam-Quran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An absolute moron.

>> No.18444218

It isn't a fetish. I just explained the reason why I wanted multiple wives was due to high sex drive and needing help with chores. Threesomes and fetish aspect does not appeal at all to me. To me it is the only possible way to cope with having a high sex drive.

>> No.18444221

All of those reasons are why Islam is the Truth, because it perfectly allows for the most of human behaviors, which also makes it an eyesore for many people which have lost touch to their human side.

Science shows that post orgasm, when a man has been with a woman, he loses all interest in sex, as I'm sure you've noticed. But if you introduce a new female his sexual desire is instantly awakened.

>> No.18444228

>Science shows that post orgasm, when a man has been with a woman, he loses all interest in sex
Not me anon, that's part of my problem. I'm aroused again 5 minutes after that.

>> No.18444236

>Not me anon, that's part of my problem. I'm aroused again 5 minutes after that.
I understand but what I'm saying is us men are biologically programmed to inseminate as many females as possible. If you already inseminate one you lose the desire to do her again even if your sexual desire is strong, because what's the point. But if you keep introducing new females you would keep doing it until you fall down from exhaustion, I know I would.

>> No.18444262

I think the saiety would be stronger and therefore allow me to concentrate on less sexual matters. Subsequent copulations with the same woman leads to longer climax time. It is possible to go for 45 minutes or longer. I don't think this is good and reinforces the brain to just think and obsess over sex. Climax time would be sooner with a different woman and because it lasted shorter, it wouldn't impact and replay in the mind so much.

>> No.18444277

You don't need to be a Muslim to have multiple wives/partners in a post Christian society. If you go to an Orthodox mosque even in the west it's not hard to have multiple wives so long as you can afford it. Orthodox Muslims don't generally bother with secular marriage except for very young wives, in the U.S. they will often travel to a state that marrying young is legal in to get the secular marriage there so they don't have any issue with a fifteen year old wife bearing kids or whatever.

Converting for a superficial reason is not necessarily bad if you are earnest about learning the religion. If you don't have any interest in serious practice then you might have issues finding multiple wives in the west because the kind of fathers in the west who don't mind marrying their daughters in such relationships expect a degree of religiousness from the husband

It's currently shut down but if you want to drop your discord info I'll give you a heads up if there is a restart إن شاء الله

>> No.18444278

Thanks anon, you’re so based. I fucking despise this religion, coming from someone who was born into it

>> No.18444287

>Climax time would be sooner with a different woman and because it lasted shorter
Well, duh, there's a reason a lot of men suffer from early ejaculation, well I say suffer because we tend to label normal biological functions a disease to be treated. You're supposed to fuck for a few minutes and inseminate a women, then move on to another. There's no point in doing it otherwise, other than some silly socially constructed reasons like the women also has to be satisfied. However Islam is quite explicit in maintaining equality between men and woman, and while it accounts for the man equations an his needs, your duty is also to put the pleasure of the female front and center, and you're forbidden to have more than one female if you can't satisfy each and every one of them, both sexually as well as financially and in other regards, which is why most men don't have more than one.

>> No.18444298



>> No.18444304

Sexual satisfaction of the wife is considered desirable but not obligatory. You're supposed to get her ready with foreplay and to manually stimulate her clitoris after you come if she didn't come (pretty rare), but if you can't make her orgasm it doesn't mean you can't have another wife. Also financial satisfaction of a wife means you have to feed and clothe and house her, not give her some luxurious lifestyle and some confused people think

>> No.18444313
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BASED apostate, spread the word.

>> No.18444314

Good reply, thanks anon.
I would be able to support them both ways. I wonder if there could be additional benefits from the marriage being de jure not recognized. For instance, one wife could be on WIC and SNAP and get $300+ for each kid for food. There isn't a limit so the unofficial wives (in the states view) would have subsidized child feeding costs. Just wonder if they would WACO me for having 4 wives, 10 children each. That's big money assuming 3 of the wives are doing it too.

>> No.18444333

>Also financial satisfaction of a wife means you have to feed and clothe and house her, not give her some luxurious lifestyle and some confused people think
Food and housing are one of the most expensive things to offer in the west as there are huge standards regarding both, you can't just build a shack in the middle of a desert. And the cost only goes up the more wives you have since you have to provide it to each and every one.

>> No.18444346

That's correct, housing codes in the west mean multiple wives is very, very expensive. Though doable in some areas if one earns decently

>> No.18444369

/inceldom/ general

>> No.18444371

bless you

>> No.18444376

if you killed yourself the world would be a better place. just saying.

>> No.18444392

I don't care about making the world a better place

>> No.18444434

Pretty sure as a Muslim it's your duty to support your (muslim)community and as such the world

>> No.18444441

The world is against my community. NATO,China, Russia.

>> No.18444471

I see. Well, It's fine either way, Allah knows best our deeds and intentions, and we'll all be judged for our deeds

>> No.18444477

Another apostate here, that anon is completely based and 100% accurate about this dogshit religion

>> No.18444511

Islam is the only religion that allows multiple wives. fringe mormonists don't count.

>> No.18444540

My interest is Tawheed which from the perspective of its enemies worsens the world. Those who simply desire more comfort can't love Tawheed as Allah has promised anyone who embraces it with its obligations will face hardship and trials

>> No.18444558

>Another apostate here
Man, Islam creates the worst ex religious people. Or maybe you were already the worst and couldn't handle the simplest of religions

>> No.18444582

Making very emotional appeals and using filthy language actually hurts your arguments and position. Try to be more level headed dude

>> No.18444596

The Quran warns of such excursions
>Whoever disbelieves in Allah after their belief—not those who are forced while their hearts are firm in faith,1 but those who embrace disbelief wholeheartedly—they will be condemned by Allah and suffer a tremendous punishment.[16:106]
>This is because they prefer the life of this world over the Hereafter. Surely Allah never guides those who ˹choose to˺ disbelieve.[16:107]

>> No.18444600
File: 170 KB, 930x1200, EQG5dlQXkAI18tE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont you read lenin instead, anon-kun?

>> No.18444617

Wtf is that picture supposed to represent? Seems like an Indian woman holding Lenin book above the manlet

>> No.18444667

Did the invasion of Afghanistan destroy the USSR?

>> No.18444683

Salafi cope

>> No.18444686

It shows the superiority of Soviet Islamic giantess porn.

>> No.18444723

I can almost see you shiver with apostate crushing rage in your long white dress and your lousy neckbeard. May Allah strike me down right now if I am lying!!!

>> No.18444740

no, what destroyed the ussr was fake friends

>> No.18444777

idk man if my religion forces the beheading of apostates I'd be pretty salty too as an apostate

>> No.18444784

Allah didn't strike me down, guess he's bullshit huh?

>> No.18444817

If that was the case you wouldn't have a head to be salty about

>> No.18444820

The real communism was friends we killed along the way

>> No.18445014

t. Suburban 15 year old from Iowa

>> No.18445509

apostates are salty because they resent people being happy in Islam, it's a happiness they know they can't have or find anywhere

>> No.18445523

I hate Islam, but I hate these images arguing against it even more.
Do you think I'm some kind of cuckhold sucking Western dick after abandoning Pisslam? No. Cuckstianity is filth too in many respects.
What pisses me off is you connect unrelated topics to criticism of Islam. Why should I believe that inbreeding map for example? Also why should it have any bearing on the truth?
The reason I hate Islam is because of its hatred of intermediaries towards the truth (i.e., it's all deemed idolatry), Muhammad's claim of a "final revelation", its bloody foundations (e.g., Rashidun), and the nonsensical Semitic myths. None of this involves screaming people with Muslim ancestors are literal subhumans.
Insulting us as a people disgusts me, you Jew-cucked slave and globohomo'd faggot. Next time I criticize Cuckstianity, I'll make sure to post similar stuff as you.

>> No.18445554
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>> No.18445565

Both Islam and Christianity are difficult to believe in. There are some good Muslims and Christians though, but I don't find your religions tenable compared to many others. It's because you begin with historical revelations, rather than metaphysical insight, which involves faith in unsubstantiated historical events.
There are also scholars who deny the existence of both Muhammad and Jesus, and to be honest, many of their arguments are convincing. I've looked into a few of them.

>> No.18445567

yet your system only allows 1 wife.

>> No.18445580

My own religion is fine with polygyny.
Also, both polygyny and monogamy can coexist. I prefer monogamy, but I understand many virile men have high sex drives and need more than one woman to satiate their needs.
However, polyandry and polyamory are not good for social stability.

>> No.18445807

same think with rashidun caliphate, fake friends like muawiya and yazid ruined it

>> No.18445813

Unironcally worst book I've ever read. Now I know why the avg Muslim has an IQ of 71

>> No.18445992

>It's because you begin with historical revelations, rather than metaphysical insight
They're one and the same
>which involves faith in unsubstantiated historical events.
It's the milieu in which the metaphysical insight resides. Whether any or all events actually happened or not is irrelevant.

>> No.18446071


>> No.18446290

Based monogomist

>> No.18446586

SR > polygamy > monogamy

>> No.18447270

monogamy isn't based.

>> No.18447285


>> No.18447304

>doesn't know what based means
The fuck is this shit.

>> No.18447357

I came here just to post these. Thanks.

>> No.18448720

Kek islam attracts degenerates.

>> No.18448725

Anyone read the Quran Chronologically?
Is it better that way?
Also I've been reading more about the Quran and apparently the Quran and Sunnah are considered to be equally as important, that even Hadith's can abrogate verses in the Quran and so it makes me wonder really how important the Quran is

>> No.18448729

Murtads will feel humiliation worse than anything on earth

>> No.18448740

It's juat that muslims are incompetent at planning.

>> No.18448748

Bitter truth for apostates is that the followers of the man they rejected will come to judge them for it very soon.

>> No.18448813

Quranism is a very recent invention and quran and sunna are both important and valid.

>> No.18448867

Sure but I always thought muslims placed the Quran at least above the Sunnah cause Muhammad was just a man while the Quran was the literal word of God
Like I can understand how muslims are meant to follow the Sunnah but following the Sunnah at the expense of the Quran?

>> No.18448873

How is it degenerate? Its the only alternative to celibacy.

>> No.18448899

Hadiths don't abrogate Qur'an in overwhelming majority opinion, that's a strawman used by reformists to try to discredit hadiths. “Oh, the punishment given for zina in Qur'an is lashing, but in Hadiths it's stoning, you're saying Hadiths overrule Qur'an?” no, it's just one is referring to zina (fornication) and other zina (adultery). Rather Sunnah tends to clarify Qur'an and establish the exceptions to general rulings as well as give a guideline to equity. The idea that Sunnah is a collection of rulings which overturn Quran in a conflict is a strawman based on Qur'an being the liberal understanding of it

Qur'an is not intended to be read in the order of revelation so I'm not sure why you would do that. In fact if you wanted to organize the narratives within Qur'an in a a comprehensive way, that wouldn't work, because the longer Quranic narratives, except for the story of Joseph, were revealed in a nonlinear fashion using flashbacks and so on. The actual story of Muhammad ﷺ, the Seerah, is not told by Quran and taught seperately from it, though it's a major part of understanding rulings in it.

Whether or not Qur'an and Sunnah are equal in gravity I have seen two opinions on, one is that they are, the other that the Sunnah is the recourse for whatever the Quran doesn't cover, and this is what Ibn Taymiyyah says who held interpretation of a verse of Qur'an should be done by examining the rest of Qur'an first, then Sunnah if that is inclusive. The opinion it is equal is based on Quran which pairs revelation as coming in the form of "Qur'an and Hikmah”.

The Quran is extremely important and major and controversial rulings are often derived almost exclusively from it. It's actually not really possible to understand the Sunnah without Quran, which is why complete memorization of it is required to even begin a course for being a scholar in the classical sense (having a sanad)

>> No.18448908

>Oh, the punishment given for zina in Qur'an is lashing, but in Hadiths it's stoning, you're saying Hadiths overrule Qur'an?

There is no such punishment in the Qur'an.

>> No.18448929

>I most cooooooom
>not degenerate

>> No.18448961

The hadd for zina is in Quran and the hoorul eyn aren't raisins. If the first upsets you, the second should be some consolation

>> No.18448976

Give me the sources you used to come to your claim otherwise I will not believe you.

Or are you just another wahabi larper convert?

>> No.18448995

According to posts that I saw and an implicit admission of his, he is a former Orthodox Christian poster who had decided to become a Sunni Muslim poster now and is obsessed with Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Kathir
You can search it in the archive

>> No.18449000

It's all so tiresome..

>> No.18449006

>the hadd for zina was invented by MiAW and not an ijma upheld by all four madhahib as well as the Zahiriyya

Bruh. I make it a habit not to argue with people who think things like jizya and Hudud are Wahhabi innovations, because you are turbo jahil. Read The Distinguished Jurist's Primer and familiarize yourself just a little bit on classical fiqh since the Quran itself doesn't satisfy you since Surah an-Noor doesn't

>> No.18449012

Post the Surat.
C'mon OP I believe in you.

>> No.18449058

>"Arabs (and Muslims in general) are literally inbred"
>Indonesia has the largest muslim population in the world
>has 0% inbreeding
5 years later and that image is still wrong and being used by "literal" retards. Hilarious.

>> No.18449198

Like I said, it's the only way to live with cooming.

One wife
>can't meet demand, end up with intercourse 5 or 8 times in a night with longer sessions as it progresses
>she willl get sick of it and warn out

Multiple wives
>likely would lead to less net time spent cooming and more satisication

I also described above the main reason is division of labor and to keep up with sex drive. I don't want orgys. I find the idea of oral and anal sex to be perversions.

For me, it's either celibacy (nofap, no sex) or multiple women.

>> No.18449292

And how often do you coom?

>> No.18449362

You are the tools of Zionism. You are the unknowing and unconsenting bitchbois, desert niggers, raging inbred Semitic retards, slaves of The Zionistic Globohomo One World Order. You are used to weaken other peoples and create chaos so the Zionists can work quietly and diligently behind the smoke of chaos. You are the human testing grounds for American, Russian, Chinese and Israeli advanced weapon systems. You are the stupid retard desert monkey who can’t stop fighting against your own brothers. You have been enslaved be your own hubris in thinking one day Islam will conquer the world. So instead of making peace with your brothers and uniting Arab countries and forming an alliance with Europe and China to overthrow Globohomo and the Jews and all those that seek to exploit you, instead of doing this you rage like a fucking child and commit violence against innocent civilians. You are a race of stupid, weak, half negro desert monkeys bitchbois and most of all, a race of losers and cowards.

>> No.18449396

If Zionism and this apparent global Jewish conspiracy are so obviously successful in their methods of dominating the modern world, would it not indicate that God's favor lies with that side?

I'm not even Jewish but I am an adult and a part of growing up is realizing that while the world may be an unfair place where certain people get advantages over others, all one person can do is try to better themselves and help those around them as best they can. No religious allegiance will make a cruel man see the injustice of his ways.

The violent extremists in the middle east are not the cause of the world's faults, neither are the right wing extremists in Tel Aviv, nor are the political elites in the west. Humanity is bootstrapping civilization as it goes along, as it has always done, and there are bound to be setbacks and barbarity and selfishness and all other negatives along the way. The real battle isn't between races or religions or ideologies, it's between people who understand personal responsibility and children like you.

>> No.18449459

No. Whether or not you want to recognize it, human organization is purely about familial and ethnic competition because you can not escape nature. I get the impression you believe in some sort of universal need or want of humanity. There is none other than competition. In the long run you can not defeat nature. Yes the world could be a better place. Look at the West. Peak Western man was decades ago. Technological progress means nothing if people can’t form healthy families and are obsessed with ideological conflict while consuming industrial “food” and increasingly escaping their lives through consumption, media, etc. But the Western systems were predicated on a baseline of trust which Jews and other psychopaths don’t have and instead exploit. Globalists run the world now. They are everyone’s enemy.

>> No.18449503

>would it not indicate that God's favor lies with that side?
Considering that half the third world would love to go to the West and that any group of people that has interacted with Jews long enough seems to universally hate them and compounding this with the fact that Jews were only able to become successful after they biologically became mostly European and then took advantage and abused the high trust systems and institutions that Europeans created, it would seem more likely that Europeans are god’s chosen people who have become under attack by Satan’s chosen people.

>> No.18449520

It doesn't
Does you living into adulthood and babies/children dying from disease indicate that God favours you and not the child?
You have to trust in God and His goodness

>> No.18449627

I don't really buy into the Jewish conspiracy idea. Generationally wealthy and powerful people and groups are overrepresented when it comes to greed and avarice, but I don't inherently oppose someone just because they have advantages that I don't share. There are plenty of people at the top who aren't inherently cruel or evil and there are plenty of people at the bottom who aren't bitter and envious. Jews seem to have a larger share of the power than their small numbers would suggest, but I'd argue that so do WASPs and the latter is almost certainly more powerful than all the other ethnically-defined categories combined. The world is not perfect, but I suspect it never was anyways, nor will it ever be. We're not really in disagreement about human nature, I suspect, but I just see the battle as lost before it's even begun. Today Globalists run the world, yesterday it was Catholics, tomorrow it'll be some other equally-malicious prerogative. All you can do is hold your head up and face whatever the day brings, and try to be an example for others of what it means to be a good man, everything else is folly.

Globalism has downsides, but so does nationalism, and every other ideological attempt at grouping humans. Ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how best to order their own affairs and try to deal with whatever comes their way. Humans are deeply fallible and many (most?) don't even desire to live lives that better their fellow man, but that doesn't mean one shouldn't try to be a better person, if anything it only highlights the need to do so even more. The Globalist agenda is a reaction to the manifold crimes of 20th century nationalism and ideological atrocities, which were themselves reactions against "old world" power structures and aristocracies. Each time you replace the old with the new you get a new set of problems, with the only constant that any one of us has control over being to live one's own life. I seek to understand these ideas (and I'd be a fool if I didn't admit there are numerous gaps in my knowledge and understanding) but if I've learned anything from history it's that one should be very wary of any movement which claims moral superiority on any general basis. We live in tumultuous times, but so did every generation that came before as well. Live for today, live for yourself, live so that the feeble-minded masses will look to you when disaster strikes; that is what it means to be a leader of men, the same as it always has.

Every closed group or society is ultimately distrusted and/or hated by those that do not belong to it. 200 years ago the Jesuits were viewed as a secret cabal which was manipulating world affairs much in the same way Zionists are today (And make no mistake, I don't care for Zionism either). Personally, I'd say the influence of Jewish thought on Western culture has been largely overstated and benign in the modern period. This post is getting too long to continue, though.

>> No.18449662

>doing anything to apostates

>> No.18449671

You are posting on a haram board on the haram Internet you murtad.

>> No.18449674

If I ever meet God, make no mistake, it will have to answer for its crimes. I don't believe strongly in the existence or nonexistence of a higher power, but I very strongly believe that if there is a God, and if it is anything like the one described by the Abrahamic religions, then it is the most hateful, cruel, vile creature that has ever existed. The arbitrary and relentless torment of life and the fact that we are subjected to his apparent will indicate to me that goodness is not one of it's attributes. A caring God would not force us into any world, at least not a God worthy of respect or worship, and certainly not a world so full of suffering.

What you worship is a monster that views you, at best, with indifference and, at worst, as something to be tortured for its own amusement. Personally, I favor the explanation that universe is not possessed of inherently intelligent characteristics and is just a collection of matter and energy confined within a set of more-or-less unchanging parameters, but you may be right that something is responsible for all this. I simply do not know the answer, but based off of all that I have seen, if God does exist it is not worthy of my trust, only my contempt.

>> No.18449676

>apostates are
apostates are insulting you on this thread and in real life without any consequences because you are weak.

>> No.18449684

Pics of human faces are haram you murtad.
Allah will crush you.

>> No.18449695

Allah will crush you, murtad.

>> No.18449704

Muslims don't do shit against apostates and you know it, murtad.

>> No.18449727

Can someone elaborate how this is degenerate relative to monogamy for the individual. Seems a lot less perverse than the shit I see in the fetish thread where people might have one partner but are filled with bad thoughts and actions within.

>> No.18449740

Internet is haram you degenerate murtad.
Allah will crush you.

>> No.18449787

No brother. Behind all great evil you find Jews in massively disproportionate numbers. You are being dishonest about the Jews. No group of people is more universally hated than the Jews. EVERY group of people, every race, ethnicity, religion has kicked them out. No other group has experienced this. If the whole world is anti Semitic than it has no meaning. It is like saying someone is anti Illness or anti Death. If everyone is tall than logically no one is tall. Anti Semitism is a made up phrase that the Jews created to manipulate and sully the truth. The truth is that Jews have chosen a group evolutionary strategy of what the rest of humanity calls evil. They are an ethnicity that has above average levels of narcissism, psychopathy and amorality while lacking empathy. They run the media in the West which is a large part of why things are getting so fucked up. Your culturally narratives that most people don’t even know how to question have been in modern times filtered through the the Jewish Media Machine.

>> No.18449868

I disagree, but only partly. Allow me to explain.

Behind all great evil you will find humans. Every open society is opposed to a closed society existing within it. A closed society, such as the jews, inherently favors its own members over those who are not part of the group. This is the same with basically every other society as well, but the Jewish people are unique in some ways.

One is in their longevity. Human history is a ceaseless series of groups of people fucking each other over every chance they got. Rome fucked over the Goths when they used them as fodder on the battlefields then left them to starve, so the Goths turned against the Romans and defeated them before sacking Rome. Eventually both groups splintered or dissolved and any animosity between them exists only as a historical footnote. If they existed today, they would certainly have a millennia and a half of grievances to air and atrocities to be blamed, but they don't because they are gone. The Jews are not gone. Against all odds, they have survived conflict with hundreds of other groups, perpetrating selfish acts and suffering terrible persecutions alike, but this does not tell the whole story. The Jewish people are as much to blame for the actions of Evelyn Rothschild as the German people are to blame for the actions of Adolf Hitler. Ultimately, the individual is supreme unit of judgement for which one can assign blame.

Whether you are gentile or Jew, it is up to you to decide whether you will be a noble and upstanding man or give in to man's baser instincts. I do not assign blame to any person based solely on the actions of their ancestors, otherwise all of us would be condemned before we were even born.

Where we do agree is that modern society is heavily influenced by indoctrination and mass media, but even that is beginning to falter. The answer to this issue is not look at the influence of any one group which takes part in the "Great Game" but to strike out at the game itself. The answer is pogroms or holocausts or propaganda or counter-propaganda, it's to live a life dedicated to those you care about. The reason we have such a focus on the plight of the Jewish people in the west is because the Holocaust happened. I disagree that it was a singular event, and that racially-motivated mass violence is not unique to 1940s Germany, but I don't think it should be viewed as a victory by any means nor does it excuse the behavior of the Israeli government in its treatment of the Palestinians, which in turn does not excuse the violence of Hamas against the citizens of Israel. Do you see a pattern here?

The issue lies not with the Jews, the Germans, the Palestinians, the Romans, the Goths, or any other people. The issue is when people surrender their individuality to the group and the group does the thinking for the individual. Only by questioning all narratives and refusing to judge an individual according to the actions of whatever race they are born into can we win.

>> No.18450256


>> No.18450267


>> No.18450301

low t midwit shit and I'm an atheist myself.

>> No.18450331

Criticizing a literary analysis without even watching it is the true low t midwit shit.

>> No.18450338

Based Islambros, keep spreading the good word.

>> No.18450981

>no response
As I thought.

>> No.18450986

Watched 5 minutes of it and had enough.

>> No.18451722

is multiple wives based or cringe?

>> No.18451833

Depends on the wives

>> No.18451848


>> No.18452500
File: 2.18 MB, 900x1200, 24-Modeled-B-prod-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apostate friend had his brother murdered by his family and he had to flee Syria because they were gonna kill him. He narrowly escaped being murdered by his family and now he's a pastor in the west. It's pretty sad because what happened was he converted to Christianity first, and the family sent the brother to kill him, but he ended up convincing the brother that Christianity was the truth so he converted. The brother returns home to say that he didn't kill him and now he's a Christian, but the family just murdered him.

It's weird, I thought there was supposed to be no compulsion in Islam, yet you are forced to remain in it under threat of death. I expect the Muslims here to wave this story away and probably call me a tranny.

pic unrelated

>> No.18452508

Jew conspiracy is a cope on the part of Muslims because they resent the fact that they cannot remain united.

Jews are united, but Muslims hate each other (yes, even Sunnis hate other Sunnis).

>> No.18452745

honestly very based thanks for you input

>> No.18452771

Why do you need a religion to sanction having more than one wife? Why not just do it? Serious question.

>> No.18452772

Loving this WHITE LARPER convert who has never lived in a Muslim land think he knows more than the apostates.

You're gonna apostate yourself. I give it two more years, OP.

>> No.18452873

fucking trannzoid

>> No.18452881

>my brudda will kill you, I swear! Hamdullah!
If you do not grow up as a culture you people will be kept in camps in Europe my lifetime.

>> No.18452891

why would anyone be an apostate if they could have 4 wives. seems like incels and one wife chumps are jealous of the chads

>> No.18452898
File: 10 KB, 300x294, 1594191388955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My apostate friend had his brother murdered by his family

>> No.18452914

I want to bear your children.

>> No.18452930

>why would anyone be an apostate if they could have 4 wives. seems like incels and one wife chumps are jealous of the chads

The obvious headache it would entail. Just read about your prophet Muhammad. Non stop bickering and jealousy among his wives. Plus, his only virgin wife cheated on him when she was 14. It's an all around recipe for disaster. Just wait till wife no.3 proves to a court that you didn't buy her the exact same amount of stuff you did for the others.

>> No.18452982

Cool story bro

>> No.18452988

>basing your choice of religion on sexxxxx

Everyone knows that being a muslim is a -3 on the attractiveness scale (being generous here).

>> No.18453131

>waves it away

like clockwork

>> No.18453135

Does it give you resting bitch face?

>> No.18453714

good point

>> No.18455204

Worse, women fear the condom (and its wearer) might explode.

>> No.18456487

That's another issue I have with Islam. Why don't they have anything against contraception? It is degenerate.

>> No.18457547

Islam = breeding in welfare countries so they can subvert the system once they are numerous enough.

Someone should tell them they can't have 7 kids when muslims get in power.

>> No.18457860

>Islam spread with wombs and swords
Gotta admit, that sounds based as fuck. Especially since it's still around today.