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/lit/ - Literature

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18433695 No.18433695 [Reply] [Original]

How long is that backlog /lit/?

>> No.18433706


>> No.18433716

>How long is that backlog /lit/?
about 20 books deep and more on the way

>> No.18433723

this. shut the fuck up OP and mind your business.

>> No.18433727

Based and CWCpilled

>> No.18433738
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What's /lit/s favourite back excercise?

>> No.18433739

Nicole, I habe Graves' Disease. The only thing that would cheer me up is if you and your father started crying right now. Do it. It would be better than watching Denny the queer beg for his life. DO IT!!!

>> No.18433740


>> No.18433744

Kill yourselves

>> No.18433776

I don't care even slightly about any regrets or any apologies. I want to smash your faces into toothpaste. If I ever said I had respect for fatty ding dongs and Nicole I would be lyign thru my teeth.

>> No.18433788

They could have had a much more attractive woman in her place.

>> No.18433803

Most women aren’t attractive, and those that are can’t act.

>> No.18433829
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It is quite simply more than 400 books long. And I keep adding more to it. In fact, just today I was pondering if I'm ever going to be able to eat through this fucking thing in its entirety, specially since TODAY I added 55 more books to the pile. It's almost entirely non-fiction, something like 25 books are novels.

I'm reading for three hours a day and I think I'm going to be done precisely never.

>> No.18433835

I've never been too much into her but she's a cutie in those movies, specially in this meme.

>> No.18434031


>> No.18434039

I get my books second hand on wallapop. Sometimes you have to buy something even if you don't plan on reading it rn just because it will get sold soon and you don't want to lose it.

>> No.18434059

Every 2 books I finish a week, 10 more are added to "to read" list

>> No.18434520

/lit/ pulldowns

>> No.18434529

2 books only!

>> No.18434556

prolly have like 300 books lying around that i haven’t read yet lol i aint never gonna stop buying more books lol

>> No.18435843

7 I just went to a yard sale last weekend.

>> No.18435862

Over 2000 at last count, thankfully most are ebooks that I pirated.

>> No.18436796

>physical book backlog
2.5 books.
>goodreads backlog
~500 books.

>> No.18436824

I’ve never measured. Probably under a mile.

To play the part of Mark Hamil and Carrie Fisher’s mother? The dude playing Anakin is the one miscast.

>> No.18436827

500 books...

>> No.18436835

Physically I've got maybe between 15 and 20 books waiting to be read. On Goodreads, probably triple that.

>> No.18436875

Probably around 100 books, it was getting pretty low but I have been stocking back up these past could weeks and culled all the books I will never revisit. Feels nice, book shelf is nice and orderly and full of nothing but books I want to read and many are ones I have never read.

>> No.18436949

35 books I haven't read on my shelves, but only 10 books I WANT to read in the near future.

>> No.18436982
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I spent a week making a list of non fiction books that I need to read and its at 6,000 right now

>> No.18436991

You only need like 500 to graduate from being a pseud

>> No.18436993

Stupid frog poster

>> No.18437286

>women aren't attractive
You're gay lol

>> No.18437291

its not from some "canon" or whatever, its just books on things I need in order to fully understand some subjects

>> No.18437663

It never ends. Without a backlog, what am I? Without movement, I simply wouldn't exist. Yes... never read, only fill the backlog and contemplate it's sheer scale. I synthesize invisible information purely by being in the presence of it all. Every time you read, you waste a moment you could have spent NOT reading. That is of course purposefully NOT reading, in fact. I just edge the books. I edge to my backlog (metaphorically). I don't need to read, cause I have eyes. My eyes. With eyes you can see any word you want, anywhere. Authors are just trying to sell you something you don't need, and by denying them that privilege, you are asserting your destiny over pure information. When you backlog, it's like having sex with a prostitute before walking out without paying, naked. And the thing is, she loved it. Then you get married and with CRISPR erase all her previous sex partners from her genetic archives, rendering her a virgin. But it's more than some mere vulgarity of the flesh, it's the fact that you have now manifested destiny itself, through such an act. It's a two way street, reading. You reading the book and the book 'being-read' by you. How many people really understand that? What is a book, really, if you're blind? Nah, having a backlog has nothing to do with reading, because nobody really knows what reading actually is. Having a backlog is actually manifest destiny.

>> No.18437672

Her casting has got nothing to do with her being a woman, but let me tell you, it certainly wasn't a mistake. Could you tell me the name of the greatest poet of the 20th-21st century? I'll wait.

>> No.18437693

I don't read.

>> No.18437927

One must imagine anon happy

>> No.18437940

I'm finally starting to read the book I planned to begin in January after a few unplanned detours

>> No.18439081

My Backlog:
>The Odyssey
>The Wanting Seed
>Master and Commander
>The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
>A Small Town In Germany
>The Little Drummer Girl
>Dream Story
>Finnegans Wake
>Some Music Theory book

What should I read next?

>> No.18439134

About 850 books, including digital copies.

>> No.18439685


>> No.18439693
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In terms of physical books, hundreds. In terms of books on my list, thousands.

I go through my screen shots and notes every few years and make a list of books that interest me. I'm currently working on list 3, the others are each about 50 pages long. I don't know if I'll ever read a fraction of the books on them, but they serve as an interesting personal bibliography.

>> No.18439715

just read a book you lazy faggot

>> No.18439731

Post the list

>> No.18439739

The Odyssey, then Ulysses

>> No.18439744
