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File: 441 KB, 552x452, plato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18433564 No.18433564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would Plato think about Sissy Hypno?

>> No.18433568

When his dick stopped working he became an antihomo

>> No.18433569

What would Diogenes say about the Great Reset?

>> No.18433665

Disgusting and dishonourable catamitism.

>> No.18433745

He was a Citizen of the World and also literally a fraudulent banker so he'd love it.

>> No.18433762

He would hate it; bottoming (especially actually taking a dick in the ass) was seen as horrendously improper for a man, as it reduced a man (who was a fully moral entity, capable of reason and ascending past the passions) to the place of a woman, that is, someone who is a slave to the passions and is less of a moral agent--one could even call them less of a person. The difference is that while a woman was born weaker to the passions, one who undergoes "sissy hypno" and becomes a sissy has traded their natural advantage over the passions and is thus even lower than a woman.

>> No.18433778

>the only characteristically bad thing about being womanlike for a man is giving into passions
Do you even understand life, do you even understand eternal forms? The first and foremost critique is that it is unnatural, that man is acting like women, and all other critiques, such as indulgence in passion to the utmost shame, follow. Plato also hated so-called "tops", he says it is just as shameful as the other in the Laws, and asks how one could live in an honourable society, among people like that, when one is giving such shame to another and to himself.

>> No.18433822

The bit on tops depends on when in Plato's life we're discussing him, as he went through a shift where he had no qualms with it (although he did find abstaining from this sex to be superior in Phaedrus, that had more to do with how the purpose of desire is to be unattainable) to arguing against it in the Laws. Having said that, the former bit about the forms is a good point.

>> No.18433883
File: 288 KB, 220x219, pain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing long reply about the intricacies and progression of Plato's relation to homosexual desire starting from and even in the Charmides
>accidentally hit ctrl + r instead of shift

>> No.18433914

He would recognize it as another infinitesimal point in the void of a discarded life.

>> No.18433938

>Plato also hated so-called "tops", he says it is just as shameful as the other in the Laws
What a faggot

>> No.18433946
File: 297 KB, 1200x1200, Plato drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, I think you will find that you are the faggot.

>"ugly of uglies, odious-to-the-gods, and unholiest of things."
- Plato

>> No.18433952

Zeus was a top.

>> No.18434044
File: 80 KB, 800x599, Ganymede Waters Zeus as an Eagle - Thorvaldsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His relationship with Ganymede was purely platonic, unless you're a dilating Lesbos resident.

>> No.18434052

He was BTFO by Uncle Nick.

To beat the Platonic-fascist menace we must spawn HyperTrannies in our midst.

>> No.18434091

>His relationship with Ganymede was purely platonic
That's great, he also knocked up a ton of other chicks, most behind his wife's back, and even raped a few of them. Did Plato write down his admiration for that anywhere?

>> No.18434116

Yes, he did, in his critique of poets portraying the Gods negatively.

>> No.18434127

>poets portraying the Gods negatively

>> No.18434160

Homer, but don't tell anybody.


>> No.18434174

Ah, so his argument was "Zeus wasn't actually a top, because he didn't actually knock up those chicks and commit rape, it's just the poets who made that up." Am I right? If so, what a faggot

>> No.18434189

His saying Zeus was not gay, and he's saying (separately) that Zeus didn't actually rape and so on doing unjust things.

>> No.18434198

>His saying Zeus was not gay
Well that's obvious, Zeus was bi

>he's saying (separately) that Zeus didn't actually rape and so on doing unjust things
Rape is just when a god does it though