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/lit/ - Literature

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18380789 No.18380789 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18380802


>> No.18380806

Repostimg from last thread because I actually want help.
I have started getting irrationally angry at food packaging. It all feels so "fake". I want to go to a super market and just fucking punch everything in it. I have had this urge for weeks now. Not sure how I am supposed to get rid of it.

>> No.18380820

Nothing is more of an 'advatange' than hyper high fighting success eyey and maxilla

>> No.18380847


>> No.18380857

I've yet to lose hope.

>> No.18380872

Always was. Be grateful you aren't eating 90% seed avocados Haha.

>> No.18380894

About five years ago I began a short habit of browsing the reddit incel community which I discovered out of curiosity. Little did I know it but doing so really hurt my peace of mind. I figured that out, however, after I stopped browsing and slowly (read: quickly) went back to being an ordinary thinking person. Much time has passed since then. All incel communities have been banned from reddit. Back then I was in highschool reading the end to Homestuck and now I'm two and a couple months worth into my first enlistment in the military.
Yesterday my curiosity came out of nowhere and got the best of me. I found incels.is and despite only browsing for ten minutes I feel like I've been put back in that old thinking process. That's some powerful stuff, man. I can feel myself healing, though.

>> No.18380924

How to read faster in English as a second language

>> No.18380943

Maybe philosophy is not really for a brainlet-ESL like me. God fucking damn I want to get really good at it but im starting to lose hope ahhhhhhh

>> No.18380951

I suck at working.

>> No.18381006

This time of year I always hit a slump. Don’t feel much like reading let alone writing. No creative juices flowing.

>> No.18381018

I present a GPT3 greentext. Each "day" is more or less a new completion, generated from the concatenation of everything before it. The initial prompt is the first three lines, the model's output everything after it. Redid generations a few times when I wasn't happy with them, but haven't changed any of the text.

Day 1
>be me
>be highschool math teacher
>get assigned new student
>young asian girl, kinda cute
>tell her "you're in my class"
>she smiles and nods
>get to class, everyone is already there
>ask them how they can be so fucking early
>they all look at me
>asian girl is last to enter
>she turns to me
>"Hi, my name is Ling"
>she sits down
>girls sitting next to her smile and wave
>I give them a mean look
>they all go back to work
>Ling says "Hi again, my name is Ling"
>I ask her how she can be so fucking slow
>she smiles and nods
>I tell her to get a math book from my desk
>she gets up and walks over to my desk
>starts taking out books from the wrong drawer
>I get up and yell at her "THIS IS NOT THE MATH BOOK"
>she looks confused, then sad, then scared and runs out of the class crying
>girls sitting next to her give me the mean look again
>I tell them to fuck off
>one of them turns to me and says "Fuck you!"
>I ask her if she knows what a times table is
>she tells me she doesn't know what that is
>I tell her to get the fuck out of my class and not come back
>get up and lock the door behind her, then sit back down at my desk
>rest of class goes on without incident
Day 2
>be me
>get to class early
>Ling is sitting at her desk
>I sit down and ask her what shes doing here
>she smiles and says "Hi, my name is Ling"
>I tell her I know who she is, why shes in my class, and that she should leave
>she just keeps smiling and saying "Hi, my name is Ling" over and over again
>I tell her to go back to where ever the fuck she came from
>she stands up and points to herself "Me Ling" then points back to the door "Go out?"
>I tell her she's not leaving until I say so
>she points back to herself and says "Me Ling" then points to the door and says "Go out?"
>tell her no again
>she puts her hands on the desk, leans over and whispers in my ear "Hi, my name is Ling"
>immediately stand up, grab her by the arm and pull her out into the hall
>lock her in a closet and walk back to class

>> No.18381021
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>> No.18381029

Day 3
>be me
>get there early again
>Ling is sitting at desk outside of classroom
>I walk up to her and ask her what she's doing there
>she smiles and says "Hi, my name is Ling"
>I tell her that I know who the fuck she is, and that she should go to wherever it was she came from
>she just keeps smiling and saying "Hi, my name is Ling" over and over again
>ask her how long she thinks this shit is gonna keep up
>all of a sudden she looks like she's about to cry
>tell her I'm sorry for yelling at her and that I just want her to leave me alone
>she nods, then points behind me and says "Hi, my name is Ling"
>I turn around and see the entire class standing outside the classroom door, staring at us
>they all look at me, then back to her and start clapping
>I tell them to get the fuck out of my class
>they don't listen
>open door and tell them again
>they still dont listen
>walk outside and slam the door behind me
>lock it from the outside so they cant get in
Day 4
>be me
>finish teaching early and leave school early for some reason today (i think i had a day off) anyway i was on the way home when i got a call from one of my students phones saying "Hi, my name is Ling"
>I ask her who she is
>she says "Hi, my name is Ling"
>I say i know who the fuck she is and why shes calling
>she tells me that i left my phone in my desk and that she's at school waiting for me to pick it up
>ask her where the class room door is
>she says there isn't one anymore
>tell her im on my way back to school and hang up the phone
>be me, 5 minutes later walking into the school again after making a stop at home to get some shit (i think)
>get to the class room and open the door
>theyre all sitting at their desks, looks like i'm a few minutes late
>i walk up to my desk and see my phone sitting there
>look around the room for Ling, don't see her anywhere
>pick up my phone and put it in my pocket
>ask students if they've seen where Ling went
>they all point to the back of the classroom, towards the closet where I locked her in on day 3
>walk over there and open up the door
>Ling is sitting inside on a chair smiling and saying "Hi, my name is Ling" over and over again
>she doesn't react when I walk into or when I open the door, just keeps saying it even after I tell her to stop then ask if shes okay
>tell her ill be right back then walk out of the classroom with all of them staring at me as i go (what an uncomfortable feeling)
>walk back to my car and drive home

>> No.18381036

I always thought incel stuff only "works" on people who are already thinking that way. I certainly relate to some of it, but when they start talking about canthal tilts and whatnot I tune out, as it just doesn't gel with my experience.

How does incel stuff tip you over? Why didn't you find it old hat?

>> No.18381040

How much?

>> No.18381042

Day 5
>be me, walking into the school
>get to the classroom
>Ling is sitting at a desk outside of it, smiling and saying "Hi, my name is Ling" over and over again
>I tell her I'm not in the mood for this shit today, she needs to leave me alone and that if she doesn't ill find a way to get rid of her that wont make everyone think im crazy (considering i've already been in here so many times)
>she just keeps saying "Hi, my name is Ling" over and over again
>i grab her by the arm as hard as i can and drag her to the door leading outside
>open it up then push her out into the hallway as hard as i can (probably harder than i should have considering how little she weighs) then slam the door behind me before anyone else can see what im doing (not like they would care anyway)
>lock it from the outside so she cant get back in or anyone else come out after us (im pretty sure theyre all watching right now but whatever)
>turn around to face Ling who's still sitting there on the ground smiling and saying "Hi, my name is Ling" over and over again while pointing at herself (how does she even know what that means?)
>ask her if shes seen where people go when they die or something because ive never seen someone look this dead before in my life

>> No.18381060

The first post I clicked on was this one and it put me in that old state of brooding and rumination. Thought about it throughout the day.

>> No.18381072

Get bottom surgery end of day

>> No.18381130

this is scary and bad

>> No.18381141

That part about Timothy McVeigh made me laugh.

>> No.18381157

I have no confidence in my talent or ability to write.

>> No.18381202
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>> No.18381210
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It’s full of off boarder, off topic, bitching and schizophrenia and it doesn’t make the extra threads with that exact same shit stop.

>> No.18381216

I have a very limited knowledge of philosophy.
I also chose to not read anything by the popular modern 'philosophers' like Zizek, Peterson, Chomsky, etc.. the excerpts I've read often seem quite trivial and uninsightful.
Only know historical philosophers through Kenny's History..

If I lived in their times, knew about and had access to their works as I now have of the contemporaries, would I disregard some of Kant, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Wittgenstein the same way I do the contemporaries now? Does the feeling that they are more relevant only stem from me romanticizing the past?
(on my defense, I'm not that lazy of a reader, I've read many of the classics, including the Cath canon of the Bible)

>> No.18381222

You might not know what you are looking for, but you will find it.

>> No.18381242

I've seen it all now, nothing can surprise me anymore

>> No.18381290


>> No.18381308

What is it?

>> No.18381314

a channel about cheesy feet

>> No.18381319

busted a decent amount to this channel

>> No.18381457

how do I write when I don't feel nihilistic and depressed?

>> No.18381470

like a writer

>> No.18381477

Does anyone know what the image for the /wg/ was? jannie deleted it and I want to know why?

>> No.18381499

Dull animé
Check the archives

>> No.18381519
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I wish I was famous, not in the same sense of being a celebrity, I hate that shit, but of becoming a "legend", someone who is admired and people look up to, like Alexander, Beethoven, Dante, etc.
I wish I was famous and I hope I die before I get old.

>> No.18381561

I'm gonna go read for at least 40 minutes brb guys.

>> No.18381566

wtf is wrong with you? grow up, you're 21

>> No.18381581
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what are some good books to read in the woods?

>> No.18381585

woody woodpecker

>> No.18381589

This, but I hope to grow old instead

>> No.18381594

I understand that there is a conspiracy to emasculate men, and in a way, to just confuse the sexes as much as possible. I know that it was divined by the witch Helena Blavatsky that soon humans would be 'genderless' like the angels, or more accurately, the fallen angels. Not to say that angels are gendered, but that specifically the occult agenda has been and still is to form humanity into the image of demons and satan, being depraved and evil, as opposed as to stay in the image of God with which we were created. I see all of this, and see it as a sort of cultic worship towards venus and saturn, the way these astrotheologists justify literally following satan. But like, really, what is the ultimate point? They really just want people to stray from God and be miserable? Does it help them attain power for themselves? It's all so absurd. I find it hard to have compassion for the satanic elite who proliferate this garbage, but I recognize they are just extremely lost and deceived.

>> No.18381649

Gove me novels which have great romance

>> No.18381678
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>> No.18381718

>I understand that there is a conspiracy to emasculate men
Take your meds

>> No.18381725

I think Ive grown out of 4chan, I also stopped watching porn which usually went together with lurking on the chinz.I just do nothing most of the time now, planning what to do next.I am reading more though, but with less distractions and stimuli I am alone with my thoughts more often and am generally feeling emptier and sadder, maybe because I lost a chance with a girl recently too.Now I have to decide whether Ill do something worthwhile with this spare time or go back into poisoning myself

>> No.18381756

you're a good guy

>> No.18381771

Y-you too

>> No.18381791
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Any anons with clinical depression here? What would you want for a close friend to do for you? Don't want to prod too much into my friend's matter but want to be there for him as always. I'm interested in different perspectives.

>> No.18381882

Why would this make you brood? McVeigh got crushed by the system, there's no point in anyone flying off the handle about him. Brock Turner was not the most hated man in America when that got posted (not even sure he was when the event occurred).

As to sex (really sexual validation, as going to a hooker wouldn't help any incel) being more important than people acknowledge, yeah, it's true.

But you don't have to take the view your animal drives are all there is to life. In fact, bringing up that animal comparison is itself a way out: aren't you more than an animal? Do you actually wish to see yourself as an animal? Same with society: that post indicates that person had a very idealized vision of society that does not jive with reality. That can be maddening, but past that is the realization there is no there there. As in, the only ones who derive happiness from society are deep in the just world fallacy. You don't want to sink into ignorance, right? Therefore, wouldn't you see it as a problem to accept the metrics and judgements of the deluded? If you reject those, then there is nothing to brood about, as society has nothing you want.

>> No.18381887

Bad idea, the tech isn't actually there to give you a vagina (or a female body for that matter).

>> No.18381908

Try and pay close attention to his words so you can understand what specific issues he's having. We use the word depression to describe like 50 different states of mental/emotional issues and it can be very frustrating when the person you're talking to doesn't understand what the hell you're trying to communicate about your problem. You're not really in the place to fix the issue for them or tell them what to do, but if you can understand things for them that would help a lot. Also not ending the friendship over it would also be good for them. A lot of people abandoned depressed friends because they stop being fun to be around.

>> No.18381911
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My dog has this weird habit of pooping infront of people. Every time I walk with him, he has to take a dump in the full view of someone who's sitting across or standing a few meters away from him. Its so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.18381923

>what’s on your mind

A teenager.

My wife and I are about to start trying for baby and I can’t stop thinking about this incredibly intelligent teenager. It is very humbling to be gobsmacked right back into futile teenage angst. We cannot have all that we want and the track of fate can be very claustrophobic. Oh well, I’ll rebuild my ego and try to enjoy it. Don’t worry anons, I won’t be an oathbreaker. How you lived is all that matters, right?

>> No.18381942

I’m putting the past away, cutting ties with all the lies I’ve been living in. I’m becoming a new person, and I greatly like it. This means discarding things from my past, but they have outlived their usefulness like the cocoon of a butterfly. I will donate what I can, but somethings must be thrown away.

The guilt I feel for the items to be thrown away adding to the landfills of the world, and the wasted money are no longest strong enough for me to hold onto them any longer. The feeling of being free of their mental and physical bondage will be much more powerful, not that I have a clear reason to cast them off.

>> No.18382009

I found a girl that's in a lot of ways like an ideal partner. She's pretty, compliments me all the time, has similar niche interests to me, gifts me a steam game like once a week, hangs on to everything I say, and so on. It's wonderful. But the weird part is, I wasn't looking for a relationship at all. It just came out of nowhere, fell into my lap. And knowing how many guys would kill for something like this feels strange. I didn't really earn it. I want to draw some meaning out of this since it feels so weird, but all I come away with is the same old "life is unfair" like always.

>> No.18382044

The dream of all men is to meet little sluts who are innocent but ready for all forms of depravity - which is what, more or less, all teenage girls are. -Michel Houellebecq

Holy based

>> No.18382049

Had this once - a much younger girl who was willing to fuck like a porn star. I wonder if I'll ever have it again? I've had multiple partners since but I still think of her when I jack off.

>> No.18382111

Is it normal to experience intense suicidal thoughts when you see an attractive woman?

>> No.18382115

There's truly nothing better in the world. Had a similar experience and if you're like me you'll be dreaming of it until the day you die. Even the passionate sex I have with my current gf doesn't come close.

>> No.18382127

Sean Kingston wrote a whole song about it man

>> No.18382143

are you fucking 8 years old?

>> No.18382159

>truly nothing better

was /lit/ always choked with materialists?

>> No.18382196

>Sexual pleasure was not only superior, in refinement and violence, to all other pleasures that life could entail; it was not only the only pleasure which is not accompanied by any damage to the organism, but which on the contrary contributes to maintaining it at its highest level of vitality and strength; he was the only pleasure, the only goal in truth of human existence, and all the others - whether associated with rich foods, tobacco, alcohol or drugs - were nothing but paltry compensations and desperate, mini-suicides that did not have the courage to say their name, attempts to destroy more quickly a body that no longer had access to the unique pleasure.

Houellebecq speaking truth per usual

>> No.18382214

I've never seen "coom" spelled in such an ornate way

>> No.18382252
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why??? :(

>> No.18382279

Give me your heart and your soul

>> No.18382284

Dedicate yourself to one craft and you will become one

>> No.18382288

Aight have it back by nine

>> No.18382289

Maybe hes afraid to poop alone

>> No.18382300

Youre not obliged to being a sad cunt. The fact that you got a girl interested in you is good anon, dont think about some loser neckbeard on 4chan and think about her. Now make it official

>> No.18382303

Ha ha its just friendly banter. Hes just tired ha ha :)

>> No.18382320

I guess and especially if you feel like you wouldnt be able to attract such women on your own.

>> No.18382344
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If I am so smart, why do I always fail at everything I try? I have a very high IQ, people always tell me I am inteligent, did good academically, but I feel empty all the time, suck at everything I love, seem to be unable to create anything beautiful... I even feel dumb, and that someday others will realize that I'm a fraud.

>> No.18382415

Wtf are words even? How do they work? A word has no meaning in itself. And the mind has no meaning itself either. But if the to touch, suddenly something is created.

>> No.18382426 [DELETED] 
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Just realized that I'm an evil person

>> No.18382444

These last few years I've been really trying to believe in god as a defense mechanism against total despair, but recently i've been failing to keep up the larp. I still believe in god but I just can't believe he is personal or gives a shit about humanity. Life seems too cold and indifferent for anything like Christianity to be true, my life is a fucking mess and it seems like I'm doomed to waste it all and die miserable and alone.

>> No.18382448

Yeah I've had much more passionate, meaningful sex since that I suppose was in a way far more spiritually fulfilling. But still, nothing quite compares that other girl. I guess I'm glad to have the memory of those times, at the very least. Nothing is permanent, you can't cling on to such things forever.

>> No.18382473

Don’t do what makes you feel empty, and don’t worry about failures. Success comes from continual failures

>> No.18382478

Am I not enough? Seriously though, I've had boomers try to pick a fight with me because of this.

>> No.18382603

>Am I not enough?
kek. anon i am sorry for laughing at your pain, but the entire situation is hilarious.

>> No.18382696

Every time I throw away a piece of trash my brain yells "GARBAGE IS ORGANIZED LITTER" and have an existential crisis whether or not I should put my reeses wrapper in the trash or go throw myself into the river.

I guess that would be litter too though...

>> No.18382786

I think about murder instead

>> No.18382790

Its fine, on hindsight it does tend to be funny. Even my friend says that I have this 'aura' that makes me a target for people to make them wanna have a fight with me.

>> No.18382793


>> No.18382805

>I am alone with my thoughts more often and am generally feeling emptier and sadder
That is because you've lost your main sources of pleasure. This will pass with time and you will learn to enjoy things that now seem to be boring.

>> No.18382826

The fact that that's what you value in her is a pretty good indicator that this won't last, and you probably incapable of true love. Hopefully this is the result of the solipsism of youth, otherwise you've reached adulthood only half-formed.

>> No.18382849
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>spent another day doing nothing but scrolling through 4chan
never gonna make it

>> No.18382907

Not just that. It's a woman that's trying to get men into Christian faith through attracting them with her feet.

>> No.18382915

I think I could probably kill a man, if it came down to it. I don't think I'd enjoy it. I wouldn't take any pleasure from it. But if I had to, I think I could kill a man. If it was me or him, I think it would be me. Assuming I could get it done and he just didn't kill me instead.

>> No.18382922

>I think it would be me. Assuming I could get it done and he just didn't kill me instead.
based tautology

>> No.18382924

Kek, please post the archived link

>> No.18382939


>> No.18382956
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I feel you anon. I did some more stuff, but in the end, I wasted my day, just like I did yesterday, just like I did last week, last month, last year...
These last 3 years have gone so fast, and I wasted them almost completely. Future seems to come so fast, and I am scared of it.
I wish I could go back to when I was child, and I still thought the future was going to be bright, when I still enjoyed life, wish I could warn myself about what was to come.

>> No.18383048

>sending out ceevees even if theres no chance at getting job interview yet alone landing a job
gotta keep pushing that boulder

>> No.18383101
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>nearly halfway though 2021
>nearly 5 years of being a shut-in
I have been told that I am smart my whole life (I'm just a midwit), but as far as I can see social skills are all that really matters. I can't imagine ever getting a job or any kind of future which isn't eventually offing myself.

>> No.18383181

Funny react

>> No.18383193

This is good advice for men today. It doesn't matter if that professor's right, which I'm sure he is. You can point out plenty of double standards (i.e. "women can say X about men but if men say X about women they're sexist") and you'll be correct but it's pointless. At the end of the day it's all about hierarchy. Men are more disposable and lower than women, which has always been true biologically but is now true in every sense thanks to the media and cultural landscape, which reinforce by narratives that buffer feminist empowerment and condemn men as bitter losers who can't get laid and simply hate women and so forth. In other words, the successful dismantling of the "patriarchy" in the West has also taken men from the bottom of the biological hierarchy to the bottom of the social/cultural hierarchy too. So a man criticizing a woman will always objectively be disadvantaged because women don't need to use logic to counter what he says - rather they can just use sexist, incel, virgin, etc. as strawmen. Women don't need to formulate arguments against anything men say about them, they can just exercise their will-to-power by taking advantage of your inherently weaker status as a male.
Every criticism of women and their behavior/irrationality has already been made - there's nothing new under the sun on this topic - yet none of it makes any difference. If you criticize women publicly, you are by default wrong. Like that professor, you have nothing to gain and everything to lose. They will remind you that the weak should and will always fear the strong, and that professor learned his lesson the hard way. This whole debate is pointless. Hate women but don't attempt to argue with or rationalize their dominance. You WILL lose.

>> No.18383202

please don't troll them like this you will trigger them and they will start seething and shitting up the thread

>> No.18383285

Just pointing out that this whole debate is pointless. Check the catalog. There are at least 10 threads about women on here where people are having the same debates. Maybe I'm stoking the flames myself but since the same topic just popped up here I couldn't help but sperg over how useless it is in case some newfags stuck in their /pol/ ways don't realize it yet, which is probably naive of me since this debate will never die but oh well.

>> No.18383650

Being a shutin is pretty cool but it's usually not sustainable. I was one for several years and it was cool but I had to end up getting a job to avoid being homeless

>> No.18383669

Ever since I've had this realization I've stopped feeling bad about violence against women.

>> No.18383679

Im >>18383048 and i've been neeting for 5 years too. I sorta gave up after uni graduation years ago.

>> No.18383938

My sister is an actual angel. I never deserved her <3.

>> No.18383959

they are beating a dead horse. this board is too obsessed with /pol/shit, and it fucking needs to stop. it is not because i don't share people's opinions nor is it because i can't handle banter with the people whose opinions i don't share. it is because this is barring all possibility of fruitful and interesting discussion regarding /lit/. just like on /ic/ where every thread is AM I TOO OLD TO DRAW and DO YOU NEED TALENT, the same shit discussion has been going on for years. it is repetitive, tired and brings nothing to the table. am i the only anon here who actually values human communication, discussion and exchange? yes i do know this is not the best place for that, but i am very autistic so i like talking to people within anonymous online spaces kek. literally every day we talk about the exact same shit. i can't take it.

>> No.18383969

Am I too old to draw?

>> No.18383996

>I always thought incel stuff only "works" on people who are already thinking that way.

What that anon said. The post you linked starts off assuming a premise that is a false narrative as based fact. I certainly don't think sex is not important. And I think a lot of other people would agree with me. Listening to people who only state things you disagree with will only further push you into this incel mindframe.

Also the two people he is comparing are completely different. One is a mass murderer/terrorist and the other is some guy who wanted to violate a woman. Also looking at the time frame alone. Dudes were fingering passed out women behind dumpsters since dumpsters existed. It has been pushed to the forefront of pc issues in the US. So that will bring the attention of people who echo what only serves to confuse the incels.

>> No.18384085


>> No.18384127

that feel when you see yet another post by that one esl retard who always reddit spaces and uses the definite article wrong

>> No.18384162


>> No.18384168

what do you mean who, you want his full name or something?

>> No.18384173


>> No.18384176

kek i mean which post/posts are you referring to

>> No.18384177

What would you like to discuss?

>> No.18384181

if you know you know

>> No.18384189
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Discussing politics is impossible, the right is stupid, the left is stupid, those who say they aren't either are just as stupid, I disagree with everyone on "the other side" and disagree with 99% of everyone in my own side. Then you have those who throw it all out, saying it's all the same, to which I also disagree. They are not even properly defending what they claim to be defending. People are reactive, they can't see their own mistakes, they don't even want to look for these mistakes, it offends them to consider that, it makes them think it empowers the other side rather than give them a chance to make it better. They base their opinions on who they want to oppose more so than a genuine belief. They mix times and places as if they were all the same, they get triggered by simple words and then use their own words carelessly. If I made a good joke, a funny meme, a nice play of words that concluded the sky is red, people would start to believe it is red just because they liked my joke even if it made no sense as an argument. This shit makes me embarassed and lonely, people are debating flags, colors, names, memes, no one reads shit, it's all bullshit, all prejudice, all parrots.

I feel I'm in a field with more scarecrows than crops and the wind makes them agitated, bashing onto each other. They call it a war and claim to be winning.

>> No.18384225

Jfc you're probably samefagging

>> No.18384233
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>> No.18384248
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>tfw no californian gf

>> No.18384367

i hate it all

>> No.18384431

She said she got me...

>> No.18384436

aunque digan que onions
un bandolero donde voy

>> No.18384448
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I have the second vaccine in a week, the first one gave me weird mental symptoms intrusive homosexual fantasies (not kidding) so i'm very scared

>> No.18384497

It's happening

>> No.18384499

She lied to me....

>> No.18384519

It's ok

>> No.18384530

It's not I love her.....

>> No.18384535


>> No.18384543

ok slut, post bussy

>> No.18384552

She ignores me..

>> No.18384589


>> No.18384607

I can't stop thinking about embracing him and petting his head. Everything will be alright.

>> No.18384627

I'm not a goat you dumb bitch

>> No.18384634


>> No.18384639

Hmm same

>> No.18384641

I swear i'm not joking
My fantasies involve(d, they're subsiding now) clapping the cheeks of twinks/femboys, thankfully nothing about wanting to recieve

>> No.18384659
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>I understand that there is a conspiracy to emasculate men

>> No.18384668

She tricked me....

>> No.18384706
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>> No.18384713

She played me like a fool......

>> No.18384720

I've been in a relationship for 3 years and I'm starting to suspect that women have a very limited ability for introspection, are incapable to accurately evaluate people or circumstances and have an extremely narrow understanding of Justice (if they care about it at all)

>> No.18384722

>clapping the cheeks of twinks/femboys, thankfully nothing about wanting to recieve
absolutely based aristocratic dominant alpha chad

>> No.18384723



>> No.18384734

It just started to rain...

>> No.18384743

since you are projecting your three-years relationship on all people in general, i am going to conjecture you might also be incapable of accurately evaluating people/circumstances (well, like attracts like)

>> No.18384758

Gonna share a short story I just wrote.

A many colored land I saw but once, dimly

There, where the lanterns have yet to rust away, each held in hand for fear of the ancient dark.
there, where the grim sky’s grey countenance
is still seen by men who call it by many names;
“perun” “earth-shaker” and first-father,” there, where the Erl-King steals the child who remembers not the song;

“child, dear child, heed not the blast of the hunter’s call,
in the dead of the night, the old hunter awakes,
he lures each child like it was game, and each he takes,
be good dear child, he comes to those who make mistakes,
He lists to the storm, and arises in scorn,
He summons his hounds with his far-sounding horn,”
and this is what is taught to each child who is born.

there, in that land, where basil is twisted into cords as a crown and a Glyph of safe passage, each a token to cross the dark waters, there, each family see’s sundry virtues in inscribing blackest basalt with words passed down to them from father’s father to son’s son, and most excellent to them is the sight of the child sitting by the hearth, grim-faced and ash-handed.

For these children are scorched with the face of the flame, it is to them like the moth who, in his adoration, annihilates himself into the fire, their bliss is the bliss of the bee to clover, covered as with the dew and pollen of shining spring.

these children, they speak of things forgotten, the memories of men who have crossed the waters, in the days before the father’s of their fathers, each word, coming to them first dimly than dappled as if lighted by dawn, then to them cinder, the very sons of egni; the ancestor of ash, speak to them.

The Cinders cry out “ we are living flame yet light shall pass from us, we must decrease so a fire of another kind may increase, flame to ash, ash to fire of another kind, and this to, is a light, Come and anoint your hands within the hearth,then you will grasp a new Light”

and so are called the children to the hearth, turned grim-faced, light-living and ash-handed.

After the flame has blackened them with blessing, day after day, delicate little dots, points of purest green emerald are seen by the ash-handed, each leaf of emerald twisting their sight into a braid of light which covers their eyes, each eye inflamed and agleam with cataracts; as bright as a well-cut emerald.

Though blinded to the light of our laterns,
the light within their eye shows them the dark waters, a sea of purest glass, stained emerald green.


>> No.18384763

I'm sitting under the rain....

>> No.18384764

once their eyes have the depths of the ancient sea, Then, and only then, do the parents of the ash-branded child bring them before a tribunal to divine if they deserve blessings drawn from the book of Viridian letters, each page of which is said to be a song sung by the sylvan oracle, the sound of which carves spells upon trees and stone, the sound of which, grants the ash-handed a new-sight.

He is asked “If your soul be as bee to clover, if your eyes have the depth an ancient sea, if your shade be Dawn-dappled as with a flame, if even egni opens the mouths of his sons to you, answer us truthfully concerning these three questions.”

to us has been passed, however, only the second of the three questions, which I shall now supply in full;

“What’s here? “ to which he must reply “a dead babe in the fairy ring” having divined the answers, he is then wrapt about with new, white garments, laid down to rest before them, and they each begin to sing, and this is the song sang of them;

“More swift than lightning can he fly
About this airy welkin soon,
And, in a minute's space, descry
Each thing that's done below the moon.
There's not a hag
Or ghost shall wag,
Or cry, 'ware goblins! where he goes;
But changeling he,
Their feats will see
And return home with a ho, ho, ho!

Whene'er such wanderers he may meet,
As from their night-sports they trudge home,
With counterfeiting voice he may greet,
And call them on with him to roam:
Through woods, through lakes;
Through bogs, through brakes;
Or else, unseen, with them he goes,
All in the nick,
To play some trick,
And frolic it, with ho, ho, ho!

Sometimes he comes like a man,
Sometimes an ox, sometimes a hound;
And to a horse? he can!
To trip and trot about them round.
But if to ride
his back they stride,
More swift than wind away he’ll go,
O'er hedge and lands,
Through pools and ponds,
hurry! laughing! ho, ho, ho!”

at the end of their hymn, one comes about them, masked,his mask is the wood of an old oak, but his eyes, his eyes burn with the very same living fire, he snatches the child away, to baptize him, as with waters of an ancient sea, purest emerald.

and for a moment, the sea and the eye gains a lustre, as if the silver of the stream where shines the moon, as if the silver unstained and daven of a king, and upon the witching hour, hereturns the child upon the banks, and there he rests, just as a flame rests in ash, the waves of emerald in the deep, the light of dawn within the moon and the man as a child, and then he awakes.

>> No.18384771

Does anyone else sometimes feel like they wasted their childhood playing video games alone & reading? Sometimes it seems like I have no memories.

>> No.18384783

And you say she's the one incapable of introspection?

>> No.18384820

for real tho hold up dam man like what smmfh family on some real ish no cap

>> No.18384824

I can kind of see what you're getting at but I still think you're being too critical of it.
>you probably incapable of true love
That's a lot to read out of such a post, don't be too negative anon

>> No.18384825

fucking lol

>> No.18384829

Love blinded me....

>> No.18384842
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I just wish my mom and my dad will be there waiting for me when I die.

>> No.18384850

They will be.

>> No.18384852

We should've listened to Alex Jones
It's not based I was a normal guy before this now i'm a hypersexual coomer cooming to thought's of young men's assholes, I wish to go back.

>> No.18384867

thx anon, I know its sound silly but you made me feel better.

>> No.18384910

>now i'm a hypersexual coomer cooming to thought's of young men's assholes

that's pretty gay

>> No.18384920

she said it's the distance, but when i suggested that i move to her town, she had a panic attack. she's only a town away. it wouldn't have been a major change for me. but she said we don't know each other well enough. she said this even though we've been together for 3 months and have shared with fervor in almost all values i can think of. 3 months is a long time, isn't it?
i was spending whole weekends there. we made breakfast together, shared days and nights and secrets. the first day we met i told her i loved her. we had spent the entire day walking and talking with my dog, and as i was driving us to a place where we were going to hike, she confessed to me that she was developing strong feelings for me very quickly. the way she smiled... i had to pull over on the side of this dirt road with tears in my eyes and we hugged and kissed. and two farm dogs came up to the side of the truck, streaking their muddy paws it. we stayed there for a while, just talking. as i left her that night and i made the two hour drive home, i started crying and first realized that i love her. it was the most overwhelming sensation ive ever felt. i came to such a daze that i thought i might drive headlong into the dark pines flying past me. i called her and told her i was going to drop the dog off and come back and that i just wanted to lie with her for the night. and she told me that she had thought about protesting my leaving, but knew i had to take care of the dog: that she wanted me to come back. when i got there at 1am or so, we went to bed and i looked in her eyes and told her i love her. she said it would take more time for her to reciprocate, but she had never felt this way about someone before. it was all so cliche and pure. we held each other for the whole night.
i can't believe i lost this. it might actually kill me. when im not numb, i feel such an horrible terror. i thought i might have broken free of hell, of the modern relationships that ive experienced my whole life. but i wasnt worthy. i failed her. it's only been two weeks since the end, but i see no way back. i can't even imagine a message that might restore things. she says we can be friends, but i have no idea how we could make it work. everything feels hopeless, terrible. ive lost the most beautiful, pure thing ive held in my hands. how do you come back from that? i need her in my life. i am so weak.

>> No.18384929
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>> No.18384931

I know. Would like to go back to being straight but the vaccine scrambled my brain.
I think it's wearing off tho.

>> No.18384934

I feel like the people against me give a shit about what they gave a shit about more than I give a shit about it. I wish I could, but I dont find the computations for their interests to be aligned with mine. truck goes bbbrrrrrrrrr

>> No.18384936

I’m such a sperg. My coworker made a joke about her daughter not breaking an ankle in her prom dress so I responded with a joke about hoping the dress comes home in one piece too. She probably thinks I’m some creep now.

>> No.18384978

It sounds like silly lust and loneliness. Don't get too wrapped up with someone who's pushing you away and wasting your time. If she can't make up her mind, that's not good for you, anon.

>> No.18384990


here is your twink boii

>> No.18385089

Need to get off this site, but I know I won’t.

>> No.18385099


>> No.18385131
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>> No.18385208

just live your life

>> No.18385219

u can do anything u want

>> No.18385245

but i dont know what i want

>> No.18385270

Stop it
I need to heal

>> No.18385272

what you do is what you want and you will do it until you do something else

>> No.18385383
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Im stuck in a cycle of waking up, working in a boring factory job, going home to masturbate and binge-eating sandwiches and then playing dota 2 until i pass out for 2 years now. im constantly thinking about past mistakes and cringe heavily about it to the point where i will curse out loud when the thoughts become too much to bear. I used to train every day but now i dont train at all. And i cannot make myself do it either, i hate myself and im miserable. Having no goal nor purpose im just distracting myself with base pleasure and not getting anywhere in life, but even if i did have something like that it would probably not feel like its worth the effort after i i accomplish it. So i might as well keep doing what i do until i die....But thats not enough either... Nothing satisfies me

>> No.18385407

ay man thats real facts right there

>> No.18385496
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you're probably right. before all this i was even convinced you can't possibly love something that doesn't love you back. aristotle made a good case for this in the ethics. then i started reading de beauvoir while all this was going on, identifying with the "passionate man", reading goethe, listening to unrequited love songs. i feel like my brain has rotted from all this, or more likely that ive been retarded for a long time now.

>> No.18385508

If you don't mind, there is something unrelated to your post that I would like to ask. Given that you know a lot about esotericism and occultism, what do you think about conventional praying? I mean, praying to God for something. Does that in anyway influence natural phenomena? I remember C.G. Jung saying something related to it in Synchronicity but I'd like to know what you think.

>> No.18385514

What does de Beauvoir say about the "passionate man"? Do women dislike it?

>> No.18385580
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>mattress caves in in the middle after only 4 years of use
>keep using it for another 2 years
>be large guy (6'2 / 200lbs)
>back gets fucked up
>wake up in pain every single morning
>save up for new mattress
>after 2 years I decide to get a new one
>finally the pain will be over
>employee at the store shows me this new(ish) thing that's all the rage
>it's called a foam mattress
>seems cushy and soft
>"sir, this here mattress contours to the body for extra comfort"
>buy into the story
>first couple of nights go well, have a normal sleep after so much suffering
>slight back and hip pain a week in
>pain grows more intense
>notice how the fact that my whole body sinks in the mattress is actually bad for me, hips and spine aren't supported at all
>new kind of debilitating pain that makes the previous pain look like a joke
>wasted 700 to sleep on the couch
Why am I so retarded? I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.18385588

Amazon has become so expensive. Ebay is the way to go now.

>> No.18385634

this is the only good thread on /lit/.
also, put the 'write' back where it belongs, you stupid piece of shit

>> No.18385670

My lease is terminating and I’m probably going to quit my job or get fired soon. So I guess I’ll be moving in with my parents. I’m way too old to be unemployed and living at home so that’s embarrassing but I’ve given up on life.

>> No.18385681

I can sympathize. How old are you?

>> No.18385683

seems like the only way forward is to bite the bullet and sell the foam mattress for way less than you paid for it, then buy a good bed for real this time. if you live a long life you're gonna make mistakes that cost you way more than 3 digits. that doesn't make you retarded.

>> No.18385690

well spooked, my property

>> No.18385714
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OP here, I never use the "write", we aren't in the middle ages anymore, it's something for the eye.

"what's on your mind" is the way 2go, compact and modern. change is the keyword, you have to learn to keep up with the times.

>> No.18385721
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>> No.18385765


>> No.18385798

>im constantly thinking about past mistakes and cringe heavily about it to the point where i will curse out loud when the thoughts become too much to bear
I thought I was the only one who did that haha...

>> No.18385901

I have no idea what I’m willing to do for a job, let alone what I want to do for a job. All I know is I can’t keep doing this.

>> No.18385907

123 test 123 swag 123 crack 123 trap

>> No.18385959

when i read de beauvoir, i pictured and related to the passionate man through myshkin, werther, and guitarist robbie basho. the example she gives of mademoiselle de lespinasse was also moving and led me to read the madam's letters. it's essentially a person who dedicates themselves to one person or thing in a solitude of subjectivity. it's admirable and beautiful for de beauvoir in its pure, positive sense, e.g, in myshkin's selflessness or basho's autistic devotion to music. but it's abhorrent in its negative, e.g, in uxoricide, schizo projects, etc. though without a reciprocating, passionate spirit or someone sympathetic enough to that spirit, there is nothing but pain for the passionate man. but most women would find me repulsive if i were to confess my love to them on the first day we met. i felt a real kindred spirit in her. but now, with all these doubts...
anyway i think the passionate man has his charms. when youre always trying to unify with the spirt of the other, youre bound to have empathy and charm. you become delicate and easy. it's only through distance that the passionate turns towards it's negative face.

>> No.18386002
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>> No.18386006

walking around town in the evenings makes me feel so sad, seeing everyone out drinking, hanging out in groups or with their partner. I never had any of that and it feels like it's too late now

>> No.18386011
File: 59 KB, 794x960, omlfn0x664271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not watched porn or masturbated in four (4) days.

>> No.18386021

“You look like shit!” Fayn yelled at her after studying her face, “When did you last sleep? Or eat?”

Ragna shook herself free from Fayn’s grasp.

“Sleep? I don’t know, three days ago?” she said, annoyed, “What day is it? Who needs sleep anyway. I’ve finally managed to isolate the active ingredient in Yayo leaves, you know, the popular elven herb for stamina relief? It packs a punch, I tell ya! Makes you not need sleep or food at all! Here, try some!”

Ragna pulled out a small leather pouch wound with string from a coat pocket and tossed it to Aniki. Inside was a pure, white powder that glittered slightly in the moonlight.

“You can eat it, but it works better if you inhale it through your nostrils!” Ragna remarked, wiping the inside of one of the mugs with a corner of her coat. “I call it ‘Neverest’! You think it’ll sell?”

Aniki dipped a finger into the pouch and took a bit of the powder up to his nose. After inhaling, he raised his eyebrows, nodding slightly at Ragna in approval. Natty dipped his own finger into the pouch and put a bit of residue on the tip of his tongue.

“This is cocaine.” Natty stated.

“’Neverest’!” Ragna corrected him.

“Yeah, okay, listen, fantastic seeing you alive and, erh, ‘well’, Ragna, but you really need to stop taking this stuff and get a meal and some sleep. You look like a skeleton.” Natty said with care in his voice.

“But...” Ragna started.

“No buts!” Fayn yelled, angrier than Natty had ever seen her before. Fayn picked up Ragna by her coat and threw her over her shoulder, holding her tight so she couldn’t escape. “You’re coming with us to a tavern, and that’s final!”

Fayn stomped out of the room, Ragna complaining from the top of her lungs the entire way.

“My experiments! My books! My peaceful solitude! My ‘Neverest’! Noooo…” Her voice trailed off as Fayn walked down the corridor.

Natty leaped over a few piles and turned off the burner, checking the room for other open flames before heading out as well. Aniki pocketed the pouch and followed, closing the door to the laboratory behind him.

I've written 35k words so far of this ginormous shitpost for /fit/

>> No.18386038


cool song from the... butthole surfers

>> No.18386052

Thanks for sharing anon. I also relate to that, both in personal and professional sense. The funny thing is, I also had an experience similar to what you shared above. Everything was going great with her until I slowly started to show the depth of this passion, and then she cut contact, saying that it would be cruel to me if she didn't. I am only sad that I didn't keep up the nonchalant facade and therefore lost her. My "plan" is to wait a few months, or perhaps a year or two, and try contacting her again. Maybe she would forget forget by then. I realize this isn't a great plan but this is all I can do and hope for.

>> No.18386084

same here. iktfb

>> No.18386085
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>> No.18386105

I am a Christian, of course I believe in prayer, but prayer, like all of the faith, is dependent upon your relationship with God and the Will of God, a gift is inferior to the giver of the gift, so seek the one who gives us everything, God, and if you ask of him, you will be like a son who asks his father something, and in this way, if what you ask is right, he shall give it to you, and if what you ask is wrong, he shall not. And for this reason we should pray first for forgiveness, knowledge, understanding of his will, Wisdom and to only desire what he desires. Then we may pray for anything else. In my opinion this is best.

>> No.18386129 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18386155
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>> No.18386221

amazing shit my dude, truly inspirational

>> No.18386237


here is another one of this... twink...boy... twinky, twinky little star
how I wonder what you are...

>> No.18386249

You may have autism, anon

>> No.18386264

Thanks, I think this is a great answer. Also how do you think I could improve my relationship with God?

>> No.18386445
File: 111 KB, 500x539, 1622517339118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a nightmare where it was raining and all the books sitting on my desk got so wet from the rain drops that the simple task of opening them rendered them to pieces
God it was awful

>> No.18386454

Yeah... I know that feel. Like u can’t even comprehend what it’s like to have a social group or live the avg college lifestyle. Or like you are just an alien doomed to only ever observe.

>> No.18386481

and then u jumped the stairs? ...is that u on the pic?

>> No.18386498

Buildings are conduits for energy. They are imbued with souls that were embedded in the mortar. Plus it makes it extra sticky.

>> No.18386522

im really sorry to hear that. for both our sakes, i hope this world is not as despairing as it's made out to be in dostoevsky or on this site. i still feel like ive had a glimpse of something i didn't think was possible for me. but that sounds rough anon. im happy to hear that you have a plan though, as flimsy or thin as it might be. it sounds like it might turn out better, being flimsy like that. she sounds a little like my own oneitis, maybe a little 'pragmatic' and 'rational'. any grand gesture would surely turn her off.
im going to see myself if i can't meet her sometime in a few months. i havent messaged her since we ended things, and i figure ill give it a couple months too. i had bought her a book of monet before we both got busy with finals which id still like to give her. i do hope we can remain friends. i admire her ambitions in life (she has a fervent dedication to conservationalism due to upbringing), and she has health problems, is somewhat poor, etc.
but im rambling. i hope things work out for you anon. best of luck

>> No.18386537
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Just got banned on a twitch channel for posting "corona is a fake virus"

>> No.18386555

I don't understand why my brother acts the way he does. He says that he is a Christian, but in practice, he acts like a totally secular libertarian with no principles or values. He accepted a job taking photos for some kind of homosexual group because "money is money, it's not my problem what they do." This seems to be basically his whole attitude for everything. He has this totally libertarian, rationalist outlook where everything is just a transaction.
No wonder Christianity and traditional social conservatism is dying in this country when this is how people behave.

>> No.18386556


>> No.18386581

Coronas a fake beer!!!

>> No.18386595


>> No.18386706

do eccentric loners make poor protagonists?

>> No.18386728
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>> No.18386755 [DELETED] 
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"The power of a worldview does not prove itself through the answers it knows how to give, but through the questions it knows how to throttle."

Günther Anders: Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen

>> No.18386790
File: 20 KB, 723x96, Günther Anders Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The power of a worldview does not prove itself through the answers it knows how to give, but through the questions it knows how to throttle."

Günther Anders - Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen

>> No.18386827

Culture matters. This is not some tired cliche, it really is true. Culture matters, and it determines how people think and act, and how different civilizations interact with each other. Here's an example: I live in the Middle East. My neighbor married a divorced Kurdish woman who had a little kid. They lived together with his parents right next door in a four room apartment. So it was he, his wife, her kid, and his two parents, all in a single flat. How he felt no shame fucking his wife in the presence of his parents is beyond me (you can be damn sure that they heard everything, all the time). Now that's not the retarded part. His mom, incensed by the idea of her little baby boy marrying someone not of her own choosing (Arab mothers feel intense attachment to their male offspring, often treating them as something akin to surrogate lovers), kept harassing and tormenting the wife until she filed for divorce. Ten days after they were sperated, she arranged for her dear little boy to marry a girl of 16 from their hometown in the old country. He consummated the marriage, just to get back to the Kurdish woman without anyone knowing about it (polygamy is legal here). By the time the affair was exposed, he had already had a son by the Kurdish woman. The sixteen year old then filed for divorce and went back home. Now, the guy is just a low level menial laborer mind you, and he never had enough money to support one woman, let alone two, but he did it anyway, because in the Middle East there is no such thing as marrying when you're ready. You marry when you're biologically able to, financial considerations be damned.

Any Western person reading this would find this sort of behavior bizzare and irrational, but it's very commonplace in here. Now, if a race of people can manifest such stupid behavior in their daily lives, then you can only imagine what their political culture looks like.

>> No.18386874
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How immersive can your scenes get if you practice visualization? It would be sweet to be able to drop into a comfy room or something at a moment's notice.

>> No.18386899

Meanwhile in the west most males are incels until their thirties when a used up whore is tired of the carousel and decides to have him as her provider. Which do you like better?

>> No.18386904

She told me to check em’ and I noticed her two big beautiful dubs just hanging there. I whipped out my ragging hard cock and asked her “do you like Huey Lewis and the news?” as my member slid deep inside her. Her legs wrapping around me as she whispered in my ear “implying you can make me cum” which caused me to thrust faster and harder. Right before I bust I screamed “you will never be a woman!” The cum flooded into her womb and she commented on the warm release she felt inside and then said “you faggot”

>> No.18386912

To tell the truth, death separates us from bad things and not from good; and it was this thought that Hegesias of Cyrene developed with such eloquence that King Ptolemy had to forbid him from speaking about the matter in his lectures, because many of his pupils resolved to commit suicide after having heard him.

>> No.18386963
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oh shit is that some david rees ish? blast from the past!

>> No.18387001

My friend killed himself last week. He was a very demotivated person, told his whole life that he was a waste if space and he would achieve nothing
To all the anons out there who feel demotivated or nihilistic or unambitious about life, please read my experience and change yourself. Try to live life to the fullest.

I am a pajeet and in my country of you are bad at maths you are basically considered braindead and teachers can just go around insulting you to your face. I was like this and because of being bad plus being demotivated I dropped maths and science in the last two years of high-school.

Then went to uni to study psych, but had a kind of thirst in myself to study philosophy and maths and truly understand the beauty of them. I started studying everyday. I went fucking autistic, mental maths drills for multiple hours a day, completing fucking hungarian competition maths problems, soviet text books. Learnt to code and now I work in a good company in germany.

I earn well, i read everyday and I am earning more than my friends do with stem degrees. I am soon gonna leave the job and pursue higher studies in psychology(I love it) and freelance to earn well enough on the side.

You have no idea how much you can change yourself anon
You have no damn idea

Just work on anyfucking thing you can think of
Any fucking skill, try it for 1,000 hours at least. This is sufficient time to see if you have talent, or passion or not. Don't give up faggot

>> No.18387045

Can anyone post a blank comment

I lost my copypaste blank symbol for shitposting, and the ones on the web don't work

>> No.18387052

Blank comment

>> No.18387076

>Just work on anyfucking thing you can think of
>Any fucking skill
>Don't give up faggot


>> No.18387082

>He was a very demotivated person, told his whole life that he was a waste if space and he would achieve nothing
I know this feeling all to well.

>> No.18387102

I need to add more stress to my life so i can lose my mind and everyone has to feel bad for me and help me

>> No.18387103

I don't consider anyone's opinions on fiction, politics, art, cooking, and other people seriously other than a socially mandated polite "hm" if they can't physically best me in fight or if they're not my friend. Call me a child mentally, but it's done quite a bit for my state of mind.
This was pretty funny.

>> No.18387113


>> No.18387169

Can't relate, I'm stressmaxxing

>> No.18387174

Sorry for the late reply, but it is simple, study his word, pray, obey him in your life, consider him often, and if you feel it is needed, fast and fasting need not be just of food, give up any pleasure you so desire. In all things though, it is dependent on listening to god and trying to know god more fully, only study of the Bible and prayer and contemplation of god can give these things.

>> No.18387183

holy based

>> No.18387259


>> No.18387293
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>he's asking a "protestant" how to improve his relationship with God...

>> No.18387301

salam bro

>> No.18387309

stop being whiny, depressive cringe faggots

>> No.18387323

no lol
what are you gonna do about it

>> No.18387347
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the first day of summer wasn't great. I visited some friends because we had agreed to hang beforehand. I wasn't really in the mood, but I guess I still went cus we had agreed. They weren't really in the mood either. I thought we were getting close but now I don't, really. It's.. dumb. You go to hang one sub-optimal day and it's a pretty shitty hang and it sets the relationship back. If it does, I don't know. It wasn't great.

Other than that I'm into this idea that every man is the entire cosmos, human beings being functions within human beings, as are angels and so on. That the universe is a model of the soul and vice versa. I am getting more and more into a kind of disassociation, as I don't know where the sense of "I" fits into this cosmos. In other news I'm 30 and have been single for a long time and I realize now that you can probably tell by all the "deep" stuff that I'm spun into in my own head. Anyway, I suspect, like ibn Arabi, that we are all God, but that we are still responsible for the humans of the cosmos, perhaps as a king is responsible for his subjects. I can not go to hell, because I can not die, but I suspect the humans can and it is for me to tend to them. I can't tell if the purest religion is this kind of gnosis thing or if it's just being loving, since it is simply the truth that I am not human and that I have met what is commonly refered to as God and that I believe that we are all Him, and that seems like it should matter, but I am not a particularly loving person and that seems like it should matter more.

>> No.18387389

if you think this compares to that situation in the east, sudoku
this was engaging to read. perspective like this helps sooth my mind. unless youre in the east. well i guess i am in the middle east but im still pretty far away from that stuff.
bad trips. youre wasting your life with your attitude.

>> No.18387396
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I have been betrayed and disappointed. My own family has let me down.

>> No.18387418

>youre wasting your life with your attitude.
Nobody takes a stand for what is right anymore. Not even the smallest things. People won't even cancel netflix even though they have LITERAL pedo crap on there.
No one has any spine anymore.

>> No.18387445

I don't have to do anything... well I have to do do laundry on monday, and I probably gotta go shopping tomorrow, but other than that........ nothing................................... nothing. I should figure out some stuff to do with money though. I gotta administrate. The sooner the better. I don't have to rush it but sooner is better. holy fuck do I want to do nothing tho, but I gotta get on this.

>> No.18387493

u could play minesweeper

>> No.18387503

Illusions are as real as any thing, like apples. If illusions weren't real, there wouldn't be illusions because things that aren't real don't exist; like if apples weren't real, then apples wouldn't exist. We know illusions exist by observation, like how we know apples exist.

>> No.18387526

I wonder why Japan is dying out

>> No.18387538

Yes everyone knows that illusions exist and are therefore real. The point is that they are not what they appear to be. That is why they are illusions.

>> No.18387540

Never been as down in myself as I am right now. Every year it gets harder to be optimistic than the last.

>> No.18387563

You will not find hope in this world. Only in the Lord Jesus Christ.

>> No.18387574

I saw someone said illusions aren't real.

>> No.18387578

Who said that? I want names.

>> No.18387581

Joe Biden

>> No.18387599

Is this just wrapping up positive thinking in a chad armour?

>> No.18387635


>> No.18387649


>> No.18387655


this is what I think of you jesus

>> No.18387657

We need the monarchy to come back.

>> No.18387683
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>I will not find hope in this world. Only in the Lord Jesus Christ.
fixed that for ya bud

>> No.18387701
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I feel like a Brotherhood of Nod like religion (multinational, quasi-corporation, quasi-millitary) is the way of the future.
But where will it start?

>> No.18387770

I would rather die an incel than rape a tenth grader with my geriatric parents listening in, thank you very much.

>> No.18387791

There are 5 billion people on the internet. Most are just lurking, some are doing unimpressive things or doing stuff completely unrelated to your interests and those will never cross ways with you. However, a cute puppy video that is *just right* can reach several million views accross multiple platforms and be appreciated by almost every demographic. Impressive things get shared more, though that is not always good. For instance, a political event happends, out of 100 people talking about it with ordinary mild opinions, there must be at least 2 opposite idiots who, out of those 100 people, have the most extreme ridiculous opinion you could conceive. They are pushed by the other side as "look at how stupid they are", which makes us think everyone is just as stupid as them. The same occurs to everything else. Out there you'll find a bunch of people with regular bodies, regular jobs, regular lives. But out of those 5bi people there are those with just enough money, interest and spare time to dedicate their lives on doing stupid short videos about this one given subject and stand out in that one niche. And then you think "wow, how come there are *so many* people like this?", when in fact, even if it's 10 or a 100 people, they are not that many, they are just a droplet in an ocean of ordinary events. The effect of this is an increased general pressure to be within that droplet, to have ripped abs and know advanced parkour, solve rubiks cubes in seconds, be famous, get rich, graduate top of class, be a hit on the internet in some way, even if it means having the most stupid opinion on a subject. So we push each other into these places as if they could and would make us happier, when we all know that simply increases anxiety and takes us away from the small and unimpressive efforts we have to make in order to become a little healthier, or to complete a course. That is, to do stuff by starting from where we are now.

It's a pyramid scheme on the enjoyment of life.

>> No.18387864

I tell ya, if God wants to take me he will.

>> No.18387886

don't push Him. things can get unfathomably bad. I once told Him "well, send me to hell then" and so He did, and it is real.

>> No.18387971

They look crazed in this photograph.

>> No.18388002

Someone post an excerpt with improper dialogue tags so I can post "the image" again.

>> No.18388081

I hate shitposters so much.

>> No.18388100

>I put on music and pace around the room writing the atmosphere and characters in my mind
I talk to them and write dialogue,imagining the environment etc. The music helps
sometimes mahler can take me places where I had never went before, shubert tinkles the grime humor of my characters, irish folk adds a little fun while indian classical sets a tone so rhythmic and melodic that the dialogs seem to be dancing rather than be said by my characters.
I am not memeing and I know this sounds reddit but this has helped me get published

what a fag

>> No.18388136
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No but it made me want to kill myself seeing all the pages disintegrating in my hands

>> No.18388143

take your meds

>> No.18388173

Yet another day of drinking alone
Just found out that the bartender girl I usually talk to has a bf
Bought a belt on my way back home for some reason
I will try to watch Sátántangó now in one sitting now

>> No.18388204

don't drink out of resentment, drink with a positive thought

>> No.18388210

NEVER drink out of resentment*

>> No.18388213

Jesus, let no Linux user ever wonder why their operating systems aren't popular beyond a small niche. Every time I just want to do something simple like burn a CD or DL a manga reader, I run into some bullshit problem that takes 30+ minutes to solve. My software manager literally disappeared and when I tried to reinstall it, it gave me an error. This is so retarded, I'm just staying with Windows.

>> No.18388298

Is white privilege real?

>> No.18388314

tarot cards is some severe fag shit. i'm going to beat the shit out of my gf if she brings it up again.

>> No.18388322

Yes. Not constructed by society, but given by nature. It's a privilege to be white. To descend from philosophers, warriors, inventors, conquestors.
Blacks, indegenous and even some asians blame their misery on whites. Why? Because whites are the protagonists of this world, not only choosing their own destiny, but iflicting it on others.

>> No.18388326

Where do you get your data from?

>> No.18388351
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>> No.18388406


>> No.18388417


>> No.18388448

No it isn’t

>> No.18388472

this person is obviously possessed by a demon

>> No.18388532

"What's it like never to have loved?"
Pollyana asked me like that, in a direct way, a little cynical, even. I don't know if it was pity, curiosity or mockery. Possibly boredom. How does it feel to have never eaten caviar? What's it like never to overturn a Bentley? How does it feel to never rappel down a hill? How would i fucking know that?
I didn't think about these things at the time. I responded with a shy grunt and cringed, cowering. Jamie said it must be a good thing, as I would never have suffered about it. Anne argued that no, that it was horrible, because love is an assential part of life, and even suffering takes a roll in it. I don't remember what words were used or who else was sitting with us that day. They discussed the subject a little and, either because of my obvious embarrassment, or because they got bored with the subject itself (probably both), they changed the subject, focused on their work, and forgot about it in a matter of minutes. It's been 5 years, half a decade. I still remember. In a rudimentary way, a faded memory, almost pure imagination. It may have been a dream at this point. But I remember. I still don't have the answer.

>> No.18388580

Just living another day in paradise, so they say.

>> No.18388710

Redpill me on Protestants.

>> No.18388749


>> No.18388876

It's ok bro

>> No.18388940

dude i'm the same size as u and i was using air mattresses so that i could move easily, but they kept popping holes and killing my back by deflating overnight. i got this super thin mattress for like $150 on amazon which was all i could afford, thought it would suck, but it's so firm like a futon but mad light and easy to fold up and carry if i need to move. i have more cash now and i don't even consider "upgrading" it, it's so spartan and comfy.

>> No.18388964

Man, what if I just pretend to be a black female and get one of those black only publishing deals?

>> No.18388974

I've written 17,000 words this year but since it is philosophy I haven't actually written anything.

>> No.18388976

my mom is so annoying but i always visit to eat free food. idk why i do it to myself.

>> No.18388990

I wrote a song called oing bonk woop woop cheese wang dang bop bup boo

>> No.18388997


>> No.18389074

Have you never had a murder fantasy before? I have genocidal fantasies all the time and they're very elaborate. It's very relaxing, especially after a petty argument. Feels like taking an emotional shit when you're really angry.

>> No.18389143

My motivation wavers on completing it, but having spent basically all of the lockdown reading works of philosophy I consider it my way of exiting this stage of my life. Even if it sucks, I'll have a book at the end of it.

>> No.18389183

It's a tedious task to keep reminding people that they shouldn't make themselves smaller than they are.

What do you know about philosophy?
What do you really know, what is the truth content of philosophy?
Philosophy is there to ask the right questions.

In the course of life one acquires all sorts of things. What I am saying is that you are acquiring knowledge, you are only taking over what you have heard or read from someone else. (Far too fast and aggressive these days.) It's a dogma. Almost madness. A blind trust when you are honest with yourself.
Just because someone once said that philosophy no longer has any value / no more truthfulness, do you just adopt it? How do you really want to know what is right and wrong in the end? Don't give up so fast.
We really live in very strange times and I'm really excited to see where this will lead.
You wrote something, something shone through you, be happy about it, maybe you can learn something about yourself.

No, modern science is not final and cannot answer many questions, one must not forget that. If you blindly believe in science, then it's nothing more than a religion. The question is: truth or delusion? Modern science is a mechanical, monocausalistic structural skeleton. There something demonic in it. Of course it's groundbreaking and totally helpful too, but you shouldn't look at things with tunnel vision. There are other levels as well.

Mankind get closer and closer to the secret of being, until then you shouldn't rule anything out or limit your worldview. What you have written is not simply "nothing", but has a certain truth content, has a personal value, and others may want it too. Human potential is universal and inexhaustible.

stay positive bitch, sorry

>> No.18389265

The whole thing would have even more effect if I were to embellish it with examples of what science does not know and historical developments etc. / Where this science does not like to admit that it actually does not know. I noticed that this message "appears" less perplexing without pointing it out. But that would take too long because I would first have to search, sort and write everything down. But I know where to look, from someone who has been dealing with it for 50 years. Who invented the term mainstream science, so to speak.

Science is always associated with money, a lot of research money is invested in order to achieve results which are then disseminated in the media. What you can absorb about science through the media is only a miserable picture anyway. You don't learn anything from this, you only see what is claimed. You can see some models and pictures that you have absolutely no idea about and that have something special left out. So when someone asks, "Why should science keep something a secret?" Well, because it's so expensive and this whole modern worldview is based on it.

>> No.18389280

Next thread

>> No.18389299

Please end my suffering

>> No.18389394
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*twists your nose*

>> No.18389498

>design game mechanic
>figure out what plot beat performed repeatedly would best suit mechanic
>write story where plot beat repeatedly happens and only marginally progresses the overarching plot

>> No.18389542
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I've been lying awake in the dark for 3 hours thinking about books

>> No.18389911

Can you post the name of the mattress or even post the amazon link, thanks a lot anon

>> No.18389961

Got rejected again that means it's buzzcut and trenbolone time

>> No.18389977

One thing that has saved my life over and over again is that I'm just some fat guy from the mid-west. This saves me from the sin of getting out ahead of myself. I wish everyone could know this power.

>> No.18390284

> Critique my writing please, what could I do better, what am I missing, how do I improve?

I adjust the mirror and inspect my face. I had patches of blond facial hair that wouldn’t have looked out of place on a teenager. I patted my face with my palm and wiped the sweat from my brow as I pulled my hair back and put the helmet on. With a sigh I turned the mirror back to its original position and got on my bike. I put the key in the ignition and with one swift kick the engine turned over and started to purr. It was a small 50cc engine, but I didn’t mind since I usually never went far, and I was happy that I couldn’t really get up to speeds that would easily kill me. I turned the bike around and headed out into the street, joining the milling, controlled chaos of Cambodian traffic. Driving for a few meters on the wrong side of the road before a gap opened up and I could move over to the right side. The drive to the beach only took a maximum of a couple of minutes and as I got closer to the ocean the smell of dust and exhaust fumes was replaced by the smell of the fresh sea breeze. I turned off of the busy paved road and onto the uneven dirt road that went along the beach. expertly manoeuvring between the puddles still left from last night’s rain. I was used to weaving in and out between puddles, brown dogs camouflaged against the brown road, and groups of tourists lazily walking from one beach bar to the next.

>> No.18390285

That's pretty much everyone 10-30.