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/lit/ - Literature

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18348878 No.18348878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>blood meridian, catcher in the rye, don quixote, notes from the underground, moby dick, the republic, the canterbury tales,the tale of genji, the obscene bird of night and thus spoke zarathustra
/Lit/ /sci/ /c/ /fit/

>> No.18348927

You have to be 25 to post on this board, stupid zoomer

>> No.18348999

>that list
Yes, he is indeed 20

>> No.18349039
File: 10 KB, 152x225, dissatisfaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I include my name, date of birth, social security number and penis length?
In case you're wondering, it's a foot long.
Also fuck off glownigger

>> No.18349046


>> No.18349050
File: 146 KB, 1080x850, 9de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you on the Economics in One Lesson thread yesterday?

>> No.18349052

God I miss /fit/ so much. Its insufferable nowadays. Definitely the board that had the steepest drop in quality after 2016. Good thing about /lit/ is that its always been shit

>> No.18349059

/fit/ is pretty good these days. people are strong-minded and any attempt at demoralizing is BTFO.

>> No.18349110
File: 151 KB, 1024x806, haveyouseenthismutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is a fucking train wreck.
I came here for book recommendations and discussion, and by the Lord above I haven't encountered so many semi-intelligent,, arrogant cunts in my life.
Seriously, I'm someone that has active ties to a fucking university that has less of you pseud faggots running around shitting everything up.
I should visit /fit/ more. I need to get in shape...

>> No.18349117

>boards you frequent to
fuck off data miner bitch.

>> No.18349122

25+ includes women and all women are mentally 16 years old so it seems like an inconsistent rule.

>> No.18349139

>one life
>wastes it on "university"

>> No.18349151

Even if University is a meme, the life that comes with it is awesome. Only reason I am doing a Master's degree

>> No.18349160

>the life that comes with it is awesome.
Maybe if you enjoy masturbating.

>> No.18349167
File: 44 KB, 489x475, drake'soof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not in Uni right now. The person that is hates it and wishes they never took it in the first place, not least for the shitheads that seem to occupy it.

>> No.18349188

only your penis length please, and girth if possible.

>> No.18349201
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>> No.18349212

For those sick dubs, sure.
Foot long, with a girth of about 2.7 inches.

>> No.18349258
File: 22 KB, 348x300, B1CuUYSDspS._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last books I read were these. Yes really. AMA if you want.

I'm 25 and I mostly browse /v/.

>> No.18349261

Dude same! They're like my new favorite books now.

>> No.18349274

Nobody cares about any of this though and nobody asked

>> No.18349275

Thank you. You will be contacted shortly with a proposition.

>> No.18349276

Wait so your “active ties to a university” is that your a student? Lmao stfu newfag

>> No.18349294

Advice to anon:

You should read non western works... Otherwise you'll become just another npc

>> No.18349313

Who the fuck ramambers the exact last 10 books you read?

Also "notes from underground" is a short story or a novella at best.

>> No.18349314

>adding a pretty tree makes things prettier

>> No.18349388
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>> No.18349398

That cherry blossom definitely changed the composition of the environment. Something about that magical rare pink, like groups of fairies suckling on the sap of a honey oak.

>> No.18349418
File: 1.03 MB, 750x1334, 1621132193590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
