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File: 23 KB, 290x400, AVT_Julius-Evola_7444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18345213 No.18345213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Our plan: do absolutely nothing

>> No.18345223

Why is /lit/ obsessed with this cringey fascist? Is it a massive cope for the fact that Biden won the election?

>> No.18345224

This goes for the entirity of the left too.
>bro capitalism will collapse any day
>no I'm not gonna stop supporting capitalism, there's no ethical consumption dude

>> No.18345245

You don't get it dude. He's surfing the kali yuga! Its actually based!

>> No.18345251

Sometimes the winning move is to do nothing at all!

Think I read that somewhere haha

>> No.18345266
File: 3 KB, 125x87, 1538017121081s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Biden isn't also a cringe fascist

>> No.18345293
File: 90 KB, 750x751, 1562469094590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha glowniggers and leftists are seething. they want lots of right wing violence so they can justify their "evil white supremacist terrorist" narrative but no one is biting. stay mad, homo, I'll be spending the Kali Yuga reading /lit/, meditating, and banging cunny. enjoy eating bugs and cutting your cocks off ; )

>> No.18345341

>Haha the enemy expects us to do something, but we'll do nothing and let him win haha! We got him good!

>> No.18345347

Fat Marxist trannies are seething over getting refuted by Evola and Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.18345361
File: 69 KB, 1091x579, delirious promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lost in a world where aesthetics rule morlaity

>> No.18345394

>The enemy has underestimated our cowardice! We will do nothing and like that, he will win but won't be able to say that we are the bad guys! Owned haha

>> No.18345412

how is severing your penis and eating insects winning, exactly?

>> No.18345453

I am wondering if you are trying to provoke someone on this board to do something unwise. The enemy has guns, they have planes, they have bombs and they have nukes, and they would use all of that on their own citizens without a second thought. I think the best model to follow is MLK Jr. or Gandhi. Unless your violence is state-sanctioned (BLM, etc) it will only hurt your cause. Nonviolent protest is the best strategy.

>> No.18345505

God I wish

>> No.18345526

It's funny because on the other side the plan of "true" communists (left-communists) is also to do nothing.

>> No.18345541

>Still building the wall
>Still putting illegal immigrants in cages
>Increasing the pressure on China
>Has total control of mainstream media
>Screwing over the delusional lefties who voted for him (student loans, etc)
>Single-handedly ended the #MeToo movement
>Probably senile, still the most capable and authoritarian president in ages
History will remember Biden as the American Caesar.

>> No.18345547

I have read that he also said that don't have children or make a family.
How this is any different from defeatism and this >>18345526?

>> No.18345557

I'm not saying Evola was right or even close to being correct. But anyone advocating violence is a concern troll at best and literal entrapment at worst.

>> No.18345568

Howd he end metoo?

>> No.18345608

Remember that woman who accused him, and how we went from "believe all women, regardless of how bs it sounds" to "well...."? And think about it, when since then have you seen MeToo in the news or on mainstream websites? They killed it to smooth the way for Biden's ascension.

>> No.18345635


>> No.18345659

Based inaction chad. Action fags are disgusting.

>> No.18345695
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Ebola advised against having children because they would never be your children. Biologically yes but spiritually they would be adopted by the globohomo agenda and made a prop. True defeatism would be saying "just have kids anyways bro and raise them conservative!!" Doesn't work like that. As for commies yes they believe that communism is inevitable and capitalism will collapse blah blah blah. The problem is that there is no evidence to support this. If anything we've seen that capitalism is in fact inevitable -- in communist nations in the 20th century there were plenty of underground markets to address demand. On the contrary, we have observed instances throughout history of degenerate cultures collapsing and getting replaced by more conservative regimes.