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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 960x780, TIMESAND___rew2x3ff6245768ff5fAQ6hbbD555VV8ffff5fA3Qelhtd2km.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18340171 [Reply] [Original]

Someone on /x/ said that /lit/ was trying to formulate me in terms of memes. What you seem not to understand, /lit/, or possibly do understand and try to misrepresent, is that after they turned my friend into pic related, they also turned my life into that. You may not be able to see it because they were not strong enough to do pic related to my body but this what they have turned my life into. So, when you mock me, know that you do so at great risk to a price you will not be willing to pay. You know there are people in the world whom you should not mock and it is only your grievous error to think that I am not one of them. In fact, I am uniquely *the* most dangerous such person. As I said, however, you can't see it. What I am certain you can see is that some people should not be mocked and are mocked only at great peril. If you are so sure I am not one of those people, you should reevaluate your thinking. If /lit/'s IQ is really the highest of all the boards, perhaps you will see that you have nothing other than my enemies' voluminous lies on which to base such a wrong and stupid opinion.
>The Time Travel Interpretation of the Bible

>> No.18340178

ITT: A schizophrenic man raves into the void

>> No.18340184
File: 75 KB, 768x624, Tumor-with-eyes-and-teeth-768x624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally downloaded this image 10 minutes ago to shitpost in a bible thread, what the fuck?

>> No.18340189

>If /lit/'s IQ is really the highest of all the boards
Current /lit/ is just /tv/ but about books.

>> No.18340220

Pretty sure teratomas don't grow eyes, that seems way too fucking complex. And the one in pic rel is clearly a fake.
> tfw this grows in your balls.

>> No.18340235
File: 1.25 MB, 3400x3044, TIMESAND___QDRH762aFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am T.T.
Time Travel Interpretation

>> No.18340247
File: 3.19 MB, 3689x2457, TIMESAND___ZetaMedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't grow metal lip rings either.

>> No.18340250
File: 378 KB, 2467x1551, TIMESAND___logoLOGOlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18340280


>> No.18340318
File: 42 KB, 175x188, 1621484995614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks up teratoma tumor

>> No.18340358
File: 1.13 MB, 1020x561, TIMESAND___911mural.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Hillary Clinton calls a "nothing burger." It is also the basis for Meatwad on Aqua Teen Hunger Force and E.T. in the eponymous movie. It's also what my sister Helene is supposed to be looking at in this 9/11 mural.

>> No.18340390
File: 98 KB, 500x281, TIMESAND___45768ff5fAQeldhgbD555VV8fLLLLLfff5fA3Qelhtd2kme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E.T. in the eponymous movie

>> No.18340459

Unironically, I absolutely believe you. When I came down from a particularly heinous period of amphetamine abuse I got really into the Riemann hypothesis for a while and thought that I had found a novel proof for the zeta function, haha, good times.

>> No.18340511

I have a theory. I think I'm a teratoma.

>> No.18340516

pretty damn much

>> No.18340521
File: 443 KB, 910x2720, TIMESAND___X_sticky_basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.18340533
File: 1.67 MB, 1400x1138, TRINITY___HelenFFf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18340547

What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.18340601

What is your opinion on Israel?

>> No.18340620

I have no idea, but this dude is fucking hilarious. Thank god for the internet for letting us get insight into the minds of guys like this without having to expose ourselves to personal danger. This dude is using the Saw movies as justification for his delusional beliefs about a failed presidential candidate from 2016 and then ranting about Chris Chan showing up to their house in a disguise. Fucking awesome shit.

>> No.18340632


Do you want to talk about books, or not?

>> No.18340731
File: 250 KB, 300x450, TIMESAND___Cover_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it and its namesake Israel in the Bible is also called Satan.
The Time Travel Interpretation of the Bible

My pic book, then.

>> No.18340754

Oh, christfuckery.

Bible was written to instill moral and ethical code under the assumption we are all born equal.

All the fantasy and miracles are just bullshit to entice the weak of mind and reason to be good people.

That book probably sucks.

>> No.18340761
File: 131 KB, 866x1300, 65641923-portrait-of-quizzical-man-in-eyeglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about this Helene person.

>> No.18340791

The fuck is this?

>> No.18340806

The digital equivalent of that uncle your family doesn't talk about who shows up every few years and raves about UFOs and JFK for a few hours and ruins Thanksgiving before leaving to go back to his 'Cabin'.

>> No.18340814

>tumors can grow new eyes and teeth but modern smoothbrain medicine can't regrow lost teeth and eyes

>> No.18340826
File: 1.16 MB, 2014x996, TIMESAND___masks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HG just got fired from her GH CIA Director persona. She is called the Whore of Babylon in the Bible. She is the sister of the King of Babylon: me. The /hlg/ thread on /fit/ is not about "healthy living general." It's about Helene Leah Gutfreund. She was born on the day of Elizabeth's Windsor's coronation (after having already been queen for a year) because they wanted to wait for Elizabeth to stop being pregnant before they snapped the coronation photos where you can see her HUGE breasts indicate recent childbirth. This is the reason why "Gina Haspel" go assigned as CIA station chief in London twice when that is unheard of to have a station chief assignent more than once: the Queen of the UK is our mother. Her Hebrew name "Chaya Leah" is probably one she got because it sounds like "Hitler," our paternal grandfather.

>> No.18340835
File: 536 KB, 545x670, TRINITY___Grandparents+Romanovs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our paternal grandmother: Anastasia.

>> No.18340838

He leaves in the same cabin. It’s a 1974 GMC g-30- you’re jealous of his sick ride, but not his mentality.

You feel bad for your uncle, he has all the freedom anyone could ever want. Yet he squanders his mind around meaningless bullshit.

>> No.18340841
File: 122 KB, 774x500, TIMESAND___rew2x3g24cgmiuybvcxwswxfdrfrf55tfgggg762gv6vSAAQeld16fteit762kme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GH CIA Director persona.

>> No.18340860
File: 197 KB, 1200x1018, BFB4C33F-A384-4850-B1A9-96CA19825CC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the real men that run our country. Yes, some of them are Freemasons.

>> No.18340869

Would your name happen to be Solomon by chance?

>> No.18340880
File: 59 KB, 512x368, nein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18340894

any cool events happen in your life's narrative since the "saying nigger at publix" part? I haven't been keeping up on you lately

>> No.18340897
File: 473 KB, 1536x2048, F121917B-634B-4900-AD82-C99E4F5F232C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boss caught me on /lit/ at work again. He has now upped to monitoring my screen the full 7 hours I am there. He requested virtual access to my machine, to ‘synergize.’ Now that he has it, every so often when I am in the middle of work-- or worse, when I have stood up to go to the bathroom or to stretch my legs, I come back to find a full plate of /handsome men/ threads opened on my desktop for the entire office to see. He knows I cannot ‘x’ these out, not with my union status still pending thanks to the virus (if I so much as acknowledge/interact with NSFW content this can be used against me and I can be terminated). I hold my power button down at the close of play to avoid them. Sometimes he visits my workstation at the exact moment I return just to ask me why I’m sweating and if I need the fans on in winter or to comment on how I’m one ‘naturally sweaty dude’. He says a lot of coded language about ‘real red men’ and ‘bluebois’; he claims Cherokee blood so it doesn’t raise any concerns with our Human Resources colleagues. He only started claiming this ancestry after he found me browsing on the cameras that first day. He’s made it known, in not so many words, that he doesn’t like blue boards and blue boarders; ‘we need to cut down on bluespeak,’ he says. Everyone else is out of the loop on what he really means. Sometimes he hides behind the formica plant to watch my reaction. My only solace, my phone, still has to connect to the office network. I’m posting from it now. Last week he referred to me as 'a blue meanie' because he thought I was a /mu/ poster; the cameras arent high enough resolution for him to make out the board letters. But now that he knows it is /lit/, he has started to call me Beauregarde. He says we need to touch base moving forward and find a nickname that’ll be a win/win for the both of us. All I know is that he has power over me

>> No.18340900
File: 48 KB, 400x400, 5EA70323-B294-4FD0-BA29-8E66AC59A71F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god bro

>> No.18340904

As if that is a meaningful argument against God :3

>> No.18340912

Don’t ever quit your job anon, no matter how unbearable it may become: Be thankful that you are employed by another anon.


>> No.18340923
File: 342 KB, 1600x1244, TIMESAND___8DJ17SBXKGOwe29C1NdfPiyt230QXPV6G5ONMCB36E9Bkat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this famous picture from WWII, the guy where you can only see his butt was originally misidentified in the war reporting. The man's real name was Harlan something. I read about this in the book Flags of our Fathers. After he was misreported, Harlan's mother saw the blurry picture of her son's butt and she immediately knew it was him and that the reporting was wrong. Everyone told her she was crazy but she insisted that she knew her own son and in the end she was vindicated. When I watch this video,
I know I am looking at Helene who I spent my childhood with. She told me she is my mother but I think she is my sister and and Elizabeth Windsor is my mother and hers. Helene has very wide hips which give her a unique gait. Furthermore, Helene has this creepy saunter thing that she likes to do and this is it in this Blank Soup Room video. That is Helene on the left, 100%. I can see her gait there and her meme saunter. Indeed, throughout my whole life when Helene has been about to begin tormenting me with her obnoxious bullshit, she always says, "Let the fun begin." For this reason, Jigsaw's slogan in Saw was, "Let the games begin."

One time some weirdo, probably Chris Chan, contacted me on Facebook pretending to be this girl I knew in high school who was DTF. I invited her over and we went out to eat. In the restaurant, the person I was with kept pointing to one of the TVs saying, "Look! It's that Japanese Gameshow!" I had never seen it and I was not interested in it. It was some montage of little chimera toy vehicles and the pace of it reminded me of the intro and theme song to the industrial manufacture show How It's Made which I like very much. After about the fifth time that person said, "Look! It's that Japanese Gameshow!," I noticed that all the little chimera toy vehicles in the montage were made from the toys I left at Helene's house when her ex-husband, "Dad," got custody of me in 1992. There was that green Lego baseplate, those treaded Lego tires, some stackable motors from some non-Lego toy cars I had, a screw-to-wire electrical connector I had taken from Dad's electronics set, my one steel marble, and probably some other things which escape my memory now.

>> No.18340926
File: 310 KB, 952x1400, TIMESAND___66c5v1c5v1762c5f25418974b67rfpmlpKIKESji5v16iq5j21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18340928

Mother stands up from the table and slinks out of the dining room, your eyes follow her even as all the grown-ups are arguing with the strange loud man you don't recognize. A moment later you are peeking around the corner into the living room to see her pulling something from her purse, a pack of cigarettes and her wallet. She sighs as she pulls out forty dollars and slips them into the pocket of the stained leather jacket lying where it was tossed on the family sofa. The family cat has taken an interest in the discarded article of clothing and she swats at it in frustration, you've never seen your mother like this before. She looks tired and stares out the window as she lights a smoke and finally notices you've been watching the whole time. It will be years before you're mature enough to understand her troubled relationship with her younger brother; now she is yelling at you to go to your room. You back away and spend the rest of the evening sitting at the top of the stairs, listening to the yelling and arguments below.

>> No.18340934

My name is Jon. Solomon was the name of the man Helene told me was her father. He's in the top left here:>>18340835

>> No.18340957
File: 756 KB, 305x294, TIMESAND___MEMELOGO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18340963

From the top of the stairs you can only hear bits and pieces, fragments. From what you make out: Your Uncle needs gas money and mom is mad that he came down from Christmas without a dime, as always. He pleads with your mother to be understanding of his cause, but she assures him that she’s heard it all before, one too many times. You don’t understand- you’re uncle is one of the most interesting and knowledgeable people you’ve ever met. How can your mother just kick him out with nothing but a mere 40 bucks?

>> No.18340965

I am unable to visit that website, Jon. Could you please explain it to me?

>> No.18340978
File: 425 KB, 2816x1704, TIMESAND___2occatlnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my blog and it hosts the pic related archive of my previous blog too.

>> No.18340996

crazy how you're still out there doing your thing and I'm still out here doing my thing. like 3 years ago I saw your threads and everything is just the same, I mean some life events happened and since political events happened but you as an individual haven't changed and neither have I and neither has anyone else I run into. people really don't change, they just keep doing their thing

>> No.18341003


Said the uncle to your mother.

>> No.18341023

Your dad has had enough, he takes his plate from the table and marches up the steps, almost tripping over you as he reaches the top.

"Whoa there champ, what are you doing there?" He looks back over his shoulder and realizes that you've been listening the whole time, "Come on, bud, this isn't a conversation for kids."

You plead for a bit, but eventually find yourself in his study, sitting in his lap while he rubs the top of your hair. It smells like smoke and liquor in here and you're excited because you usually aren't allowed in his little sanctuary; little more than walk-in closet with a chair and desk.

He lets out a breath and begins to explain, "You know how sometimes you get sick, like when you got the flu last year and we had to take you to the hospital?"

You nod.

"Well, sometimes people get sick in other ways. It's...hard to explain, but your uncle is...sick in his brain." He stops for a moment and looks wistfully at the cooling plate of food he brought with him, a small grimace crosses his lips, "And, well, he needs help and we want to help him, but sometimes when people are sick they don't want help, you know what I mean?"

You stare at him, he realizes you don't quite understand.

"It's like when you or I get sick and we have to take medicine, but we don't want to, except it's...a little different." He seems tense as he explains this, almost like he is saying something he shouldn't, "Maybe you're too young to understand these things, but just know that we all love him."

He smiles and ruffles your hair again, but you can see the sadness in his eyes.

>> No.18341025
File: 566 KB, 600x510, TIMESAND___j8ssssssh6h3dgYGyG67d5g7gw8hikKKKj8JiuHyHYgyphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you honestly can visit it, I'd say that probably has something to do with 15 through 22 here in pic rel.

>> No.18341037
File: 650 KB, 900x749, TRINITY___762prophecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people really don't change
Maybe about ten years ago, I was talking with Based Jiu Jitsu guy about Israel. He said, "Just nuke it!" I said, "Man! Come on! I have cousins or something that live there." Ten years later I say, "Fuck yeah, kill them all."