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/lit/ - Literature

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18317426 No.18317426 [Reply] [Original]

since schizophrenia seems to be the most /lit/ mental illness, what are the best schizo books?

>> No.18317432

Shut up

>> No.18317434

The Dialectic of Sex by Shulamith Firestone

>> No.18317437
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>> No.18317440

My diary desu

>> No.18317450

Good recommendation.
Theres a book called Schizo Culture that's an anthology based off an event that organized in real life Burroughs Deleuze Foucault and others, it's big and thick, I stole it from Powells. Maybe looking that up will give you more info on related authors. I'd recommend Laing and Tiqqun as well.

>> No.18317460

i think david mitchell might secretly have schizophrenia, but i may be reading into things too much. maybe he just got the symptoms under control

>> No.18317479
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>> No.18317481

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18317488
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>> No.18317491

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.18317495


>> No.18317501
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>> No.18317568

A Thousands Plateaus

>> No.18317572


>> No.18317617

neuromancer,VALIS,altered carbon,mona lisa overdriveand altered carbon

>> No.18317724

from peep show?

>> No.18317732

Fanged Noumena lol

>> No.18317738

Actually melancholia is the most /lit/ mental illness

>> No.18317760

uhhhh, yeah, it would be if it were still the 19th century bro

gtfo out of here with that Shelley shit

>> No.18317768

It’s video game addiction actually.

>> No.18317773

I thought it was gender dysphoria

>> No.18317795

I use to have an art book with works by institutionalised schizos the name of which eludes me at the moment. It was interesting.

>> No.18317798

No, gender dysphoria is the gamer addiction. Depression is /lit/ by far

>> No.18317816
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>> No.18317822
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Depression is just discount bipolar disorder
get cucked

>> No.18317837

Naked Lunch

>> No.18317877


>> No.18317929

I work on a psych ward and schizofrenia is not lit. Neuroticism is tho

>> No.18318092

Call of the Crocodile by F. Gardner.

>> No.18318254

What do you do there? You an orderly? You fucking illuminati bastard.

>> No.18318280

Even the best schizo literature can't top the unfiltered insanity that is 4chan. I've been through this site for many years, and I don't think anything can top Kek, Qanon and /x/ schizo posts.

All the legit crazies are here, no need to read a book about it.

>> No.18318318

Why do you force people into rooms and make them stare at walls, how do you know when they image you want them to see fully appears before you make them lie down and force them to stare until they see another one.

>> No.18318324

this desu

>> No.18318377

Honestly, this post is pretty spot on. Every board has stories to tell, /v/ had a dolphin fucker and a "cyberpunk leak" which was a folder full of dolphin porn.
/b/ had everything ranging from murderers, skull fuckers, rapists
/pol/ had HWNDU, Qanon and so on

>> No.18318451
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Do you work in the female ward

>> No.18318459

My favorite was the illuminati card game, Antarctica, space nazis, and hollow earth

>> No.18318477
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This is all new faggots know about when it comes to 4chan schizo shit

>> No.18318502

Tell me more senpai

>> No.18318591


I actually know more , but I don't want to traumatize anyone. Because they are going to inevitably going to look it up.

>> No.18318635

Tell us more don't be a piece of shit. You're not going to traumatize anyone.

>> No.18318651

the big book of investing too deeply into conspiracy theories without grounded logical principles will destabilize your mind

>> No.18318658

the writer or the actor?

>> No.18318671

Not a book but the essays of Miles Mathis are top schizo material
Would not recommend reading, it fucked me up basically because of >>18318651

>> No.18318715

I'm a doc

Each psychotic episodes makes you dumber. The paranoia and the connections you see during a psychotic episode are meaningless. Antipscyhotics are the only cure and antipsychotics have terrible side effects. An average schizophrenic lives 20 to 30 years shorter

>> No.18318726

I've already been destabilized before man. At this point, I find them interesting and incorporate them into my writing. Imo, peoples approach to conspiracies, should be, who gives a shit and what are you going to do about it? Not a goddamn thing, they do exist but what the fuck can you do? If you can do something, then do it, if not, stop shaking in your fucking boots. So, share or youre a poser. Which is weird, why be a poser on the internet.

>> No.18318771

I can kind of see what you mean. There were a bunch of retards when I went in there. I could tell I did not belong. What happened to me in there was strange. I was making retarded connections before hand but then I went to the bathroom and rolled around in my own shit because a voice in my head told me too. After that, it felt like my mind was glued back together. A doctor was sitting in a chair and I prostrated myself in front of her and crawled to her feet and she kicked me away. It was fucking weird. They then sat me down in a room and had me stare at a fucking wall without blinking until I saw an image. They made me lie down and stare at another wall without blinking until I saw another image appaear and after that the same voice as before told me to struggle and they tranq'd me. Next day, I was more of less normal and I bullshitted them and was released.

>> No.18318784

The reply is this one. Haven't been back since. I don't think I have Schizo. If I do, it's very mild and only pops up under extreme distress and it's none of that panic paranoia. It's more of a, "stop being a little bitch, let's get this done or get over this hurdle," type of dissociation.

>> No.18318787

This guy is just the average poltard who sees Jews everywhere

>> No.18318810

I can see how you think they make you dumber. It all seems very disoriented to someone on the outside of it. Inside that person's head is clarity though and a wildly different perspective that can lead to incredible insights. It does just seem like retardation to most people though.

>> No.18318824

I am a Psychologist and can tell you ADHD and or Autism is the most prevalent here.

>> No.18318832

Yikes, psychology.

>> No.18318842

What do you do?

>> No.18318856

Construction for 15 years, now landlord.

>> No.18318871

Good for you. Still, 4chan in your fourties, yikes.

>> No.18318874

your diary

>> No.18318877

4chan at all? Yikes.

>> No.18318883

In all seriousness though anon. I didn't mean to offend you. I come here because I like to read, even though, sometimes it gets in the way of my reading. Really glad this place exists and that people still read.

>> No.18318905

The diary of Vaslav Ninjinsky. He was some kind of Russian dancer. He goes insane and he wrote shit in a journal while it was happening. It was recently published. You might actually like it. Check it out.

>> No.18318961

Very good, i'll let you off.

>> No.18318977

Thanks desu.

>> No.18319052

Dude I am not going to read your book.

>> No.18319070

The fuck is this?

>> No.18319100
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About some dude who thinks hes the son of god and can talk to him. Guys kool tho

>> No.18319111
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we're on /lit/ you morons

>> No.18319151

>sees Jews everywhere
this is true though. and boring as fuck. not schizo stuff.

>> No.18319159

He's more advanced than that. For example, he argues that Hitler and the Nazis were all gay Jewish actors, and WW2 itself was a grand psyop.

>> No.18319216

Goddamn. I can see that. Israel wouldn't exist if it wasn't for WW2.

>> No.18319251
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>60+ posts and no one has mentioned the Exegesis of Philip K. Dick

>> No.18319276

900 pages of what? Have you read any of it?

>> No.18319305

Kabbalic Tree of Life, maybe?

>> No.18319345

Yeah but is that a book with it on there?

>> No.18319356

I have never heard of the book so I can't comment, but if you had me at gunpoint I would have to assume it plays a part in whatever the fuck is going on there.

>> No.18319436

The crying of lot 49.

>> No.18319440


>> No.18319490

^ this but draw your own conclusions.

>> No.18319501

why would you read this shit?

>> No.18319566

Schizos cant even write a coherent sentence you worthless Wojakshitter.
Schizophrenia is a /g/ illness, /lit/ is for cluster B personality disorders and it shows.

>> No.18319628
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>Schizotypal personality disorder (STPD), also known as schizotypal disorder, is a personality disorder characterized by thought disorder, paranoia, a characteristic form of social anxiety, derealization, transient psychosis, and unconventional beliefs. People with this disorder feel pronounced discomfort when forming and maintaining social connections with other people, primarily due to the belief other people harbour negative thoughts and views about them. Peculiar speech mannerisms and socially unexpected modes of dress are also characteristic. Schizotypal people may react oddly in conversations, not respond, or talk to themselves.[1] They frequently interpret situations as being strange or having unusual meaning for them; paranormal and superstitious beliefs are common. Schizotypal people usually disagree with the suggestion their thoughts and behaviour are a 'disorder', and seek medical attention for depression or anxiety instead.[2] Schizotypal personality disorder occurs in approximately 3% of the general population and is more common in males.[3]

>> No.18320154


>> No.18320170

>since schizophrenia seems to be the most /lit/ mental illness
Have you been to /tv/. /lit/ and /fa/ are more BPD or narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.18320225

First good use I've seen, kudos and kill yourself

>> No.18320270


>> No.18320299
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Oh wow, you've spent a significantly longer period of time on an autistic diesel sniffing forum. Enough to have a mental catalogue of significant events?

I bet that other guy feels really inferior now.

>> No.18320327
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Damn this guy knows the whole Chris Chan timeline fuck I wish I was him

>> No.18320525

Israel came into existence with the Balfour Declaration. The formal recognition of statehood by the UN is extraneous

>> No.18320534

Depression is a disease of bored rich kids.
Throw them on the street and they'll be cured in five minutes.

>> No.18320544

Google Nick Land

>> No.18320559

I know depressed poorfags

>> No.18320586

To answer you, Don quizote.
On an unrelated note, I'm happy I am sane and not one of the freaks here.

>> No.18320587

those are just losers, take them out with the trash

>> No.18321288

This. Haunting.

>> No.18321296
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I believe I'm going glad again

>> No.18321313

ooooooo i have really special thoughts lol im special haha things talk to me lmao special voices XD

>> No.18321591

If the Holocaust had not happened, would Israel exist?

>> No.18321613

is there an archive of those funny schizo rant posts that were posted on this board semi frequently? i miss those

>> No.18321692

The obscene bird of night by Jose Donoso

>> No.18321717

I think what you are forgetting is the the hot neuroinflammation associated with psychosis. Bits of brain are killed off. Being chronically schizophrenic is not like being on psychedelics, because your brain is being progressively damaged as the disease runs rampant. What you guys imagine from schizophrenia can be better achieved with psychedelics. Schizophrenia is a miserable disease that lowers the IQ and generates a few well trodden grooves of thought, rather than being a festival of new and exciting connections.

>> No.18321780

>Exegesis of Philip K. Dick
I had a crazy roommate who gifted me this book and then took it back when we all moved. She tried to fuck me at least 3 times a week and banged a couple of the other roommate's friends (my friends all shot her down and made fun of her). One of them actually tried to brag about fucking her in front of me, I made fun of him because she was a fat/disgusting headcase.

She used to get dressed up every day, wearing elbow-length gloves and expensive silk/lace dresses (always all back everything). We figured she was going to work or something but it turned out she'd just go to a drugstore around the corner and read the magazines for hours. She was NEET and had rich parents.

>> No.18321785

Unironically? My novel about a psychic detective trying to fight a cabal of Literature Professors gone bad.
t. Schizo

>> No.18321790

I'm poor and depressed, what now atheist?

>> No.18321964
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This one is truly downright bizarre.

>> No.18322018


>> No.18322794

Is F. Gardner the "you'll cowards dont even smoke crack" of the literary world?

>> No.18323259

Yes. Britain took over palestein after the collapse of the ottoman empire with the intention of creating a jewish state

>> No.18323818

I stopped reading books after I read the Quran.

>> No.18323842

Angry you got memed into reading the worst book too?
Read like a term paper started during finals week.

>> No.18323874

I don't know what the Quran is.

>> No.18324476

Oh really? This is interesting. Thank you anon for your insights. I'll look into this more closely. Fucking dirty anglos at it again. They really are the servants of the jews.

>> No.18324494

Well, what I experienced was I think, psychosis from LSD. I took the LSD a month before I had the psychosis. But I spiraled for about a month and honestly, I still have a lot of magical thinking. I dont really believe anything is "real". It's fine though, I also don't believe I'm special. I have paranoia but I also don't care because I am being monitored it doesn't matter.

>> No.18324499

If I*

>> No.18325056

Look up the Balfour Declaration. Jews had been migrating to Palestine for decades before 1948

>> No.18325082

There's a new skitzo essay out 110k words

>> No.18326036

It's fine if they migrate there, who gave the UK a right to establish a country for them? And thanks, I'll into it anon.

>> No.18326045

Literally Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.18326264

The UK took that right unto itself. To the victors go the spoils. Its also the reason conservitards claim Palestine doesn't exist. The state of Palestine was an administrative region of the Ottoman Empire and then became a British mandate prior to UN's recognition of Israel. So using some retarded contemporary notions of nationhood and statehood, lack of historical context,and straight up dishonesty they claim Palestine isn't real. Its sick the games they play

>> No.18326539

So, was I right? Did they use the Holocaust a way to muscle Israel into existence? ITT does Jews control the West. Why else would the Anglo fuck itself like that? As the Anglo was to everyone else what the Jews are to them now. I actually like Jews. Non-zionist Jews.

>> No.18326544

it is one of my favorite novels desu, beautiful to see intermingling cultures in our globalized world.

>> No.18326554
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>> No.18327147

The black books are infinitely crazier

>> No.18327240

>Clearly hasn't read the book
>Clearly is 16

>> No.18327252

None of the other answers even compare to this, to be brutally honest. I read it after reading the sample. All of the books in this thread COMBINED do not compare to how strange this book gets. It starts off as kind of a typical haunted house kind of plot. But goes off the rails in the weirdest possible direction.

>> No.18327342
File: 942 KB, 999x3158, suicide note condensed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to read 'Suicide Note' by Mitchell Heisman and share it with as many people as you can. It is the best explanation of the Jewish problem ever written.

Here's the link to the text:
(Read pp. 32 - 625)

TL;DR: https://www.scribd.com/document/198985140/Mitchell-Heisman-s-suicide-note-overview

Alternatively you can listen to it while gaming: https://youtu.be/BiMZi5P7WJA
The only way to usurp the Jews is to breed profoundly intelligent(175+ IQ) Whites:

>> No.18327407
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These are texts written by schizos or orbitting around them:
Louis Wolfson
Robert Walser's micro-writings
Quignard's essays
Schreber's diaries
Antonin Artaud
Gutenberg Galaxy
Joyce's Ulysses, moreso FW
Religious, Mystical, and Occult literature
the Zohar
Magical realists
the French
Mentioned before: Jung's diaries, PKD Exegesis, Cyclopedia, CCRU, D&G

>> No.18328349

This is mostly because of the twist. It’s cool but it doesn’t come till halfway through. Call of the Crocodile is alright. Arcade is the better of the two as others on this board have already pointed out.

>> No.18328388

Shit up.

>> No.18328439

What's the twist?

>> No.18328752
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Urbanomics in general has a lot of schizo material, for better or for worse

>> No.18328762

schizophrenia is an invention of an industry based around harvesting those exterior to the factory line of human life - people with schizophrenia are able to commune directly with higher enery entities plus have a greater understanding of human connections, the problem is it fries the human mind with overwhelming power