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/lit/ - Literature

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18305401 No.18305401 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this place suck so fucking hard. Why are there never any decent threads actually discussing a literary topic that isn't beaten half to death already and filled with uninformed brainlets? Why has nobody an original opinion or interest, why doesn't anybody here actually read?

>> No.18305413

What's the incentive to post quality?

>> No.18305432

a genuine interest that drives a person to want to discuss and share things about a topic they care about. The sad thing is most people here couldn't even be paid and speak intelligently.

>> No.18305481
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It's impossible in Anonymous forums and impossible in reddit-like forums where popularity is rewarded with upvotes and whatnot. You need to find actual friends in real life or become an academic in a not so prestigious school (prestigious schools breed people whose optimization function is geared towards acquiring more prestige).

>> No.18305508

Why not make a quality thread instead of bitching?
You are part of the problem.

>> No.18305539

To be fair there are never more than three on topic threads at any given time. The past few months have been an extreme drop in quality with what was already mostly shit.

>> No.18305547

There was this point in internet culture where it stopped being about finding cool stuff or making cool stuff and instead became about routine and consumption whether that's through discussion or whatever

You can't find the flavor of internet you're looking for because it's extinct. The internet has been gentrified into a mostly empty shopping mall.

It's been dead and gone for a very long time. I'm sorry OP

>> No.18305957
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Sorry, haven't been posting much recently haha...

>> No.18305972

stop bitching faggot

>> No.18305990

Hey guys, haven't posted for a while. I used to be a regular up to a couple years ago and I wonder why you're all still here. Even Guenon spam and weekly NGE threads were better than whatever shit is currently in the catalog. Old /lit/, where people legitimately thought that posts were written by Pynchon, will never come back. We'll never get another thread on the level of the nigger novel or Catgirl Misaki the Vampire Hunter. Accept it

>> No.18305995

Reddit killed forums and I'm still mad.

>> No.18306006

idk, we had that "2000 pages of dragon porn thread" somewhat recently

>> No.18306024

be the change you want to see, anon.

as for myself... well... heh...
*clears throat*

>> No.18306029

Welcome to 4channel.

>> No.18306041
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Where I grew up we had a Sunday markets inside this old warehouse and there was a bean bag seller and a tropical fish seller and this sort of feral hippy shop that sold beaded curtains, incense, and candles and would sell those Indian cigarettes called beedis to us children.

>> No.18306052
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There was a great thread about Hegel, Husserl and Heidegger about a month ago? Stayed up for a bit less than a week, had good content. The OP was supposed to restart it but I guess that fell out of the way.

>> No.18306083

I have 20-30 threads hidden at all times. Doing this drastically improves /lit/. No off topic threads, no bait threads, and no broad non fiction threads.
Wonderful board I tell ya.

>> No.18306097

Same here. I miss small hobbiest/specialist forums that weren't just reddit circlejerks.

>> No.18306107

In my experience those were just proto-Reddits. Same type of echo chamber karma farming attention whoring going on.

>> No.18306143

Depends on the forum; many were shit but many were also good. It's the upvoting/downvoting and 'karma' systems that really ruined things. That encourages groupthink just on a structural basis more than even the most activist moderator or admin you could imagine.

>> No.18306385

Super Metroid is literature.

>> No.18306454

4chan is too popular, and /pol/ overflow (and possible COINTELPRO agents but that's kind of schizo) ruined every board on this website. I literally only come here to shitpost on /lit/ once in a while. Even /leftypol/ has gone to shit too.

Make or join a reading group. Online ones (not on Discord) are ok, but IRL ones are better as real human interaction > screen-time. Meet and converse with non-brainlets outside of the internet. /lit/ is now only good for baiting idiots or when you just want to turn off your mind for a a short respite from actually reading. At this point, the optimal number of hours to spend on this website is Zero (0); anything else just rots your brain.

t. wasted my youth on chan websites, trying not to waste the rest of my life either.

>> No.18306569

Because I have no incentive not to shitpost my free leisurely low effort way. My highest effort post will have a whole five minutes of custom pepe drawing and a paragraph of citation and quoted excerpt. You are privy to the efforts scraped off the top of months of efforts that come off in a cool flex of occasionally sounding brilliant and synchronous.

>> No.18306580

Based and 2007pilled

>> No.18306605

Most people here are primarily wikipedia readers who vent their ignorance by being super rude.

>> No.18306614

>Even /leftypol/ has gone to shit too.
You are part of the problem

>> No.18306622

Shut your damn whore mouth

>> No.18306635

Why do you spend time in a place this is so terrible?

Best as i can figure, the sorts that make posts and threads like these do it as an easy way to feel smarter than the rest, it requires no real intelligence. Only thing that explains it, these threads fill up with dozens of anons all saying the same thing, so there is enough people to maintain quality threads if the complainers actually are capable and not just larping.

>> No.18306647

Same dude. I still have no idea why everyone jumped the ship to Reddit and Discord. Compared to forums I never saw the appeal of those

>> No.18306680
File: 182 KB, 1548x1032, 61C2EA42-A416-4344-9999-B5FBD1B520D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymity. We’re attached to a larger board of various interests, including massive idiot draws.
Under cover of anonymity troll culture reigns supreme. The board was better when it was slower and the posters knew each other more or less. The increased traffic doesn’t help, but the primary problem has always been the culture of conformity, conformity to trolling.
I remember when people would ironically celebrate Hitler’s birthday. Then webpage stormfront went down and Moot welcomed the immigrants. Now it’s unironic

>> No.18306696

That was at least a year ago anon...

>> No.18306698
File: 142 KB, 570x712, plato_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, to be brutally honest: how old are some of you guys? How many people on this board right now are 18, 19, 20? Of course they can't discuss anything substantive, they haven't read anything yet. We need to bring back the "start with the Greeks" meme because the Zoomers actually need it.

>> No.18306723

I still see the back of Winnie the Pooh’s head in this picture. As if he’s his roommate come to cheer him up.

>> No.18306736
File: 425 KB, 2495x1120, 1611404055235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should check out Dead Internet Theory on /x/

>> No.18307009

Ease of access. Discord and Reddit let you "make" your own forum without needing to host it or know how to code or anything like that. But at the cost of having to conform to their discussion-killing format.

>> No.18307023

Stop expecting quality content from a Mongolian basket weaving forum and learn to filter

>> No.18307051

Big words. It seems like 9 times out of 10 I see you posting in a thread it's generating massive levels of shitposting, and there you are at the middle of it making inane little sunbasking posts in the attention.

>> No.18307072

Discord isn't so bad, we have a meta-guild vidya discord and the discussion and everything is fine albeit not edgy and there's a good few too many redditors on there who don't know how to handle a disagreement but the guild mods are pretty alright. Overall with discord I think the format is fine, it depends on the hosts and users.

>> No.18307090

That’s because not enough people have read Call of the Crocodile. You should really check it out.

>> No.18307110

I think you're just being a sourpuss. This is one of the higher quality boards. There's a lot of great discussion and spirit here. Glad /lit/ exists. I shudder to think about having to browse some soulless forum like r books

>> No.18307125

Anon, if you promise to read Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde, I will purchase and read Call of the Crocodile. Deal?

>> No.18307131

You will never be F. Gardner no matter how hard you try

>> No.18307138

I'm related to the Gardners, just so you know.

>> No.18307146

I rarely go on here because pretty much all of 4chan has become like this. I genuinely believe it’s a combination of a lot of the core chan users growing out of it, and then a bunch of Russian disinformation bots or not bots (not kidding) pulling this new super brain dead regressive audience in. This is why like half of the threads on non-pol hobby boards are so severely pol, because the userbase these days is mostly just blindly indoctrinated whatever pill super right wing kids. Their adopted regressive worldview is their main thing.

>> No.18307168

Unlike reddit they simply listed the posts in chronological order, not by upboat count.

>> No.18307256

I feel the same, but there are many holes in this analysis, for instance, trannies existed before the internet.
I'll set the conspiracy theory aspect of it aside, but the main point I agree with is that internet does feel really empty and boring these days, but I guess it's just a natural phenomenon, the 90's and early 20's were the internet's far west, communities were forming, people were excited, now it's mostly massive corporations creating content platform designed to get you hooked, they just want you to keep scrolling, they don't care if it's enriching or interesting.

Thus there is no incentive for quality content.
I also think we simply got older, I don't think 2007's internet would be as pleasant to me today as it was when I was younger.

>> No.18307258

No you aren't.

>> No.18307591

This is true, but don’t tell me you don’t remember the awful circlejerking most communities had. Having an unpopular opinion meant you were a troll and your thread is locked!

>> No.18307729
File: 137 KB, 1024x639, uncle edgar's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep shouting about this "old internet" but as a Zoomer I have no idea, because this is all I've known. However I think you might get the feel you're looking for if you stop using social media, especially leddit, and instead of JewTube, which has become tv, you go follow some blogs and keep in touch with them. I feel like a lot of this "sterility" of the internet we feel is based in how easy it has become to search anything. It didn't used to be the same back in the olden days. To be honest I would suggest minimizing the use of internet and instead reading old, public domain works from Project Gutenberg in your spare time, getting ideas about what to read next from these same old books, from what works the authors mention in their own. It feels much more "real" and much less like a tailored experience and that's the thing I like and want.

>> No.18307735

>but as a Zoomer
stopped reading there.

>> No.18307745

>as a Zoomer I have no idea

>> No.18307765

It is standard oldfag talk, they did not change with the internet and just view it largely as the same sites it was when they stopped keeping current and fell into their rut. Most everyone falls into this eventually and generally they have their niche or two which they say is still good, either because it stagnated or they kept current.

t. oldfag

>> No.18307802

You know I'm sure there's plenty of communities and groups out there that have stricter quality standards and who are smarter on average. Why not try that? But honestly you would be kidding yourself. You'd be missing the tards here quickly as you realize the only thing you hate more than the tards here is the political and social standard nature of non anonymous venues.

>> No.18308052

Discord is just nu-IRC

>> No.18308055

>actually try to discuss something
>either no replies or multiple sets of different cookie cutter answers about why whatever it is is shit or wrong etc
no thanks ill just keep reading

>> No.18308115

I was never a fan of IRC back in the day either, but at least with it you could keep you information private.

>> No.18308138

This is probably the most engaging thread topic you've ever tried, isn't it? Fuck I got baited

>> No.18308229

What do you mean? You can keep your information on discord private too. Unless you’re one of those idiots who links their steam and social media to discord.

>> No.18308318

every thread on every board has tranny-obsessed poltards. This place is fubar

>> No.18308342

Trannies are a cancer on humanity.

>> No.18308384


>> No.18308401

Sometimes I think Thomas Delauer isn't real and is just Giga Chad deepfake

>> No.18308418

I think we have an imposter amogus

>> No.18308429

I keep trying to make threads, and if I'm lucky, they get 3 answers before it dies. And if I'm REALLY lucky, then 2 of those won't be shitposts.

I got sick of it and left, and when I came back a month later, this place was 600% worse. I have no idea what happened.

>> No.18308449

which is based
the reason that people shit on discord so hard is because they don't realize that everyone is on the internet now, which includes the laymen and children
the discord format is pretty much your best option these days for online hobby centered communities
anonymous threads are a platonic ideal but since threads die if they aren't sensationalist enough, all discussion is driven by the lowest dumb fucks around

>> No.18308463

Actual children.
Goodfaith actor few and far between.

>> No.18308474

Attention whores and egoists.
People who'd rather circlejerk each other rather than expend the effort to contribute to a genuine, discussion-promoting thread.

>> No.18308801

>the core chan users growing out of it
I miss the older users so much. When I stared posting I was still very much a "newfag" (I'm neither a true millennial nor a true zoomer), but there were plenty of older users still here. Now they are at best a small minority, without them it would be terrible

>> No.18308819

I've been here since 2006 and don't care about politics at all. I fucking despise trannies though with every fiber of my being. What /pol/ does is irrelevant to me.

>> No.18308821

Fuckin jannies remove threads not according to the rules but to their own personal tastes.

>> No.18308829

How about you introduce one instead of moaning like a pathetic bitch? Holy shit

>> No.18308830

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/4427432