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18257795 No.18257795 [Reply] [Original]

1. The verse ‘What do you have that you have not received?’ applies
to angels too; from God come only good and being and every
good is being and every being is good
2. Why it seems that the devil lacked perseverance because God did
not give it to him
3. That God did not give it because he did not accept it
4. How he sinned and wanted to be like God
5. That before the bad angels fell the good angels could sin
6. How the good are confirmed in their condition and the evil in
their fallen state
7. The question whether the will and its turning toward what it
should not is the very evil that makes them bad, and why it is
that a rational creature cannot of himself turn from evil to good
as he could from good to evil
8. That the will and its turning are not evil itself
9. That injustice is evil itself and is nothing
10. How evil seems to be something
11. That evil and nothing cannot be shown from their names to be
something but only a quasi-something
12. That the angel cannot have its first act of willing from itself, and
that many things can be said to be from an alien capacity but not
from an alien incapacity
13. If it had only the will for happiness, it could neither will anything else nor not will it, and the will, whatever it willed, would
be neither just nor unjust
14. And it would be the same if the angel were given only the will
for rectitude; it is because it was given both that it can be just
and happy
15. That justice is something real
16. That injustice is only the absence of befitting justice
17. Why the angel that abandons it cannot regain justice
18. How the bad angel makes himself bad and the good angel makes
himself good, and that the bad angel owes thanks to God for the
goods he received but abandoned, just as the good angel does
who retained what he had received
19. That the will as such is good and that no thing is evil
20. How God is the cause of evil and willing and action, and how
they are received from him
21. That the bad angel could not foresee that he would fall
22. That he knew that he ought not to will what he sinned by willing
and that he ought to be punished if he were to sin
23. That he ought not to know that he would be punished if he
24. That even the good angel ought not to know this
25. That the good angel by this fact alone that he now has knowledge of the fall of the devil is said no longer to be able to sin,
though for him this works for glory
26. What horrifies us about the word ‘evil’ and the works that injustice is said to do if both are nothing
27. How evil came to an angel when he was good
28. That the power to will what is unfitting was always good, and
willing itself is good insofar as it exists

>> No.18257807

Now on postulate 4 I can forgive the devil, considering that there is nothing wrong with ambition, and I would even say that those who criticize the ambitious are evil themselves, but is the argument that the devil was given the will to do good and did otherwise valid? I personally do not believe in free will.

>> No.18257814

>expecting me to read all of that

>> No.18257964

this is what you should have said:
>You have responded so satisfactorily to what I asked that I cannot waver as to the truth of what you say or the rigour of your proof.

>> No.18258004
File: 84 KB, 780x475, E13630E3-DD2D-4E19-A9EE-4060DC416937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this the cause of evil?
Apollonian imbalance has been the cause of the “evil” for the past two thousand+ years.
Old heeb mythology is not only way out of date, but actually a part of the imbalance

>> No.18258047

apollonian imbalance is what the devil is purported to have in this instance - a desire to possess that which he does not deserve on account of his qualities. the devil is very dionysian

>> No.18258054

Spiritually? Perhaps.

But speaking in realistic, human terms. I would say Plato states the origin of evil perfectly in Laws. Essentially, doing the evil deed does not make one evil, it is the reluctance to learn from one's mistakes and the reluctance to LEARN to learn from one's mistakes that makes one evil. Who knows exactly how many layers exist for those who are truly sinful, but the most enlightened individuals have no pride in the way: they learn from their mistakes quickly. :3

>> No.18258077

Nature, water, feminine attributes are Dionysian.
Control freak patriarchal society is Apollonian and why we suffer this “evil”

>> No.18258083

It's Satan, butterfly. You need to think apolitically about things in order to be free from his grasp :3

>> No.18258085
File: 48 KB, 307x475, 95B7A78F-2373-4BF7-95C5-075A199B1F45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dionysus isn’t satanic.

>> No.18258092

A conscious control of one's life is important to virtue and such, but many do evil without knowing they did so; it is irrelevant whether one intends to do evil, only that they do it.

>> No.18258107

>Dionysus isn't satanic.

Er, are you aware the kind of rituals Dionysus would be a part of? They were drinking rituals. If that isn't satanic, I don't know what is, Butterfly.
Aristotle touches on this in the Nicomachean ethics. Simple answer to a simple problem: it is a greater evil to knowingly commit it, than to simply unknowingly commit evil.

After all, knowingly committed evil deeds are committed by evil people, but unknowingly evil deeds may or may not be committed by evil people, but who, on average, should be more punished?

That is how this is, there is a reason there is a difference between manslaughter and murder.

>> No.18258113

I do not argue that, only that it is also evil to commit harm unknowingly.

>> No.18258119

But then, I touched on /that/ point in my original post...

>> No.18258123

Your blindness to the reasons for the Dionysian myth are why evil continues to dominate and ruin us all

>> No.18258126

You said that doing an evil deed does not necessarily make one evil, which I disagree with. It is the act of evil, not the will to act to do evil, that is wrong.

>> No.18258131


*slaps ass*


*pulls down pants*


*slaps ass*


*slaps ass*



>> No.18258139
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1490116836938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horney posting

>> No.18258140
File: 60 KB, 1024x713, CE254D69-DCA4-4546-B837-FFEA5CE7346D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18258143

The deed is evil, not the person.


>> No.18258148

*takes gun away*


*slaps ass*


*slaps ass*


>> No.18258255

In Islam it is different

>> No.18258261

no one cares

>> No.18258337
File: 280 KB, 1200x823, jackedaquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
