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/lit/ - Literature

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18237218 No.18237218 [Reply] [Original]

Failed writers thread

>> No.18237222

It was a dark and stormy nigth...

>> No.18237262

what's a nigth

>> No.18237270

Nig with a lisp

>> No.18237274

Indeed, it all started in my bed...

>> No.18237277

That your room?

>> No.18237284

Not even starting

>> No.18237310
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I haven't written anything since I was 16 aside from some very bad unfinished short stories.
I keep constantly getting ideas for novels and poems in my head, good ideas actually, yet I can't find the correct words to put them on paper, and I hate bad literature, so I'm afraid of making something bad.

>> No.18237313
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Successful writers thread /
Uno - reverse card!
Champions ahoy!
The bravest, most daring and excellent do accept the challenge of failure!

>> No.18237387

Yesterday I spent half a day to wrote on a site. I thought its something profound in compare to the average posts, but no one upvoted it. Its really crushing my fragile self esteem right now

>> No.18237765

I just write down short phrases and ideas that come to me on a notebook or the Notes app on my phone. Having a collection of thoughts and lines can be useful to write something interesting.

>> No.18237772

Hey, I’m here. What’d I miss?

>> No.18237826

look up transformation mastery

>> No.18237828
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Practice practice practice. It's the only way to get better. I've submitted multiple short stories I now recognize to be shit/poorly written. I've been practicing though, and contributing the /lit/ flash anthology and it's been beneficial to get feedback and be held accountable. I've written another flash that I'm really hopeful for that I submitted the other day. I think it might be the one that makes it, and I'm going to keep submitting it even if it gets the boot first time around.

>> No.18237850

I'm a failed writer at the moment, but I still have aspirations. I still have hope. My first novel attempt has fizzled out into a couple of immature short stories. But I really think I'm on the verge of something great.

>> No.18237957

Keep at it bro!

>> No.18237966

Failed writer here and I haven't given up. Honestly, I just don't have time to get better at writing at the moment but I have no doubts that I will write something long and not just snippets that happens to be readable one day. I have written hundreds of ideas and a lot of them are interesting on paper, so actually writing is the only thing I'm not doing. It also took me a certain time to realize that it's okay to fail and write shit even though the whole story sounded like a masterpiece in my head. The thing is that you'll never get anything done if you don't write and that if your idea is truly good, nobody can prevent you from reusing the good thinking in the shit works almost nobody have seen later.

Anyways, I know it's not a personal blog. I know a lot of people are the same here though so I wanted to leave some kind words because truly shit writers aren't on /lit/, they don't even read. Good luck frens.

>> No.18237968

I used to get into moods and just write on and on. Now I can't make anything novel or think anything up. The moods used to come and go, but they aren't migrating here any more. Remember anons, think, read, and live in your own shoes- don't spend your life on image boards, video games, and mindless distractions. Live consciously, and sleep at reasonable hours.

>> No.18237983

Thanks, brother.
Been writing by hand since my laptop shit the bed three weeks ago. Have written some functional dialogue between the protagonist of the novel and his father.

>> No.18238174
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thread is bad vibes, go join the writing general cowards

>> No.18238350

1. Write every day
2. Read every day
3. The perfect is the enemy of the good.
4. Write every day again

>> No.18238906

in the middle of a field....