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/lit/ - Literature

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18236591 No.18236591 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the better writer: Borges or Kafka?

>> No.18236598

I prefer Borges

>> No.18236607

both were real Gs but it's Borges for me

>> No.18236663

Kafka. He wrote the Trial, the Castle, and a bunch of good short stories. Borges only wrote a bunch of good short stories.

>> No.18236693

You just know this kid has sex by agreeing with all the political views of the neurotic batshit women he’s with

>> No.18236711


>> No.18236738 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18236836

What's wrong with that? Who doesn’t do that?

>> No.18236866

Me. I make sure to shame women as much as possible. I’m physically attractive so they just sit and take it

>> No.18236883


>> No.18236897

I like Kafka but in my mind Borges is on another level.

>> No.18236927

I don’t get this meme

>> No.18236930


>> No.18236944

That's Terrance. He's an FtM that's been spamming acc threads here for half a decade. He finally got doxxed after posting that picture of himself. I, myself am confused by the memes verily, but I imagine it if fuled by anons jealously that Terrance gets mad pussy.

>> No.18236948
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>> No.18236960

you keep saying this but where’s the connection between this guy who posted his face once and some accelerationist Nick land fan

>> No.18236976

Terrance is a dog name lol

>> No.18236983

Borges has a lot of literary knowledge and he is more erudite

>> No.18236984

Yeah, he sure does know a lot about fucking your mother, who is a huge whore and totally gay, and Borges fucked her.
Get wrekt, nerd.

>> No.18236995

That was a good attempt at being clever, anon. You were absolutely fucking wrong, but I appreciate the effort.

>> No.18237012


>> No.18237014

Borges, he was a Writebender; Kafka was just another "good writer".

>> No.18237032

This. I've seen that there is few people on this board who knows the technical levels of literature construction that Borges owned. Speaking about this precise subject, Borges was even superior than Eco, and comparing him to Kafka is just nonsensical.

>> No.18237098

>technical levels of literature construction that Borges owned
thread link pls

>> No.18237114
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>> No.18237121

that's /lit/. Don't question procedures with no answer.

>> No.18237122

Unironically, what emotion is he trying to convey here? Vapid stupidity?

>> No.18237141

Start with "El aprendizaje del escritor".

>> No.18237143

you mean the pic? I thought it was a girl.

>> No.18237385

Borges is on another level.

>> No.18237411
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>> No.18237414
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Its a shop.

>> No.18237423

He posted his twitter while spamming acc threads.

>> No.18237500

whats his handle

>> No.18237827


>> No.18237831

>literary knowledge and he is more erudite
This is not why he is better at all.

>> No.18237836

Kafka was a jew and Borges wrote a Nazi apologetic. Which do you think /lit/ prefers?

>> No.18237839

Borges was a much better writer.

>> No.18237843


>> No.18237857

kek I love accfag.

>> No.18238337

Kafka by far. Borges' fiction is basically "woah cool puzzles."

>> No.18238440

It sucks. I wish i liked borges so much more than i actually do, so when i read him it's that much more frustrating. I also love the postmodern writers he influences, but still his writing does absolutely nothing for me.
The aleph just wasn't good. Wasn't evocative, wasn't interesting philosophically or thematically, no compelling characters in any of the stories, the plots werent good, and the ideas werent there. I liked universal history of iniquity and garden of forking paths/fictions better but found myself underwhelmed at both.

Kafka was far better philosophically/thematically, structurally, stronger emotional cores to his books, idk about prose because i read both in translation, while borges is completely emotionless, terrible characters, thin/circular/predictable plots, rarely great ideas (but when they work they work so well).
Borges does nothing for me in any way, which makes it even more frustrating to read given so many people i respect love him. All the postmodernists he inspired are fascinating and more evocative to me.

>> No.18238753

>I got filtered: the posts

>> No.18238760

Damn she cute

>> No.18238776


>> No.18238850

>The aleph just wasn't good. Wasn't evocative, wasn't interesting philosophically or thematically, no compelling characters in any of the stories, the plots werent good, and the ideas werent there.
You either didn't read it or are too much of a retard.
>not interesting philosophically; ideas weren't there
This is objectively wrong.

>> No.18238859

>All the postmodernists he inspired are fascinating and more evocative to me.
You are an immense poser. Those postmodernists suck ass and took very little from Borges. Know what you are talking about, you retard.

>> No.18238863
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>> No.18238879

Really really new newfag.

>> No.18238979

Borges actually was a very accomplished poet and a god tier essayist, but most retarded anglos don't even know about them.

>> No.18239012

What's the comparison? They are nothing alike, but I'll humor you.
The only thing the both wrote were short stories. Borges never wrote a novel, Kafka never wrote poetry or literary essays. In the short story department, Borges is clearly superior, he was a master at it and one of the all time great short story writers. Most Kafka's short stories are half-baked (like most everything that he wrote), though he has some good ones.
All of Kafka's novels are great, but only one is actually finished. Borges wrote several books of poetry, short prose pieces and essays, a lot of which is good or great.
So all in all, I would say Borges wins since he is superior on equal ground, excelled in more areas than Kafka, and actually finished his works.

>> No.18239028

>M-muh clever concept poorly executed
They were both incel shut-in brainlets with too short attention spans to ever complete anything but short stories

>> No.18239297

>They are nothing alike
The Kafka story The Great Wall of China is more or less Borges anticipated, Gracchus the Hunter is also very Borgesian.

The main reason people bring it up though is because JLB cited Kafka as an influence.

>> No.18239330

Kafka for sure. He understood the hilarious absurdity of being alive. And expressed it perfectly.
Borges just needlessly mystify bullshit and faggots who read him think of themselves and him as genius due to the subtlety.

>> No.18239339
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Borges. Of course, even if I'm not a big fan, He deserves de honor.

>> No.18239650

tourist here, thats a dude? wew

>> No.18240039


He is one of the pillars of modern literature and way more inovative than Borges.

(Borges is very good though)

>> No.18240655

Seethe and lick my shit faggots, god forbid somebody chinchecks the pseud king

>> No.18240676

>He is one of the pillars of modern literature
Not really

>> No.18240723

Lmao. More like shin punch like a fucking toddler.

>> No.18240728

Cum tribute when?

>> No.18240802
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, 9A3AEA2E-024B-4623-BE2B-0788AE5261D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t you do it faggot?

>> No.18240838

They don't know about them because they're trash.
How do i know this? Because i don't know about them. Get owned, spic.

>> No.18241096

I think some people who only read his short stories fail to understand the depth and reasoning behind all of his ideas and references, because they haven't read his other works. After you read his poems and essays it all comes full circle. He talks about the same things in different ways.

>> No.18241107

Borges much better stylist. Kafka much better idea man.

>> No.18241240

Borges better at both.

>> No.18241551

>Kafka much better idea man.
Absolutely not

>> No.18242458

you are just ignorant, it has nothing to do with the quality of the books

>> No.18242465

actually it's the other way around

>> No.18242471

>He is one of the pillars of modern literature
uh so is Borges, anon

>> No.18242521

Borges would say Kafka, so Borges

>> No.18242532

Kafka thought his own work was trash, so Kafka

>> No.18242562


>> No.18242570

so did borges lol

>> No.18242648

interesting, they are more similar than I initially thought

>> No.18242673

Lmao eat my ass

>> No.18242690

Jokes aside, they are. Both of them wrote about the confussing nature of their worlds, and both of them loved using non-sensical gimmicks in their tale's environments

>> No.18242754


>> No.18242776

This is the true answer at the end of the day

>> No.18242784

I've never read Kafka, where should I start?

>> No.18242798

Yeah you can find lots of similiarities between the two. It's useless dicussing who's best. They didn't even write in the same language. I assume most people here haven't read them in their original languages, not even one of them. I have done that and i would go with Borges

>> No.18242805

Easy, Kafka. Borges only seduces low iq pseuds who melt down at the sight of shitty thought experiments.

>> No.18242814

Borges, not even close.
Talking about Borges using english feels wrong, like painting a portrait of him using shit.

>> No.18242815

Kafka is on the level of Proust, Nabokov, Celine, whereas Borges is on the level of your local stoner who goes "whoa imagine if there was a city...where everyone is one eyed what would happen lol"

>> No.18242847

Kafka was the better writer formally speaking, but Borges had some more imaginative ideas. All of Kafka's stories have the same basic premise, "man how alienating would it it be if everything was like a dull desk job ?" While he did a lot with that basic premise Borges was more inventive in terms of the number of gimmicks he framed his stories on. Except he was a less artful writer.

>> No.18242851

This is the problem with Borges: retards think they understand his work in full at first glance. I blame the beauty of his prose.

>> No.18242896

it's probably anglos who have only read a translation of Ficciones because that's the one on the top 100. I also suspect it's because he is Latin American and they feel uncomfortable equating him to european and american writers. I do agree on the last point though. Borges is above most western writers.

>> No.18242923

but kafka hated jews while borges didn't

>> No.18243362

Aaaaahhh what is that?

>> No.18244096

Borges himself said that English was more beautiful than Spanish and it was unfortunate he wasn't a native speaker.

>> No.18244103

Also, Ficciones is like his 4th best collections.

>> No.18244134

Didn't JLB just ape shit from Macedonio Fernandez?

>> No.18245539

what does that have to do with anyhting? he also said that spanish was his destiny and he wrote in that language beautifully. Borges had many idiosnyncratic opinions and also a good degree of self-loathing.

>> No.18245543

metamorphosis and his more famous short stories (hunger artist, in the penal colony)
Or you can just start with The Trial

>> No.18245551

Borges was a natural contrarian, English is famously considered an ugly language by coping ESLs.

>> No.18245560


>> No.18245562

Borges did publish a lot, so he can't have hated his own work that much. I think he was just very humble and self-deprecating but nowhere near the level of self-hate as neurotic Kafka

>> No.18245698

Based and checked

>> No.18245728

Seriously wonder if he's killed himself yet.

>> No.18245736

Dino Buzzati

>> No.18245829

>t. knows literally nothing about contemporary literature

>> No.18245847

Buzzati is great but he owes too much to Kafka to be considered better than him. His best known work borrows heavily from Kafka and his fables also follow the same tradition and themes.
Buzzati's best work, I think is where he strays towards more magical story-telling, and writes in the vein of Dunsany and Borges, like in the story about the city in the Desert or the one about the saint.
I also noticed that there's a popular animated story about a dragon which is just a Buzzati rip-off but he gets none of the credit.

>> No.18246459
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why did analysis of The Gospel According to Mark from Borges include that he slept with the daughter. I can't read anything about that in the story. Is that supposed to be from the actual gospel?

>> No.18246482

One can only hope

>> No.18246484

Where should I start with Borges? Or is there any required reading for him?
I'm not well read, so I can't get too many historical or literary or whatever references he may use.

>> No.18247674

You'll be fine. Pick up any collection really; most would recommend Ficciones but reading short story writers in chronological is more rewarding. So, Universal history of iniquity.

>> No.18247698

being contrarian doesn't make you interesting or intelligent, anon

>> No.18247719

grow up guys, I love borges but you absolutely can understand his stories on one read

>> No.18247783

well thanks for proving my point

>> No.18247827

Thank you for outing yourself as a retard with shitty reading comprehension