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File: 20 KB, 335x499, LLPSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18219103 No.18219103 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, this is based

>> No.18219384
File: 27 KB, 474x379, 1616354112986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latina lingua basada est, Iulius quoque dominus romanus basadus est.
Immo Medus stultus est.
Vir qui magnam pecunium feminae dat stultus est.
Marcus, qui pullam puslat, basadus est.
Quintus, qui pater vocat, non basadus est.
Solum unam librum Latinae habeo, id hoc liber "LLPSI" est.
Lego librum meum in lectica mea ante dormio
Lectica mea vacua est, quia vir parvus foedusque sum.
Viri alti multas feminas in lecticis habent.
Cur vivent viri parvi?
Suntne viri ii qui parvi viri sunt?

>> No.18219393

they have similar books for italian and french as well, and english.

>> No.18219399

And you can find them recorded on YouTube as well.

>> No.18219401

It sure is.

>> No.18219439

pater hodie in cubiculum meum intravit et me masturbantem vidit

>> No.18219783

Numquam putavi si videbo liberem hic. Atque ita, puto id ease basedus.

>> No.18219792


>> No.18219826

Don't forget to grab the audio reading made by the author himself, it's on libgen

>> No.18220006

Ancient Greek when?

>> No.18220216

Athenaze is like LLPSI except with grammar explanations in English. The Italian version is apparently better than the English.

>> No.18220221

no it isnt
>what if we taught latin by having people guess puzzles?
>what do you mean that we should just use the method used to teach latin for the past 2000 years? thats ridiculous.

>> No.18220228

How do kids learn languages?

>> No.18220305

you're not guessing, you're inferring the meaning based on context. that's how the book is supposed to be read anyway. if you're literally guessing everything then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.18220328

by using their child mind which stops working as a child mind for languages around 13.
>you're inferring the meaning based on context
thats called guessing.
I use methods that have been used for around 6000 years to teach languages. Your method has been used for around 30 years.

>> No.18220752


>> No.18221142

>by using their child mind which stops working as a child mind for languages around 13
you got the research confused
>Your method has been used for around 30 years.
the input method is as old as language itself

>> No.18222313
File: 913 KB, 618x1024, 1618594820334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tace stultus!

>> No.18222423

>use methods that have been used for around 6000
So Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata combined with flashcards.

>> No.18222470

what is the French one?

>> No.18223768

Pater tuus me vidit dum matrem tuam futuebam.

>> No.18223808
File: 44 KB, 596x628, 343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18224372

>I use methods that have been used for around 6000 years to teach languages. Your method has been used for around 30 years.
are you retarded? 99.99999% of all foreign language learning in history must have happened by input because mass literacy and education is a recent phenomenon. do you think when illiterate tribes taught languages to one another it was by grammar instruction? how do you imagine trade, wars, exploration, colonization etc could take place if only the tiny elite that were able to afford grammar books and tutors could ever learn languages? what do you think happened when a bunch of sailors from different countries were on a boat together, did they sit around memorizing paradigm tables for months before attempting to communicate? or did they point to the mast and say the word for mast? according to you they couldn't have done the latter because that's "puzzle guessing", a language education method from only 30 years ago. holy fuck people on this board are stupid.

>> No.18224422
File: 25 KB, 550x558, 1582890945138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italian: (L'italiano secondo il metodo natura)
>French: (Le français par la méthode nature)

>> No.18224488

thanks lad

>> No.18225031

Is there one like this for Old English?

>> No.18225102


>> No.18225594


>> No.18225619


>> No.18225667
File: 101 KB, 800x792, E15CAC73-C41D-4D74-8D49-E201F6F5FA4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in europa italia est.
in italia roma est.
in europa, italia et roma est.

>> No.18225785

>in europa, italia et roma est.
you failed the first chapter

>> No.18226589

>what do you mean that we should just use the method used to teach latin for the past 2000 years? thats ridiculous

>> No.18226619

>people learnt latin by guessing puzzles

>> No.18226622

>in europa, italia et roma est.

>> No.18226625

>So Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata combined with flashcards.
No. By reciting conjugation and declension tables until you knew them better than your mother's name.
> must have happened by input
Why are you using autistic terminology?
There were 2 ways you learned a language in the past. You emigrated to the country and learnt to speak it over some years or you had a teacher rattle the grammar into you.

>> No.18226634

>Vir qui magnam pecunium feminae dat stultus est.
copeus inceli.

>> No.18226662

As a non-native english I garantee you that the classical way is trash and learning by osmosis is way better. The "teachers" can wipe my ass in all honesty.

>> No.18226667

>the classical way is trash
Ah right so you're more intelligent than 99% of language teachers that have ever been alive.
>I garantee you that
Are you sure?
>d learning by osmosis is way better
And how many decades did you spend learning English. You still don't write very well.

>> No.18226692

simpus maximus

>> No.18226741

does pig latin count?
>etslay okesmay omesay ethmay eshay

>> No.18226835

>You emigrated to the country and learnt to speak it
so the input method, the one you just insisted was invented 30 years ago?

>Ah right so you're more intelligent than 99% of language teachers that have ever been alive.
jesus christ is there a more brainlet take that blind faith in educational institutions? it doesn't matter if they're "smart" people, doofus. it is of no consequence to them if the method they use is inefficient or faulty because the same institutions that teach you also verify your progress. entire generations of kids have learned the grammar of french or whatever for years, were tested on it, got good grades etc only to discover that they can't talk to a french person or watch a movie because their french classroom was designed to make them good at arbitrary exercises that are fundamentally disconnected from what using a language irl actually is. language teachers are "smart" in the sense that they have a good racket going and have no desire to change it. if you look up to language teachers as this caste of geniuses that have had language education figured out for millenia then why do they constantly fail? why do years of their training produce people who can't use the language?

>And how many decades did you spend learning English. You still don't write very well.
>You emigrated to the country and learnt to speak it
lol he's better than you

>> No.18226857

I'm the benefactor of their teaching so I'm the one in position to judge the product of their work. No one, I tell you, in my ex-classes could speak fluent English. "Maybe your teacher wasn't good", let's make it clearer, no one in Italy knows English when they are out of school unless they, like me, learnt it externally. You don't believe me? Ok, get out of your basement and come here and try to speak to the locals, that's the product of 11 years of your "classical way" of teaching. It just doesn't work. People need to use the language in relatable contexts so our brains can process the information in both languages, learning grammar by heart doesn't help it in anyway because you don't have the vocabulary to apply it in your free time; the neural path ways become rusty.
For thousands of years people learnt language by osmosis and then learnt grammar to polish it; I didn't learn my language, rich of conjugations unlike english, because in school they taught me all the tables, and there are more grammarly complicated languages like finnish or russian.
Therefore what you are saying is like judging people for not buying a particular product from a producer, if people don't like it they aren't obligated to buy it just because it was designed by a "multi nationally reknown designer".
>but people choose by convenience than quality
Learning a language takes a lot of time, convenience and quality is almost identical if the language in question is used frequently, if it isn't used all the grammar hanging in your memory is useless anyways.
Sure, latin is a dead tongue yet there are some hobbyists that like to speak it, taking the burden and boredom of learning grammar over and over just isn't efficient.
more or less 4 years of english media consumption
>learning by osmosis is way better
Anything wrong with it?

>> No.18226898

Yes mate I'm sure I'll read your tome.

>> No.18226901

>learnt is wrong
Ah so you are a troll.

>> No.18226904

TLDR: you are a monolingual english faggot who has never left his basement.

>> No.18226916

It's the 2020s we have digital movies now you don't need that projector anymore.

>> No.18226927

>boomer italians cant be bothered to learn another language
What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.18226928

>monolingual english
I'm not as you can see, frocio.
>who has never left his basement
I traveled to the US, even tho there is an overwhelming amount of mexicans still most white americans don't know spanish thus confirming the stereotype.

>> No.18226936

I'm a zoomer and I'm talking about the zoomer population, we've been using the same teaching method since the 900s.

>> No.18226946

Historically speaking, anime.

>> No.18227333

I’m learning Latin to read the vulgate, so I quit this book after Ch.15 and started reading from the New Testament directly. You don’t need to finish LLPSI to begin reading Latin, once you memorize all of the noun declensions and verb tenses and endings it’s not a hard language at all (so long as you stick to ecclesiastical or prose).

>> No.18227336

The Vulgate is one of my favorite books to read in Latin. The Latin isn't complex but it has a majestic and noble simplicity about it. Augustine is similar.

>> No.18227421

Couldn’t agree more. People shit on it because it isn’t Ciceronian but I don’t give a shit about convoluted, purposely complicated Latin that is made difficult for the sake of it. The vulgate had a message to tell and Jerome didn’t need to ornate it with flowery language. Some passages are quite beautiful simply because of the subject matter, regardless if it’s prose. I don’t even read poetry in English let alone Latin lmao

>> No.18227438

>reciting conjugation and declension tables
So LLPSI and flashcards.

Enjoy struggling to grind through the first sentence of Caesar while the LLPSI chads fly through Cato, though.

No, anon's just a retard. The traditional way to learn Latin is to read Latin texts while memorizing conjugation and declension. This is due to a quirk of Latin's grammar and how it's been used throughout Western history, this method isn't perfect for every language (good luck learning Mandarin by memorizing conjugation and declension lmfao). By only doing the latter anon is gimping himself. But then, he's a retard, so what can you expect.

>> No.18227454

>truggling to grind through the first sentence of Caesar
I've already read Seneca but yeah

>> No.18227464

how you failed the first chapter you dumbass faggot?