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/lit/ - Literature

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18216678 No.18216678 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you guys so good with words?
I feel like an illiterate peasant when on /lit/

>> No.18216692

Read more. Get off /lit/ and go read a book with big words.

>> No.18216723

Imagine being intimidated by a bunch of posturing pseuds in an Indonesian incel chatroom.

Read more or ngmi.

>> No.18216788

I really admire how people on /lit/ are able to articulate their ideas in such a clear and elegant way.
Any suggestion what kind of books I should read?

>> No.18216797
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>> No.18217005

Aristotle’s rhetoric.
Beyond that, read more and read widely. Expose yourself to difficult texts. Discover new words. Envelope yourself in the mode of communication. If you don’t know a word for a feeling or idea, you can’t express it. It’s as if you never even had the thought in the first place. Half the posters here are teenagers who spend all day shitposting, the other half of us are washed out 30 year olds that have too much education (read: we have read more and experienced more life than you) and not enough motivation beyond remembering how to login to sad panda. Read more difficult books. Think about it. Write your thoughts. Read more. Go outside.

>> No.18217048

Don’t know. Always have been. I may be hyperlexic. I was able to read around 3 and could spell any non-scientific word thrown at me by 6 years old based on phonetics

>> No.18217274

anon... people here display the most basic level of writing comprehension... are you a child?

>> No.18217288

>writing comprehension

also, i wouldnt really agree with prescribing specific books to become more articulate, probably find what you enjoy reading and immerse yourself while having fun.

>> No.18217297

Read to learned to read

>> No.18217298

Nothing special really, the majority of people here are more interested in memes. When you start to realise this, you will be considerably less impressed. The poetry threads are a gem, though. I hang out there.

>> No.18217343

writing ability, sorry. I was just trying to say that people don't exactly excel here writing wise (me the least clearly)

>> No.18217501

Grammar is less important than the message you are conveying. Only pseuds would disagree.

>> No.18218940

Complete Works of Shakespeare.

>> No.18219309

read complicated books but also make sure you are synthesizing the text accurately. most people read something and fill in their gaps of understanding with preconceived beliefs or ideas of what the author is trying to say. in reality they are reading the text through a filter almost like looking through high opacity glass. in order to avoid this really take the time and make sure you are understanding everything the author is saying. things should kind of click in your head. only after it has clicked can you then distill it and keep it in your mind for future reference.

>> No.18219329

Good positive bait. Instead of rage replies you get all the masturbatory advice from the little professors.

>> No.18219334

>Envelope yourself in the mode of communication
You mean envelop brainlet

>> No.18219355


>> No.18219363

heckin wholesome bait.

>> No.18219511

It's a bait that uplifts and caters to the need to mentor.

>> No.18219550
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I think You got the wrong forum.

>> No.18220987

I got sent the following by a femoid yesterday.
>Do you write? like generally? Cause you write so well.
And honestly it's made my fucking life. I can die happy. We were just comparing essays too, it's not like I'm showing her book chapters or anything but woweee. Good week.

>> No.18221980

Most of the posters here are functionally illiterates

>> No.18222054

You shouldn't feel like an illiterate person while arguing with a bunch of psueds. Always remember, In order to win an argument on /lit/, all you need to have is a bigger wojak folder than the person you are arguing with.

>> No.18222065

>I feel like an illiterate peasant when on /lit/
No one read books in /lit/ newfag. We discuss about books that we've never read.

>> No.18222074

>board where people read and write
I don't know why. You should probably give up

>> No.18223570

Is there a book that can help me how to read a book about books?

>> No.18223598

I too would like to metaread on the philosophy of reading.

>> No.18223609

It's literally >>18216797

>> No.18223805

Reading can expand your vocabulary and expose you to more sophisticated style but the most practical way to improve is through writing yourself. If you're a polyglot then practicing translations will greatly help your expression.

>> No.18223893

get off 4chan, read and write every day

>> No.18224503


No, just read. It's a skill like any other l. Unfamiliar words will repeat as you read other works and eventually you remember what it means and how to use it

Also, take notes. Jot down definitions in a notebook. Study them 10 or so at a time

>> No.18224692

Finally someone recognizes my genius

>> No.18224714

I'm ashamed that I laughed at this.

>> No.18224781

Wow... I'm good with words? Maybe I will write that book after all...

>> No.18226302


>> No.18226454

It's one thing to have a nice vocabulary, it's another to be able to accurately express yourself. I believe it is a matter of reflexes and instincts that you must develop before you even attempt the lexicon. If you already had these you wouldn't have to ask on here. If anything, you should try hard and let people tell you your stuff is shit when it is. You can grow this way. So many posters are only contributing dust to a dry well rather than fertilizing the meat of the fruit with memetic energy. In time life will cease to be a one way mirror for you.