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/lit/ - Literature

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18188520 No.18188520 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an ESL who knows both English and German. How hard do you think learning Old English might be for me?

>> No.18188596
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Old English is as foreign to native English speakers as German is to them. If you have the patience to learn other languages, then it will come naturally to you.

>> No.18188622

you're lucky as hell. I wish I can read Heidegger and alot of important german literature in the original language

>> No.18188712

Start watching Arte documentaries whenever you want to watch something. Watch YouTube videos in German, watch some german documentaries and movies by Werner Herzog. Try to watch the Tageschau each day and listen to some German's reading poetry, german music helps as well.

German newspapers like Süddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine are also a good practice. After that you can go on reading some easy literature, non-fiction worked best for me when I was learning.

Took a year of practice (must say I also had 5 years of high school German), but now I am reading der Zauberberg. It's worth it

>> No.18188733

Honestly easy as pie.

>> No.18188743

But I don't know anything more than ten words in German (not including numbers).

>> No.18188751

Thanks anon, I have been putting this off for too long and it's time to start learning one of the most important language in the world

>> No.18188760

this is bullshit. go ask a weeb who watches nothing but subbed anime about his or her knowledge of the Japanese language. it’s barely any.
you can’t learn a language without studying rigorously, using flash cards, and talking to another person live in the language to get help.

>> No.18188788

that must be because they are not actively trying to learn spoken japanese,which would be possible by consuming japanese content. , they seek the anime for the anime in itself

>> No.18188796

Well that is true, because I knew a basic level of german I was able to pull it off, next to that my mother language is Dutch, which makes German very easy to learn. You can make sense of almost any word through context reference because they often look like Dutch/English.

So yeah, you're right. Without a practice book in basic german to learn words and sentence making + a grammar practice book, you will not learn much. The combination is what does it.

>> No.18188830

You're a faggot. I learned Japanese just by reading novels in Japanese. Of course you can't learn with English subtitles holy shit; you're reading the fucking subtitles not watching the show. Way to go you outed yourself as a filthy fucking monolingual. I LITERALLY can just tell you don't have a second language. It's obvious for me.

>Learning a language without using it
Go ahead. Learn those grammar formulas. Fucking retard go suck my polylingual cock.

>> No.18188898

not even native Germans can read Heidegger in German

>> No.18188908

native germans nowadays speak arabic, of course they can't read literature

>> No.18188927
