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18180205 No.18180205 [Reply] [Original]

>it's literally all (Their) fault
huh..I'm not even a poltard but this makes some pretty convincing arguments.

>> No.18180219

/pol/ is always right

>> No.18180229

Read You Gentiles to hear it straight from the mouth of one of the tribe.

>> No.18180235

based and /pol/pilled

>> No.18180320

It's not all their fault but they're definitely a major factor and to question that is antisemitism

>> No.18181177

it's not all their fault but it's all their plan and their system. they just have many traitors working for them as well.

also there is a short pamphlet "there is a jewish world plot - jews say so" that contains all the best parts from samuels' and many other hubristic individuals boasting the same.

go to the wikipedia page for "antisemitic canards" at least half of them are objectively and verifiably true

>> No.18181212

>muh central banking
/pol/ retard meme. The Federal Reserve should unironically run the US.

>> No.18181256

What are the convincing arguments? You should put some effort into the OP so it isn't obvious.

>> No.18181270

This but unironically
Even my marxist dad agrees

>> No.18181426

>he thinks countries aren't run by their central banks

>> No.18181521

>they just have many traitors working for them as well.
Yes that was my point
>go to the wikipedia page for "antisemitic canards" at least half of them are objectively and verifiably true
Probably, and the rest are taken out of context and exaggerated so to make them seem ridiculous.

>> No.18181737

>look Tyrone I posted it again

>> No.18182198

Based and underrated book, though I think the author does a good job of presenting the evidence empirically instead of just screaming “DA JOOOZ”

>> No.18182217

>The Federal Reserve should unironically run the US.
I got good news for you buddy. They do and given there complete disregard for the national debt and all the fresh FIAT currency injected into the economy as Corona stimulus money the US has a lot to look forward to.

>> No.18182223


Blackpill me on this book, what's it about?

>> No.18182241
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just.... jews

>> No.18182255


>> No.18182298

/pol/ retard meme

>> No.18182308

>national debt
and it's their* retard

>> No.18182359

How is it a meme?

>> No.18182402

>and it's their* retard
If I had a dime for every time a pseudnigger corrected me on proper spelling and grammar on a Filipino baseball card forums I would cause more inflation than the FED.

>> No.18183857

Read Rothbard next.

>> No.18184070

Gonna do the audiobook of Man Economy and State.
It's gonna take me all year long.

>> No.18184129
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"Nazis bad"- Friedrich Hayek, pgs 1-342

>> No.18184141
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The audiobook guy I listened to cried while verbalizing a Supreme Court hearing in the 1920s. I then cried too.

>> No.18184152

Your life is mediocre because of you and you only.

>> No.18184268

a lot of people can't accept people wanted the usury, debt, loans, etc
you can't shirk responsibility and live in victim consciousness forever

>> No.18184303

The central banking cartel is the reason the world has turned to utter shit

>> No.18184306

Because it is the opposite of what I think is correct

>> No.18184913

that’s how you redpill the normies dumbass you can’t just scream that everything is the jew’s fault
they are programmed to immediately think you want to eradicate an entire ethnicity and you’re the same as the funky mustache man when you say anything negative about them
you have to show them yeah this guy who happened to be jewish did this bad thing with other people who happened to be jewish and this bad thing well the guy who did it wasn’t jewish and look this guy wasn’t either well he sorta was sponsored by some people who happened to be jewish but that’s just a coincidence
then the normies will start thinking about it like “wow what’s the deal with these jewish people? no i guess im too paranoid why would a specific group of random people linked only by religion conspire to ruin civilizations and profit of people’s misery again and again throughout the history that’s laughable right you don’t see buddhists doing that haha what is wrong with me i shouldn’t be having these thoughts”
but that thought will get stuck in the back of their head and it will pop up every time current events show that there was someone with a german/polish sounding name behind the misfortune and at one point be it years later they will realize “shit it wasn’t a coincidence at all”

>> No.18185334

Finally someone got it.
People throwing optics ou tof the window to feel edgy in the now have no understanding how to change minds. People have to come to their own conclusions by being given seed of knowledge which slowly grow. Force feeding redpills only results in eitehr you getting istantly dismissed or the other person going nuts and fucking you over. Those are the people screaming "gas all kikes" IRL while adressing you with your real name in public.

I've done it once with an inlaw. The person in question started talking and laughting about Auschwitz and trains in front of their coworkers and me, while we were in a country where you get thrown into jail for even thinking the holocauster wasn't real.

>> No.18185384

Back to your cringe shithole

>> No.18185397

Cute projection

>> No.18185421
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Yeah about that... You're a fucking idiot who can't detect a cultural phenomenon. This will be the century of the anecdotal, of the personal experience, of oneself. People will ignore the outside and instead focus inward as they have already started to. All modern books are written from personal experience about personal experience, no longer do they care to create a "universal experience". My experience being a transexual poc, my experience being a black man, my experience being white. Both poltards and leftists have caught onto this cultural phenomenon of mass delusion and narcissism. The truth is whatever this guy (who knows a guy, or has experience doing) this says. The rise in religiosity, conspiracy theories, it's all there, we will have a return to faith. It will be glorious.

>> No.18185478

Well put

>> No.18186598

Great, so it's not a meme except in your head. Just refrain from posting next time.