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18171627 No.18171627 [Reply] [Original]

>inasmuch as

>> No.18172096

>funnily enough
One of the worst I think.

>> No.18172112
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>Well, well, well... If it isn't...

>> No.18172120
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>So much for

>> No.18172127
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>> No.18172331

what would you substitute it with anon?

>> No.18172340
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>insofar as

>> No.18172361

>In a humourous turn of events

>> No.18172408

Why do they insist on creating useless shit and using what we already have improperly? Whence exists almost purely as an a LARPy version of 'where' because they always say from whence instead of whence.

>> No.18172462

Like the old joke from Joyce's Portrait
>Why did the dean misunderstand Dedalus?
>His tundish wasn't funnelly enough!