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18090226 No.18090226 [Reply] [Original]

What is his best story?

>> No.18090239

The first half of The Stand

>> No.18090262

The one where bunch of 11 year olds randomly decide to throw a gangbang party in reeking sewer

>> No.18090366

Does it worth reading him?

>> No.18090372

Yet to come, his suicide note.

>> No.18090373

kek this

>> No.18090382

The Stand
He's a meme author who won't write satisfying endings to save his life, so fuck him.

>> No.18090395

The Jaunt. Short and sweet. Also had a decent story in Harper's about a guy who sits next to a stranger.

>> No.18090403

Survivor Type

>> No.18090406

Misery is pretty neat. The parts of IT where its just kids having rock fights and building forts in small town new England in the 50s are cozy as shit.