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/lit/ - Literature

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18071011 No.18071011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I started reading political and philosophical books, as well as two shitty ones a couple years ago. I was never political until reading most of them. Thus far I have read:
>Das Kapital
>The Fountainhead
>Fascism for the Masses
>Mein Kampf
>Communist Manifesto
>Atlas Shrugged
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>The Big Book of Capitalism
>Where I Lived and What I Lived For

I need more like this. I do not care what ideology, I do not need you to preach to me the benefits of your shitty stance, but I want to educate myself more so I can make a more educated decision. What does /lit/ recommend?

>> No.18071023

what test is this

>> No.18071038

based well-rounded human bean

>> No.18071045


>> No.18071092
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4 axes.

>> No.18071122

Left wing parasite, you effeminate fuck. What books do you read?

>> No.18071128
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>> No.18071133

evola why?

>> No.18071137


>> No.18071143

Get grounded in the history of philosophy and read the following:
Plato. Aristotle. Theophrastus. Epicurus . Cicero . Demetrius of Laconia . Lucius Annaeus Cornutus . Philodemus . Philo of Alexandria . Seneca . Plutarch . Aulus Gellius . Diogenes of Oenoanda . Numenius of Apamea . Epictetus Apuleius . Hierocles . Marcus Aurelius . Galen . St. Aristeides of Athens . St. Justin Martyr . St. Clement of Alexandria . St. Theophilus of Antioch . St. Irenaeus of Lyons . St. Hippolytus of Rome . Tertullian . Athenagoras . Tatian . Maximus Tyrius . Albinus . Alcinus . Philostratus . Sextus Empiricus . Diogenes Laertius . Origen . Plotinus . Longinus . Eusebius . Lactantius . St. Basil of Caesarea . St. Gregory of Nazianzus . St. Gregory of Nyssa . St. Epiphanius of Salamis . St. Cyril of Alexandria . St. John of Chrysostom . Porphyry . lamblichus . Sallustius . Themistius . Calcidius . Macrobius . Martianus Capella . Nemesius of Emesa . Synesius of Cyrene . Syrianus . Proclus . Alexander of Aphrodisias . Marius Victorinus . Ammonius Hermiae . John Philoponus . Olympiodorus . Simplicius . Damascius . St. Augustine . St. Boethius . St. Athanasius . St. Ephraim the Syrian . St. Evagrius Ponticus . St. Dionysius the Areopagite . St. Maximus the Confessor . St. John of Damascus . St. Photius . St. Symeon the New Theologian . St. Gregory Palamas . St. Mark of Ephesus . St. Bede the Venerable . Alcuin . Eriugena . Fredegisus . Al-Kindi . Al-Farabi . Avicenna . St. Anselm . Honorius Augustodunensis . Al-Ghazali . Liber de causis . Averroes . Hugh of St. Victor . Bernardus Silvestris . Adélard of Bath . St. Bernard of Clairvaux . Gilbert de la Porrée . Lombard . Abelard . Radulfus Ardens . Alain de Lille . Maimonides . Alexander of Hales . St. Albert the Great . St. Thomas . St. Bonaventure . Dietrich of Freiberg . Roger Bacon . Henry of Ghent . Matthew of Aquasparta . Ramon Lull . Godfrey of Fontaines . Duns Scotus . Ockham . Jean Buridan . William of Auvergne . Cusanus . Eckhart . Tauler . Seuse . Mirandola . Ficino . Pomponazzi . Machiavelli . Cajetan . Erasmus . Luther . Montaigne . Bruno . Suárez . St Bellarmine . Bacon . Campanella . John of St. Thomas . Galilei . Macedo . Gracian . Mersenne . Grotius . Daniel-Huet . Gassendi . Descartes . Pascal . Geulincx . Spinoza . Malebranche . Bayle . Hobbes . Ames . Fludd . Herbert of Cherbury . Cudworth . Stillingfleet . Filmer . Locke . Newton. Clarke . Lord Shaftesbury . Böhme . Angelus Silesius . Pufendorf . Leibniz . Thomasius . Tindal . Toland . Mandeville . Hutcheson . Lord Bolingbroke . Berkeley . Collier . Hume . Smith . Reid . Burke . Bossuet . Fontenelle . Buffier . Vauvenargues . Rousseau . Montesquieu . Voltaire . Condillac . Diderot . Vico . St. Alphonsus Liguori . Wolff . Baumgarten . Lessing . Mendelssohn . Hamann . Herder . Jacobi . Kant

>> No.18071159
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closest match: Libertarian Socialism.

>> No.18071164

read these. also, be prepared for a lot of LARPing meme answers from people who think books are signifiers to identify with to look edgy on a mainstream imageboard.