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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.49 MB, 849x1279, 1618766729921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18063721 No.18063721 [Reply] [Original]

this one was made by /pol/
what do you think?

>> No.18063730

pretty nice

>> No.18063805

Cringe. An actual pol blackpill would be that book about Maine(forget the title).

>> No.18063827

Evola is not even white by /pol/ standards. Funny.

>> No.18063858

What? That’s only Nordicist wewuz types who say that.

>> No.18063868

Shittiest chart I’ve ever seen. Like what the fuck is the goal here. Fuck you OP. You make terrible charts.

>> No.18063884

kek, this is the worst fucking chart I've ever seen. kys OP

>> No.18063886

They all say that. And mock Italians for not being le white.

>> No.18063894

Why tf is Stoner on here

>> No.18063908

Because /pol/ is nearly entire midwits, Stoner is high literature for them.
Fuck Edith.

There are way worse ones, just take a look at the wiki

>> No.18063931
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>Shittiest chart I’ve ever seen. Like what the fuck is the goal here. Fuck you OP. You make terrible charts.

>> No.18063945

oh shut up, you're so deluded and pathetic

>> No.18063947

>Stoner and Book of Disquiet sort of jammed in there at the end for no reason.

>> No.18063958

Can you stop making these threads. Do you get off on being told you're dumb? Thats all that ever happens here.

>> No.18063962
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>Like what the fuck

>> No.18063980

/pol/ is full of awkward boring losers and love reading books that present these traits in an aesthetic way.

>> No.18063989

>Wife bad
>Hehe dumb crazy woman turned my beautiful trad daughter into a jezebel
Yeah I can see it

>> No.18063995

/pol/ has a diverse userbase. You just seem asshurt about /pol/.

>> No.18064015

You are both retarded faggots

>> No.18064033

Looks more like a based chart

>> No.18064042

"Italians are not white. Brown eyes and dark hair = poop color, not white." - /pol/

>> No.18064066

Looks like a chart selected entirely on the criterion of whether one could interpret the jacket summary as "modern bad", with no regard for the actual content.

>> No.18064068


>> No.18064071

I read 4 of them without knowing they were in some way in the same category of Mein Kampf.
ISAIF, Guénon, Évola and Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
And what would be the category of pic related

>> No.18065330

lmao marxshits ITT

>> No.18065438

Are these the books I must read to convert to Islam?

>> No.18065456

They're not related. /pol/ is full of retards, and apparently stupid is contagious because people on this board actually buy into it.

>> No.18065495

No, you don't need to read books to convert to islam, just fuck your sister (or your goat) and you're good

>> No.18065548

Not bad at all

>> No.18065630

Sounds like zoroastrianism to me

>> No.18066117

you have to be truly retarded to take Evola or Kaczynski seriously

i wish Evolaposters were permabanned from this board

>> No.18066123

retarded list

>> No.18066129

/pol/tards trying to justify their retarded knuckle dragging asses with books

>> No.18066183

Northern Italians, where most of the population is, are extremely European and not even Meds

>> No.18066210

Ask me how I know you were filtered
oof yikes y'all moutbreather chud

>> No.18066275

they are both books for people who have some vague malaise about their position in the post-industrial world and identify with kaczynski's inarticulate rage or evola's mysticism

they are not interesting or worthwhile for people who aren't /pol/tards looking for a hugbox

read Debord, Ellul, Lasch, etc instead you mong

>> No.18066319

>t. Oversocialized leftist

>> No.18066338

Are you a woman? You sound like a woman. Anyway most people have gripes with their position in our current modern world, that's nothing new, but if you can't look past the "inarticulate rage" and "mysticism" to find there's actual substance there, that's on you and not on them. Sorry bud. They're very interesting for providing different angles even if you don't completely agree with them.
>read Debord, Ellul, Lasch, etc instead you mong
Those are not mutually exclusive you smoothbrain faggot, just read both.

>> No.18066341

not a leftist, i just don’t have a double digit IQ

>> No.18066358

Worse: it's single-digit.

>> No.18066366


>> No.18066367
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Pop quiz! You have two choices

1. Your son becomes pic related, in a country where this is the accepted norm
2. You become an ethnonationalist and your government seizes the assets of all internationalist cabals promoting degeneracy

You must pick one

>> No.18066372

Convince me that /pol/ has ever read a fucking book.

>> No.18066383

I have the tranny illness deep down even though I don't act on it at all. So my son was always going to inherit it. Regardless of those two choices, the result will be the same for me.

>> No.18066407

>our current modern world

ah yes, the classic introduction to the 10th grade term paper

they are mutually exclusive in that they’re not present on this chart. rather, you just have this drivel that was almost certainly included on the basis of the title

but yeah bro enjoy all that “actual substance”. i’m sure that that the understanding of the world you’ve acquired from it isn’t completely banal, worthless, and self-parodic.

>> No.18066456

it's not that hard to read a book bro, you're not convincing anyone that you read often.

>> No.18066484

i'm so fucking tired of people grouping Ted in with other political ideologies, literally nobody seems to understand Ted even though he's as clear and blatant as you can be. I wish he had written Anti-Tech Revolution before ISAIF

>> No.18066488
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I didn't make this chart, retard. I'm just replying to a smoothbrain who was filtered hard by Ted K and Evola.
I've read Ted K, Evola, Debord, Ellul and Lasch and all have taught me much in different aspects. You're just proving you read selectively to affirm your worldview instead of to understand different perspectives.

>> No.18066607

Would you kindly tell me what is their common theme? A summary of each book would be appreciated.

>> No.18066616

>I've read Ted K, Evola, Debord, Ellul and Lasch and all have taught me much in different aspects.

lol sure dude

Imagine thinking anybody’s been “filtered” by Evola.

It’s still unclear why you think Revolt Against the Modern World has merit beyond “durrr even if you disagree with it its an interesting perspective”, which is applicable to everything. I’m assuming it’s because you were casting about for an ex post facto justification for your zoomer rage, and were willing to entertain Evola as he asked you, the reader, to suspend disbelief.

It’s self-evident that the arguments are not good or persuasive. You would lose badly arguing his position in a debate. It falls apart if you think about it critically or put it into dialog with anything else. And I think you know that, so I’m not sure what your point is.

>> No.18066636

/pol/ isn't one person with one set of beliefs they agree on nothing.

>> No.18066649

Can’t handle the banter Luigi? I’m not even a /pol/tard but I know the working definition of “white“ is Europe and the European diaspora.

>> No.18066669

Then don't believe me, retard. Most people who shit on Evola were filtered because he goes beyond the materialistic (and it's clear you are a purely materialistic faggot that was filtered by either his kind of any kind of metaphysics).
>Hurr durr I can't see it therefore it's not real
Really my dude?

>> No.18066681

how could someone read guenon and still be obsessed with politics?

>> No.18066702

Pretty much everyone who has something negative to say about evola got filtered by him.

>> No.18066718

Nah Evola's not infallible and I disagree with some of his takes, especially political, but people like him who shit on Evola completely were definitely filtered.

>> No.18066790

>and it's clear you are a purely materialistic faggot that was filtered by either his kind of any kind of metaphysics

lol I’m a practicing Catholic

You realize you’ve proved my point, right? You literally have no defense of this book other than to suggest that being filtered = being unwilling to suspend disbelief to entertain explicitly anti-rational mystical dogshit. Like yeah bro, I guess I got filtered by Long Island Medium for thinking that shit’s made up and retarded.

>> No.18066813

Aha so you're just extremely salty because Evola (rightly) shits on catholicism lmao, that explains a lot. I'll admit I had you wrong but this makes even more sense.
>being filtered = being unwilling to suspend disbelief to entertain explicitly anti-rational mystical dogshit.
>that shit’s made up and retarded.
Hmm sounds just like catholicism huh
Jesus christ the jokes write themselves
>You literally have no defense of this book
I do but you wouldn't accept it anyway since you've made up your mind beforehand

>> No.18066881

>taking unsubstantiated shots at Catholic theological and metaphysical thought
>unironically believes Evola is epic

top lol

>I do but you wouldn't accept it anyway since you've made up your mind beforehand

Um no sweetie you obviously don’t. Because the arguments are clearly bad to anybody who’s willing to think about them critically. I’m also skeptical that you understand or are capable of articulating them.

oh no bro you just have to believe me this book is epic even though i can’t defend it!!!

>> No.18066979

>I do but you wouldn't accept it anyway since you've made up your mind beforehand
>Because the arguments are clearly bad to anybody who’s willing to think about them critically.
Jesus christ, retard.

>> No.18067008

why is lit so insecure about pol?

>> No.18067496

most people read to learn and not to partake in some cult around the writer.

>> No.18067505

wtf use google retard

>> No.18067944

This list is not just trash, it is straight up boring

>> No.18067960

fucking retard
i will never understand why people are against letting the trannies sterilize themselves

>> No.18067966

mein kampf is extremely boring and rambly
for a man who was so good at giving speeches, he wasn't a good writer

>> No.18068300

The Way Life Should Be. Good book.

>> No.18068330

What do you think of the Christian mystics? They wrote about a lot of the same things as Evola.

>explicitly anti-rational mystical dogshit
Rationality has no place in mysticism or theology. Christian or otherwise.

>> No.18068567

absolute seething

>> No.18068570

I don't really engage with it. Rationalism does have a place in theology, though. The premise that a lot of Christian theologians start from is that God created a rationally ordered world and through reason we can better understand Him and His works.

>> No.18068621

Zarathustra really needs to be removed from that list. Nietzsche hated nationalists, and often called them stupid for lacking creative abilities or talents.

>> No.18069796

Yes but Evola was sicillian.

>> No.18069810

What the fuck do Pessoa, Williams and Ted K have to do with /pol/??????

>> No.18069844

The book of disquiet and stoner are genuine art while the rest are rebellious high schooler stuff. They’re still interesting reads tho

>> No.18069964
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>Imagine thinking anybody’s been “filtered” by Evola
There are several people who know nothing about platonism,neoplatonism/gnosticism,western esotericism,occultism,''hinduism'',hermeticism or alchemy who have very strong opinions about him.
Hylics are being filtered.
I myself have quite a few problems with him,as I think I understand a few specific things better than him,but I'm not going to talk about that here.
I really did enjoy Ellul's works too,he is way more detailed than Ted K,I am well aware he was inspired by Marx.
I am also well aware of the uneducted Ted trannies that started coming here,and that they are annoying,however I do agree with them that no matter how we develop technology,humanity will either end up ''enslaved'' or genocided.
/pol/acks don't read Guenon because he became a sufi.
>i wish Evolaposters were permabanned from this board
Massive seething
The OP chart is trash,probably made by a stormfront wigger that barely understood any of those books
You're supposed to write ''sweatie'' for maximum bait power

>> No.18070156

You didnt ready any of them did you?

>> No.18070252

> It pains my intelligence that someone should think they can alter anything through political agitation. I’ve always considered violence, of any type, a particularly cock-eyed example of human stupidity. All revolutionaries are stupid as are all reformers, albeit to a lesser degree,
because less discomfiting.
Revolutionaries and reformers all make the same mistake. Lacking the power to master and reform their own attitude towards life, which is everything, or their own being, which is almost everything, they escape into wanting to change others and the external world. Every revolutionary, every reformer, is an escapee. To fight is proof of one’s inability to do battle with
oneself. To reform is proof that one is oneself beyond all help.
If a man of real sensitivity and correct reasoning feels concerned about the evil and injustice of the world, he naturally seeks to correct it first where it manifests itself closest to home, and that, he will find, is in his own being.
The task will take him his whole lifetime.
Pessoa, Book of Disquiet
>use google
braindead puppet
I wonder that too. Some posters here are obsessed with/terrified of pol. Why?

>> No.18070282

>explicitly anti-rational
It's explicitly supra-rational. You were supremely filtered, either that or you never actually read him.

>> No.18070288

>Um no sweetie
Midwit detected

>> No.18070323

>you have to be truly retarded to take Evola or Kaczynski seriously
You'd have to be a midwit not to

>> No.18070354

QRD? I've heard the slogan before and I've been considering moving to Maine lately, why's this book a blackpill?

>> No.18070792

Remove the pajeet larper, literal Hitler and muh might is right shit and it's not bad at all imo

>> No.18070978

Not impressed. It doesn't feel like there's a coherent link between these books. Having Might is Right and Guenon in the same chart shows how scatterbrained this is. I say this as a pro-NatSoc person.

>> No.18071356
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>> No.18071385
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>> No.18071395
File: 1 KB, 40x40, Begin_bronze_age_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone needs to stop sperging out over some online Nazis and POST SOME FUCKING CHARTS.

>> No.18071405
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Shit those first three got fucking compressed to the size of my dick sorry guys

>> No.18071424
File: 1.66 MB, 991x2975, Beginner-fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18071437

what are these, charts for ants?

>> No.18071470

>no spengler
>no Raspail
>no Sholzi
>no Ford
>no Irving
>no MacDonald
>no Toaff
What are you even doing, kid?

>> No.18071473 [DELETED] 

What are those, charts for ants?

>> No.18071474
File: 76 KB, 450x672, 822c148ff79ade6625c8183ad2779809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any charts listing books on prehistoric epochs? I want to know more about my megafauna buddies

>> No.18071478

He’s European anyway

>> No.18071480


Giants need to be genocided by the manlet masterrace

>> No.18071669

I would replace Mein Kampf with the Elder Protocols. It doesn't matter whether they were based on a real document or not, since the antagonistic Jewish aspect within them is the least interesting part of this work.
This is a very well written essay analyzing the social structures of its era and the ones to come.
The self critical aspect that the author applies to himself could be easily seen as a general metaphor on how the aristocracy and the upper class views its peasants.
This is some of the most refined critique of the darkest aspects of the human souls and what leads it to ruin.
It's like a tragic villain's speech. There were moments when I couldn't help myself and just felt solidarity with the author.
Mein Kampf is a work of triumph made by an author that followed the same ignorant path that was described within the protocols.
You can learn how to improve yourself by reading the protocols since they point your arrogance.
I cannot say the same about Hitler's book, as it is a work of arrogance.

>> No.18071806

>we have to get more than halfway through the thread before charts are posted due to derailment
based and retarded thread

>> No.18072233
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>> No.18072240
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>> No.18072249
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>> No.18072259
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>> No.18072263
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>> No.18072265
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>> No.18072280
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>> No.18072290
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>> No.18072294

his ass

>> No.18072303
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>> No.18072318
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>> No.18072326
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>> No.18072335
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>> No.18072462
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>> No.18072637

Pessoa would be repulsed.