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18058033 No.18058033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is there a reason to learn a new language if you already speak English?

>> No.18058037


>> No.18058040

makes your brain work gooder

>> No.18058056

Depends on your goals. If you have good taste, most of your favorite writers knew at least one language besides their own. There is a reason for that. French translates quite awkwardly into English sometimes, for example.

>> No.18058068

>French translates quite awkwardly into English
Don't know why you singled out French specifically. Out of every language it translates the best into English

>> No.18058076

From a practical standpoint, no. You should only bother learning another language if you have a personal draw towards the language and culture. English is the language of power right now so if you know it, you're already a step ahead. That will change in the future if China rises to prominence, so moonrune is worth learning at some point.

>> No.18058077
File: 35 KB, 596x515, English.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A practical reason? No. For an Anglophone other languages are mental tinker toys.

>> No.18058102

That isn't remotely true, we have a lot of words derived from french but the basis of the grammar is completely different.

The closest language to English is Dutch - or even supposedly Frisian. A dialect of Dutch very close to how Saxons spoke.

Germanic languages translate far better.

>> No.18058105
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Yes. I will read translations.
Yes. I will watch foreign movies with subtitles or an English dub.
Yes. I will only listen to English music.
Yes. I will attempt to speak your language with an American accent.
Yes. I will ask you to speak in English when I'm in your country.
No. I will not learn your language.

>> No.18058109
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>> No.18058117

Learn Latin, Ancient Greek, and the old tongue of your native country

>> No.18058121

We stopped actively hating on you guys a good 8 or so years ago now, it's more cringe now.

>> No.18058127

Other way around, actually. For other speakers, English is baby tier.

>> No.18058135

No you're completely wrong. I'm a French and German translator and French is by far more conducive with English translation.

>> No.18058154

Depends, really. French poetry usually translates better into Spanish or Italian and it sounds quite awkward when translated into English. Prose is another matter.

>> No.18058162

>Yes. I will ask you to speak in English when I'm in your country.
People will tell you to fuck off unless they're scandicucks.

>> No.18058163

How extremely convenient, I suppose I'll take your word for it

But just from speaking Dutch, I can tell you it is a hell of a lot closer to English than French.

>> No.18058172

>romance translates better into romance
That's a given. Regarding Enlgish translation though, there's nothing more conducive than French

>> No.18058193

>hell of a lot closer
Yes, but we're talking about translation here. You seem to be acting under the assumption that more recent common ancestor = more conducive to translation. No. At least not with English.

>> No.18058198

I've spoken English all my life and would consider my vocabulary to be above average, but reading Nabokov made me realize I still have so much to explore within the English language so I'm not as concerned with learning another, for now.

>> No.18058210

English has a portion of French vocabulary, yes, but the structure and gendered aspect make them quite distinct. I think dutchbro has a point. The Scandinavian languages are also similar to English.

>> No.18058288

I learned and I’m learning new languages because I want to be a historian.

>> No.18058377
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There is no pressing utility in learning a new language other than acquisition of beauty. If you're EPL, you should learn a language you're passionate about or one that is beautiful: that's it.

This, of course, doesn't apply to Greek which should be a requirement to vote

>> No.18058455

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18058498


>> No.18058518

why do you use it then, condorito? you're a hypocrite

>> No.18058533

Well i'm french and i learnt english by attempting to read a visual novel with google translate(and no intention to learn the language), by the end of the vn i was using a monolingual dictionary.
I don't think that would have been possible with anny other language so that's probably true.

>> No.18058540



>> No.18058567

Using monolingual dictionaries is possible in every language.

>> No.18058568

Being on lit and content with one language is like being on v and being alright with only the snes console.
You're either missing out on massive pockets of contents or stuck with inferior ports.

>> No.18058617

Obviously, i mean that i could never have done the same with japanese or latin.
I was literally google translate without caring about the english, then at some point i somehow got structure down and only needed to copy words, then at some points the synonyms under the words were ennough so i rarely even glanced at the translation.
That's when i moved on to a monolingual dictionary.
Either english and french are that close structurally or i'm extremly gifted when it comes to languages but i don't think it's true, i struggled like crazy with japanese, latin was a bit easier but only because lingua latina is a thing.

>> No.18058635

Sound more to me like you already knew some English. Either way, English is so baby tier that anyone can understand it.

>> No.18058661

If you have any interest in art, culture, history, intellectualism, communication, politics, economics, basically any academic field whatsoever, etc. then yes.

If you're a retard that just wants to fill your truck up, get good deals at Cosco and get drunk and pick up fat chicks at the local bar, then no.

>> No.18058682

This songs SOUNDS like it really did come out in 2012.
Never heard it before, but it makes me feel nostalgic.

>> No.18059041

Only if you're an academic or want to read foreign poetry. I presume you are not planning on moving abroad.

>> No.18059077

Yes if you want to move to a new country or read the original text.
If it's the latter, the only languages worth learning are: Ancient Greek, Latin, German, French in that order.

>> No.18059088 [DELETED] 

How do you know if a language is worth learning when you haven't learn it?

>> No.18059093

Then why are ESLs so retarded?

>> No.18059123

Monolinguals are more retarded. These are the "people" who still say "then" when they mean "than" or "could care less."

>> No.18059161

>For other speakers, English is baby tier.
ESLs must have the intellectual capacity of something less than a baby then because they still manage to fuck it up all the time

>> No.18059184

makes you more well rounded and attractive if you can speak a bunch of languages. looks good on a cv. you can read literature as it was written without having to resort on another's interpretation. it's good for the brain

>> No.18060035

English speakers fuck it up all the time. And it's THEIR native language. See: their/there, then/than, could care less, etc.

>> No.18060077
