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/lit/ - Literature

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18049172 No.18049172 [Reply] [Original]

There will come a time in your study of philosophy when you realize that it all comes down to the choice between these two. For those who have already made this realization, which path did you chose and why?

My love for music, dance, art, beauty and the belief that an abundance of these things can give rise to meaning in our existence made the choice obvious. I feel utter contempt for illusions, deceit and cope, which I see as weakness and cowardliness, and hold the belief that life is only worth living as long as you can strive towards your will. Death is preferable to an enslaved will. So I follow Nietzsche in that life must be affirmed.

>> No.18049186

Which one's the top and which one's the bottom?

>> No.18049204

nobody who has read both would pick schopenhauer, they do not even play in the same league

>> No.18049215

Evola scores a direct hit on both with a cannon 102/35 -1914. Nothing is left but ashes. He takes his bride Savitri Devi and lives happy ever after.

>> No.18049216

they are both pseuds

>> No.18049221
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The author of this book seems to have: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_e17mfbX2s

>> No.18049223


>> No.18049231


>> No.18049238


>> No.18049249

Schopenhauer, I am a truecel and will stand by his teachings to the end of time

>> No.18049493

this is so great desu. He systemizes Schopenhauer to the point where it seems like he truly achieved the synthesis of his two greatest influences Plato and Kant. It's very elegant and shows that Schopenhauer isn't necessarily to be interpreted as a pessimist

>> No.18049932

Heidegger or evola

>> No.18050794


>> No.18050813

>metaphysics of quantum mechanics

>> No.18050828

No mainstream philosopher represents the truth. The real stuff is secret. I know this for a fact.

>> No.18050842

This is you:
> be literally in a highly controlled society
> thought control institutions called universities
> thinks PhD shills can think straight after their indoctrination.
> thinks he will get the truth from the mainstream
> too terrified to realize the world he is living in
> doesn't know that he must find the truth himself.

>> No.18051138
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This is the actual final boss

>> No.18052445

Nietzsche, Wittgenstein and Heidegger are final bosses of philosophy.

>> No.18052489

I haven't actually read enough of either to say. I've read like half of thus spoke zarathustra, and only 2 essay from schop.
But from what I know, I like what schopenhauer says more.

>> No.18052566

The final boss is always yourself anon.

>> No.18053020

Its a good question. Right now I lean schoppy, but I have read a lot of his work, and barely any of Nietzsche.

I really like how Schopenhauer laid out and explained the metaphysics. Very easy to understand and digest compared to someone like Kant. I think the ethical conclusions he draws from that are kind of a cope, and like Nietzsche's outlook better.

>> No.18053030

I refuse to believe anyone who claims Schopenhauer is a pessimist actually has read him.

>> No.18053047

Uneducated thread. Your choice is between Hegel and Kant and only the ignorant believe otherwise. Philosophy is not dogma.

>> No.18053092

>muh Geist
>muh thing-in-itself
>muh categorical imperative
Wittgenstein tore down Hegel and Kant to the ground

>> No.18053171
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>> No.18053174

Brainworms is not philosophy.

>> No.18053525

Debord is always the bottom, no matter the question

This guy had an interview with Pajeet Chopra, I am not reading wannabe instagram guru ecelebs

>> No.18053941

>Your choice is between Hegel and Kant and only the ignorant believe otherwise
Both memes, and so are you, my ignorant anon.

>> No.18054066
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>> No.18055020

>I think the ethical conclusions he draws from that are kind of a cope
I don't believe so. If Schopenhauers metapsychics are true in that we are all One, then his ethics follows. You can't get around it.

>> No.18055142

I want to read schopy, but I'm reading Kant first and at times he makes me want to blow my head open (not necessarily due entirely to complexity) , what do?

>> No.18055146

I chose Schoppi because I don't really enjoy things.

>> No.18055551
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I used to be in your same place. First I read Schopenhauer and was into his philosophy for a few years. Then I read Nietzsche and felt I leveled up to a higher form of understanding the world. It bothered me that I see a lot of people like you who never move beyond Nietzsche so I did my best to be critical of what I understood from his philosophy. It's been a few years since I read much from either of them but now I see them at about the same level, agreeing with each of them on some points and disagreeing on others, but realizing neither of them came close to covering everything. It's weird how people remain devotees to a particular philosopher their whole lives and never even attempt to challenge them on some of their central assumptions.

>> No.18055564

Most people who are into Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and not other philosophers are not really that much into philosophy itself.

>> No.18055579


>> No.18055608

Nietzsche is just a nice addendum to Schopenhauer.

> it all comes down to the choice between these two
I reject this hypothesis and expect you're philosophically illiterate.

>> No.18055619

Fucking subhuman scum

>> No.18055632

Kill yourself than faggot, or prove yourself wrong by continuing to make the choice to live

>> No.18055659

>Loves life
>Yells at other people that they should kill themselves
Kill yourself by jumping into the irony of your argument.

>> No.18055687

i love my life, yours means dick therefore i have every moral right to claim that if you hate life so much you should kill yourself and rid the world of a walking, talking buzzkill
now fuck off to your ligotti threads

>> No.18055700

>i love my life, yours means dick
Then keep your nose out of my life you retarded cunt.

>> No.18055711

stop being an obnoxious black whole of negativity, i recognize you posting and i know that you go into every thread and spew your retarded >muhhh life is a mistake

>> No.18055735

>stop being an obnoxious black whole of negativity
I would say same thing to you and suggest you to stop yelling at people that they should kill themselves. May be we both have to learn somethings.
Also I don't even reply that much to threads these days. And I am not the sole pessimist on this board.

>> No.18055872

>yelling at people that they should kill themselves
I'm not yelling faggot I'm typing. I'm just asking you to live through your principles, actions speak louder than words, and if you believe life is so shit then end it. I don't so why would I? You do, so why don't you?

>> No.18055884

See >>18055659
Then see >>18055700

>> No.18055959

First there is no irony in that statement
Second >>18055700
My nose isn't in your life, do what ever the fuck you want, I'm just pointing out the flaws in your philosophical reasoning, you refuse to live out your principles. You'd rather wallow in self pity, feeling sorry for yourself because of the nature of reality, than growing some balls and working to overcome yourself.

>> No.18055971

>My nose isn't in your life, do what ever the fuck you want,
Lets end the conversation here.

>> No.18056129

Can you elaborate? I don't see the realization that we are all one can solve any ethical dilemmas. You will still have to choose between the interests of different people, even if they are manifestations of one being.

>> No.18056154

>Hated women
>Was hated by women
>Hated women
>Was dated by women
I think it's obvious who is superior.

>> No.18056200

Parerga and Paralipomena is the greatest work of philosophy every written, at least in the original german version.

By that alone the coice is obivously Schopenhauer.

>> No.18056393

There were several women who liked/loved Nietzsche: Louise Ott, Marie Baumgartner, Mathilde Maier, Meta von Salis, Malwida von Meysenbug

>> No.18056394

and schopenhauer fucked all of them

>> No.18056396

Hard to do when you're being digested by maggots

>> No.18056490

If anyone could do it, it's Schopy.

>> No.18056815

it's weird that you assume that just because a person agrees with Nietzsche it means they are not well read into philosophy. I have studied the greeks, the medieval Christians, the English and French liberals up until Nietzsche. After all of this I have to agree with Nietzsche, granted I haven't studied anyone else beyond the years Nietzsche was alive. I was a Scholastic who became a Platonist who then dropped it all for Nietzsche because I think metapsychics is essentially just an elaborate cope

>> No.18056834

So what is your current out look on life now?

>> No.18056875

>They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice; that only a madman could be guilty of it; and other insipidities of the same kind; or else they make the nonsensical remark that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.
>That a man who no longer wishes to live for himself must go on living merely as a machine for others to use is an extravagant demand.
I completely agree with these, I haven't found any philosopher who will tell me on a logical basis that I shouldn't kill myself.
The truth is that any being who is half aware of his surroundings understands that this world is a true Hell. Life is a horrible curse.
Even Buddhism which embraces this world view needs to cope HARD to dissuade potential faithfuls from suicide: MUH BAD KARMA, MUH REINCARNATION. It invents a final goal to resist suicide in the achievement of Nibbana. It's a layer of cope upon the grim reality of life, that it is simply not worth living because it's pain, and all pleasure only achieves the function of loading the spring for more future pain.

>> No.18056898
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I believe that life is suffering, life is fundamentally meaningless and full of angst. Despite all of this I live for the beautiful moments in life. I take inspiration from the ancient Greeks, life is a tragedy. I gaze at beautiful art and listen to great music. I long for a day when I can have my own family but at the same time feeling slight anxiety over potentially bringing even more suffering into the world. Heraclitus said "when children are born, a new death is born with them". I have made peace with my own mortality and welcome it with open arms when my time is due, my biggest fear is not my own suffering because I know there is always a way out, but the fear of having people close to me suffer is the worst feeling.

I want to affirm every moment of life until the very last moment that my will can not be pursued anymore, then I want to sleep.

>> No.18056932

>I have made peace with my own mortality

>> No.18056989

I feel similarly to you about children anon. I want them desperately but fear whether it is worth it. I am trying to move to a new place where if I did have them they would have the best chances of avoiding the worst evils of the world and thereby achieve some measure of happiness.

>> No.18057018
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You have to understand that I am childless, without a woman and essentially lack any responsibility towards others. I can only tell you how I feel towards death in this moment and right now I feel nothing. Those moments that give me great meaning barely make up for the anxiety that preoccupies my mind everyday. I live for a better future, I'm a very hopeful person who constantly dreams about a better future, that keeps me going. I'm not depressed. I believe depression, if I'm not mistaken, is the feeling of utter hopelessness. I'm not there yet in my life. I still retain immense hope, my will to procreate is very strong.

My biggest fears in life right now are that I will remain without a woman, and even if I manage to get a woman that I will remain childless and even then that something will happen to my children, or me, that affects the wellbeing of my children.

>> No.18057042
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>I am trying to move to a new place where if I did have them they would have the best chances of avoiding the worst evils of the world and thereby achieve some measure of happiness.
This is my thinking as well anon. I wish to live in close proximity to nature where I believe it will give the best conditions for a good life to my children.

>> No.18057133

I know the basics of Nietzsche's thought, but what did Schopenhauer argue for and why are you presenting them as two opposed options?
>I feel utter contempt for illusions, deceit and cope,
Did Schopenhauer argue in favor of those things?

>> No.18057156

Nietzscheas thoughts are pretty much diametrically opposed to Schopenhauers. So if Nietzsche said up, then you can assume Schopenhauer said down.

>I feel utter contempt for illusions, deceit and cope,
>Did Schopenhauer argue in favor of those things?
depends on whether or not you agree with Schopenhauer or not

>> No.18057162
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How old are you anon?
Have you made any physical changes to appear better for a woman?
Nice paitings btw, I'll also post some

>> No.18057187

>and even if I manage to get a woman that I will remain childless

for me, its the contrary, i mean i don´t discard the possibility of getting married one day but to be honest i don´t want to have kids and my biggest fear is having my loved one saying that she wants one, if i can find a woman who doesn´t want kids either, i´ll be very pleased

>> No.18057217
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why don't you want to have kids?

>> No.18057227

you need him and he's an absolute genius worth reading on his own if you can get around the jargon. Also, if you complete the CopR, read Schopenhauer's dissertation and the appendix to the WWR (critique of Kantian philosophy) first before you jump into the WWR

you are retarded

>> No.18057248

Why he is retarded?

>> No.18057255

What are some philosophical problems that weren't covered by Nietzsche?

>> No.18057263

for several reasons, one of them, because it will harder to achieve what i want to do in life, my goals and my artistics ambitions, second because my life was so shitty (still it is in some aspects), i can´t really comprehend having a kid of my own suffering like i did, or worse, thirdly because i don´t think i will be a good father, why is that? well the thing is my childhood was really an unhappy one, i grew up with a passive father and a narcissistic mother who repeadtly abuse me physically and emotionally (to the point of torture), so i never had the chance to have a safe space or doing something that i would like to do on my own and having a kid basically means you have to sacrifice part of yourself for the sake of your kid, you know, putting his/her needs first, i can´t do that, i never was happy, i never had the chance to give my own satisfaction, another reason for not wanting kids is the decaying social structures in the west althought i know this is a weak excuse but it´s a valid one still

>> No.18057278

Are you literally me? I have the exact same reasons for not wanting children although I would like a relationship someday. But unfortunately good women usually want children

>> No.18057287

Then why do people say Schopenhauer wasn't a pessimist, since Nietzsche is as optimistic as it gets?

>> No.18057300

yes, it´s a tough search, either way,, since i´m in my early 20s i really don´t think about the stuff regularly, but yeah, i hope i can manage to find one when i´m older

>> No.18057309

>Then why do people say Schopenhauer wasn't a pessimist,
Coping Wagner type christcucks

>> No.18057322

>Then why do people say Schopenhauer wasn't a pessimist
Because he was. Nietzsche called him a Life-Denyer, a No sayer. He was a very grumpy person, even his own mother couldn't stand him (Schopenhauer)

>> No.18057329

also this

>> No.18057348

Is nietzsche an anti-platonist? is his philosophy absolutely impossible to reconcile with metaphysical belief?

>> No.18057354

>Is nietzsche an anti-platonist

>> No.18058018

>love for music, dance, art, beauty
what is thats just a cope too

>> No.18058428

>defining oneself and one's outlook on life by choosing and affirming a single philosopher

That's basically like choosing between nintendo and Playstation. That is the niveau of this whole thread. Great job /lit/.

>> No.18058448

>defining oneself and one's outlook on life by choosing and affirming a single philosopher
It's not about defining oneself by choosing a single philosopher. It's about choosing a path at a crossroad. You can't choose Playstation and play Mario.

>> No.18058475

not the kind of top/bottom you are thinking of, anon

>> No.18058544

There is no logical argument against suicide. But even /lit/ will often shit on you when you complain about life. That's why the only effective way to complain is to actually suicide. The deed stands for itself. Everything you'll say in favor of suicide will be dismissed because muh life is precious and also you will be demanded to either get it together and conquer life or to not be a pussy and just do it. Your thoughts about suicide are worthless, a waste of time.
One could argue that there should be a basic right of death like there is a human right to your life. That wouldn't really achieve much though. Who wants to die can do so without the consent of the state. I still believe that in next coming decades there will be more official efforts to make suicide a right rather than a crime. And then capitalism might even make a business out of it.

>> No.18058573

I can read Nietzsche and Schopenhauer and the beauty lies in the circumstance that each of them gets more refined in the context of the other. There is no necessity to choose one against the other. Life is not black and white and we're not even speaking of epistemology. And yes, I can enjoy both Nintendo and Playstation.

>> No.18058592

>There is no necessity to choose one against the other.
there is if you actually want to have a coherent opinion on the philosopher you're reading. Who said you can't read both? The claim was that you can't agree with both because they are diametrically opposed.

>And yes, I can enjoy both Nintendo and Playstation.
I also like to LARP as a Christian and Atheist when it favors me.

>> No.18059017

"Metaphysical belief" becomes an expression of psychology after Nietzsche.

>> No.18059024

The final boss of philosophy is the academic institution itself.
Many greats have fallen to this one

>> No.18059033

Nietzsche bottoms for Schopenhauer definitely.

>> No.18059036
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>> No.18059069

You studied them, but were only swayed by Nietzsche, meaning that you are only travelling from one provoking, powerful writer to the next. More convertitis

>> No.18059090

I think he is referring to "going between the horns" of this false dichotomy; in other words, being in possession of so great a mind as to appreciate and fully understand both Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, understand what they erred, and spring off from them with your own, superior philosophy. Anything short of this is defeatism and sycophantism towards dead philosophers that make you feel secure in your own beliefs due to the validation others give them

>> No.18059118

>One could argue that there should be a basic right of death like there is a human right to your life. That wouldn't really achieve much though. Who wants to die can do so without the consent of the state.
I think it's probably better to not have a right to death, precisely because this makes it an act of rebellion. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to punish people who help suffering friends and relatives die, but being forced to do it without state approval affirms the act as one of total personal will.
>I still believe that in next coming decades there will be more official efforts to make suicide a right rather than a crime. And then capitalism might even make a business out of it.
That is a nightmare scenario. Suicides will no longer be viewed as the result of the conditions under which people live. They will just be another clinical act, bottled and branded with the full endorsement of the society that makes people want to kill themselves in the first place.
It reminds me of the development of non-lethal projectile control weapons. If police have guns and batons, then they have to live with killing and beating people. The state has to deal with the bad publicity. With tasers and water cannon they get all the control without the guilty conscience.

>> No.18059124

Was going to post this.

>> No.18059167

Nietzsche of all people should have known to resist the temptation to psychologize beliefs. If we read him and compare to his life we will come to some very embarrassing (for him) conclusions. Yet somehow he couldn't help philosophizing with a hammer.

>> No.18059236

>If we read him and compare to his life we will come to some very embarrassing (for him) conclusions.
Nietzsche didn't commit blunders in thought like that. In Ecce Homo he psychoanalyzes himself, connecting his condition with his own philosophy, and it was in fact his own condition which led him to discover that a psychological type was lurking behind every metaphysical belief.

>> No.18059351

Schoopdawhoop and neetbux aren't the end of philosophy.

>> No.18060084

Thanks for the advice anon, I'll keep on with him.

>> No.18060096

boring pseuds for edgy teens

>> No.18060843

who's your favorite philosopher?

>> No.18060862


>> No.18060878

Heidegger is not in the same league as Evola-sama

>> No.18060903
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You're alright kid.

>> No.18060945

>In Ecce Homo he psychoanalyzes himself
You cannot psychoanalyze yourself, this is basic knowledge. If we want to know more about Nietzsche's psychology, we need to ask someone like Wagner (who knew all about his masturbation habits).

>> No.18060954

>implying that christcuck never exaggerated the bullshit

>> No.18060967

Wagner was a neopagan LARPer

>> No.18060994

Clownish. Go read Fanged Nouemena again if you're so esoteric and astute.

>> No.18061090

Please adopt virtue ethics.

>> No.18061133


>> No.18061246

Better than being a christlarper

>> No.18061603

It's like those two + Camus just attract the biggest normies

>> No.18061626
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whatever you say, kid

>> No.18061627

Schopenhauer is up there with Kant and the rest of German Idealism while Nietzsche just said something akin to "lmao Kant is a boring fuck irl, no wonder he comes up with this boring shit, I mog that manlet so hard."

>> No.18061637

At the end of the day, it's only Plato or Aristotle. Everything else is child's play.

>> No.18061660

Nah, it's just Aristotle.

>> No.18061675

You don't understand Plato or Aristotle

>> No.18061681

I probably understand both better than you. Including Plato is totally redundant.

>> No.18061703


>> No.18061833

>i'm too dumb for philosophy

>> No.18061840

I know you are

>> No.18062599

Can't this be said of anyone who is "into" just one or two philosophers regardless of who it is?

>> No.18062666

>Schopenhauer is up there with Kant and the rest of German Idealism
I really wouldn't put Schopenhauer with the German Idealists. He was doing his own thing building on Kant, while they were coming up with increasingly complex ways of licking the state's boots.

>> No.18062784

He wasn't a "christcuck," and how would you even know it's an "exaggeration?"

>> No.18062903

>You cannot psychoanalyze yourself
You certainly can, and Nietzsche did.

>> No.18063074

just in b4 the final qcest. willed where ur from to be so biggoted.? balls the wall oirish anseo afk fyi. schopenenhimer is the man ur looking for doobie brothers. a mammon met lent like the lie of the cuntas german LORE pisseggan che. neet to be dead in the head but only for 6ftdeep sakes. regardless if im not the man you wanted me to be. => neitzche spare time queates to schopenhegmium critic blazex(acid).

denguth czar bags come from shoppie but are propped nad prolled by sumup lining of a bozbox neit.

any MAN can see that most beliefs of faith come with the spice of a yeatscian dusty rose if you follow the path of doom.pass to the left.

cock unironically in the air is the best line THIS BODY canons jumpen art cowards about. but real sense comes from the suni0 streaks left on a vertered face or a emothional ragin teenage trip spent on a boat with some paedo uvedone best to burydeep down. => prosut was only a gun for a feadouig and lives such as. halive or márabh.

its time to study extensitiallism of bipeds.

>> No.18063149

Philosophy ended with Aristotle. Hate to break it to you.

>> No.18063182

>Death is preferable to an enslaved will.
heh, without your awareness you have revealed yourself to be a schopenhauerian Pessimist. Go back to studying nietzsche. nothing persnel.

>> No.18063208

noo... god is dead is not final answer. final answer is I fucked god ass to mouth and then burned him alive.

>> No.18063219

irrelevant when cope for incels has ended

>> No.18064105

why did schoppy write about music is a positive light? He claimed music is an immediate expression of will but based his philosophy on the idea that will is evil in nature. So shouldn't music be evil as well?

>> No.18064344
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Aquí tienes tu jefe final, gilip*llas.

>> No.18064879

You don't affirm life, you're a coward. You need a burning rage to truly affirm life.

>> No.18066015

the will as conscious life, split up into subject and object (what it wants to do) leads to suffering. We can free ourselves from that suffering by getting close to our being as pure will, either by contemplating Platonic forms directly (subject and object become almost one, in a state of meditating on a given object) or we can assist that by being led to such a state by art. And since music is pure expression of the platonic forms with little to no representative content, music will lead us to a state of bliss and being one with will at large most effectively.

>> No.18066148

They're both bottoms.

>> No.18066228
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Anon, how old were you when you finally understood that Mill was right about everything?

>> No.18066617

>subject and object become almost one, in a state of meditating on a given object
Sounds a lot like Samatha. Did he mention anything comparable to the Jhanas that Buddhists experience?
>music is pure expression of the platonic forms with little to no representative content
Thanks anon, that makes sense of a lot of things for me. I always wondered why music is so much more moving than other art forms.

>> No.18066938

or they have only read essay in pessimisme

>> No.18066959

unfathomably based

>> No.18067110

Nah Pyrrho is the final and unbeatable boss nigga in all of philosophy

>> No.18067126

what is it that you actually do?

>> No.18067138

>what is it that you actually do?
I stared at the abyss and didn't kill myself for starters.

>> No.18067142

>Philosophy ended with Aristotle
No, it ended with Aquinas

>> No.18067153

This withered old root might actually be the final boss. He dismisses everything within the realm of humanity, rendering the works of Nietzsche, Schopie, and the rest pointless.

>> No.18067231


>> No.18067293

you're expecting one of two answers
>uhh nothing but it's about the principle dude
>well you see i'm self aggrandizing and make up narratives surrounding the events in my life and it feels meaningful
both of which you can easily shoot down as not properly "affirming life" in a nietzschean way. but what you're not considering is that the only other valid answer is a genuine "i'm legitimately fucking awesome and do all kinds of kickass shit". and even people who COULD say that truthfully usually don't. and very very few people can fit the bill. but that doesn't mean they (we, the vast majority of humanity) don't fully partake in the human experience, the experience of life in general, suffering, competition, fatigue, and everything else.
it's so unfair you demand to know what he "actually does" because he doesn't like inert mopey pessimism and can appreciate vitality in and of itself, the suffering of life aside.

>> No.18068180
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>I feel utter contempt for illusions, deceit and cope, which I see as weakness and cowardliness, and hold the belief that life is only worth living as long as you can strive towards your will. Death is preferable to an enslaved will. So I follow Nietzsche in that life must be affirmed.
A fellow /pol/ack.

>> No.18068189

>You cannot psychoanalyze yourself, this is basic knowledge.
>You cannot Know Thyself; You cannot know Truth, you cannot know Lies; You should follow my Faith because it's the correct one and everything else are Satans Lies!

>> No.18068193

ok well i occasionally do stuff so

>> No.18068195

>There will come a time in your study of philosophy when you realize that it all comes down to the choice between these two.
Why is that?

>> No.18068198
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Pic related.

>> No.18068203
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>Why is that?
To Be
Not to Be
>pic related

>> No.18068209

>This withered old root might actually be the final boss. He dismisses everything within the realm of humanity, rendering the works of Nietzsche, Schopie, and the rest pointless.

>> No.18068241

you missed the joke retard

>> No.18068490

Not them but I think this short article sums up his stance towards ideology most effectively and succinctly. Can't be refuted imo


>> No.18068645

Lol, basically true. Just read Plato, Aristotle, Socrates in whatever forms you can, and then the pre-Socratics. Everything else, especially modern philosophy, is intellectual rap-battles. Like a bunch of autistic spazzes trying to dazzle each other while an even more clueless drooling audience watches and jerks each other off over how "intellectual" they are.

>> No.18068655

based retard

>> No.18068668

If you neglect the pomos you will never understand the state of the world today, least of all how to orient yourself within it

>> No.18068962

What’s a good modern philosophy book to get into? I like mr neech and read some Pomo. Thinking of deleuze. Read Derrida and Levinas most recently. Also some liberal stuff like gender trouble but I’m tired of liberal philosophies

>> No.18069316

shitposting? he was incredibly disagreeable.

>> No.18069325

Schoppy: selfish top
Nietzsche: bossy bottom

>> No.18069752

Ah yes, the quintessential incel attractors.
It's an insult to Schopenhauer to even compare him to Nietzsche, anyways.

>> No.18069872
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There is a middle way.

>> No.18069932

The will to power is a contradiction in itself.
The will to life is human.

>> No.18069999

>And since music is pure expression of the platonic forms with little to no representative content, music will lead us to a state of bliss and being one with will at large most effectively.
Composers are the real philosophers?

>> No.18070071

>Composers are the real philosophers?
Nice get, but Wagner was not only a composer, but also a brilliant poet and philosopher. His thought was fundamental for early Nietzsche, for example. It all ties in with the Gesamtkunstwerk.

>> No.18070926

Just asking to be put in his place.

>> No.18070948

>There will come a time in your study of philosophy when you realize that it all comes down to the choice between these two.
There won't. N is great but it's not really a philosophy designed for the masses (and yes - you are part of the herd) it's aimed at truly exceptional people who are ok with extreme loneliness and isolation and even then you're not supposed to follow it to a T.
>Go away from me and resist Zarathustra! And even better: be ashamed of him! Perhaps he deceived you… One pays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil.

>> No.18070962

>I feel utter contempt for illusions, deceit and cope, which I see as weakness and cowardliness
>So I follow Nietzsche in that life must be affirmed.
Nietzsche - Famous rationalist.

>> No.18070966

>a brilliant poet

Favorite Wagner poem?

>> No.18070969
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The problem is you'll EITHER find Heidegger's philosophy final and all-encompassing or completely and utterly irrelevant. I won't say which I agree with.

>> No.18070980

A roundabout way of saying Plato, Aristotle, and Heraclitus.

>> No.18070986


>> No.18070988

N's big rant about women comes right after a chapter about why unexamined prejudice and nationalism are fucking stupid. He knew - he just didn't care to change.

>> No.18071000

Given that the will to power is panexperiantial I don't see a contradiction.

>> No.18071007

>Go away from me and resist Zarathustra! And even better: be ashamed of him! Perhaps he deceived you… One pays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil
Would this not involve utterly repudiating "Zarathustra's" (Nietzsche's) teachings? What then, would be the purpose of reading any of Nietzsche's works, if you do not extirpate them in yourself?

>> No.18071028
File: 16 KB, 477x268, MV5BMTU4MjUyOTczOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTE0MjQyNg@@._V1_CR0,59,640,360_AL_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I coom.

>> No.18071039

It's a bug filter. It filters bugmen like yourself out who can only think in terms of binary opposites.

>> No.18071040

>Would this not involve utterly repudiating "Zarathustra's" (Nietzsche's) teachings?
Not repudiating but not following either. The point in the context of this thread is that Nietzsche would despise Nietzscheans.
>What then, would be the purpose of reading any of Nietzsche's works, if you do not extirpate them in yourself?
It's the pre-requisite examination of the state of human following the fall of Christianity and what's needed to provide the soil out of which the ubermensch will grow. Dionysus would reaad a lot of books and take in a lot of ideas but he would never be beholden to any of them, nor - more importantly - pray for salvation from a world that should be affirmed. The point of N is a mindset shift away from what Christianity (by which he means Jews in a roundabout way) has brought us to.

>> No.18071065

>Would this not involve utterly repudiating "Zarathustra's" (Nietzsche's) teachings?
If you mean this in a "how do we arrive at the truth to repudiate N way:
>hat provokes one to look at all philosophers half suspiciously, half mockingly, is not that one discovers again and again how innocent they are—how often and how easily they make mistakes and go astray; in short, their childishness and childlikeness—but that they are not honest enough in their work, although they all make a lot of virtuous noise when the problem of truthfulness is touched even remotely. They all pose as if they had discovered and reached their real opinions through the self-development of a cold, pure, divinely unconcerned dialectic (as opposed to the mystics of every rank, who are more honest and doltish—and talk of “inspiration”); while at bottom it is an assumption, a hunch, indeed a kind of “inspiration”—most often a desire of the heart that has been filtered and made abstract—that they defend with reasons they have sought after the fact. They are all advocates who resent that name, and for the most part even wily spokesmen for their prejudices which they baptize “truths

>> No.18071081

Why are you so vitriolic? I was only asking a question, never indicating that I could only "think in binary opposites."

>> No.18071085

There is no vitriol. It is a genuine bug filter. This is why some people are never capable of appreciating Nietzsche.

>> No.18071098

The overreaching nature of your post indicated vitriol; I was not even "filtered;" I did not fully understand, hence the question (and the realization of Nietzsche's point in saying what he said).

>This is why some people are never capable of appreciating Nietzsche
Because they don't understand him? Do you believe anyone who dislikes Nietzsche just doesn't understand him?

>> No.18071136
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You might understand him in that you know his positions and the various points he seems to raise and criticisms he makes, but this isn't comprehension and appreciation unless you are not a bug. In fairness, it's quite amusing watching people who did not comprehend him attempt to refute or discredit him.

>> No.18071147
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There is no such thing as a bug. People just do what they have to to get by.

>> No.18071152

>In fairness, it's quite amusing watching people who did not comprehend him attempt to refute or discredit him.
There's the vitriol.

>> No.18071160

Nope, I find it genuinely amusing. It's like dancers performing under the lead dancer, which is Nietzsche.

>> No.18071166

That's what bugs do.

>> No.18071186

No, that's what adults do. You'll become one someday when you have a family to provide for.

>> No.18071188

I hope one day comes when you will understand how Nietzsches philosophy of affirming life is just one big cope.
I really hope you do.

>> No.18071208

The absolute bare minimum of an adult. Sounds like your life didn't turn out very well.

>> No.18071212
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>I hope one day comes when you will understand how not being a depressed sack of worthless shit is just one big cope.
>you might think your enjoyment, family and fulfilment make you happy but they don't
>hahaha silly sheeple enjoying life

>> No.18071224

Projection. Genuine advice - you're capable of everything you believe you are. Stop being so bitter and the world will open up. I've been there.

>> No.18071226

If the years of experience on this website and others has taught me anything, it's that anytime someone says "it's amusing to watch X," he really means he enjoys watching other people be debased and belittled, which is the mark of a petty and pathetic person. Even more embarrassing is the insistence on seeming impassive, or remotely amused.

>it's like dancers performing under the lead dancer
The same can be said of anyone, including Nietzsche; there is no escaping the dance

>> No.18071259

You just stated a post ago that being a dullard who only cares about sustaining his own life is the best thing humanity is capable of, when clearly the opposite is true.
>The same can be said of anyone, including Nietzsche; there is no escaping the dance
But you admit it's a dance, and that is all. It's very hard to reject Nietzsche if you coincide on this one basic acknowledgement.

>> No.18071269

>You just stated a post ago that being a dullard who only cares about sustaining his own life is the best thing humanity is capable of, when clearly the opposite is true.
Link to when I posted this please???? I started responding to you at >>18071147

>> No.18071329

>It make me feel good so it must be true
>Thinks having a family will make him happy
>Thinks philosphy is about happiness and quality of life
The trad trend is cope, your ancestors didn't live their life thinking they were affirming life, they did it because they had to, because they were supposed to.
You will not achieve happiness (or whatever the fuck you want to call it) by being rich, but neither will you by having a family.

>> No.18071354

>But you admit it's a dance, and that is all. It's very hard to reject Nietzsche if you coincide on this one basic acknowledgement.
The man who dances, bobbing up and down, also believes he sees his fellow men dancing. How does the dancer know that others are dancing? You must first stop dancing, and then talk.

I don't believe Nietzsche did this; he will always dance the tarantella

>> No.18071372

>It make me feel good so it must be true
Define truth
>Thinks having a family will make him happy
Happiness is about more than jacking off and playing video games - fulfilment plays a big part
>Thinks philosphy is about happiness and quality of life
No, but that's why it attracts such depressed, dis-affected shit heads.
>The trad trend is cope
>your ancestors didn't live their life thinking they were affirming life, they did it because they had to, because they were supposed to.
I doubt anyone died from cholera because they were supposed to. Life is still a gift.
>You will not achieve happiness (or whatever the fuck you want to call it) by being rich, but neither will you by having a family.
Neither will poverty. Money alone won't bring happiness but it gives you the bedrock and freedom upon which you can go and find it.

>> No.18071404
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I hate that I share Schopenhauer's view on joy and eternal suffering. Yet I'm too much of a pussy to enjoy the other's hedonistic lifestyle. Hand me a gun and I'll shoot myself in the head. I don't want to "crave" anymore.
Read both, sogar auf Deutsch. Nietzche is obviously superior when it comes to advise on how to enjoy life. Schopenhauer is suicide fuel, which would be fine, if there were any easy way to get myself a fucking shotgun to blow my brains out.

>> No.18071788

I'm a bit tipsy so I can't photoshop this right now but the artist made a mistake, left one should be solved and the two on the left should be scrambled.

>> No.18072119
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Here, Sire. I made a shitty edit for ya.

>> No.18073066

which is funny when you realize that Nietzsche is a radical Kantian in denial.

>> No.18073155

which doesn't matter because Nietzsche doesn't believe in free will so Schoppy was ultimately destined to live a regretful life and calling him out on it is like saying that the sky shouldn't be blue.

>> No.18073384

I haven't read much philosophy, is Schopenhauer hard to read? Does the "The World as Will and Representation" need pre-reading to understand?

>> No.18073481

Just be a pleb like everyone else here and read his essays.

>> No.18073617

Nietzsche the bottom for sure