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18039164 No.18039164 [Reply] [Original]

Spiral leading to nothing

>> No.18039346

why does this describe me to a t and why isn't this the only one of these which maps so perfectly onto my personality or lack thereof

>> No.18039453

It's not. You didn't post this nor reply to it because it's "literally me" did you? So why then? To what purpose?

>> No.18040418

this is incoherent. look at the number of IP's in the thread retardo

>> No.18040443

Philosophy orients ones thinking which regulates ones actions, otherwise it would be.

>> No.18040460

Philosophy without mysticism is pointless. Most great philosophers had a mystic experience at some point un their lives or were profoundly influenced by mysticism.

>> No.18040665

lurk on this planet moar

>> No.18040688

makes u smarter

>> No.18040712

it leads to a point where you lose interest in it and are back where you started.

>> No.18040715

>do philosophy
>rape and murder people intellectually

>> No.18040724

... So is there something if i do t do philosophy?

>> No.18040729

>do philosophy
>rape and murder people irl
>eloquently defend your position so that noone can blame you.

>> No.18040821

Depends on the branch. An understanding of logic, ethics and social philosophy are important for sound decision making. Sadly the rest of the branches offer very little or no practical use.

>> No.18040825
File: 70 KB, 390x275, duhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not you retarded coomer. It shapes your outlook on life and helps us create ambitions.

>> No.18041047

the thing is, i could easily justify the most abhorrent acts but society is made up of midwit moralfags and they don't want to know when they're wrong

>> No.18041072

let me kiss you through the internet

>> No.18041084

90% of that is schizo tier but
>rather think than have a career
is relatable

>> No.18042182

Okay this is me except for the music thing. How do I fix myself?

>> No.18042348

Way to demean lived experience.

>> No.18042432

>software is useless
u wot?

>> No.18042477

19 years is not experienced. if you're 19, you're going to change a whole lot in the next 5 years.

>> No.18042553

idk anon rationality seems kind of like a spiral leading to nothing

idk anon birth seems kind of like a spiral leading to nothing

idk anon movement seems kind of like a spiral leading to nothing

idk anon haha heeghee houoha teeheehee hohohohoho seems kind of like a spiral leading to nothing

idk anon sex seems kind of like a spiral leading to nothing (wait a second, that's nottrue!)

ok so just act then. remove hesitation from your vocabulary, in fact remove your vocabulary, it's only slowing you down in your spiral leading to something.
ie. hmmm, yet you type. I am very smart

>> No.18043607

Not that anon, but I'm 19 + 11 years old. This image perfectly encapsulates what it feels like to be 19, just not the way it was intended too. Not to sound reddit, but at 19 you're just starting to grapple with the notion that Zordon isn't going to make you a Power Ranger and your letter from Hogwarts isn't coming. You can probably tell that your parents are your real parents, they aren't strangers entrusted to protect you until such time as you could cope with your true identity and prepare to fulfill the prophecy. Pictures never fell off the wall when you got angry, so you probably don't have latent psychic abilities. Basically, you weren't born special. You must achieve specialness if you wish to have it.

It sucks. You have to go to work and pay bills and figure out how a 401k works. Boring. So you start to romanticize everyday life while simultaneously fantasizing about youth. What would it be like to be able to provoke overwhelming, raw emotion in an audience, such as what you hear in your music? What it would be like to born over with all your current knowledge? To be special and to be born special, as it were. These things won't happen, but to imagine them makes you special, right? You must at least have special feelings, right?

Wrong. The things listed in the OP image are common to all of humanity. When you picture things in your head, they are much better than reality because you can't imagine reality the way you want it. When life gets you down, you imagine that you are successful to cope, similar to masturbating when you can't get laid, or imagining a perfect spouse when you feel lonely. New concepts are daunting to everyone, familiar concepts are well-understood. Everyone daydreams and zones out. The image obviously wants us to think the "19 year-old thinker" has a poor self-image, but clearly he is trying to paint a picture of some impressively tragic figure, set apart from the world by his own crushing uniqueness.

The reason it's so frustrating to see this type of thinking from a teenager is the same as why a teenager would be frustrated to see his own 12 year old self talking about how his grades suck because he's too smart to take school seriously. No, everyone thinks "the system" is dumb, but truly smart people master it or reject it altogether instead of failing at it. You think your problem is that you retreat inside your own head to compensate for your inadequacy, but if that were really the case you wouldn't have been pegged by a shitty meme that takes itself too seriously. Your problem is that you irritate others by proclaiming a shared experience as something unique to yourself.

>> No.18043619

I hate jannies.

>> No.18043658

good post
but if you're a retard at 19 you'll be a retard forever.

>> No.18043720

incoherent, the post.

>> No.18043768
File: 36 KB, 516x319, berlusconi-sad-by-european-peoples-party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am now 25 and miss the time when people would make fun of me for being a teenager

>> No.18043771

Not really.

Your brain is still very plastic at age 19. Also, saying "im fucked. There's no hope.
Its too late " over and over in your head is a self-fulfilling prophecy and a narrative dead end

>> No.18043778

This is the No. 1 gripe I have with 4chan. Can't you guys be optimistic for once? Hope has been show to be one of the greatest contributors to general well-being.

>> No.18043823

>18 years old
>get letter in the mail that says I've been registered for selective service
>"wtf? who the hell do these people think they are? you can't just march me off to war against my own will" [side note: haha, meat grinder go brr]
>30 years old
>see poster at the post office which says "all males between ages 18-25 must register for selective service"
>"wtf? who the hell do these people think they are? I'm still young enough to fight a war!"

>> No.18043832

Is "incoherent" on your Word Of The Day calendar or something?

>> No.18043927

when I was 19 I wasn't a retard. the people who I know that were retards at 19 are still retards now.
granted they fixed themselves up, but "getting a job and settling down" is not my idea of success, hence retarded.

>> No.18044596

dude, philosophy is 99% bullshit. 1% is precious, because by studying philosophy you explore questions you never had or was afraid even to ask. in this sense philosophy is like a drug, gives you more internal freedom, self trust, self understanding, a tool to cope with psychological pressure from society. the main tool used to oppress people is fear, shame, morality, god in vaticans interpretation. understanding Nietzsche is enough to cope with stupid faggots around.

>> No.18044616

>Spiral leading to nothing
Has this kid even built his ontology yet?

>> No.18044783

Too much philosophy and you end up a neurotic faggot. All you need is the greeks.

>> No.18045402


>> No.18045504

And that's a good thing

>> No.18045531

If you couldnt convince people that your actions are correct then you can not easily justify them, retard.

>> No.18045661

Everything is a spiral to nowhere if you try to use it an escape from being a total failure. That's on you, not on philosophy.

>> No.18046281

>Spiral leading to nothing
What do you want to get out of reading philosophy?

>> No.18046608

I wish I was nineteen again. Where do the years go, friends?

>> No.18046716

haha that is really me

>> No.18046765

Some people just don't listen to logic. I can have the best justification but some people are blind, stupid and argue from emotion. You'd know that if you interacted with people you rotten faggot.

>> No.18046795

ive always THOUGHT of finding like minds by writing something, or something

>> No.18046797

Grow out of the diapers then we can talk.