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/lit/ - Literature

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18023036 No.18023036 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst book you were forced to read in high school?

For me it was Friday Night Lights.

>> No.18023111

There's nothing from with feminism.

>> No.18023119


>incoherent gibberish

Waste of world-class numerals... sad.

>> No.18023123
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>> No.18023129

Probably “Fences”. Generic “black American” story

>> No.18023132

The Jungle

>> No.18023140
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this piece of shit

>> No.18023146

Feminism is just alright with me - John Doobie

>> No.18023309

Shabanu. It's about a young girl forced into a marriage with a 60 year old in the Middle East. What a hot sack of shit. Was forced to read it 12 years ago in high school. Best part was the sandniggers in class defending the practices in the book as "muh culture".

>> No.18023346

Equal rights are good. Sexual libertinism is still bad.

>> No.18023352

native son

>> No.18023355

I would never date a slut.

Not even for moralistic reasons. Promiscuous women have more STDs, are more emotionally unstable, disloyal, and more likely to beclinical BPD cases.

The only people who "date" sluts are guys with a rotating booty-call stable who couldn't give a shit less what happens to any of them.

>> No.18023376

>and more likely to beclinical BPD cases
Stopped taking you seriously once you said this.

>> No.18023388

Forced marriage is prohibited by Islam

>> No.18023394

Palomita Blanca <--This degenerate shit should burn up

>> No.18023396

And divorce is prohibited by Christianity.

>> No.18023431

Read the synopsis. Is unwanted arranged marriage or death to her family a preferable term to you?

>> No.18023455

A Separate Peace
Thought it was fake.
And gay.

>> No.18023471
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Oy vey
Muh six gorillion

>> No.18023568

The poison Wood Bible. Absolute trash

>> No.18023570

Ask me how I know you're a virgin.

>> No.18023576


>> No.18023578

How did Elie Wiessel never notice there were gas chambers in Auschwitz?

>> No.18023585

If FNL was the worst thing you had to read, your high school is honestly pretty based.

Don't most high schools in the US (where I'm assuming you're from given that book) still require their students to read Knowle's Separate Peace? That's a much worse book desu senpai.

>> No.18023600

Feminism is generally a COPE. It's the female equivalent of a guy trying to constantly be more masculine.
Most feminists are extremely submissive, little girls once they open up and show intimacy with you, and want to be treated in the exact opposite way they claim in public. They want you to be patriarchal, basically. That's my experience with a few of them.

>> No.18023628

You asked, that's how

>> No.18023642

Oh yeah, I read that in school too. Barbra Kingsolver is such a fucking hack. All I remember about that story is there was one character who was lol so randum XD and would just say random palindromes, and the epilogue took what was already an awful book, grabbed the flight stick, and did a nose dive straight down into bedrock.

For those of you who don't know, every chapter of Poisonwood Bible is narrated by a different character. There was a baby in the story who died of ebola or something and the epilogue is told from the baby's perspective in heaven. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

>> No.18023679

Friday Night Lights is so bad I tried to read the summary on wikipedia and I couldn't even finish reading that. Oh no Boobie has a knee injury and he quit.

>> No.18023692

Once "dated" a veitnamese ancap stripper slut.
Obviously completely fucking insane, but the sex was beyond this realm of existence.
Would probably not recommend, I still have quite literal scars from that relationship ending.

>> No.18023700

No-fault divorce is prohibited in Christianity. Divorce is available under conditions and determined by the clergy and church laws.
Sounds like a story of tyranny and criminals. The fact is that forced marriage is contra to Islam and anyone who supports or enables it is going against the sharia.

>> No.18023743

No woman is better in bed than one with BPD.

>> No.18023787

Looks like a falseflag to me.

>> No.18023795

Whats the positive of dating a slut? They fuck ok? Plenty of sluts suck at fucking ironically enough

>> No.18023804

So what's the worst book you had to read in high school?

>> No.18023819

Not him, but Frankenstein

>> No.18023838

I can't really say I hated any of the books I read in high school. They were either fine enough to books I came to like. If I had to pick one, it would be "Their Eyes Were Watching God". While some of the characters are annoying, I can't claim I outright hate it in full sincerity. It's one I read and think nothing of afterwords

>> No.18023860

I mean, if you just hate the subject of high school football, OK I guess. But the book does a pretty good job at getting into just how desperate things are in those small/mid-sized Texan towns that have nothing going for them except high school sports.

Judging books by their wikipedia summaries is about the most asininely pleb thing I can think of, btw.

>> No.18023877

Nothing to do with Islam, you retard. Thats that family's own problem.

>> No.18023886
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>dumb asdfhgjlkism bullshit
>written in print
>therefore written by an american who didn't learn cursive in school
why am i not surprised

>> No.18023903

>worst book
Some shitty French-Canadian novel about an autistic kid who goes insane after nearly drowning in his bathtub, breaks into his neighbor's vacant house, meets a little girl who clearly doesn't exist and pushes him to starts fires in his neighborhood and then go drown himself in a river.
Somehow my teacher wanted something more elaborate than "he was clearly insane, the little girl didn't exist, and the author thought it'd make some poetic sense to have him resolve the story by drowning himself when the trigger was nearly drowning".

>> No.18023913

Frankenstein was one of the few books written by a woman that I enjoyed.
Which makes me suspect that her husband wrote it.

>> No.18023925

I'm sure there are guys desperate enough for any kind of human interaction that they'll settle for a slut. Hell, they might even virtue signal it

>> No.18023930

I don't even care about feminism, but grow up. Shelley, the Brontes, Austen, Wolfe, Dickinson, O'Connor, etc. There have been many good woman writers. Acting like there aren't any only makes it easier for normies to dismiss anything valuable that you might have to say.

>> No.18023941

You overestimate how important what normies value is to me.

>> No.18023949

I honestly don't remember.

>> No.18023971

I'm sure their values are anathema to me. Doesn't change the fact that we need to live in this shitty world where normies get to band together to cancel anyone they accuse of wrongthing, which results in an oppressive atmosphere in which literature and the arts (things you presumably like given your posting here) are all dying. Sure, we get to keep reading Houllebecq because he's already an established figure. The next person who writes from a similar perspective though will never be published, because 'proving a point to the incels' and enforcing political norms is now more important than promoting art.

>> No.18023974

The amount of incels in this thread is staggering.

>> No.18023979

>I'm sure their values are anathema to me
to you*

>> No.18024001

isn't /lit/ generally like this

>> No.18024025

Compared to the other boards on this website? /lit/ is generally less edgy, some boards like /pol/ have like 100 threads complaining about women everyday.

>> No.18024034

I know, and I pity them.

>> No.18024049
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Have sex.

>> No.18024056

i had sex with your mum last night

>> No.18024064


Get stuffed

>> No.18024106

Is that a message to yourself?

>> No.18024118

I'm not an incel and I still hate most women.
I also hate incels.
I am "based", as 4channel people say.

>> No.18024141
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>I am "based", as 4channel people say.

>> No.18024145

This man is based

>> No.18024164

Ethan Frome

The book is indefensible

>> No.18024183

She's basically saying guys shouldn't have the freedom to choose not to date someone.
She's calling for non-consensual relationships.
Dumb fucking whore slut bitch fat slag munter.

>> No.18024220

>he doesn't have women, woman, etc, added to his filter

>> No.18024231
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I will only date virgins, what's wrong with it?

>> No.18024233

>She's basically saying guys shouldn't have the freedom to choose not to date someone.
Fuck where is that Riley Reid Twitter post where she admits her first time was literally raping a dude in a movie theater when you need it?

>> No.18024234

It's the equivalent of a woman saying "I would never date a fuckboy or a chud", and all of the fuckboys and chuds getting pissy about it and forcing them to date them.

Women are fucking retarded. Seriously think about what you say before spewing incoherent double standard platitudes.

>> No.18024241

Very based

>> No.18024252

absolutely nothing.

>> No.18024475

Can't really pick just one. SJW teacher made us read trevor noah's born a crime. Then year after sjw teacher made us read a book about a tranny. Both poorly written and only chosen for ideological reasons. lol

>> No.18024561

There is nothing "emancipatory" about being promiscuous.
These women are so fragile that they can't abide even the possibility that anyone ever might have a negative opinion of them.
Feminists are always the most fragile and maladjusted women.

>> No.18024764

Heckin based-arino homie.

>> No.18024808
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lol. Have sex, anons.

>> No.18024866
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>> No.18024887

L'assommoir, Zola was a hate at first read, his work smells like shit

>> No.18024888

It's culture

>> No.18024964

Dangerously based.

>> No.18025559

Either The Handmaid's Tale or Woman at Point Zero
>tfw had gay male feminist lit teacher

>> No.18025763

It's a shit test to weed out weak men who them feed them endlessly
Honestly all it's going to do is rocket worthy men into even more potent versions of themselves. Trad marriage doesn't force competition or development the way an army of facilitating simps does.
Women like to be challenged though. Those guys are mostly to lean on for comfort.

>> No.18025805

Based. The only people I hate more than incels are women.

>> No.18025813

Joy Luck Club

>> No.18025822

I hate the incels that, in spite of hating women, spend their entire lives focusing on women, revolving around women.
If you hate women so much stop being so bitter about it and focus on other things lmao.

>> No.18025828

of mice and men. nightmare.
wish they wouldn't make us read american lit in uk.

>> No.18025838

The Great Gatsby. Overrated piece of poopoo

>> No.18026065

this thread reminded me of that recent threat about how it's good to leave this place. thanks anons

>> No.18026073

>I'm not an incel
Lmao sure

>> No.18026083

The Maestro

>> No.18026148

You've been filtered. Reread Gatsby in another 20 years or so. You'll probably feel differently.

>> No.18026209

i liked it a lot when i was 17 but no so much at 22

>> No.18026251

I'm so sorry I didn't like something that you liked. Filter deez nuts

>> No.18026720

To kill a mockingbird
Predictable trash

>> No.18026727

I dislike this opinion greatly.

>> No.18026830

Its facts.
its predictable and cliché.
Its the capeshit of books
Its offers nothing. You know what's going to happen. You know how it ends. All before you pick up the fucking book.

>> No.18026851

It’s literally ‘he a good boy. He dindu nuffin’ the book.

>> No.18026974


>> No.18026995

Total coincidence.

>> No.18027003

Because the only jews that knew about them died in them. Why are holocaust deniers so stupid?

>> No.18027013

>he thinks having sex and getting a gf is hard

>> No.18027241

The Alchemist, fuggin new age hippie English Teacher.

>> No.18027248

I was assigned with reading it in 6th grade. I liked it. Alas, that was not highschool LMAO

>> No.18027622

>ops image

Im going to have destroy this world

>> No.18027629

>I liked it
You must have like its childlike take on the world.
No complexity at all. Just good and bad all in a predictable package.

>> No.18027699

The oldest trick in the book

>> No.18027842

But you dont have to live in a world where people hold opinions which you find unfavorable. You can just die or self-ostracize.

>> No.18028872

Ask me how I know you're jewish.

>> No.18028913
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>> No.18028926

women want Chads. stop over complicating it. The only thing that's changed is thanks to modern communications they can have chads ordered to then on demand and soak up validation through social media from people around the world

>> No.18029204
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Jane Eyre

>muh suitors
>muh headmistress
>muh fake ghost