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/lit/ - Literature

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18018009 No.18018009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

kek /lit/ BTFO

>> No.18018032

>Haven't really done anything
There's nothing to do

>> No.18018035


>> No.18018039

sometimes i really do think alphabet niggers repost shit like to this to constantly demoralize young men

>> No.18018047

have sex; get married; have children; provide

>> No.18018061

>The only measure of intelligence is accomplishment
Civilization is a cancer of the human spirit.

>> No.18018067
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>havent done anything
Ive got a Master's and am working on a PhD. Not that it matters, because i really hate academia and the void in my heart cannot be filled by anything other than God. And He does not exist.

>> No.18018070

So it's working. Good

>> No.18018073

what's the point of your intelligence if you do nothing with it?

>> No.18018083

>Neurotic fag: I am insecure. I have no innate value that I know of, and I've never experienced the pure naive joy of collaborating with others and creating something. How can I guarantee validation from people? How can I ensure some status for myself?
>Neurotic fag: Naivete frightens me because I am in a constant defensive posture, and I don't understand how ingenuousness is possible except among defenseless prey animals. I know, I'll be the jaded smart guy. Jaded smart guy is preemptively disappointed by and on guard against everything, so nothing can hurt him.
>Neurotic fag: Wait, there are already "jaded smart guys." The competition to be the smart guy is rough! How can I rise above the mob?
>Neurotic fag: I know. I'll be the jaded smart guy who is jaded about other jaded smart guys! I'm so jaded about jadedness that I paradoxically loop around and become a champion of ingenuousness!
>Neurotic fag: Finally, I've discovered a way to be happy and ingenuous, to just open myself and enjoy things without neurotically overanalyzing them in a massive paranoid defensive scheme designed to protect me from all judgement by others! And all I had to do was be as neurotic, overanalyzing, and paranoid as possible until I turned into a reactionary inversion of myself! I beat the game!!

Alternative possibility: autistic hobbyists are mildly elitist as a form of quality control.

>> No.18018092

Doesn't describe me OP. Nice try though.

>> No.18018105

also making lots of money and giving talks but I hate all of it

>> No.18018126

Normie psy-op

>> No.18018127

What area are you in?

>> No.18018134

why do people jerk off to this kind of thing? does it feel good sniffing your farts now that you feel you got it all figured out in some gay naritivisation?

>> No.18018173

Hit too close to home huh

>> No.18018174
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I often remind myself that we’re all puppets trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to lure us to our doom. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.

Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not disgrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.

Service originates in the Latin word "Servi”, meaning slave. That’s what society, friends, woman the whole world, asks from you, your slavery. In English, the familiar for of “you”, “thou”, has long since died from the language. For those lonely men in Anglo countries seeking company, this should be (with honest reflection) enough proof that you will never find it. We live in a civilizational world-spirit which lacks even the words to express friendship, closeness.

There are two things in life worth their weight in gold: freedom and silence. How many men exchange these treasures for paper? Or for a soft touch of flesh? Or for some false sense of meaning to disguise their emptiness?

In books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.

>> No.18018179

The poster seems woefully unaware of the complexity of human beings. Sure, the sort of academic posturing he describes in his message definitely does exist, but an individual won't stand this type of existence for long. At some point he will be made aware, perhaps painfully, of his delusions of grandeur and be set on a path to break the chains of his arrested development and by building an authentic adult identity.

>> No.18018201

Well, wisdom is best cultivated in solitude, yes.
Please elaborate what you mean by freedom.

>> No.18018206

>They haven’t done anything and everyone around them is living a better life
I suppose it has never occurred to you that doing things abuses your self effacement. I suppose it is never occurred to you that living a life that is better than those around you also abuses your self effacement.
If you’ve never heard of self effacement, then perhaps you would be tricked into doing things and living a life that is better.
Some are tricked into giving up their self-effacement. Surely you can’t expect them to bother those who have not.

>> No.18018216

it's a success in itself and for itself

>> No.18018219

I recognize that I'm dumb as shit and despise the way our society values intelligence.

>> No.18018220
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Ligotti recused us from this hell of normalfagism.

>But here is the real catch: If you want to become enlightened you will never become enlightened, because in Buddhism wanting things is just the thing that keeps you from getting the thing you want. Less circuitously, if you want to end your suffering, you will never end your suffering. This is the “wanting paradox,” or “paradox of desire,” and Buddhists are at the ready with both rational and non-rational propositions as to why this paradox is not a paradox. How to understand these propositions is past understanding, because, per Buddhism, there is nothing to understand and no one to understand it. And as long as you think there is something to understand and someone to understand it, you are doomed. Trying for this understanding is the most trying thing of all. Yet trying not to try for it is just as trying. There is nothing more futile than to consciously look for something to save you. But consciousness makes this fact seem otherwise. Consciousness makes it seem as if (1) there is something to do; (2) there is somewhere to go; (3) there is something to be; (4) there is someone to know. This is what makes consciousness the parent of all horrors, the thing that makes us try to do something, go somewhere, be something, and know someone, such as ourselves, so that we can escape our MALIGNANTLY USELESS being and think that being alive is all right rather than that which should not be.

>> No.18018222

Exudation of excess.

>> No.18018233

no, i stopped reading after the fifth word once i saw it was going to be milquetoast psychoanalysis

>> No.18018245

The Eternal wisdom of pessimism.

>> No.18018716

Boundlessly based. A great man

>> No.18018734

The jocks had it right. The only true measure of IQ is how many times you've had sex with how many different women and how sexually attractive those women are in the aggregate. All this other nerd shit is fake and unnatural.

>> No.18018738

Holy mother of COPE, you truly 100% recognized yourself from the post, no other reason to lash out in such anger

>> No.18018748

I just want to talk about the Bible

>> No.18018836

holy based

>> No.18018855

Not even accomplishment, money; hence the rise of tastelessness

>> No.18018904

You sound like you want him to be angry, anon

>> No.18018928

>*sigh* fine I guess you are my little PogChamp

>> No.18018933

What's the point of "accomplishment" when the society is becoming more and more retarded as the decades go by? The kind of "accomplishment" that is revered in this day and age would make any genius from the 18th century or prior puke.

>> No.18018965

>>Neurotic fag: Wait, there are already "jaded smart guys." The competition to be the smart guy is rough! How can I rise above the mob?
>>Neurotic fag: I know. I'll be the jaded smart guy who is jaded about other jaded smart guys! I'm so jaded about jadedness that I paradoxically loop around and become a champion of ingenuousness!
This guy's got it. True contrarians are contrarian against contrarians.

>> No.18019280

Good post.

>> No.18019298

>t. Jordan Peterson

>> No.18019344

OP brutally btfo
though this is so detailed that I feel you might be speaking from experience lol

>> No.18019403

>conjured demons of evolution

Your entire being is biology. Whole hog, full stop, all the way down to the last load-bearing atom. There is no you external to this. To deny your biological imperatives is self-mutilation. The desire to connect with other human beings is also "a demon conjured by evolution," and doing it through literature instead of normie channels of social interaction doesn't cancel this fact out. The ancient wisdom of your flesh is greater than your psyche; it knows that you will transcend the decay of your lonely body through having children. Well, not you specifically, clearly.

There is a part of the brain which, if stimulated electrically, will cause a person to point forward. Ask them why they pointed at a featureless wall, and they will devise improbable rationales for it; disprove one rationale, and they will effortlessly invent another. "Wasn't it because I made you do it?" No, no, I was pointing at a bug...

This is what I see when people devise rationales for NEEThood, for whoring, for abandoning their manly duties. "It's because I am smarter than the ancient wisdom I inherited from millions of years of struggle." Really? Because I can't help but notice that most NEETs are pathetic bitches who fail constantly. Are you sure you aren't just a gay loser? No, really, I'm just breaking free...

The soul is flesh.

>> No.18019419

what schopenhauer book is this from?

>> No.18019459

>t. proud flesh slave

>> No.18019510

/lit/ is just very immature and this is also why there are so many women and faggots here, they have the minds of children so the idea of reading book after book in search for a vague concept of enlightenment seems appealing to them. Fortunately normal people grow out of this phase when they hit 21 and understand there is more to understanding life than some meme books written hundreds of years ago.
Read a book on how to be a man.

>> No.18019523

Keep projecting :)