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File: 63 KB, 1006x800, homah .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17998797 No.17998797 [Reply] [Original]

If it's unnatural, it wouldn't exist.

>> No.17998800

Average American circa 2070

>> No.17998803

>If it's unnatural, it wouldn't exist.

>> No.17998817

but it does exist anon, I'm looking at it right now
what do you say to that?

>> No.17998849

you're crazy... there's no way you can say this is unnatural...

>> No.17998874

Can say for certain that your use of ellipses is unnatural.

>> No.17998877

They look more British to me.

>> No.17998880
File: 22 KB, 332x332, DBFB72A1-DE43-492D-9B62-7D9C56B4DE8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it’s unnatural it wouldn’t be possible

>> No.17998884

for communication i would say it is very fitting

>> No.17998970

Ellipsis signifies an omission which does not alter overall meaning, a comma or period is what you wanted. I am all for grammatical creativity, but this use is non-sense and built on ignorance of the rules, three periods does not mean it is a pause that is three times longer than a full stop. Learn the rules before you break them. The really painful thing is that there are a large number of people who read an ellipsis in its proper use as a long pause. I did the whole tutoring thing in college, 3/4 of the people were struggling through freshmen comp and almost all thought an ellipsis was a long pause. The conversations that resulted still give me headaches.

>> No.17998982

>Homosexual behavior exists amongst nature
>B-but i-its unnatural!


>> No.17998996

Two of the same sex choosing to be life long sexual partners is unique to humans. Butt sex is very common in all species with penis and vagina. I have never seen anything regarding lesbianism in other species, might be a human thing, no clue.

>> No.17999001


>> No.17999007

Btfo by >>17998996

>> No.17999024

I did not really back him the fuck off and the majority of people view sticking ones penis in the ass of another man as homosexual regardless of there being a lifetime commitment.

>> No.17999040

Do you ever see an animal (that isn't mentally ill) refusing to breed with a female in the wild? No. It is nature that it has a desire to breed. The purpose for those animals is to 1) exist and to 2) breed.

As is ours, to 1) exist in god and 2) be fruitful & multiply

>> No.17999051
File: 95 KB, 888x499, 1616975085806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17999083

Eating or killing the male after mating, male on male, skipping the vagina and just penetrating through the abdomen are all common practices in the animal world, do you really want to use them as your standard for mental wellness?

>> No.17999227

A different type of unnatural.

In the moral sense, it very well is!

>> No.17999249

Reminder that most christcucks are closeted gay homos, and this thread is excellent proof of that

>> No.17999278

>if it's unnatural, it wouldn't exist
>fucks dog

>> No.17999283

I'm bisexual and I repress mild dysphoria. Was raised in a loving Christian home and never experienced abuse.

>> No.17999290

I am a part of nature
this image is a part of nature
hitler was a part of nature (still is if you include ashes)

>> No.17999292
File: 416 KB, 1060x846, blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two of the same sex choosing to be life long sexual partners is unique to humans

>> No.17999330

Nigger, it is a fetish. You are not forced to have anything outside of procreative sex

>> No.17999395

The whole "homosexuality is natural" argument was created by the American left as a way to fight against the religious right. The Christian right-wing would argue that homosexuality is immoral because it's a choice, whereas the left-wingers argued that it can't be a sin since they're born that way.

Of course, being inborn and being natural aren't equivalent, but Americans are too retarded to know anything about anything so here we are.

>> No.17999399

there is a lot of lesbian bitches, and i'm not talking about human bitches, but canine bitches.

>> No.17999400
File: 6 KB, 306x164, 1612234215206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a considerable improbability that women are capable of love. Likewise, there is a considerable improbability that men are actually capable of loving women for any duration beyond that which accompanies the refractory. Either the man is shackled by priapic chains, uses the woman as a vessel for egoism, or treats them like a bipedal labrador: the product of their intimacy is repugnant. Incidently, I am attracted to virtue—that which is scarcely observable in the fairer sex.

One would think that the seemingly increased prevalence of homosexual males in contemporary human society would assauge my transcendental desire and deliver unto me an object for my love. Your post, though, brings one unfortunate fact to my attention and shows me that human society does indeed possess something unnatural: for while homosexuality is evident in nature, faggots are not.

>> No.17999402

>The whole "homosexuality is natural" argument was created by the American left as a way to fight against the religious right

>> No.17999409

You're mistaking me for yourself, and yourself with your doctor.

>> No.17999416

>for while homosexuality is evident in nature, faggots are not.

>> No.17999422

Inarticulate people say unnatural instead of aberrant. You should already know this.

>> No.17999442

yeah may be a fetish, because you are bisexual, not a homo
not liking women must be from child abuse?

>> No.17999566

I'll correct your pompous faggot delusion right now.

Homosexuality has seemingly always existed in human society. But they are outlier minorities due to several concrete factors ranging from proportions of the population to psychic and behavioural anomalies which set the homosexuals apart from the majority of the population. The final and most decisive of these reasons is that the vast majority of homosexuals inevitably don't breed.

Faggots are the original genetic deadends. Faggots are welcome in society but not around children. Faggots are welcome in society so long as they manage to bottle up and restrain their tendency towards dysfunction. Infact there might even be a use for a small celibate or infertile caste which replenishes by means other than sexual intercourse. But faggotry has not and never will be a sign of health, it is a sign of weakness, dysfunction or perversion.

Thereby the inclination of most people to pick on homosexuals and exclude them is of course natural and healthy for the purposes of group management.

>> No.17999585

meanwhile all the men in pre-modern society are psycho pederasts

>> No.17999605
File: 132 KB, 1080x1331, 3a1cd955b2e0f3923192b64154156089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is natural is what is right
Why yes, that is what I believe, how could you tell?

>> No.18000270

Ebin b8.