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17965715 No.17965715 [Reply] [Original]

What book radicalized you?

>> No.17965727

The Fountainhead. I went full Roark without the added benefit of ‘loving my work’. So I basically became a full time, friendless edgelord. Ironically I cared deeply about the image I was presenting, which is opposed to his philosophy.

>> No.17965791

Unironically Alan Bloom The Closing of the American Mind

>> No.17965804
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>> No.17965807
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my diary desu

>> No.17965808

State versus Gentry in late Ming China

>> No.17965818

reality radicalizes me, books are a moderating influence

>> No.17965836
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Reads like literature. Profound and life-changing.

>> No.17965861

collected writings of plato

>> No.17965872

Moldbug get off this board

>> No.17965926

Wagner did. He explains how the tribe invented modernity because they couldn't fit in the European culture.

>IN a pamphlet lately sent to me an "important Jewish voice" is cited, its words being given as follows:—
>"The modern world must gain the victory, since it wields incomparably better weapons than the old world of orthodoxy. The power of the pen has become the world-power, without which one can hold one's ground on no domain; and of that power you orthodox are almost wholly bare. Your men of learning write finely, intellectually, it's true, but simply for their fellows; whereas the Popular is the shibboleth of our time. Modern journalism and romance have been captured entire by the free-thinking Jew-and-Christian world. I say, the free-thinking Jewish world—for it is the fact that German Judaism now works so forcibly, so giant-like and so untiredly at the new culture and science, that the greater part of Christendom is led by the spirit of modern Judaism either consciously or unconsciously. To-day, for example, there is scarcely a newspaper or magazine that is not directly or indirectly conducted by Jews."—
>Too true!—A thing like that I had never read before, and thought our Jewish fellow-citizens were none too pleased to hear such matters talked of. But now that we are met with such plain-speaking, we perhaps may insert an equally candid word ourselves without the instant fear of being variously maltreated as ridiculous and yet most hateful persecutors of the Jews, and tumultuously hissed upon occasion. Perchance we may even be allowed to make clear a few fundamental terms to our Culture-purveyors—whose world-power we don't for a moment question; certain terms they may not employ in quite the proper sense, and upon whose explanation, if they really [44] mean honestly by us, their "gigantic exertions" might have a good result for all.


>> No.17965935

The Strange Death of Europe

>> No.17965954

The ones limp wrists want to burn
Didn't even read em but got the radicalizing job done

>> No.17965968

>the Astral body

>> No.17965981

This but unironically

>> No.17967012


>> No.17967060

Quentin's channel lol

>> No.17967077

Hairy Mclary

>> No.17967089
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>> No.17967094 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17967223
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Read Blackshirts and Reds

>> No.17967785

This. Just living the life in this sick society radicalized me, books were not even needed

>> No.17967826

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.17967832


>> No.17967838

Schmitt's The Concept of the Political basically destroyed my belief in liberalism.

>> No.17967850

basec and honestpilled

>> No.17967864
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Democracy: The God that Failed

>> No.17967888

tankies are cringe

>> No.17967952

The Courage to stand alone by ug krishnamurti
This has been sitting on my shelf for years. I never felt smart enough to read. I have a solid backing in freud. But other than that no philosophy or Marx

>> No.17968739
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>> No.17968911

history books

>> No.17968921
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Well, not really but he solidified my world view.

>> No.17968936

Saying tankies as an insult is the ‘cringe’. Liberals get out.

>> No.17968989

Reading about how much of a shitbag Constantine really was made me question the foundations of Christianity.

>thou shalt not kill
>murders his first born son for no reason
>and almost the entire rest of his family
>this guy is a saint

>> No.17969258

he's not a saint... He was baptized as an arian on his deathbed too.

>> No.17969271


>> No.17969291


>> No.17969384

Seeing Bernie getting cucked by the DNC made me realize democracy is a fraud and radicalized me.

>> No.17969400

That's a problem with Christendom, not Christianity

>> No.17969502

your posts are very nice but I would greatly appreciate it if you were to post cics of your ears. It would be a very informative experience as not many are accustomed with auricles. I think it'd be a great way for people to get to know you.It would also be pretty cool to see how tender and fleshy your ear lobes are. Just imagining it dangling ever so slightly, subservient to gravity as god intended. There's also the helix. I don't know about you but I think you would be able to appreciate it's rounded, pleasant shape. So what do you think about my proposal?

>> No.17969512

This just radicalized me against coomers

>> No.17969641

Why do fucking earfags always have to shit up every thread like this

>> No.17969647
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>> No.17969816
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>> No.17969871

The metaphysical club. I actually don’t have much interest in belief or faith anymore, but when I did, the scientific approach to believe was a big deal for me. Now my approach is “belief for thee but not for me.” I’ve decided that belief hypocrisy is the correct way to live. Don’t do what you sell. Beliefs are drugs.
I think the only exception I would ever make for this rule is selling shrooms. I think shrooms are medicinal enough that they don’t count as an addictive drug. Actually, I would also put salvia divinorum in that category as well. But religion is totally bogus and is for tricking people.
On the other hand, I think the holy Bible is great. If I could make one change to the world, I would thrash all of the believers in God and embolden those who criticize the holy Bible from a historical standpoint.

>> No.17969882

Pro tip: the concept of “friend” comes from the epic of Gilgamesh, which happens to be an advertisement for prostitution and drugs. The idea is that you’re supposed to think of the pimp who takes your money and the drug dealer who takes your money as “friends”.

>> No.17971270

The Economic Consequences of the Peace.

>> No.17972151

You should really read any other book done as a reply to this book, it's a clear cut example of why science books fall short when it's a monologue and only one person has input into the conversation

>> No.17972262
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The only book I can say that actually radically changed me was a copy of Thomas Paine's works that I read when I was 11. Particularly The Age of Reason and Common Sense. It really affected me at the time.

>> No.17972279

This, along with others. godamn.

>> No.17972383

Not enkidu? I don't remember this neuonce.

>> No.17972485

In a fever dream when I was 15 I began writing a ridiculous novel. As I aged it was rewritten several times a year. It involves immortality, time loops, multiple worlds, alternate personas, past sins and weights of the subconscious. 10 years into writing it and noticing subtle but powerful parallels with my own experience, I realized it was about past lives, future lives, and my current one. It's been a complex map of my life time that only I've been capable of deciphering. Things I've written in it have come to pass. I know how I'll die and where I'll wake up afterward. I want to be alone and enjoy my serenity. Experiencing a lifetime like this occasionally puts myself to the test and opens myself to new experiences to enrich my spirit and appreciation of this beautiful universe.

I'm exemplarily aware of the possibility I'm a deluded, grandiosely mistaken idiot. I've been very wrong about things in my life before and had to grow to understand I was wrong, and I'm prepared for the possibility here as well.

If true (whatever that means), then this is godhood. Ive never shared this before.

>> No.17972494
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Zizek is a slobbering retard

>> No.17972500
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Convinced me to move out of the country.

>> No.17972517

Books contextualize your experience by relating it to an ideological frame of reference. Without books you would only find frustration in trying to build your own philosophical framework and wallowing in the solitude of personal struggle.

>> No.17972557
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The DNC aren’t democratic though

Eleven? Damn. Wished I had found him sooner.

To what country? I have always wanted to escape

>> No.17972598

same desu unironically really makes you think

>> No.17972700

>To what country? I have always wanted to escape
Back to the motherland, far away from the globohomo machine. I hope you find peace, Butters.

>> No.17972930

I also had this happen, though it emerged out of different circumstances, but I have the same feelings.

>> No.17974061

Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.17974233

Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. Schopenhauer convinced me that much of life is cringe and cope, Nietzsche convinced me that this cringe and cope is promoted for obedience to power

>> No.17974241

Oh wait, it’s books, so I guess The World as Will and Representation (which should named The World as Cringe and Cope) and Thus Spoke Zarathustra (which should be called Thus Spoke whoever happens to be in charge at the moment, for being richer and more powerful than you)

>> No.17974251

Pretty much this

>> No.17974262

Going to college radicalized me. I enterred a liberal libertarian, I left so disgusted by the people I saw there and their BS that I am now a full on fascist spiritual aryanist.

By my senior year, I thought Trump was too weak and watered down. Now I realize the Jews and other such genetically broken Matriarchal races seek to destroy the light of Aryandom so that humanity will never escape the toil and suffering of this paradigm.

>> No.17974361

>fascist spiritual aryanist
Idpol nonsense the same as the lefties you loathe.

>> No.17974396


>> No.17974586
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The Nag Hammadi

>> No.17974591

>I am now a full on fascist spiritual aryanist.
That’s a lot of words for ‘cringelord’

>> No.17974598

never stop doing this

>> No.17974607

isnt Nietzsche also a reaction to thinkers like Schopie?

>> No.17974631

Yes, but also an extension of it. Nietzsche didn’t just derive the will to power out of thin air

>> No.17974869

I want to get in on this, how is it?

>> No.17974886
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>> No.17974888

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.17974894


>> No.17975310

>Book cope


>> No.17975378
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Picrel for nonfiction, The Canterbury Tales for fiction (if you know you know).

>> No.17975524

It's solid. It's pretty short and to the point though Land's style can sometimes come off as a bit pretentious. But it's still the best general introduction to the NRx sphere

>> No.17975577

The Bible

>> No.17975595

Lmao. Same.

>> No.17975598

I don't form my opinions from books, I form them from the reality I'm presented.

>> No.17975620
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Books are my reality

>> No.17975764

The Book of John

>> No.17975845
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>> No.17976088

still unrefuted

>> No.17976191
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>> No.17976323


>> No.17976324

Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.17976748

But I don't want to be an incel