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17956164 No.17956164 [Reply] [Original]

I hereby proclaim myself an enemy of Reason. Reason is antithetical to spontaneity, to love - to life itself. Reason kills culture, reason has been the pitfall of all great civilizations. Reason is when people start questioning the validity of their existence, reason is that which prompts us to question whether life is worth living - worth perpetuating. There can be no high arts in reason, there can be no justification in celebrating the tragedy that is life when reason takes hold of ones soul.

>> No.17956182

>*burns math textbook*

>> No.17956181

too late. one can never give up reason. We’ve left Eden.

>> No.17956183

Check this song out bro

>> No.17956188

this is what happens when germans OD on autism

>> No.17956224

>*smashes calculator*

>> No.17956233

He’s right you know.

>> No.17956236

>let me just redefine reason to make it mean what i emotionally feel

>> No.17956237

Seems like a reasonable response to your grievances. You've convinced me.

>> No.17956242

>Seems like a reasonable response

>> No.17956347

>starts reading de Maistre

>> No.17956356

Explain, faith without reason is heresy in the church

>> No.17956826


>> No.17957016

You can’t be an “enemy of reason.” What Spengler says, and I think he is correct, is that the culture phase deterministically evolves into the civilization phase. You can’t choose to stay in one or the other. Hegel’s philosophy of history presents a model where these cycles are “transcended.”

>> No.17957041


>> No.17957113

How can this faggot be opposed to reason when he is applying it in his own stupid retard way?

>> No.17957137

>reason against reason
Ok anon

>> No.17957153

He’s simply describing the mechanism of reason and how it pertains to culture. Spengler was also a determinist and believed that the age of reason was inevitable in all civilizations

Call it LARP or whatever but an individual can go against the zeitgeist, it’s just that all or most of society will be in opposition you and see you as a threat. Prime example is Socrates who brought Reason to the Greeks but got the death sentence for it.

Good thing is that according to Spengler we are literally at the end of the age of Reason and in a few decades from now we will start to see quasi mystics in public life and the age of mythos will start again. People are already pushing back against Scientism en masse and we are just seeing the beginning of it.

>> No.17957157

Read: >>17957153

>> No.17957442

You should actually read the book, it’s really good, and you’ve clearly only watched a yt video on it or something.
>an individual can go against the zeitgeist, it’s just that all or most of society will be in opposition you and see you as a threat. Prime example is Socrates
No, the fact that Socrates had the massive effect he had on Greece implies the culture phase of Greece was weak. If it had been strong Socrates would not have been able to shatter their worldview.
>according to Spengler we are literally at the end of the age of Reason and in a few decades from now we will start to see quasi mystics in public life and the age of mythos will start again.
This is a dull bastardization. We’re currently beginning the “second religiousness” with the prime example being Q. The second religiousness is not dignified, it’s crude, and is a civilization’s final nail in its coffin. Then after a dark age consisting of desperate survival a new springtime begins. This will take centuries not decades according to Spengler (he’s right).

Anyways, you really should read the book, it’ll teach you why the nietzschean vitalism you value is silly. People like yourself or bap fans are omens of the second religiousness. No coherent theology, just blind trust of “intuition” (which traditionally was developed through years of meditation) and even a valorization of ignorance. It’s all decadence.

>> No.17957453

Ayo teach, anon is browsing sex gifs on his samsung

>> No.17957456

In case you were wondering what sunk the behemoth of Continental Philosophy.

>> No.17957483

>We’re currently beginning the “second religiousness” with the prime example being Q
What? Literally no one knows what the second religiousness is. Spenglerians decades ago were saying that New Age religion was the second religiousness. Why would the new performative wokeness shit not equally be a second religiousness?
>Then after a dark age consisting of desperate survival a new springtime begins
Dude wtf... You're confusing two completely different things. This is more like what Hindu religion (muh kali yuga bullshit) says.
We're literally in the decline phase of Western Civilisation, there is not going to be some "new springtime". The springtime is past. Not sure why people glorify Caesarism because it was complete shit in the Roman Empire, as it will be (if it ever comes) in the West.

>> No.17957650

>Spenglerians decades ago were saying that New Age religion was the second religiousness. Why would the new performative wokeness shit not equally be a second religiousness?
Exactly, they’re all second religiousness
We're literally in the decline phase of >Western Civilisation, there is not going to be some "new springtime".
Can you not read? I said the West will die and a new culture will eventually rise where it used to be. This culture will have a new identity and will trammel the same cyclical pattern the West did, that’s how Spengler’s model works.

>> No.17957885

>No, the fact that Socrates had the massive effect he had on Greece implies the culture phase of Greece was weak. If it had been strong Socrates would not have been able to shatter their worldview
Socrates only managed to shatter their worldview AFTER the fact, not during his own lifetime and his trial is a testament to this.

> This is a dull bastardization. We’re currently beginning the “second religiousness” with the prime example being Q.
I agree and I would go as far to say that BLM anti-racism shit has many religious elements to it. I don’t believe that will we see one religion to be universally accepted this time.

As far as reading Spengler goes, I can’t. I think it would be a mistake to read him in your mid 20s, one should be more educated which happens in your 30-40s

>> No.17957927


>> No.17957959

>I think it would be a mistake to read him in your mid 20s, one should be more educated which happens in your 30-40s
Lmao who gives a fuck? Read it whenever you want to. I read it and I’m young but I’m sure it’s a book I’ll reread several times.

>> No.17958016

He didn't write this

>> No.17958078

>Lmao who gives a fuck?
You won’t understand a thing unless you read prerequisite authors, I can’t give fuck about who to read when but Spengler is different in this regard

>> No.17958146

But Chinese civilization didn't die, it got conserved. The West might as well conserve itself in perpetual Wokeness.

>> No.17958153

13 year olds post here?

>> No.17958164

>I hereby proclaim myself an enemy of Reason. Reason is antithetical to spontaneity, to love - to life itself. Reason kills culture, reason has been the pitfall of all great civilizations. Reason is when people start questioning the validity of their existence, reason is that which prompts us to question whether life is worth living - worth perpetuating. There can be no high arts in reason, there can be no justification in celebrating the tragedy that is life when reason takes hold of ones soul.
who said this fren?

>> No.17958168

I hereby proclaim myself an enemy of Europe. Europe is antithetical to spontaneity, to love - to life itself. Europe kills culture, Europe has been the pitfall of all great civilizations. Europe is when people start questioning the validity of their existence, Europe is that which prompts us to question whether life is worth living - worth perpetuating. There can be no high arts in Europe, there can be no justification in celebrating the tragedy that is life when Europe takes hold of ones soul.

>> No.17958202

>I hereby proclaim myself an enemy of Reason. Reason is antithetical to spontaneity, to love - to life itself. Reason kills culture, reason has been the pitfall of all great civilizations. Reason is when people start questioning the validity of their existence, reason is that which prompts us to question whether life is worth living - worth perpetuating. There can be no high arts in reason, there can be no justification in celebrating the tragedy that is life when reason takes hold of ones soul.
Where is this from? He didn't say this shit. It's your retarded trannny uncle who's having a midlife crysis

>> No.17958230

Is this a quote from
Spengler or are you the Sperg?

>> No.17958250

Reading Cioran, his comments on literature and education are funny.

Any other good anti-intellectual books?

>> No.17958287

If by "anti-intellectual" you mean anti-liberal, I have this (not a book):

>The purpose of this journal is to raise a declaration of war against the intellectual foundations of the liberal structures which govern the world. Liberalism is a pestilent belief system and it must be rejected wholesale.

>We reject the economic, ethical, and political theories that developed from liberalism, and we contend that the resultant traditions that have plagued the world have been the calling cards of Power. Equality, human rights, free trade and all other pestilent anti-authority theories are fictions and nonsense promoted by Power to destroy its enemies, which is wherein lies the true value of liberalism.

>We also reject the claim that technological and scientific advances made over the past half millennium owe anything to modern reason or Enlightenment. We do not care for the propaganda of the flag carriers of liberal modernity.

>The core principles of this journal, which will not be breached, are the rejection of imperium in imperio, rejection of anarchistic anthropology, and the rejection of the notion that the state could be neutral. Constitutionalism, republicanism, and the social contract are absurdities and we will not entertain them.

>To this end, the journal will offer a space to develop theory in line with neoabsolutism, and we welcome submissions.

>The 20th Century is dead, help us to bury it.

I don't know of it's your cup of tea.

>> No.17958301

big brain take to end the thread:
he's both right and wrong

>> No.17958437

Op here: I did

>> No.17958450

I won't let you get away with that.

>> No.17958482

Another shrimp-dick limp-wrist theoretical thug who dreams of running around with a big hard dick and a body bulgng with muscle instead of assorted repulsive lumps, devoid of the endless anxieties he can't shake yet insists on projecting onto the entirety of humankind, history and civilization rather than accept responsibility for.

>> No.17958489
File: 1.14 MB, 260x146, robert plant finds john bonham dead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, it's the wordpress revolution! Quick my fellow liberals, run to the hills!

>> No.17958505

Is this some kind of american joke that I'm too european to understand?

>> No.17958517

>I hereby proclaim myself an enemy of Reason.
I bet he sucked horse dick too HAHAHAHA

>> No.17958526

I'm just having a laff about the blogger writing mission statements and declarations of war.

>> No.17958547
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By extension then niggers are the apex of civilization, culture, and humanity.

>> No.17958558

>Reason is antithetical to spontaneity, to love - to life itself. Reason kills culture, reason has been the pitfall of all great civilizations.
this is where fascists are in 2021 kek

>> No.17958645

makes sense to me

t. op and love sucking nigger cocks

>> No.17958663

What's wrong with this thread, is this what lit is like nowadays?

>> No.17958686

>Where is this from? He didn't say this shit.
I wrote it and yes, he kinda did say it. Nietzsche certainly did and Spengler agreed with nietzsches analysis and death of Greek tragedy

>> No.17958695
File: 261 KB, 320x240, 3241231231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason against rationalism. It is eminently reasonable for reason to accept its own weakness and subordination. Reason becomes nothing more than the medium through which other, higher things are made intelligible, a foundational, but far from absolute or unbending, grammar. In traditional Lutheran theology this is known as the distinction between 'magisterial' and the ideal 'ministerial' reason. Reason is the faculty through which we receive the word, that is how it is in its purity, purely receptive, captive to the command of God, establishing no principle autonomously and not searching into His hidden things.

>> No.17958750

There is an old saying in Finnish: Fire is a good servant but a bad master. Same goes for reason.

>> No.17958791


>> No.17958843

>read prerequisite authors
tbqh, Spengler does make A LOT of references, but they do not really go beyond mere references that you can pretty much parse as long as you're familiar with the basic philosophies of Nietzsche and Plato.
He makes his own philosophy and you don't really have to be extremely well-studied on people like Rembrandt to understand what he says about them.
His mere references and absence of detailed analyses of specific philosophers is why Max Weber called him a "very brilliant and scholarly dilettante".

>> No.17958896

So you don't have an old saying about it in Finland, then.

>> No.17958898

Wasn't it a Cambridge Platonist who called reason God's light or torch in the spirit? I feel like those two analogies fit together perfectly. Imagine we're lost in the 'forest' of present existence. It is naturally dark, difficult to see a foot in front of you. We can use the light of reason to illumine the path laid out for us by God, to follow his inspired signposts, or we can make that light our absolute principle, setting the whole place on fire with critique to try to see everything, leaving us with nothing but ash, with nothing (nihil).

>> No.17958900

Pretty much this. TDotW was one of the first works of philosophy (if it can be called that) that I read and I didn't come across anything particularly difficult. If you're not familiar with the authors and cultural movements he's talking about that just means you won't be able to evaluate for yourself whether or not they actually support Spengler's theory. The theory itself is still perfectly understandable.

>> No.17958904

Yes it’s just a bunch of retard zoomers.

>> No.17958932

I bet none of you can even define reason.

>> No.17958970

Reason is that set of tools, or rules, by which the thinking faculty attempts to draw connections between ideas— a process whose purpose is to illuminate the full implications of said ideas.

>> No.17959182

Reason is the very thing that makes language possible. It's the consistency of use that differs when a parrot imitates a human and when Feynman talks about physics.

>> No.17959205

I bet I can't define anything at all

>> No.17959232


Why do we need language?

>> No.17959347

The critique of rationalism is made in language. It's conceptual. Don't let sophists fool you into thinking you have to choose between absolute reason and total unreason. Just because we don't elevate the faculty of reason over the total human person doesn't mean we have to reject it. It's one aspect of who we are, and a very important one. It's a huge part of how we relate to eachother and find meaning in community!

>> No.17959421

remember this quote next time you see some stemfag seething about art majors

>> No.17959430

the capital R is critical to spengler's meaning here. it's not reason, it's Reason

>> No.17959439

the book is basically another "It's the NOMINALISTS! We must firmly reject LIBERTY!" screed if I remember anything from the neoabsolutism blog posts over the years. Not interested.

>> No.17959503

chinese civilization was long dead by the time spengler was writing, and had been ruled by foreigners with only one brief reactionary break for 700 years. same state of decline as egypt, conquered by the persians in the 6th century BC, not to be ruled by a native egyptian again until the 20th century

>> No.17960294

Whoever responded ain't me.
> Why do we need language?
We need language to coordinate not only the group but individually ourselves to reach our goals.

>> No.17960624
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I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn you in

>> No.17960789

Perhaps we need language rather to express our feelings for one another, especially love include brotherly love for all mankind. Which is not to say it cannot be put toward specific goals and social organization, but let's wine what motivated goals on a community scale.
Let's build a bridge here, so that us and our loved ones may cross the river.
Let's go to war so our children may live (allegedly) unopressed lives.
It's a rather cynical view to say a soldier participates in war out of a sense of self-preservation, especially considering how likely any given soldier is to die at war, rather than deeply-held ideologies and personal connections that go beyond practical investment and sharing in a slice of "everybody's" pie.

>> No.17960917

No such thing. There is a wicked democracy in its place.

>> No.17961058

I understood it pretty well. I’m sure I missed many things but that’s fine, books are meant to be reread.

>> No.17961070

Lol why would you want that

>> No.17961072

>It's a rather cynical view to say a soldier participates in war out of a sense of self-preservation
The more cynical way is to see the thought-form paradigms, or memetic organisms mind controlling flesh in a competition of mechanical warfare.

>> No.17961145

As a Swede, I fully agree. You should return to the fold and let your natural masters make the decisions again. That's us, by the way.

>> No.17961188

Stop using Spengler to justify your teenage romanticism, that’s the opposite of his philosophical project. He correctly placed himself firmly in the decline period of the West where all that stuff was dead and only cold reason remained. Again, you should actually read the book instead of regurgitating the same contextless snippets posted here on lit.

To truly understand an author you must rebuild their worldview as they experienced it. You forcing Spengler toward your preconceived conclusions is like smashing a round peg in a square whole, it’s the same projection of ideology everyone does these days, and is not the proper way to learn.

>> No.17961235

Without language you can’t think

>> No.17961618

>I hereby proclaim myself an enemy of Reason
lol get a load of this guy
cool it and crack open a math textbook baka

>> No.17961736

now it's based